List of Alaska Native tribal entities

A— Na–Dene-speaking peoples:
a— Yukon Subarctic : Alaskan Athabaskans
b— Northwest Coast : Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian
B— Eskimo–Aleut-speaking peoples:
a— Unangan (Aleut)
b— Sugpiaq (Alutiiq): West Sugpiaq (Kaniagmiut) ve East Sugpiaq (Chugachigmiut)
c— Central Alaskan Yup'ik (Ogulmiut, Togiagamiut, Nushagagmiut, Kuskokwagmiut, Kaialigamiut, Magemiut, Ikogmiut, Unaligmiut)
d— Nunivak Cup'ig (Nunivagmiut)
e— Iñupiat (Kaviagmiut, Kinugumiut, Malemiut, Noatagmiut, Nunatagmiut, Oturkagmiut, Killirmiut, Kopagmiut, Kugmiut, Utkiavigmiut, Point Barrow Eskimo) and Uummarmiut (Mackenzie Eskimo)
f— Siberian Yupik (St. Lawrence Island Eskimo)
This is a list of Alaska Native tribal entities which are recognized by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs. For related lists, see the List of Indian reservations in the United States, List of Native American Tribal Entities (federally recognized lower 48 groups) and List of State Recognized American Indian Tribal Entities.
This list pertains only to the state of Alaska, and is maintained by the U.S. Federal Government. For more detail on how Alaska Native villages came to be tracked in this way, see Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. This version was updated based on Federal Register, Volume 74, Number 183 dated August 11, 2009 (74 FR 40218) "Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs" (August 11, 2009).
The list is maintained in alphabetical order with respect to the name of the tribe or village. Leading words such as "Village of" or "Native Village of" are ignored for this purpose. Ancillary information present in former versions of this list but no longer contained in the current listing have been included here in italics print.
Note that while the names of Alaska Native tribal entities often include "Village of" or "Native Village of," in most cases the tribal entity cannot be considered as identical to the city, town, or census-designated place in which the tribe is located, as some residents may be non-tribal members and a separate city government may exist. Nor should Alaska Native tribes be confused with Alaska Native Regional Corporations, which are a class of Alaska for-profit corporations created under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971.
- Native Village of Afognak
(formerly the Village of Afognak) - Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
- Native Village of Akhiok
- Akiachak Native Community
- Akiak Native Community
- Native Village of Akutan
- Village of Alakanuk
- Alatna Village
- Native Village of Aleknagik
- Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary’s)
- Allakaket Village
- Native Village of Ambler
- Village of Anaktuvuk Pass
- Yupiit of Andreafski
- Angoon Community Association
- Village of Aniak
- Anvik Village
- Arctic Village
(See Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government) - Asa'carsarmiut Tribe
(formerly the Native Village of Mountain Village) - Native Village of Atka
- Village of Atmautluak
- Atqasuk Village (Atkasook)
- Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government
- Beaver Village
- Native Village of Belkofski
- Village of Bill Moore's Slough
- Birch Creek Tribe
- Native Village of Brevig Mission
- Native Village of Buckland
- Native Village of Cantwell
- Native Village of Chanega (aka Chenega)
- Chalkyitsik Village
- Cheesh-Na Tribe
(formerly the Native Village of Chistochina) - Village of Chefornak
- Chevak Native Village
- Chickaloon Native Village
- Chignik Bay Tribal Council
(formerly the Native Village of Chignik) - Native Village of Chignik Lagoon
- Chignik Lake Village
- Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)
- Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines)
- Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin)
- Native Village of Chitina
- Native Village of Chuathbaluk (Russian Mission, Kuskokwim)
- Chuloonawick Native Village
- Circle Native Community
- Village of Clarks Point
- Native Village of Council
- Craig Community Association
- Village of Crooked Creek
- Curyung Tribal Council
(formerly the Native Village of Dillingham)
- Native Village of Deering
- Native Village of Diomede (aka Inalik)
- Village of Dot Lake
- Douglas Indian Association
- Native Village of Eagle
- Native Village of Eek
- Egegik Village
- Eklutna Native Village
- Native Village of Ekuk
- Ekwok Village
- Native Village of Elim
- Emmonak Village
- Evansville Village
(aka Bettles Field) - Native Village of Eyak (Cordova)
- Native Village of False Pass
- Native Village of Fort Yukon
- Native Village of Gakona
- Galena Village
(aka Louden Village) - Native Village of Gambell
- Native Village of Georgetown
- Native Village of Goodnews Bay
- Organized Village of Grayling
(aka Holikachuk) - Gulkana Village
- Native Village of Hamilton
- Healy Lake Village
- Holy Cross Village
- Hoonah Indian Association
- Native Village of Hooper Bay
- Hughes Village
- Huslia Village
- Hydaburg Cooperative Association
- Igiugig Village
- Village of Iliamna
- Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
- Iqurmuit Traditional Council
(formerly the Native Village of Russian Mission) - Ivanoff Bay Village
- Kaguyak Village
- Organized Village of Kake
- Kaktovik Village
(aka Barter Island) - Village of Kalskag
- Village of Kaltag
- Native Village of Kanatak
- Native Village of Karluk
- Organized Village of Kasaan
- Kaskigluk Traditional Elders Council
(formerly the Native Village of Kasigluk) - Kenaitze Indian Tribe
- Ketchikan Indian Corporation
- Native Village of Kiana
- King Island Native Community
- King Salmon Tribe
- Native Village of Kipnuk
- Native Village of Kivalina
- Klawock Cooperative Association
- Native Village of Kluti Kaah
(aka Copper Center) - Knik Tribe
- Native Village of Kobuk
- Kokhanok Village
- Native Village of Kongiganak
- Village of Kotlik
- Native Village of Kotzebue
- Native Village of Koyuk
- Koyukuk Native Village
- Organized Village of Kwethluk
- Native Village of Kwigillingok
- Native Village of Kwinhagak
(aka Quinhagak)
- Native Village of Larsen Bay
- Levelock Village
- Lesnoi Village
(aka Woody Island) - Lime Village
- Village of Lower Kalskag
- Manley Hot Springs Village
- Manokotak Village
- Native Village of Marshall
(aka Fortuna Ledge) - Native Village of Mary's Igloo
- McGrath Native Village
- Native Village of Mekoryuk
- Mentasta Traditional Council
- Metlakatla Indian Community, Annette Island Reserve
- Native Village of Minto
- Naknek Native Village
- Native Village of Nanwalek
(aka English Bay) - Native Village of Napaimute
- Native Village of Napakiak
- Native Village of Napaskiak
- Native Village of Nelson Lagoon
- Nenana Native Association
- New Koliganek Village Council
(formerly the Koliganek Village) - New Stuyahok Village
- Newhalen Village
- Newtok Village
- Native Village of Nightmute
- Nikolai Village
- Native Village of Nikolski
- Ninilchik Village
- Native Village of Noatak
- Nome Eskimo Community
- Nondalton Village
- Noorvik Native Community
- Northway Village
- Native Village of Nuiqsut
(aka Nooiksut) - Nulato Village
- Nunakauyarmiut Tribe
(formerly the Native Village of Toksook Bay) - Native Village of Nunam Iqua
(formerly the Native Village of Sheldon's Point) - Native Village of Nunapitchuk
- Village of Ohogamiut
- Village of Old Harbor
- Orutsararmuit Native Village
(aka Bethel) - Oscarville Traditional Village
- Native Village of Ouzinkie
- Native Village of Paimiut
- Pauloff Harbor Village
- Pedro Bay Village
- Native Village of Perryville
- Petersburg Indian Association
- Native Village of Pilot Point
- Pilot Station Traditional Village
- Native Village of Pitka's Point
- Platinum Traditional Village
- Native Village of Point Hope
- Native Village of Point Lay
- Native Village of Port Graham
- Native Village of Port Heiden
- Native Village of Port Lions
- Portage Creek Village
(aka Ohgsenakale) - Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands
- Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point Village
- Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
- Rampart Village
- Village of Red Devil
- Native Village of Ruby
- Saint George Island
(See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands) - Native Village of Saint Michael
- Saint Paul Island
(See Pribilof Islands Aleut Communities of St. Paul & St. George Islands) - Village of Salamatoff
- Native Village of Savoonga
- Organized Village of Saxman
- Native Village of Scammon Bay
- Native Village of Selawik
- Seldovia Village Tribe
- Shageluk Native Village
- Native Village of Shaktoolik
- Native Village of Shishmaref
- Native Village of Shungnak
- Sitka Tribe of Alaska
- Skagway Village
- Village of Sleetmute
- Village of Solomon
- South Naknek Village
- Stebbins Community Association
- Native Village of Stevens
- Village of Stony River
- Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak
(formerly the Shoonaq' Tribe of Kodiak)
- Takotna Village
- Native Village of Tanacross
- Native Village of Tanana
- Tangirnaq Native Village
- Native Village of Tatitlek
- Native Village of Tazlina
- Telida Village
- Native Village of Teller
- Native Village of Tetlin
- Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes
- Traditional Village of Togiak
- Tuluksak Native Community
- Native Village of Tuntutuliak
- Native Village of Tununak
- Twin Hills Village
- Native Village of Tyonek
- Ugashik Village
- Umkumiute Native Village
- Native Village of Unalakleet
- Native Village of Unga
- Village of Venetie
(See Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government) - Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (Arctic Village and Village of Venetie)
- Village of Wainwright
- Native Village of Wales
- Native Village of White Mountain
- Wrangell Cooperative Association
- Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
See also
- Federally recognized tribes
- (Federally) unrecognized tribes
- Native Americans in the United States
- List of Indian reservations in the United States
- List of historical Indian reservations in the United States
- National Park Service Native American Heritage Sites
- Outline of United States federal Indian law and policy
- State recognized tribes in the United States
- Federal recognition of Native Hawaiians
- List of First Nations governments
- List of First Nations peoples
- List of Indian reserves in Canada
Federal Registers
Federal Registers containing the "Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible To Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs" to which "Federally recognized tribes" and "List of Alaska Native Tribal Entities" derive their listings. To view the Federal Register, please visit The Federal Register page of the GPO.
Current version
- Federal Register, Volume 80, Number 9 dated January 14, 2015 -and- Federal Acknowledgment of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe = 567 entities
Former versions
- Federal Register, Volume 78, Number 87 dated May 6, 2013 (78 FR 26384
- Federal Register, Volume 77, Number 155 dated August 10, 2012 (77 FR 47868)
- Federal Register, Volume 75, Number 190 dated October 1, 2010 (75 FR 60810), with a supplemental listing published in Federal Register, Volume 75, Number 207 dated October 27, 2010 (75 FR 66124)
- Federal Register, Volume 74, Number 153 dated August 11, 2009 (74 FR 40218)
- Federal Register, Volume 73, Number 66 dated April 4, 2008 (73 FR 18553)
- Federal Register, Volume 72, Number 55 dated March 22, 2007 (72 FR 13648)
- Federal Register, Volume 70, Number 226 dated November 25, 2005 (70 FR 71194)
- Federal Register, Volume 68, Number 234 dated December 5, 2003 (68 FR 68180)
- Federal Register, Volume 67, Number 134 dated July 12, 2002 (67 FR 46328)
- Federal Register, Volume 65, Number 49 dated March 13, 2000 (65 FR 13298)
- Federal Register, Volume 63, Number 250 dated December 30, 1998 (63 FR 71941)
- Federal Register, Volume 62, Number 205 dated October 23, 1997 (62 FR 55270)
- Federal Register, Volume 61, Number 220 dated November 13, 1996 (61 FR 58211)
- Federal Register, Volume 60, Number 32 dated February 16, 1995 (60 FR 9250)
- Federal Register, Volume 58, Number 202 dated October 21, 1993 (58 FR 54364)
- Federal Register, Volume 53, Number 250 dated December 29, 1988 (53 FR 52829)
- Federal Register, Volume 47, Number 227 dated November 24, 1982 (47 FR 53133) – First time listing that includes native entities within the state of Alaska
- Federal Register, Volume 44, Number 26 dated February 6, 1979 (44 FR 7235) – First listing of Indian tribal entities within the contiguous 48 states