Antonio Velasco Piña

Antonio Velasco Piña (born 1935) is a Mexican novelist, spiritual writer and essayist.
He is the founder of La Nueva Mexicanidad, a group advocating the Mexicanism or Mexicanista (Mexicayotl) movement purportedly based on Aztec religion. The movement is partly inspired by the writings of French anthropologist Laurette Séjourné who specialized on Aztec and Mesoamerican spirituality.
El círculo negro (2006) presents a conspiracy theory according to which Mexico during the mid 20th century was governed by a secret society called "the black circle" which assassinated Mexican presidents who sought reelection.
- Anibal y Escipion (2013)
- San Judas Tadeo (2010)
- Cartas a Elizabeth
- Dos Guerreros Olmecas
- Regina - Dos de octubre no se olvida (1987)
- El despertar de Teotihuacan (1994)
- Tlacaelel, El Azteca entre los Aztecas
- La mujer dormida debe dar a luz
- El retorno de lo sagrado
- El círculo negro. El grupo secreto detrás del poder en México (2006)
- Jelena Galovic, Los grupos místico-espirituales de la actualidad, Plaza y Valdes, 2002, ISBN 978-970-722-104-8, 137-158.
External links
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