School of Reims

The School of Reims was the cathedral school of Reims Cathedral in France that was in operation during the Middle Ages. The term is also used of an artistic style in Carolingian art, lasting into Ottonian art in works such as the gold relief figures on the cover of the Codex Aureus of Echternach, which in fact were probably made in Trier in the 890s. Archbishop Ebbo (d. 851) promoted artistic production at the abbey at Hautvillers, near the city. Major works probably made there in the 9th century include: the Ebbo Gospels (816–835), the Utrecht Psalter, which was perhaps the most important of all Carolingian manuscripts, and the Bern Physiologus.
Established by Archbishop Fulcon (822-900), the actual cathedral school attracted great names such as Hincmar, the Archbishop of Reims between 845 and 882, the chronicler Flodoard (c. 893–966), Richerus, monk of Saint-Remi (died after 998), and Gerbert d'Aurillac (c.946–1003), who went on to become Archbishop of Reims and later Pope Sylvester II.