Consulate-General of Indonesia, Vancouver

The Consulate-General of Indonesia in Vancouver is Indonesia's diplomatic mission in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The building is situated at 1630 Alberni Street, Vancouver, British Columbia.[1] The consulate provides consular services to Indonesians and foreigners in British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and promotes Indonesia in Canada.[2] The Consulate General’s mission is to enhance economic relations in trade, investment, and tourism, and also to develop better interactions in all areas including information, social culture, and consular affairs between the Republic of Indonesia and all areas of its accreditation. As the representative of the government of Indonesia, the Consulate General also has the responsibility to protect and to provide assistance to Indonesian citizens in its accreditation areas.
The Consulate Areas of Jurisdiction are the province of British Columbia, Alberta, the Territory of Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut.
Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Canada were established on 9 October 1952 and, since then, relations between the two countries have grown closer and deeper. The Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Vancouver was officially opened on November 20, 1982. In 1993 it was upgraded to a Consulate General. The Consulate’s first office was at 1455 West Georgia Street, Vancouver. On August 26, 1998, the Consulate moved its premises to its current address at 1630 Alberni Street, Vancouver, B.C.,V6G 1A6.[3]
Before the opening of the Consulate, Indonesia’s interests in British Columbia were represented by Honorary Consuls:
Mr. Leslie Thomas Gray (1962-1973) Mr. Robert W. Lindsay (1973-1978) Mr. Sidik Martohardjono (1978-1982)
Whereas the Consuls/Consul Generals were:
Mr. Abdul Aziz (1982-1986) Mr. Eddy Sumantri (1987-1990) Ms. Sukartini Sabekti (1991-1995) Mr. Jacky D. Wahyu (1995 - 1998) Mr. Marlis Syamsuddin (1998 - 2001) Ms. Binarti F. Sumirat (2002 - 2004) Mr. Bunyan Saptomo (2005 - 2008) Mr. Bambang Hiendrasto (2010 - 2014)
Current Consul General and Senior Staffs
Sri Wiludjeng begins her tenure as the Consul General in December 2014 and still remains in office.[4]
Position | Name |
Head of Chancery and Consul for Economic Affairs | Nina Kurnia Widhi |
Consul for Protocol and Consular Affairs | Sri Mulatsih |
Consul for Information, Social and Cultural Affairs/ Economic Affairs II | Yudhono Irawan |
Vice Consul for Information, Social and Cultural Affairs | Esthy Putri Muryanti |
Treasurer | Heriyanto |
See also
Coordinates: 49°17′25″N 123°07′55″W / 49.2904°N 123.1319°W