Date Harumune
In this Japanese name, the family name is Date.
Date Harumune (伊達 晴宗, 1519 – January 12, 1578) was a Japanese daimyo of the Sengoku period.[1]
As a special honor, Ashikaga Yoshiharu gave permission for Harumune to use one ideograph (haru-) of his name.[2]
Harumune was the father of the daimyo Date Terumune and the grandfather of the famous Date Masamune.
Early life
Harumune was the son of Date Tanemune.[1]
Harumune was the 15th head of the Date clan of Mutsu Province.[1]
The Ashikaga shogunate gave Harumune power and responsibilities as tendai of Mutsu.[2]

The emblem (mon) of the Date clan
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