Edison Liu

Edison T. Liu, M.D., is the president and CEO[1] of The Jackson Laboratory, and was the president of Human Genome Organization, HUGO[2] from 2007-2013.
Between 1997 and 2001, he was the scientific director of the National Cancer Institute's Division of Clinical Sciences in Bethesda, Md., where he was in charge of the intramural clinical translational science programs. From 1987 to 1996, Dr. Liu was a faculty member at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was the director of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center's Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Breast Cancer; the director of the Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology at UNC's School of Public Health; chief of Medical Genetics; and the chair of the Correlative Science Committee of the national cooperative clinical trials group, CALGB.
Liu is an international expert in cancer biology, genomics, human genetics, molecular epidemiology and translational medicine. Dr. Liu's own scientific research has focused on the functional genomics of human cancers, particularly breast cancer, uncovering new oncogenes, and deciphering the dynamics of gene regulation on a genomic scale that modulate cancer biology. He has authored over 300 scientific papers and reviews, and co-authored two books.
In his spare time, Liu[3] pursues jazz piano and composition, and writes for the lay public on science, medicine and society.
1983-1987 Postdoctoral Fellow - Dept. of Microbiology, University of California at San Francisco, CA (Dr. J. Michael Bishop)
1982-1985 Hematology Fellowship, University of California San Francisco, Moffitt Hospital
1980-1982 Oncology Fellowship, Stanford University
1979-1980 Residency, Barnes Hospital - Washington University, St. Louis
1978-1979 Internship, Barnes Hospital - Washington University, St. Louis
1973-1978 Stanford University, M.D.
1969-1973 Stanford University, B.S. Chemistry, Psychology [4]
Professional Appointments
President and CEO of The Jackson Laboratory
2001-2011 Executive Director, Genome Institute of Singapore
2007 Visiting Scientist, RIKEN Institute, Japan
Nov 2006–present Adjunct Professor of Johns Hopkins, Division of Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine
Present Adjunct Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Champaign-Urbana.
1996-2001 Director, Division of Clinical Sciences, National Cancer Institute, Bthesda, MD
1995-1996 Chief, Division of Medical Genetics, School of Medicine
1995-1996 Professor, Departments of Medicine, Epidemiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics.
1993-1995 Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology and Biochemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1992-1996 Director, Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Breast Cancer(NIH Designated)
Assistant Professor in Medicine and Oncology, School of Medicine University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Honors and awards
2016 Honorary Degree recipient, Colby College[5]
2008 Associate (Foreign) Member European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
2007 Doctor of Medical Science honoris causa - Awarded by Queen's University Belfast
2005 National Healthcare Group (NHG), Singapore, Distinguished Contributor Award
2003 Public Service Medal (National Day, 2003): for work in controlling SARS in Singapore (given by the Office of the President, Republic of Singapore)
2000 Rosenthal Award, AACR: for the discovery that HER-2 status determines response to adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin.
1999 Elected-Board of Directors, American Association for Cancer Research
1996 1996 Brinker International Award for Breast Cancer Research - Basic Research Award
1995 American Society of Clinical Investigation (Membership)
1991-1996 Leukemia Society Scholar
1990-1994 Jefferson Pilot Award: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Junior Faculty Award for Research Excellence
1990-1993 Komen Foundation Award for Breast Cancer Research (funding fellow salary)
1985-1988 Clinical Investigator Award, National Cancer Institute, K08-CA01036-02, Preceptor: Dr. J. Michael Bishop.
1983-1985 Damon Runyan Cancer Fund Fellowship Preceptor: Dr. J. Michael Bishop (UCSF)
1974 Ford Foundation Fellowship for Intensive Studies in Chinese, Stanford University
1973 Phi Beta Kappa Stanford University
1972 National Science Foundation Fellowship in Chemistry 1972.
Hastings Center Fellow
Committee and Advisory Board
2007–present President, HUGO (Human Genome Organisation)
2007-2009 Chairman, Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapore
2007–present Keystone Symposia Scientific Advisory Board
2006 Board Member, National Healthcare Group (NHG), Singapore
2006 Deputy Chairman, Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapore
2005-2008 Member, NUS High School Board of Governors
2006 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Biomolecular Frontiers, National University of Singapore (NUS)
2005 Member, Search Committee for Deputy President (Research & Technology, NUS)
2004 FANTOM3 working group member.
2004 University Autonomy, Governance, and Funding Steering Committee (MOE, Singapore, Member)
2003 Bioethics Advisory Committee (Member), Singapore
2002-2003 National Health Group, Strategic Committee for Clinical Research (Singapore)
2002 Biomedical Sciences Executive Committee, A*STAR (Singapore)
2002-2006 General Motors Award, General Assembly (USA)
2002 National University of Singapore: Feasibility study team for the establishment of a multicampus university.
2002 Ministerial committee to re-evaluate Singapore’s secondary school system (Ministry of Education)
2001 President’s Life Sciences Committee (National University of Singapore)
2001 University Promotion and Tenuring Committee (National University of Singapore)
2001-2003 Genetically Modified Organisms Advisory Council (Singapore Government)
2000-2001 NCI-Ireland-Northern Ireland Cancer Consortium Governing Board (Member)
1999-2000 Chair, General Motors Cancer Research Awards Committee: Mott Award
1999-2001 NIH Committee to establish NIH graduate program
1998-2001 NIH Building 10 Revitalization Committee
1997-1998 NCI Breast Cancer Program Review Group
1997-2001 NIH Clinical Research Revitalization Committee
1997-2001 Co-Chair, NIH Clinical Center Advisory Council
1997 Chairman, NIH Committee on Extramural/Intramural Investigations in the Clinical Center
1997 Molecular Epidemiology Coordinating Group, NCI
1997 SBRS Policy Board, NIH
1996 AACR - Clinical Cancer Research Committee, 1996
1996 NCI - Clinical Trials Working Group, 1996
1996 NCI - Cancer Genetics Working Group, 1996
1996 NCI - Developmental Diagnostics Working Group, 1996
1996-1997 NIH Committee on the Recruitment and Career Development of Clinical Investigators
1996 Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee, NCI
1996 Faculty Search Committee, Division of Molecular Genetics
1996 Executive Committee: Clinical Cancer Program
1996 Advisory Committee: Clinical Cancer Program
1995-1996 National Action Plan on Breast Cancer - Biological Resources Working Group
1994 Faculty Search Committee: Cell Biology Program, Lineberger Cancer Center
1992-1994 American Society for Clinical Oncology: Program Committee
1990-1992 Lineberger Cancer Center, SPA personnel compensation Committee
1992 Faculty Search Committee Program in Molecular Biology
1990 Lineberger Cancer Center Planning Committee 14th Annual Symposium
1989 Lineberger Cancer Center Seminar Committee
- ↑ http://www.jax.org/leadership/management.html
- ↑
- ↑ http://www.jax.org/thesearch/vol5no1/leading-up.html
- ↑ HUGO presidents webpage
- ↑ "Honorary Degree Citations". Commencement. 2016-05-22. Retrieved 2016-06-10.