Franciszek Jamroż
Franciszek Jamroż, 2015
Franciszek Jamroż is a former Mayor (1991-1994) of Gdańsk, Poland. He was sentenced charged with corruption and bribery. He is currently imprisoned.[1][2]
- ↑ Portal Trojmiasta (Official Portal of the Tri-City Area), "Jamroż idzie do więzienia" (Jamroz is going to prison), June 30, 2005,
- ↑ Magdalena and Maciej Goniszewscy, Przeglad, "Franciszek Jamroż i Dariusz Śmiałkowski - byli prawicowi prezydenci Gdańska... w więzieniu" (ranciszek Jamroż i Dariusz Śmiałkowski - former mayors of Gdańsk ... in prison", 2004-10-11,
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