Jacquemart Giélée
For other uses, see Jacquemart.

Illumination of the 1581 manuscript, f. 6 verso, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Jacquemart Giélée (often spelt Gielée) was a French poet of the Middle Ages born in Lille.
Around 1288, he wrote a sequel to the Roman de Renart, Renart le Nouvel, of more than 8000 verse: this moralized poem, with satirical accents, depicts the struggle between Noble, the lion, and Reynard, resulting in the triumph of evil; it is an allegory of the society of the time.
- Jacquemart Gielee, Renart le Nou|vel, éd. Henri Roussel, Paris, Société des anciens textes français, 1961.
- Henri Roussel, Renart le Nouvel et Jacquemart Gielée. Étude littéraire, Lille, 1984.
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