Karl Dilthey

Karl Dilthey
Karl Dilthey (18 March 1839, Biebrich – 4 March 1907, Göttingen) was a German classical scholar and archaeologist.
After studying at Breslau and Bonn, Dilthey — younger brother of the renowned philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey — travelled to Greece. After being privatdozent at Bonn until 1866/67, he moved to Rome and in 1869 to Zurich, where he was appointed a full professor of classical philology and archaeology. In 1878 he moved to Göttingen as a full professor of classical philology, later archaeology. He became director to the archaeologic-numismatic collections of the University and a full member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences.
Published works
- "De Callimachi Cydippa", 1863.
- "Analecta Callimachea", 1865.
- Novellen und Erzählungen, 1872 – Novellas and short stories (3 volumes).
- "Observationes criticae in anthologiam graecam additae sunt", 1878.
- "Adduntur epigrammata graeca in muris picta duo tabulis lithographis expressa", 1879.
- "De epigrammatum graecorum syllogis quibusdam minoribus commentatio", 1887.
- "Symbolae criticae ad anthologiam graecam ex libris manu scriptis petitae", 1891.[1]
- Otfried Müller, 1898 – On Otfried Müller (1797–1840); from a lecture given at the Georg-Augusts-Universität on December 1, 1897.[2]
Further reading
- Dilthey, Karl. In: Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie, vol. 2, p. 578
- ↑ OCLC Classify (published works)
- ↑ Otfried Müller OCLC WorldCat
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