List of Fellows of the British Academy elected in the 2010s

The Fellowship of the British Academy consists of world-leading scholars and researchers in the humanities and social sciences. A number of fellows are elected each year in July at the Academy's Annual General Meeting.[1]

Elected in 2016

The 2016 Annual General Meeting was held on 14 July 2016. Elected were 42 fellows, 20 corresponding fellows, and 4 honorary fellows.[2]

Corresponding Fellows
Honorary Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2015:[3][4]

  • Professor Janette Atkinson, FMedSci. Emeritus Professor, University College London; Visiting Professor, University of Oxford
  • Professor Oriana Bandiera. Professor of Economics, Director of STICERD, London School of Economics
  • Professor Melanie Bartley. Emeritus Professor of Medical Sociology, University College London
  • Professor Christine Bell. Professor of Constitutional Law, Assistant Principal and Executive Director, Global Justice Academy, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Julia Black. Professor of Law and Pro Director for Research, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Professor Cyprian Broodbank. John Disney Professor of Archaeology and Director, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge
  • Professor David Buckingham. Emeritus Professor of Media and Communications, Loughborough University; Visiting Professor, Sussex University; Visiting Professor, Norwegian Centre for Child Research
  • Professor Craig Calhoun. Director and School Professor, London School of Economics
  • Professor Michael Carrithers. Professor of Anthropology, Durham University
  • Professor Dawn Chatty. Professor of Anthropology and Forced Migration, University of Oxford
  • Professor Andy Clark, FRSE. Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Thomas Corns. Emeritus Professor of English Literature, Bangor University
  • Professor Elizabeth Edwards. Professor of Photographic History, Director of Photographic History Research Centre, De Montfort University
  • Professor Briony Fer. Professor of Art History, University College London
  • Professor Garth Fowden. Sultan Qaboos Professor of Abrahamic Faiths, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Robert Fowler. Henry Overton Wills Professor of Greek, University of Bristol
  • Professor Jonardon Ganeri. Professorial Research Associate, Department of the Study of Religions, School of Oriental and African Studies, London; Recurrent Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, King’s College London
  • Professor Andrew Gerstle. Professor of Japanese Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
  • Professor Robert Gordon. Serena Professor of Italian, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
  • Professor Sanjeev Goyal. Professor of Economics, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Christ’s College, Cambridge
  • Dr Felicity Heal. Emeritus Fellow, Jesus College, Oxford
  • Professor Michael Heffernan. Professor of Historical Geography, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Almut Hintze. Zartoshty Brothers Professor of Zoroastrianism, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
  • Professor John Hobson. Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield
  • Professor James Hurford. Emeritus Professor of General Linguistics, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Robert Ladd. Emeritus Professor of Linguistics, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Michael Lobban. Professor of Legal History, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Professor Peter Mandler. Professor of Modern Cultural History, University of Cambridge; Bailey Lecturer in History, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
  • Professor Rana Mitter. Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China , Deutsche Bank Director of the University China Centre, University of Oxford
  • Professor Kia Nobre. Director, Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA); Professor of Translational Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Oxford
  • Professor Andy Orchard. Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, University of Oxford; Fellow, Pembroke College, Oxford
  • Professor Michael Parker Pearson. Professor of British Later Prehistory, Institute of Archaeology, University College London
  • Professor Stephen Reicher. Professor of Psychology, University of St Andrews
  • Professor Gillian Rose. Professor of Cultural Geography, The Open University
  • Professor Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey. Professor in Political Science, London School of Economics
  • Professor Sally Shuttleworth. Professor of English Literature, University of Oxford; Professorial Fellow, St Anne’s College, Oxford
  • Professor Simon Swain. Professor of Classics and Greco-Arabic Studies, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Arts and Social Sciences), University of Warwick
  • Professor Nicholas Tarrier. Professor of Clinical Psychology and eHealth Studies, King’s College London
  • Professor Annette Volfing. Professor of Medieval German Literature, University of Oxford; Fellow, Oriel College, Oxford
  • Professor Joachim Whaley. Professor of German History and Thought, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
  • Professor Richard Widdess. Professor of Musicology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
  • Professor Hugh Willmott. Professor of Management, Cass Business School, City University London; Research Professor in Organization Studies, Cardiff Business School


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2014:[5][6]

  • Professor Roger Backhouse. Professor of the History and Philosophy of Economics, University of Birmingham; Part time Erasmus, University of Rotterdam
  • Professor Richard Bentall. Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Francesco Billari. Professor of Sociology and Demography, University of Oxford; Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford
  • Professor Susanne Bobzien. Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford; Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College
  • Professor Georgina Born. Professor of Music and Anthropology, University of Oxford; Fellow, Mansfield College, Oxford; Bloch Visiting Professor of Music, University of California, Berkeley
  • Professor Joanna Bourke. Professor of History, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Professor Margaret Brazier, OBE. Professor of Law, University of Manchester
  • Dr Susan Brigden. Langford Fellow and Tutor in History, Lincoln College Oxford; Reader in History, University of Oxford
  • Professor Peter Buckley, OBE. Professor of International Business, University of Leeds; Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing
  • Professor Matthew Collins. Professor of Biomolecular Archaeology, University of York
  • Professor David Crouch. Professor of Medieval History, University of Hull
  • Professor John Curtice. Professor of Politics, University of Strathclyde
  • Professor Sarah Curtis. Professor of Health and Risk and Executive Director, Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience, Durham University
  • Professor David Denison. Smith Professor of English Language and Medieval Literature, University of Manchester
  • Professor Ingrid De Smet. Professor of French and Neo-Latin Studies, University of Warwick
  • Professor Eleanor Dickey. Professor of Classics, University of Reading
  • Professor Katrin Flikschuh. Professor of Modern Political Theory, London School of Economics
  • Professor Gavin Flood. Professor of Hindu Studies and Comparative Religion, University of Oxford; Academic Director, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies
  • Professor Marina Frolova-Walker. Professor of Music History, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Clare College, Cambridge
  • Professor Anne Fuchs. Professor of German Studies, University of Warwick
  • Professor Tamar Garb. Durning Lawrence Professor in the History of Art, University College London
  • Professor Susan Gathercole. MRC Research Professor, University of Cambridge; Director, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge
  • Professor Paul Gilroy. Professor of American and English Literature, King’s College London
  • Professor Patrick Haggard. Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
  • Professor Stephen Halliwell, FRSE. Professor of Greek, University of St Andrews
  • Professor Francesca Happé. Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Director and Head of Department, MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London
  • Professor Henrietta Harrison. Professor of Modern Chinese Studies, University of Oxford
  • Professor Jeremy Horder. Professor of Criminal Law, London School of Economics
  • Professor Matthew Kramer. Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge
  • Professor Neil Lazarus. Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
  • Professor Rae Langton. Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Newnham College, Cambridge
  • Professor Judith Lieu. Lady Margaret’s Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Robinson College, Cambridge
  • Professor Christian List. Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, London School of Economics
  • Professor Jane Millar, OBE. Professor of Social Policy and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research), University of Bath
  • Professor Ann Phoenix. Professor of Education, Institute of Education, University of London
  • Professor Carol Propper, CBE. Professor of Economics, Imperial College Business School; Professor of Economics of Public Policy, University of Bristol
  • Professor Tony Prosser. Professor of Public Law, University of Bristol Law School; Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges
  • Professor Charlotte Roberts. Professor of Archaeology, Durham University
  • Professor Stephen Smith. Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford; Professor of History, University of Oxford; Honorary Research Professor, Department of History, University of Essex.
  • Professor Cecilia Trifogli. Professor of Medieval Philosophy, University of Oxford; Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford
  • Professor Dimitri Vayanos. Professor of Finance, London School of Economics
  • Professor Sarah Whatmore. Professor of Environment and Public Policy, University of Oxford; Fellow, Keble College, Oxford


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2013:[7]

  • Professor Dominic Abrams. Professor of Social Psychology and Director of the Centre for the Study of Group Processes, University of Kent
  • Professor Roderick Beaton. Koraes Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature and Director of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London
  • Professor Sarah Birch. Chair of Comparative Politics, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Paul Boyle. Chief Executive, Economic and Social Research Council; President, Science Europe and Professor of Geography, University of St Andrews
  • Professor Michael Braddick. Professor of History and Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Michael Bridge. Cassel Professor of Commercial Law, London School of Economics
  • Professor Stella Bruzzi. Professor of Film and Television Studies, University of Warwick
  • Professor Martin Butler. Professor of Renaissance Drama, University of Leeds
  • Professor Mary Dalrymple. Professor of Syntax, University of Oxford
  • Professor Hastings Donnan. Professor of Social Anthropology and Director of the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation and Social Justice, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Professor Stuart Elden. Professor of Political Geography, Durham University
  • Professor Katharine Ellis. Stanley Hugh Badock Professor of Music, University of Bristol
  • Professor David Fergusson. Professor of Divinity and Principal of New College, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Eilís Ferran. Professor of Company and Securities Law, and J. M. Keynes Fellow and Professorial Fellow of St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor John Gardner. Professor of Jurisprudence and Fellow of University College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Vincent Gillespie. J. R. R. Tolkien Professor of English, University of Oxford
  • Professor Usha Goswami. Professor of Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience, Director of the Centre for Neuroscience in Education and Fellow of St John’s College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor John Hawthorne. Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy and Fellow of Magdalen College, University of Oxford; Visiting Professor, Princeton University
  • Professor Richard Hunter. Regius Professor of Greek and Fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Ronald Hutton. Professor of History, University of Bristol
  • Professor Glynis Jones. Professor of Archaeology, University of Sheffield
  • Professor John Kerrigan. Professor of English 2000 and Fellow of St John’s College, University Cambridge
  • Professor Diana Knight. Professor of French, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Cécile Laborde. Professor of Political Theory and Director of the Legal and Political Theory Programme, University College London
  • Professor Julia Lee-Thorp. Professor of Archaeological Science, University of Oxford
  • Professor John Lowden. Professor of History of Art, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
  • Professor Colin Mayer. Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies, Saïd Business School and Fellow of Wadham College, University of Oxford
  • Professor David Mosse. Professor of Social Anthropology & Head of Department, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
  • Professor Kevin O’Rourke. Chichele Professor of Economic History and Fellow of All Souls College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Jenny Ozga. Professor of the Sociology of Education, University of Oxford
  • Professor Christopher Page. Professor of Medieval Music and Literature and Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Lindsay Paterson. Professor of Education Policy, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Lucrezia Reichlin. Professor of Economics, London Business School
  • Professor Hamid Sabourian. Professor of Economics and Game Theory, and Fellow of King’s College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Joanne Scott. Professor of European Law, University College London
  • Professor Timothy Shallice. Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology, University College London; Senior Professor, SISSA, Trieste
  • Professor David Soskice. School Professor of Political Science and Economics, London School of Economics
  • Professor Gareth Stedman Jones. Professor of the History of Ideas, Queen Mary, University of London; Director of the Centre for History and Economics and Fellow of King’s College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Roel Sterckx. Joseph Needham Professor of Chinese History, Science and Civilization and Fellow of Clare College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Hans van de Ven. Professor of Modern Chinese History, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Jane Wardle, FMedSci. Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director, University College London
  • Professor Janet Watson. Chair in Language, University of Leeds


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2012:[8]

  • Professor Peter Biller. Professor of History, University of York
  • Professor Julian Birkinshaw. Professor of Strategic and International Management, London Business School
  • Professor Oliver Braddick, FMedSci. Emeritus Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford
  • Professor Chris Brewin. Professor of Clinical Psychology, UCL
  • Professor Chris Carey. Professor of Greek, UCL
  • Professor Nick Chater. Professor of Behavioural Science, University of Warwick
  • Professor Gillian Clark. Professor Emerita and Senior Research Fellow, University of Bristol
  • Professor Harry Collins. Distinguished Research Professor, Cardiff University
  • Professor Vincent Crawford. Drummond Professor of Political Economy, University of Oxford
  • Professor John Darwin. Beit Lecturer in the History of the Commonwealth, University of Oxford
  • Professor Robin Dennell. Professor Emeritus, University of Sheffield; Visiting Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Professor Richard Dyer. Professor of Film Studies, King’s College London; Professorial Fellow in Film Studies, University of St Andrews
  • Professor Simon Franklin. Professor of Slavonic Studies, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Knud Haakonssen. Emeritus Professor of Intellectual History, University of Sussex
  • Professor Julian Hoppit. Astor Professor of British History, UCL
  • Professor Jane Humphries. Professor of Economic History, University of Oxford
  • Professor Peter Jackson. Emeritus Professor of Medieval History, Keele University
  • Professor Michael Keating. Professor of Politics, University of Aberdeen
  • Professor Hugh Kennedy. Professor of Arabic, School of Oriental and African Studies
  • Professor Kathleen Kiernan, OBE. Professor of Social Policy and Demography, University of York
  • Professor Robert Layton. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, University of Durham
  • Professor Julian Le Grand. Richard Titmuss Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics
  • Professor Nigel Leask. Regius Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Peter Mack. Director of the Warburg Institute
  • Professor Miles Ogborn. Professor of Geography, University of London
  • Professor David Parker. Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Huw Price. Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Simon Schaffer. Professor of History of Science, University of Cambridge
  • Professor David Solkin. Walter H. Annenberg Professor of History of Art, University of London
  • Professor Martin Stokes. Professor of Music, University of Oxford
  • Professor Charles Tripp. Professor of Politics with reference to Middle East, SOAS
  • Professor Claudio Vita-Finzi. Research Associate, Natural History Museum
  • Professor Neil Walker. Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly. Professor of German Literature, University of Oxford
  • Professor Paul Whiteley. Professor of Government, University of Essex
  • Professor Bencie Woll. Professor of Sign Language and Deaf Studies, UCL
  • Professor Neil Wrigley. Professor of Geography, University of Southampton
  • Professor Lucia Zedner. Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Oxford


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2011:[9]

  • Professor Dionisius Agius. Al Qasimi Professor of Arabic Studies and Islamic Material Culture, University of Exeter
  • Professor Robin Alexander. Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Cambridge; Professor of Education Emeritus, University of Warwick
  • Professor John Baines. Professor of Egyptology, University of Oxford
  • Professor Timothy Barnes, FRSC. Honorary Professorial Fellow, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh; Professor Emeritus of Classics, University of Toronto
  • Professor Gordon Campbell. Professor of Renaissance Studies, University of Leicester
  • Professor Janet Carsten. Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Jenny Cheshire. Professor of Linguistics, Queen Mary University of London
  • Professor Robert Crawford. Professor of Modern Scottish Literature, School of English, University of St Andrews
  • Professor Martin Cripps. Professor of Economics, University College London
  • Professor Nicholas De Lange, DD. Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Felix Driver. Professor of Human Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Professor Cécile Fabre. Professor of Political Philosophy and Tutorial Fellow in Philosophy at Lincoln College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Simon Frith. Tovey Professor of Music, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Raymond Geuss. Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Robert Gordon. Regius Professor of Hebrew, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Ruth Harris. Professor in Modern History, Fellow and Tutor at New College, University of Oxford
  • Professor John Healey. Professor of Semitic Studies, University of Manchester
  • Professor Simon Hix. Professor of European and Comparative Politics, LSE
  • Professor Sylvia Huot. Professor of Medieval French Literature, Fellow Pembroke College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Andrew Hurrell. Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
  • Professor Mark Johnson. Director, Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Dr Neil Kenny. Reader in Early Modern French Literature and Thought, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Jeremy Lawrance. Professor of Spanish Golden Age Studies, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Martin Loughlin. Professor of Public Law and Head, Department of Law, LSE
  • Professor Neil Macrae. Professor in Psychology, University of Aberdeen
  • Professor Antony Manstead. Professor of Psychology, Cardiff University
  • Professor Laura Marcus. Goldsmiths’ Professor of English Literature, University of Oxford
  • Professor Alan Norrie. Professor of Law, University of Warwick
  • Professor Susan Owens, OBE. Professor of Environment and Policy, Head of Department of Geography and Professorial Fellow of Newnham College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Andrea Prat. Professor of Economics, London School of Economics and STICERD
  • Professor Hélène Rey. Professor of Economics, London Business School
  • Professor Lyndal Roper. Regius Professor of Modern History, Oriel College, University of Oxford
  • Professor William Rowe. Anniversary Professor of Poetics, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Professor Carolyn Steedman. Professor of History, University of Warwick
  • Professor Jeremy Waldron. Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory, University of Oxford; University Professor and Professor of Law, New York University
  • Professor Alan Walker. Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Arne Westad. Professor of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Professor Per-Olof Wikström. Professor of Ecological and Developmental Criminology, University of Cambridge


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2011:[10]

  • Professor David Abulafia. Professor of Mediterranean History, University of Cambridge
  • Dr Alan Baker. Life Fellow, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Alan Barnard. Professor of the Anthropology of Southern Africa, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Mary Beard. Professor of Classics, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Jonathan Bradshaw, CBE. Professor of Social Policy, University of York
  • Professor Francesco Caselli. Professor of Economics, London School of Economics
  • Professor Christopher Clark. Professor of Modern European History, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Eric F. Clarke. Heather Professor of Music, University of Oxford
  • Professor Rosemary Crompton. Professor Emeritus, City University
  • Professor Stephen Daniels. Professor of Cultural Geography, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Neil Duxbury. Professor of Law, London School of Economics
  • Professor Anke Ehlers. Professor of Experimental Psychopathology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, King’s College London
  • Professor James Fawcett. Professor of International Commercial Law, University of Nottingham
  • Professor Conor Gearty. Professor of Human Rights Law, London School of Economics
  • Professor Robert Gildea. Professor of Modern History, University of Oxford
  • Professor John Gledhill. Max Gluckman Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester
  • Professor Cecilia Heyes. Senior Research Fellow of All Souls College and Professor of Psychology, University of Oxford
  • Professor Deborah Howard. Professor of Architectural History; Fellow, St John’s College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Terence Irwin. Professor of Ancient Philosophy; Fellow, Keble College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Colin Kidd. Professor of Modern History, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Anthony King. Essex County Council Millennium Professor of British Government, University of Essex
  • Professor Aditi Lahiri. Professor of Linguistics, University of Oxford
  • Professor Shalom Lappin. Professor of Computational Linguistics, King’s College London
  • Professor Richard Little. Professor Emeritus in International Politics, University of Bristol
  • Professor Graham Loomes. Professor of Economics, University of Warwick
  • Professor Andrew Louth. Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies, University of Durham
  • Professor Juliet Mitchell. Director, Expanded Programme in Theoretical Psychoanalysis, University College London; Honorary Senior Research Associate, Dept of Geography and Professor Emerita, Psychoanalysis and Gender Studies; Fellow Emeritus, Jesus College, University of Cambridge
  • Dr Karalyn Patterson, FMedSci. Senior Research Associate, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge
  • Dr Nicholas Penny. Director, The National Gallery
  • Professor Emilie Savage-Smith. Professor of the History of Islamic Science, Senior Research Consultant, The Bodleian Library; Archivist (Fellow Archivist), St Cross College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Michael Sheringham. Marshal Foch Professor of French Literature, University of Oxford
  • Professor Roland R. R. Smith. Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, University of Oxford
  • Professor Anthony Thiselton. Professor of Christian Theology, University of Nottingham; Emeritus Professor, University of Chester
  • Professor John Van Reenen. Professor of Economics; Director, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics
  • Professor Nicholas Vincent. Professor of Medieval History, University of East Anglia
  • Dr Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, OBE. Master of Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Stephen White. James Bryce Professor of Politics, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Henry Woudhuysen. Professor of English Language and Literature; Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University College London


  1. "About the British Academy". British Academy. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
  2. "British Academy announces new President and elects 66 new Fellows". The British Academy. 15 July 2016. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  3. "British Academy New Fellows 2015". British Academy. Retrieved 23 October 2016.
  4. "British Academy Fellowship reaches 1,000 as 42 new UK Fellows are welcomed". British Academy. 16 July 2015. Retrieved 23 October 2016.
  5. "British Academy New Fellows 2014". British Academy. Retrieved 23 October 2016.
  6. "59 new Fellows welcomed by the British Academy". British Academy. 17 July 2014. Retrieved 23 October 2016.
  7. "British Academy Welcomes 59 New Fellows". British Academy. 18 July 2013. Retrieved 23 October 2016.
  8. British Academy Annual Report 2012/13 (London: The British Academy, 2013), pp. 37–38
  9. British Academy Annual Report 2011/12 (London: The British Academy, 2012), p. 48
  10. British Academy Annual Report 2010/11 (London: The British Academy, 2011), p. 46
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