List of Pokémon

Pokémon are fictional creatures which humans, known as Pokémon Trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport. The Pokémon franchise includes 802 species of the titular characters. Pokémon can be organized according to a number of different attributes. This list provides their English names and several formats of the Japanese names.
Pokémon can also be divided by the "generation" of games in which they were introduced and sorted by the other numbering systems introduced in those games. The first 151 Pokémon, introduced in Pokémon Red and Blue, have Kanto Pokédex numbers (official as of those games' remakes), which are the same as the first 151 National Pokédex numbers. Another 100 Pokémon appeared in Pokémon Gold and Silver to expand the list to 251 for the Johto regional Pokédex (to which 5 evolutions were added when the games were remade). The Hoenn regional Pokédex included 67 of these, alongside 135 new species that debuted in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire (to which 9 evolutions were added when the games were remade), bringing the total to 386. Next, the fourth generation combined 81 (in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl) or 100 (in Pokémon Platinum) of the 107 new creatures from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl with 70 or 110, respectively, of the previous ones to form the regional Pokédex of Sinnoh. This was the first time not all of the newly introduced Pokémon were included in the games' regional Pokédex. Pokémon Black and White introduced 156 all-new creatures, which made up the entirety of those titles' Unova Pokédex. In the sequels Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, the Unova Pokédex was heavily modified; 145 species from previous entries were added and arranged into the original Unova Pokédex, bringing it to 301 species, though the grand total remained unchanged. With the release of Pokémon X and Y and its subsequent film campaigns, 72 new Pokémon have been unveiled,[lower-alpha 1] the fewest new Pokémon in a single generation so far; however, the new Mega Evolution feature was added to the games to balance out the lack of new characters. A total of 721. On February 10, 2016, a new Pokémon was revealed in a CoroCoro magazine. This species was revealed as being called Magearna, and would officially be released in gameplay with the introduction of Pokémon Sun and Moon. This next generation of Pokémon was released in November 2016.[1] This leaves the grand total standing at 802.
Pokémon may also be grouped into "families" of the Pokémon (eggs/fossils, for example) they evolve (or hatch or revive) from and into.
National Pokédex №[lower-alpha 2] |
English name |
Japanese name[lower-alpha 3] |
Johto №[lower-alpha 4] |
Hoenn № |
Sinnoh №[lower-alpha 5] |
Unova №[lower-alpha 6] |
Kalos №[lower-alpha 7] | Evolves from[lower-alpha 8] | Evolves into | ||
Central | Coastal | Mountain | |||||||||
001 | Bulbasaur | Fushigidane | 231 | 080 | Egg | Ivysaur | |||||
002 | Ivysaur | Fushigisou | 232 | 081 | Bulbasaur | Venusaur | |||||
003 | Venusaur | Fushigibana | 233 | 082 | Ivysaur | Mega Venusaur with Venusaurite (as of Gen VI) | |||||
004 | Charmander | Hitokage | 234 | 083 | Egg | Charmeleon | |||||
005 | Charmeleon | Lizardo | 235 | 084 | Charmander | Charizard | |||||
006 | Charizard | Lizardon | 236 | 085 | Charmeleon | Mega Charizard X/Y with Charizardite X/Y (as of Gen VI) | |||||
007 | Squirtle | Zenigame | 237 | 086 | Egg | Wartortle | |||||
008 | Wartortle | Kameil | 238 | 087 | Squirtle | Blastoise | |||||
009 | Blastoise | Kamex | 239 | 088 | Wartortle | Mega Blastoise with Blastoiseite (as of Gen VI) | |||||
010 | Caterpie | Caterpie | 024 | 023 | Egg | Metapod | |||||
011 | Metapod | Transel | 025 | 024 | Caterpie | Butterfree | |||||
012 | Butterfree | Butterfree | 026 | 025 | Metapod | ||||||
013 | Weedle | Beedle | 027 | 026 | Egg | Kakuna | |||||
014 | Kakuna | Cocoon | 028 | 027 | Weedle | Beedrill | |||||
015 | Beedrill | Spear | 029 | 028 | Kakuna | Mega Beedrill with Beedrillite (as of Gen VI) | |||||
016 | Pidgey | Poppo | 010 | 017 | Egg | Pidgeotto | |||||
017 | Pidgeotto | Pigeon | 011 | 018 | Pidgey | Pidgeot | |||||
018 | Pidgeot | Pigeot | 012 | 019 | Pidgeotto | Mega Pidgeot | |||||
019 | Rattata | Koratta | 017 | 059 | Egg | Raticate | |||||
020 | Raticate | Ratta | 018 | 060 | Rattata | ||||||
021 | Spearow | Onisuzume | 013 | 109 | Egg | Fearow | |||||
022 | Fearow | Onidrill | 014 | 110 | Spearow | ||||||
023 | Ekans | Arbo | 050 | 037 | Egg | Arbok | |||||
024 | Arbok | Arbok | 051 | 038 | Ekans | ||||||
025 | Pikachu | Pikachu | 022 | 156 | 104 | 036 | Pichu | Raichu | |||
026 | Raichu | Raichu | 023 | 157 | 105 | 037 | Pikachu | ||||
027 | Sandshrew | Sand | 048 | 112 | 113 | 097 | Egg | Sandslash | |||
028 | Sandslash | Sandpan | 049 | 113 | 114 | 098 | Sandshrew | ||||
029 | Nidoran♀ | Nidoran♀ | 095 | 104 | Egg | Nidorina | |||||
030 | Nidorina | Nidorina | 096 | 105 | Nidoran♀ | Nidoqueen | |||||
031 | Nidoqueen | Nidoqueen[2] | 097 | 106 | Nidorina | ||||||
032 | Nidoran♂ | Nidoran♂ | 098 | 107 | Egg | Nidorino | |||||
033 | Nidorino | Nidorino | 099 | 108 | Nidoran♂ | Nidoking | |||||
034 | Nidoking | Nidoking | 100 | 109 | Nidorino | ||||||
035 | Clefairy | Pippi | 041 | 100 | 089 | Cleffa | Clefable | ||||
036 | Clefable | Pixy | 042 | 101 | 090 | Clefairy | |||||
037 | Vulpix | Rokon | 127 | 153 | 248 | Egg | Ninetales | ||||
038 | Ninetales | Kyukon | 128 | 154 | 249 | Vulpix | |||||
039 | Jigglypuff | Purin | 044 | 138 | 282 | 120 | Igglybuff | Wigglytuff | |||
040 | Wigglytuff | Pukurin | 045 | 139 | 283 | 121 | Jigglypuff | ||||
041 | Zubat | Zubat | 037 | 063 | 028 | 061 | 145 | Egg | Golbat | ||
042 | Golbat | Golbat | 038 | 064 | 029 | 062 | 146 | Zubat | Crobat | ||
043 | Oddish | Nazonokusa | 083 | 088 | 105 | Egg | Gloom | ||||
044 | Gloom | Kusaihana | 084 | 089 | 106 | Oddish | Vileplume (Leaf Stone)/Bellossom (Sun Stone) | ||||
045 | Vileplume | Ruffresia | 085 | 090 | 107 | Gloom | |||||
046 | Paras | Paras | 070 | Egg | Parasect | ||||||
047 | Parasect | Parasect | 071 | Paras | |||||||
048 | Venonat | Kongpang | 109 | Egg | Venomoth | ||||||
049 | Venomoth | Morphon | 110 | Venonat | |||||||
050 | Diglett | Digda | 134 | 001 | Egg | Dugtrio | |||||
051 | Dugtrio | Dugtrio | 135 | 002 | Diglett | ||||||
052 | Meowth | Nyarth | 138 | Egg | Persian | ||||||
053 | Persian | Persian | 139 | Meowth | |||||||
054 | Psyduck | Koduck | 140 | 158 | 043 | 028 | 059 | Egg | Golduck | ||
055 | Golduck | Golduck | 141 | 159 | 044 | 029 | 060 | Psyduck | |||
056 | Mankey | Mankey | 136 | Egg | Primeape | ||||||
057 | Primeape | Okorizaru | 137 | Mankey | |||||||
058 | Growlithe | Gardie | 129 | 051 | Egg | Arcanine | |||||
059 | Arcanine | Windie | 130 | 052 | Growlithe | ||||||
060 | Poliwag | Nyoromo | 072 | 033 | Egg | Poliwhirl | |||||
061 | Poliwhirl | Nyorozo | 073 | 034 | Poliwag | Poliwrath/Politoed | |||||
062 | Poliwrath | Nyorobon | 074 | 035 | Poliwhirl | ||||||
063 | Abra | Casey | 089 | 039 | 020 | 102 | Egg | Kadabra | |||
064 | Kadabra | Yungerer | 090 | 040 | 021 | 103 | Abra | Alakazam | |||
065 | Alakazam | Foodin | 091 | 041 | 022 | 104 | Kadabra | Mega Alakazam | |||
066 | Machop | Wanriky | 142 | 073 | 040 | 057 | Egg | Machoke | |||
067 | Machoke | Goriky | 143 | 074 | 041 | 058 | Machop | Machamp | |||
068 | Machamp | Kairiky | 144 | 075 | 042 | 059 | Machoke | ||||
069 | Bellsprout | Madatsubomi | 064 | 026 | Egg | Weepinbell | |||||
070 | Weepinbell | Utsudon | 065 | 027 | Bellsprout | Victreebel | |||||
071 | Victreebel | Utsubot | 066 | 028 | Weepinbell | ||||||
072 | Tentacool | Menokurage | 164 | 066 | 136 | 025 | Egg | Tentacruel | |||
073 | Tentacruel | Dokukurage | 165 | 067 | 137 | 026 | Tentacool | ||||
074 | Geodude | Ishitsubute/Isitsubute [3] | 034 | 057 | 031 | 009 | Egg | Graveler | |||
075 | Graveler | Golone | 035 | 058 | 032 | 010 | Geodude | Golem | |||
076 | Golem | Golonya | 036 | 059 | 033 | 011 | Graveler | ||||
077 | Ponyta | Ponyta | 206 | 090 | Egg | Rapidash | |||||
078 | Rapidash | Gallop | 207 | 091 | Ponyta | ||||||
079 | Slowpoke | Yadon | 080 | 133 | Egg | Slowbro or Slowking | |||||
080 | Slowbro | Yadoran | 081 | 134 | Slowpoke | Mega Slowbro | |||||
081 | Magnemite | Coil | 119 | 082 | 178 | 048 | 069 | Egg | Magneton | ||
082 | Magneton | Rarecoil | 120 | 083 | 179 | 049 | 070 | Magnemite | Magnezone | ||
083 | Farfetch'd | Kamonegi | 160 | 061 | Egg | ||||||
084 | Doduo | Dodo | 204 | 092 | 094 | Egg | Dodrio | ||||
085 | Dodrio | Dodrio | 205 | 093 | 095 | Doduo | |||||
086 | Seel | Pawou | 178 | 265 | Egg | Dewgong | |||||
087 | Dewgong | Jugon | 179 | 266 | Seel | ||||||
088 | Grimer | Betbeter | 117 | 106 | 064 | Egg | Muk | ||||
089 | Muk | Betbeton | 118 | 107 | 065 | Grimer | |||||
090 | Shellder | Shellder | 171 | 036 | Egg | Cloyster | |||||
091 | Cloyster | Parshen | 172 | 037 | Shellder | ||||||
092 | Gastly | Ghos | 058 | 069 | 030 | Egg | Haunter (lvl 25) | ||||
093 | Haunter | Ghost | 059 | 070 | 031 | Gastly | Gengar (trade) | ||||
094 | Gengar | Gangar | 060 | 071 | 032 | Haunter | Mega Gengar | ||||
095 | Onix | Iwark | 062 | 034 | 071 | 053 | Egg | Steelix | |||
096 | Drowzee | Sleep | 087 | Egg | Hypno | ||||||
097 | Hypno | Sleeper | 088 | Drowzee | |||||||
098 | Krabby | Crab | 166 | Egg | Kingler | ||||||
099 | Kingler | Kingler | 167 | Krabby | |||||||
100 | Voltorb | Biriridama | 121 | 084 | 072 | Egg | Electrode | ||||
101 | Electrode | Marumine | 122 | 085 | 073 | Voltorb | |||||
102 | Exeggcute | Tamatama | 105 | 136 | Egg | Exeggutor | |||||
103 | Exeggutor | Nassy | 106 | 137 | Exeggcute | ||||||
104 | Cubone | Karakara | 208 | 060 | Egg | Marowak | |||||
105 | Marowak | Garagara | 209 | 061 | Cubone | ||||||
106 | Hitmonlee | Sawamular | 146 | Tyrogue | |||||||
107 | Hitmonchan | Ebiwalar | 147 | Tyrogue | |||||||
108 | Lickitung | Beroringa | 180 | 161 | 284 | 134 | Egg | Lickilicky | |||
109 | Koffing | Dogars | 115 | 108 | 046 | Egg | Weezing | ||||
110 | Weezing | Matadogas | 116 | 109 | 047 | Koffing | |||||
111 | Rhyhorn | Sihorn | 211 | 169 | 186 | 050 | Egg | Rhydon | |||
112 | Rhydon | Sidon | 212 | 170 | 187 | 051 | Rhyhorn | Rhyperior | |||
113 | Chansey | Lucky | 222 | 097 | Egg, or Happiny | Blissey | |||||
114 | Tangela | Monjara | 182 | 181 | 217 | Egg | Tangrowth | ||||
115 | Kangaskhan | Garura | 210 | 062 | Egg | Mega Kangaskhan | |||||
116 | Horsea | Tattu | 190 | 184 | 039 | Egg | Seadra | ||||
117 | Seadra | Seadra | 191 | 185 | 040 | Horsea | Kingdra | ||||
118 | Goldeen | Tosakinto | 078 | 050 | 078 | 053 | Egg | Seaking | |||
119 | Seaking | Azumao | 079 | 051 | 079 | 054 | Goldeen | ||||
120 | Staryu | Hitodeman | 169 | 143 | 238 | 034 | Egg | Starmie | |||
121 | Starmie | Starmie | 170 | 144 | 239 | 035 | Staryu | ||||
122 | Mr. Mime | Barrierd | 158 | 095 | 114 | Egg, or Mime Jr. | |||||
123 | Scyther | Strike | 111 | 195 | 136 | Egg | Scizor | ||||
124 | Jynx | Rougela | 155 | 084 | Smoochum | ||||||
125 | Electabuzz | Eleboo | 157 | 198 | 057 | Elekid | Electivire | ||||
126 | Magmar | Boober | 153 | 201 | 054 | Magby | Magmortar | ||||
127 | Pinsir | Kailios | 113 | 167 | 146 | 130 | Egg | Mega Pinsir | |||
128 | Tauros | Kentauros | 150 | 125 | Egg | ||||||
129 | Magikarp | Koiking | 076 | 052 | 023 | 049 | Egg | Gyarados | |||
130 | Gyarados | Gyarados | 077 | 053 | 024 | 050 | Magikarp | Mega Gyarados | |||
131 | Lapras | Laplace | 224 | 242 | 150 | Egg | |||||
132 | Ditto | Metamon | 092 | 261 | 138 | ||||||
133 | Eevee | Eievui | 184 | 163 | 091 | 077 | Egg | Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, or Sylveon | |||
134 | Vaporeon | Showers | 185 | 164 | 092 | 078 | Eevee | ||||
135 | Jolteon | Thunders | 186 | 165 | 093 | 079 | Eevee | ||||
136 | Flareon | Booster | 187 | 166 | 094 | 080 | Eevee | ||||
137 | Porygon | Porygon/Polygon[4] | 220 | 192 | Egg | Porygon2 | |||||
138 | Omanyte | Omnite | 225 | Egg/helix fossil | Omastar | ||||||
139 | Omastar | Omstar | 226 | Omanyte | |||||||
140 | Kabuto | Kabuto | 227 | Egg/dome fossil | Kabutops | ||||||
141 | Kabutops | Kabutops | 228 | Kabuto | |||||||
142 | Aerodactyl | Ptera | 229 | 068 | Egg/old amber | Mega Aerodactyl | |||||
143 | Snorlax | Kabigon | 230 | 113 | 139 | Egg, or Munchlax | |||||
144 | Articuno | Freezer | 240 | 151 | |||||||
145 | Zapdos | Thunder | 241 | 152 | |||||||
146 | Moltres | Fire | 242 | 153 | |||||||
147 | Dratini | Miniryu | 246 | 145 | Egg | Dragonair (Lv.30) | |||||
148 | Dragonair | Hakuryu | 247 | 146 | Dratini | Dragonite (Lv.55) | |||||
149 | Dragonite | Kairyu | 248 | 147 | Dragonair | ||||||
150 | Mewtwo | Mewtwo | 254 | 151 | Mega Mewtwo X/Mega Mewtwo Y | ||||||
151 | Mew[lower-alpha 9] | Mew | 255 | ||||||||
152 | Chikorita | Chicorita[5] | 001 | Egg | |||||||
153 | Bayleef | Bayleaf[6] | 002 | Chikorita | |||||||
154 | Meganium | Meganium[7] | 003 | Bayleef | |||||||
155 | Cyndaquil | Hinoarashi[8] | 004 | Egg | |||||||
156 | Quilava | Magmarashi[9] | 005 | Cyndaquil | |||||||
157 | Typhlosion | Bakphoon[10] | 006 | Quilava | |||||||
158 | Totodile | Waninoko[11] | 007 | Egg | |||||||
159 | Croconaw | Alligates[9] | 008 | Totodile | |||||||
160 | Feraligatr | Ordile/Ordail[7][12] | 009 | Croconaw | |||||||
161 | Sentret | Otachi[13] | 019 | 109 | Egg | ||||||
162 | Furret | Unknown | 020 | 110 | Sentret | ||||||
163 | Hoothoot | Unknown | 015 | 106 | 117 | Egg | |||||
164 | Noctowl | Unknown | 016 | 107 | 118 | Hoothoot | |||||
165 | Ledyba | Unknown | 030 | 074 | Egg | ||||||
166 | Ledian | Unknown | 031 | 075 | Ledyba | ||||||
167 | Spinarak | Unknown | 032 | 107 | Egg | ||||||
168 | Ariados | Unknown | 033 | 108 | Spinarak | ||||||
169 | Crobat | Crobat[14] | 039 | 065 | 030 | 063 | 147 | Golbat | |||
170 | Chinchou | Unknown | 176 | 181 | 147 | Egg | |||||
171 | Lanturn | Unknown | 177 | 182 | 148 | Chinchou | |||||
172 | Pichu | Pichu[2] | 021 | 155 | 103 | 035 | Egg | Pikachu | |||
173 | Cleffa | Py[14] | 040 | 099 | 088 | Egg | |||||
174 | Igglybuff | Pupurin[15] | 043 | 137 | 281 | 119 | Egg | ||||
175 | Togepi | Togepy[16] | 046 | 173 | Egg | ||||||
176 | Togetic | Togechick[17] | 047 | 174 | Togepi | ||||||
177 | Natu | Unknown | 161 | 162 | Egg | ||||||
178 | Xatu | Unknown | 162 | 163 | Natu | ||||||
179 | Mareep | Merriep[18] | 053 | 025 | 127 | Egg | |||||
180 | Flaaffy | Unknown | 054 | 026 | 128 | Mareep | |||||
181 | Ampharos | Denryu[19] | 055 | 027 | 129 | Flaaffy | |||||
182 | Bellossom | Kireihana[15] | 086 | 091 | 108 | Gloom | |||||
183 | Marill | Maril[20] | 132 | 055 | 125 | 031 | 042 | Egg, or Azurill | |||
184 | Azumarill | Marilli[14] | 133 | 056 | 126 | 032 | 043 | Marill | |||
185 | Sudowoodo | Usokkie[17] | 107 | 093 | 130 | Egg/Bonsly | |||||
186 | Politoed | Unknown | 075 | 036 | Poliwhirl | ||||||
187 | Hoppip | Hanecco[17] | 067 | 135 | Egg | ||||||
188 | Skiploom | Unknown | 068 | 136 | Hoppip | ||||||
189 | Jumpluff | Watacco[12] | 069 | 137 | Skiploom | ||||||
190 | Aipom | Eipam[10] | 123 | 063 | Egg | ||||||
191 | Sunkern | Unknown | 103 | 020 | Egg | ||||||
192 | Sunflora | Unknown | 104 | 021 | Sunkern | ||||||
193 | Yanma | Yanyanma[12] | 101 | 183 | 286 | 087 | Egg | ||||
194 | Wooper | Upah[15] | 056 | 117 | 017 | Egg | |||||
195 | Quagsire | Unknown | 057 | 118 | 018 | Wooper | |||||
196 | Espeon | Eifie[21] | 188 | 167 | 095 | 081 | Eevee | ||||
197 | Umbreon | Blacky[21] | 189 | 168 | 096 | 082 | Eevee | ||||
198 | Murkrow | Unknown | 213 | 074 | 051 | Egg | |||||
199 | Slowking | Yadoking[17] | 082 | 135 | Slowpoke | ||||||
200 | Misdreavus | Muma[14] | 219 | 072 | Egg | ||||||
201 | Unown | Unknown[22] | 061 | 114 | |||||||
202 | Wobbuffet | Sonans[23] | 108 | 161 | 119 | Egg, or Wynaut | |||||
203 | Girafarig | Unknown | 149 | 164 | 121 | Egg | |||||
204 | Pineco | Unknown | 093 | Egg | |||||||
205 | Forretress | Unknown | 094 | Pineco | |||||||
206 | Dunsparce | Unknown | 052 | 035 | 040 | Egg | |||||
207 | Gligar | Gliger[21] | 193 | 153 | 221 | 115 | Egg | ||||
208 | Steelix | Haganeil[7] | 063 | 035 | 072 | 054 | Onix | ||||
209 | Snubbull | Unknown | 125 | 071 | Egg | Granbull | |||||
210 | Granbull | Unknown | 126 | 072 | Snubbull | ||||||
211 | Qwilfish | Unknown | 163 | 038 | Egg | ||||||
212 | Scizor | Hassam[15] | 112 | 137 | Scyther | ||||||
213 | Shuckle | Unknown | 168 | 232 | 014 | Egg | |||||
214 | Heracross | Heracros[9] | 114 | 168 | 062 | 145 | 131 | Egg | |||
215 | Sneasel | Unknown | 218 | 144 | 252 | 091 | Egg | ||||
216 | Teddiursa | Himeguma[15] | 198 | 132 | Egg | ||||||
217 | Ursaring | Ringuma[9] | 199 | 133 | Teddiursa | ||||||
218 | Slugma | Unknown | 216 | 103 | 012 | Egg | |||||
219 | Magcargo | Unknown | 217 | 104 | 013 | Slugma | |||||
220 | Swinub | Unknown | 195 | 203 | 258 | 076 | Egg | ||||
221 | Piloswine | Unknown | 196 | 204 | 259 | 077 | Swinub | ||||
222 | Corsola | Unknown | 173 | 180 | 237 | 146 | Egg | ||||
223 | Remoraid | Unknown | 174 | 132 | 235 | 144 | Egg | ||||
224 | Octillery | Unknown | 175 | 133 | 236 | 145 | Remoraid | ||||
225 | Delibird | Delibird[24] | 194 | 254 | 090 | Egg | |||||
226 | Mantine | Mantain[25] | 202 | 141 | 234 | 140 | Egg, or Mantyke | ||||
227 | Skarmory | Airmd[10] | 203 | 115 | 203 | 112 | Egg | ||||
228 | Houndour | Delvil[17] | 214 | 176 | 075 | Egg | |||||
229 | Houndoom | Hellgar[9] | 215 | 177 | 076 | Houndour | |||||
230 | Kingdra | Unknown | 192 | 186 | 041 | Seadra | |||||
231 | Phanpy | Gomazou[15] | 200 | 165 | Egg | ||||||
232 | Donphan | Donfan[23] | 201 | 166 | Phanpy | ||||||
233 | Porygon2 | Porygon 2/Polygon 2[26] | 221 | 193 | Porygon | ||||||
234 | Stantler | Unknown | 131 | Egg | |||||||
235 | Smeargle | Doble[21] | 159 | 124 | Egg | ||||||
236 | Tyrogue | Unknown | 145 | Egg | |||||||
237 | Hitmontop | Kapoerer[17] | 148 | Tyrogue | |||||||
238 | Smoochum | Muchul | 154 | 083 | Egg | ||||||
239 | Elekid | Unknown | 156 | 197 | 056 | Egg | |||||
240 | Magby | Unknown | 152 | 200 | 053 | Egg | |||||
241 | Miltank | Miltank[24] | 151 | 126 | Egg | ||||||
242 | Blissey | Happinas[7] | 223 | 098 | Chansey | ||||||
243 | Raikou | Raikou[17] | 243 | ||||||||
244 | Entei | Entei[22] | 244 | ||||||||
245 | Suicune | Suicune/Suikun[15][17] | 245 | ||||||||
246 | Larvitar | Unknown | 249 | 292 | 102 | Egg | |||||
247 | Pupitar | Unknown | 250 | 293 | 103 | Larvitar | |||||
248 | Tyranitar | Bangiras[7] | 251 | 294 | 104 | Pupitar | |||||
249 | Lugia[lower-alpha 10] | Lugia[7] | 252 | ||||||||
250 | Ho-Oh[lower-alpha 11] | Houou[7] | 253 | ||||||||
251 | Celebi[lower-alpha 9] | Celebi[27] | 256 | ||||||||
252 | Treecko | Kimori[28] | 001 | Egg | |||||||
253 | Grovyle | Juptile[29] | 002 | Treecko | |||||||
254 | Sceptile | Jukain[25] | 003 | Grovyle | |||||||
255 | Torchic | Achamo[28] | 004 | Egg | |||||||
256 | Combusken | Wakasyamo[29] | 005 | Torchic | |||||||
257 | Blaziken | Bursyamo[25] | 006 | Combusken | |||||||
258 | Mudkip | Mizugorou[28] | 007 | Egg | |||||||
259 | Marshtomp | Numacraw[29] | 008 | Mudkip | |||||||
260 | Swampert | Laglarge[25] | 009 | Marshtomp | |||||||
261 | Poochyena | Pochiena[29] | 010 | 044 | Egg | ||||||
262 | Mightyena | Graena[15] | 011 | 045 | Poochyena | ||||||
263 | Zigzagoon | Jiguzaguma[29] | 012 | 012 | Egg | ||||||
264 | Linoone | Unknown | 013 | 013 | Zigzagoon | ||||||
265 | Wurmple | Kemusso[30] | 014 | 048 | Egg | ||||||
266 | Silcoon | Unknown | 015 | 049 | Wurmple[lower-alpha 12] | ||||||
267 | Beautifly | Agehunt[25] | 016 | 050 | Silcoon | ||||||
268 | Cascoon | Unknown | 017 | 051 | Wurmple[lower-alpha 12] | ||||||
269 | Dustox | Unknown | 018 | 052 | Cascoon | ||||||
270 | Lotad | Hassboh[31] | 019 | 055 | Egg | ||||||
271 | Lombre | Hasubrero[32] | 020 | 056 | Lotad | ||||||
272 | Ludicolo | Runpappa[21] | 021 | 057 | Lombre | ||||||
273 | Seedot | Unknown | 022 | Egg | |||||||
274 | Nuzleaf | Unknown | 023 | Seedot | |||||||
275 | Shiftry | Dirteng[28] | 024 | Nuzleaf | |||||||
276 | Taillow | Subame[23] | 025 | 019 | Egg | ||||||
277 | Swellow | Ohsubame[25] | 026 | 020 | Taillow | ||||||
278 | Wingull | Unknown | 027 | 119 | 212 | 017 | Egg | ||||
279 | Pelipper | Pelipper[25] | 028 | 120 | 213 | 018 | Wingull | ||||
280 | Ralts | Unknown | 029 | 157 | 064 | Egg | |||||
281 | Kirlia | Kirlia[25] | 030 | 158 | 065 | Ralts | |||||
282 | Gardevoir | Sirnight[33] | 031 | 159 | 066 | Kirlia | |||||
283 | Surskit | Unknown | 032 | 047 | Egg | ||||||
284 | Masquerain | Unknown | 033 | 048 | Surskit | ||||||
285 | Shroomish | Kinococo[34] | 034 | Egg | |||||||
286 | Breloom | Kinogassa[21] | 035 | Shroomish | |||||||
287 | Slakoth | Namakero[10] | 036 | 276 | Egg | ||||||
288 | Vigoroth | Yarukimono[25] | 037 | 277 | Slakoth | ||||||
289 | Slaking | Kekking[21] | 038 | 278 | Vigoroth | ||||||
290 | Nincada | Unknown | 042 | 111 | Egg | ||||||
291 | Ninjask | Unknown | 043 | 112 | Nincada | ||||||
292 | Shedinja | Unknown | 044 | 113 | Nincada | ||||||
293 | Whismur | Gonyonyo[35] | 045 | 140 | Egg | ||||||
294 | Loudred | Unknown | 046 | 141 | Whismur | ||||||
295 | Exploud | Bakuong[2] | 047 | 142 | Loudred | ||||||
296 | Makuhita | Makunoshita[23] | 048 | 095 | Egg | ||||||
297 | Hariyama | Hariteyama[19] | 049 | 096 | Makuhita | ||||||
298 | Azurill[lower-alpha 13] | Ruriri[10] | 054 | 124 | 030 | 041 | Egg from Marill or Azumarill holding sea incense. | ||||
299 | Nosepass | Unknown | 060 | 155 | 164 | 093 | Egg | ||||
300 | Skitty | Eneco[29] | 061 | 078 | 078 | Egg | |||||
301 | Delcatty | Enekororo[25] | 062 | 079 | 079 | Skitty | |||||
302 | Sableye | Yamirami[19] | 068 | 123 | Egg | ||||||
303 | Mawile | Kucheat[25] | 069 | 063 | Egg | ||||||
304 | Aron | Cokodora[25] | 070 | 166 | 099 | Egg | |||||
305 | Lairon | Unknown | 071 | 167 | 100 | Aron | |||||
306 | Aggron | Bossgodora[19] | 072 | 168 | 101 | Lairon | |||||
307 | Meditite | Asanan[14] | 076 | 086 | 143 | Egg | |||||
308 | Medicham | Charem[23] | 077 | 087 | 144 | Meditite | |||||
309 | Electrike | Unknown | 078 | 073 | Egg | ||||||
310 | Manectric | Livolt[19] | 079 | 074 | Electrike | ||||||
311 | Plusle | Plusle/Prasle[23][36] | 080 | 096 | Egg | ||||||
312 | Minun | Minun[23] | 081 | 097 | Egg | ||||||
313 | Volbeat | Unknown | 086 | 133 | Egg | ||||||
314 | Illumise | Illumise[37] | 087 | 134 | Egg | ||||||
315 | Roselia | Unknown | 094 | 026 | 134 | 072 | Egg, or Budew | ||||
316 | Gulpin | Gokulin[25] | 095 | 098 | Egg | ||||||
317 | Swalot | Unknown | 096 | 099 | Gulpin | ||||||
318 | Carvanha | Unknown | 097 | 055 | Egg | ||||||
319 | Sharpedo | Samehader[10] | 098 | 056 | Carvanha | ||||||
320 | Wailmer | Hoeruko[29] | 099 | 240 | 027 | Egg | |||||
321 | Wailord | Whaloh[38] | 100 | 241 | 028 | Wailmer | |||||
322 | Numel | Unknown | 101 | 204 | Egg | ||||||
323 | Camerupt | Bakuuda[19] | 102 | 205 | Numel | ||||||
324 | Torkoal | Unknown | 105 | 096 | Egg | ||||||
325 | Spoink | Baneboo[15] | 110 | 206 | 007 | Egg | |||||
326 | Grumpig | Unknown | 111 | 207 | 008 | Spoink | |||||
327 | Spinda | Patcheel[15] | 114 | 131 | Egg | ||||||
328 | Trapinch | Unknown | 116 | 121 | 003 | Egg | |||||
329 | Vibrava | Unknown | 117 | 122 | 004 | Trapinch | |||||
330 | Flygon | Flygon[23] | 118 | 123 | 005 | Vibrava | |||||
331 | Cacnea | Sabonea[29] | 119 | Egg | |||||||
332 | Cacturne | Noctus[28] | 120 | Cacnea | |||||||
333 | Swablu | Unknown | 121 | 171 | 246 | 139 | Egg | ||||
334 | Altaria | Tyltalis[23] | 122 | 172 | 247 | 140 | Swablu | ||||
335 | Zangoose | Zangoose[24] | 123 | 186 | 005 | Egg | |||||
336 | Seviper | Habunake[29] | 124 | 187 | 006 | Egg | |||||
337 | Lunatone | Unknown | 125 | 214 | 012 | Egg | |||||
338 | Solrock | Unknown | 126 | 215 | 013 | Egg | |||||
339 | Barboach | Unknown | 127 | 080 | 040 | Egg | |||||
340 | Whiscash | Namazun[28] | 128 | 081 | 041 | Barboach | |||||
341 | Corphish | Heigani[29] | 129 | 279 | 051 | Egg | |||||
342 | Crawdaunt | Shizariger[25] | 130 | 280 | 052 | Corphish | |||||
343 | Baltoy | Unknown | 131 | 169 | Egg | ||||||
344 | Claydol | Unknown | 132 | 170 | Baltoy | ||||||
345 | Lileep | Unknown | 133 | Egg/root fossil | |||||||
346 | Cradily | Unknown | 134 | Lileep | |||||||
347 | Anorith | Unknown | 135 | Egg/claw fossil | |||||||
348 | Armaldo | Unknown | 136 | Anorith | |||||||
349 | Feebas | Unknown | 140 | 138 | Egg | ||||||
350 | Milotic | Milokaross[39] | 141 | 139 | Feebas | ||||||
351 | Castform | Unknown | 142 | 163 | Egg | ||||||
352 | Kecleon | Unknown | 145 | 116 | Egg | ||||||
353 | Shuppet | Unknown | 146 | 210 | 122 | Egg | |||||
354 | Banette | Juppeta[19] | 147 | 211 | 123 | Shuppet | |||||
355 | Duskull | Unknown | 148 | 189 | Egg | ||||||
356 | Dusclops | Unknown | 149 | 190 | Duskull | ||||||
357 | Tropius | Tropius[24] | 150 | 185 | 288 | Egg | |||||
358 | Chimecho | Chirean[15] | 151 | 083 | 112 | Egg, or Chingling | |||||
359 | Absol | Absol[29] | 152 | 209 | 216 | 009 | Egg | ||||
360 | Wynaut[lower-alpha 13] | Sohnano[15] | 160 | 118 | Egg from Wobbuffet holding lax incense. | ||||||
361 | Snorunt | Unknown | 171 | 206 | Egg | ||||||
362 | Glalie | Onigohri[40] | 172 | 207 | Snorunt | ||||||
363 | Spheal | Unknown | 173 | 243 | Egg | ||||||
364 | Sealeo | Unknown | 174 | 244 | Spheal | ||||||
365 | Walrein | Unknown | 175 | 245 | Sealeo | ||||||
366 | Clamperl | Unknown | 176 | 141 | Egg | ||||||
367 | Huntail | Unknown | 177 | 142 | Clamperl | ||||||
368 | Gorebyss | Unknown | 178 | 143 | Clamperl | ||||||
369 | Relicanth | Unknown | 179 | 042 | Egg | ||||||
370 | Luvdisc | Lovecus[41] | 183 | 029 | Egg | ||||||
371 | Bagon | Unknown | 187 | 014 | Egg | ||||||
372 | Shelgon | Unknown | 188 | 015 | Bagon | ||||||
373 | Salamence | Bohmander[21] | 189 | 016 | Shelgon | ||||||
374 | Beldum | Unknown | 190 | 262 | Egg | ||||||
375 | Metang | Unknown | 191 | 263 | Beldum | ||||||
376 | Metagross | Metagross[42] | 192 | 264 | Metang | ||||||
377 | Regirock | Regirock[7] | 193 | ||||||||
378 | Regice | Regice[24] | 194 | ||||||||
379 | Registeel | Registeel[7] | 195 | ||||||||
380 | Latias | Latias[29] | 196 | ||||||||
381 | Latios | Latios[29] | 197 | ||||||||
382 | Kyogre | Kaiorga/Kyogre[14][43] | 198 | ||||||||
383 | Groudon | Groudon[23] | 199 | ||||||||
384 | Rayquaza | Rayquaza[44] | 200 | ||||||||
385 | Jirachi[lower-alpha 9] | Jirachi[10] | 201 | ||||||||
386 | Deoxys[lower-alpha 15] | Deoxys[44] | 202 | ||||||||
387 | Turtwig | Naetle[45] | 001 | Egg | |||||||
388 | Grotle | Hayashigame[38] | 002 | Turtwig | |||||||
389 | Torterra | Dodaitose[46] | 003 | Grotle | |||||||
390 | Chimchar | Hikozaru[24] | 004 | Egg | |||||||
391 | Monferno | Moukazaru[2] | 005 | Chimchar | |||||||
392 | Infernape | Goukazaru[47] | 006 | Monferno | |||||||
393 | Piplup | Pochama[38] | 007 | Egg | |||||||
394 | Prinplup | Pottaishi[47] | 008 | Piplup | |||||||
395 | Empoleon | Emperte[38] | 009 | Prinplup | |||||||
396 | Starly | Mukkuru[38] | 010 | 099 | Egg | ||||||
397 | Staravia | Mukubird[47] | 011 | 100 | Starly | ||||||
398 | Staraptor | Unknown | 012 | 101 | Staravia | ||||||
399 | Bidoof | Unknown | 013 | 038 | Egg | ||||||
400 | Bibarel | Unknown | 014 | 039 | Bidoof | ||||||
401 | Kricketot | Unknown | 015 | Egg | |||||||
402 | Kricketune | Unknown | 016 | Kricketot | |||||||
403 | Shinx | Kolink[24] | 017 | Egg | |||||||
404 | Luxio | Luxio[47] | 018 | Shinx | |||||||
405 | Luxray | Rentorar[26] | 019 | Luxio | |||||||
406 | Budew[lower-alpha 16] | Subomie[48] | 025 | 133 | 071 | Egg from Roselia or Roserade holding rose incense. | |||||
407 | Roserade | Roserade[47] | 027 | 135 | 073 | Roselia | |||||
408 | Cranidos | Zugaidos[47] | 036 | Egg/skull fossil | |||||||
409 | Rampardos | Rampald[28] | 037 | Cranidos | |||||||
410 | Shieldon | Unknown | 038 | Egg/armor fossil | |||||||
411 | Bastiodon | Torideps[28] | 039 | Shieldon | |||||||
412 | Burmy | Unknown | 045 | 044 | Egg | ||||||
413 | Wormadam | Unknown | 046 | 045 | Burmy♀ | ||||||
414 | Mothim | Unknown | 047 | 046 | Burmy♂ | ||||||
415 | Combee | Mitsuhoney[47] | 053 | 142 | 076 | Egg | |||||
416 | Vespiquen | Beequen[38] | 054 | 143 | 077 | Combee♀ | |||||
417 | Pachirisu | Pachirisu[49] | 055 | 132 | Egg | ||||||
418 | Buizel | Buoysel[10] | 056 | 149 | 058 | Egg | |||||
419 | Floatzel | Unknown | 057 | 150 | 059 | Buizel | |||||
420 | Cherubi | Cherinbo[50] | 058 | Egg | |||||||
421 | Cherrim | Cherrim[2] | 059 | Cherubi | |||||||
422 | Shellos | Karanakushi[51] | 060 | Egg | |||||||
423 | Gastrodon | Unknown | 061 | Shellos | |||||||
424 | Ambipom | Eteboth[38] | 124 | 064 | Aipom | ||||||
425 | Drifloon | Fuwante[52] | 065 | 208 | 001 | Egg | |||||
426 | Drifblim | Fuwaride[28] | 066 | 209 | 002 | Drifloon | |||||
427 | Buneary | Mimirol[47] | 067 | 080 | Egg | ||||||
428 | Lopunny | Mimilop[28] | 068 | 081 | Buneary | ||||||
429 | Mismagius | Mumargi[2] | 073 | Misdreavus | |||||||
430 | Honchkrow | Dongkarasu[24] | 075 | 052 | Murkrow | ||||||
431 | Glameow | Nyarmar[53] | 076 | Egg | |||||||
432 | Purugly | Unknown | 077 | Glameow | |||||||
433 | Chingling[lower-alpha 16] | Lisyan[38] | 082 | 111 | Egg from Chimecho holding pure incense. | ||||||
434 | Stunky | Unknown | 084 | 102 | Egg | ||||||
435 | Skuntank | Skutank[26] | 085 | 103 | Stunky | ||||||
436 | Bronzor | Unknown | 088 | 250 | Egg | ||||||
437 | Bronzong | Dohtakun[26] | 089 | 251 | Bronzor | ||||||
438 | Bonsly[lower-alpha 16] | Usohachi[29] | 092 | 129 | Egg | ||||||
439 | Mime Jr.[lower-alpha 16] | Manene[14] | 094 | 113 | Egg from Mr. Mime holding odd incense | ||||||
440 | Happiny[lower-alpha 16] | Pinpuku[54] | 096 | Egg from Chansey holding luck incense. | |||||||
441 | Chatot | Perap[10] | 102 | 138 | Egg | ||||||
442 | Spiritomb | Mikaruge[47] | 108 | Egg | |||||||
443 | Gible | Fukamaru[28] | 109 | 006 | Egg | ||||||
444 | Gabite | Gabite[2] | 110 | 007 | Gible | ||||||
445 | Garchomp | Gaburias[42] | 111 | 008 | Gabite | ||||||
446 | Munchlax[lower-alpha 16] | Gonbe[44] | 112 | 138 | Egg from Snorlax holding full incense | ||||||
447 | Riolu | Riolu[38] | 115 | 033 | 062 | Egg | |||||
448 | Lucario | Lucario[23] | 116 | 034 | 063 | Riolu | |||||
449 | Hippopotas | Unknown | 122 | 048 | Egg | ||||||
450 | Hippowdon | Kabaldon[24] | 123 | 049 | Hippopotas | ||||||
451 | Skorupi | Unknown | 127 | 201 | 015 | Egg | |||||
452 | Drapion | Dorapion[38] | 128 | 202 | 016 | Skorupi | |||||
453 | Croagunk | Gureggru[38] | 129 | 290 | 125 | Egg | |||||
454 | Toxicroak | Dokurog[24] | 130 | 291 | 126 | Croagunk | |||||
455 | Carnivine | Muskippa[55] | 131 | 289 | 029 | Egg | |||||
456 | Finneon | Keikouo[56] | 134 | Egg | |||||||
457 | Lumineon | Neolant[26] | 135 | Finneon | |||||||
458 | Mantyke[lower-alpha 16] | Tamanta[10] | 140 | 233 | 139 | Egg from Mantine holding wave incense. | |||||
459 | Snover | Yukikaburi[24] | 142 | 088 | Egg | ||||||
460 | Abomasnow | Yukinooh[19] | 143 | 089 | Snover | ||||||
461 | Weavile | Manyula[23] | 145 | 253 | 092 | Sneasel | |||||
462 | Magnezone | Unknown | 180 | 050 | 071 | Magneton | |||||
463 | Lickilicky | Berobelt[57] | 181 | 162 | 285 | 135 | Lickitung | ||||
464 | Rhyperior | Dosidon[38] | 188 | 052 | Rhydon | ||||||
465 | Tangrowth | Mojumbo[2] | 183 | 182 | 218 | Tangela | |||||
466 | Electivire | Elekible[6] | 199 | 058 | Electabuzz | ||||||
467 | Magmortar | Booburn[47] | 202 | 055 | Magmar | ||||||
468 | Togekiss | Togekiss[58] | 175 | Togetic | |||||||
469 | Yanmega | Megayanma[24] | 102 | 184 | 287 | 088 | Yanma | ||||
470 | Leafeon | Leafia[59] | 169 | 097 | 083 | Eevee | |||||
471 | Glaceon | Glacia[2] | 170 | 098 | 084 | Eevee | |||||
472 | Gliscor | Glion[2] | 154 | 222 | 116 | Gligar | |||||
473 | Mamoswine | Mammoo[2] | 197 | 205 | 260 | 078 | Piloswine | ||||
474 | Porygon-Z | PorygonZ/PolygonZ | 194 | Porygon2 | |||||||
475 | Gallade | Erureido[47] | 160 | 067 | Kirlia♂ | ||||||
476 | Probopass | Unknown | 156 | 165 | 094 | Nosepass | |||||
477 | Dusknoir | Yonoir[24] | 191 | Dusclops | |||||||
478 | Froslass | Unknown | 208 | Snorunt♀ | |||||||
479 | Rotom | Rotom[24] | 152 | 068 | Egg | ||||||
480 | Uxie | Yuxie[2] | 146 | ||||||||
481 | Mesprit | Emrit[60] | 147 | ||||||||
482 | Azelf | Agnome[47] | 148 | ||||||||
483 | Dialga | Dialga[61] | 149 | ||||||||
484 | Palkia | Palkia[62] | 150 | ||||||||
485 | Heatran | Heatran[2] | |||||||||
486 | Regigigas | Regigigas[24] | |||||||||
487 | Giratina | Giratina[63] | 210 | ||||||||
488 | Cresselia | Crecelia[64] | |||||||||
489 | Phione[lower-alpha 17] | Phione[65] | Egg, or Manaphy[lower-alpha 18] | ||||||||
490 | Manaphy[lower-alpha 9] | Manaphy[25] | 151 | Manaphy egg[lower-alpha 19] | |||||||
491 | Darkrai[lower-alpha 9] | Darkrai[26] | |||||||||
492 | Shaymin[lower-alpha 9] | Shaymin[38] | |||||||||
493 | Arceus[lower-alpha 9] | Arceus[28] | |||||||||
494 | Victini[66][lower-alpha 9] | Victini[67] | 000 | ||||||||
495 | Snivy[68] | Tsutarja[69] | 001 | Egg | |||||||
496 | Servine | Janovy[70] | 002 | Snivy | |||||||
497 | Serperior | Jalorda[71] | 003 | Servine | |||||||
498 | Tepig[68] | Pokabu[69] | 004 | Egg | |||||||
499 | Pignite | Chaoboo[72] | 005 | Tepig | |||||||
500 | Emboar | Enbuoh[73] | 006 | Pignite | |||||||
501 | Oshawott[68] | Mijumaru[69] | 007 | Egg | |||||||
502 | Dewott | Futachimaru[74] | 008 | Oshawott | |||||||
503 | Samurott | Daikenki[75] | 009 | Dewott | |||||||
504 | Patrat[76] | Minezumi[69] | 010 | 046 | Egg | ||||||
505 | Watchog[77] | Miruhog[69] | 011 | 047 | Patrat | ||||||
506 | Lillipup[78] | Yorterrie[19] | 022 | Egg | |||||||
507 | Herdier[79] | Herderrie[19] | 023 | Lillipup | |||||||
508 | Stoutland | Mooland[19] | 024 | Herdier | |||||||
509 | Purrloin[80] | Choroneko[81] | 012 | 042 | Egg | ||||||
510 | Liepard[82] | Lepardas[19] | 013 | 043 | Purrloin | ||||||
511 | Pansage[83] | Yanappu[84] | 037 | 029 | Egg | ||||||
512 | Simisage | Yanakkie[85] | 038 | 030 | Pansage | ||||||
513 | Pansear[86] | Baoppu[87] | 039 | 031 | Egg | ||||||
514 | Simisear | Baokkie[88] | 040 | 032 | Pansear | ||||||
515 | Panpour[89] | Hiyappu[90] | 041 | 033 | Egg | ||||||
516 | Simipour | Hiyakkie[91] | 042 | 034 | Panpour | ||||||
517 | Munna[92] | Munna[69] | 086 | Egg | |||||||
518 | Musharna[93] | Musharna[69] | 087 | Munna | |||||||
519 | Pidove[94] | Mamepato[69] | 014 | Egg | |||||||
520 | Tranquill | Hatoboh[95] | 015 | Pidove | |||||||
521 | Unfezant | Kenhallow[96] | 016 | Tranquill | |||||||
522 | Blitzle[97] | Shimama[19] | 147 | Egg | |||||||
523 | Zebstrika | Zebraika[98] | 148 | Blitzle | |||||||
524 | Roggenrola | Dangoro[96] | 068 | 120 | Egg | ||||||
525 | Boldore | Gantle[96] | 069 | 121 | Roggenrola | ||||||
526 | Gigalith[99] | Gigaiath[98] | 070 | 122 | Boldore | ||||||
527 | Woobat[100] | Koromori[69] | 066 | 055 | Egg | ||||||
528 | Swoobat | Kokoromori[19] | 067 | 056 | Woobat | ||||||
529 | Drilbur[101] | Mogurew[69] | 076 | Egg | |||||||
530 | Excadrill[102] | Doryuzu[103] | 077 | Drilbur | |||||||
531 | Audino[104] | Tabunne[105] | 036 | 123 | Egg | ||||||
532 | Timburr | Dokkorer[106] | 073 | 093 | Egg | ||||||
533 | Gurdurr | Dotekkotsu[106] | 074 | 094 | Timburr | ||||||
534 | Conkeldurr | Roubushin[19] | 075 | 095 | Gurdurr | ||||||
535 | Tympole | Otamaro[19] | 228 | Egg | |||||||
536 | Palpitoad | Gamagaru[19] | 229 | Tympole | |||||||
537 | Seismitoad | Gamageroge[19] | 230 | Palpitoad | |||||||
538 | Throh | Nageki[19] | 267 | 097 | Egg | ||||||
539 | Sawk | Dageki[19] | 268 | 098 | Egg | ||||||
540 | Sewaddle[107] | Kurumiru[95] | 017 | Egg | |||||||
541 | Swadloon | Kurumayu[106] | 018 | Sewaddle | |||||||
542 | Leavanny | Hahakomori[19] | 019 | Swadloon | |||||||
543 | Venipede | Fushide[106] | 043 | 120 | Egg | ||||||
544 | Whirlipede | Wheega[106] | 044 | 121 | Venipede | ||||||
545 | Scolipede | Pendror[95] | 045 | 122 | Whirlipede | ||||||
546 | Cottonee | Monmen[19] | 082 | Egg | |||||||
547 | Whimsicott | Elfuun[19] | 083 | Cottonee | |||||||
548 | Petilil | Churine[19] | 084 | Egg | |||||||
549 | Lilligant | Dredear[19] | 085 | Petilil | |||||||
550 | Basculin[108] | Bassrao[19] | 104 | 060 | Egg | ||||||
551 | Sandile[109] | Meguroco[69] | 099 | 043 | Egg | ||||||
552 | Krokorok | Waruvile[19] | 100 | 044 | Sandile | ||||||
553 | Krookodile | Waruvial[19] | 101 | 045 | Krokorok | ||||||
554 | Darumaka | Darumakka[95] | 102 | Egg | |||||||
555 | Darmanitan[110] | Hihidaruma[69] | 103 | Darumaka | |||||||
556 | Maractus | Maracacchi[19] | 119 | Egg | |||||||
557 | Dwebble | Ishizumai[95] | 115 | 023 | Egg | ||||||
558 | Crustle | Iwapalace[106] | 116 | 024 | Dwebble | ||||||
559 | Scraggy | Zuruggu[95] | 117 | 100 | Egg | ||||||
560 | Scrafty | Zuruzukin[106] | 118 | 101 | Scraggy | ||||||
561 | Sigilyph | Symboler[19] | 120 | 090 | Egg | ||||||
562 | Yamask[111] | Desumasu[95] | 124 | Egg | |||||||
563 | Cofagrigus[112] | Desukarn[98] | 125 | Yamask | |||||||
564 | Tirtouga | Protoga[19] | 126 | Egg/cover fossil | |||||||
565 | Carracosta | Abagoura[19] | 127 | Tirtouga | |||||||
566 | Archen | Archen[113] | 128 | Egg/plume fossil | |||||||
567 | Archeops | Archeos[19] | 129 | Archen | |||||||
568 | Trubbish | Yabukuron[19] | 105 | 074 | Egg | ||||||
569 | Garbodor | Dustdas[106] | 106 | 075 | Trubbish | ||||||
570 | Zorua[114][lower-alpha 20] | Zorua[69] | 151 | 124 | Egg | ||||||
571 | Zoroark[114][lower-alpha 21] | Zoroark[69] | 152 | 125 | Zorua | ||||||
572 | Minccino[115] | Chillarmy[116] | 107 | Egg | |||||||
573 | Cinccino | Chillaccino[19] | 108 | Minccino | |||||||
574 | Gothita | Gothimu[113] | 136 | 126 | Egg | ||||||
575 | Gothorita | Gothimiru[19] | 137 | 127 | Gothita | ||||||
576 | Gothitelle[117] | Gothiruselle[118] | 138 | 128 | Gothorita | ||||||
577 | Solosis | Uniran[113] | 139 | 115 | Egg | ||||||
578 | Duosion | Doublan[19] | 140 | 116 | Solosis | ||||||
579 | Reuniclus[119] | Lanculus[95] | 141 | 117 | Duosion | ||||||
580 | Ducklett | Koaruhie[19] | 153 | 127 | Egg | ||||||
581 | Swanna[120] | Swanna[19] | 154 | 128 | Ducklett | ||||||
582 | Vanillite | Vanipeti[19] | 255 | 085 | Egg | ||||||
583 | Vanillish | Vanirich[106] | 256 | 086 | Vanillite | ||||||
584 | Vanilluxe | Baivanilla[19] | 257 | 087 | Vanillish | ||||||
585 | Deerling[121] | Shikijika[122] | 159 | Egg | |||||||
586 | Sawsbuck[123] | Mebukijika[95] | 160 | Deerling | |||||||
587 | Emolga[124] | Emonga[125] | 144 | 086 | Egg | ||||||
588 | Karrablast | Kaburumo[106] | 155 | 022 | Egg | ||||||
589 | Escavalier | Chevargo[98] | 156 | 023 | Karrablast | ||||||
590 | Foongus | Tamagetake[118] | 161 | 053 | Egg | ||||||
591 | Amoonguss | Morobareru[106] | 162 | 054 | Foongus | ||||||
592 | Frillish | Pururill[106] | 180 | Egg | |||||||
593 | Jellicent | Burungel[19] | 181 | Frillish | |||||||
594 | Alomomola[126] | Mamanbou[69] | 182 | 149 | Egg | ||||||
595 | Joltik | Bachuru[19] | 173 | Egg | |||||||
596 | Galvantula[127] | Dentula[118] | 174 | Joltik | |||||||
597 | Ferroseed | Tesseed[19] | 175 | 069 | Egg | ||||||
598 | Ferrothorn | Nutrey[113] | 176 | 070 | Ferroseed | ||||||
599 | Klink[128] | Giaru[95] | 130 | Egg | |||||||
600 | Klang | Gigiaru[19] | 131 | Klink | |||||||
601 | Klinklang | Gigigiaru[19] | 132 | Klang | |||||||
602 | Tynamo | Shibishirasu[106] | 177 | Egg | |||||||
603 | Eelektrik | Shibibeel[106] | 178 | Tynamo | |||||||
604 | Eelektross | Shibirudon[19] | 179 | Eelektrik | |||||||
605 | Elgyem | Ligray[19] | 188 | Egg | |||||||
606 | Beheeyem | Ohbem[106] | 189 | Elgyem | |||||||
607 | Litwick | Hitomoshi[19] | 190 | 065 | Egg | ||||||
608 | Lampent | Lampler[106] | 191 | 066 | Litwick | ||||||
609 | Chandelure | Chandela[19] | 192 | 067 | Lampent | ||||||
610 | Axew[129] | Kibago[69] | 183 | 148 | Egg | ||||||
611 | Fraxure[130] | Onondo[131] | 184 | 149 | Axew | ||||||
612 | Haxorus[132] | Ononokus[133] | 185 | 150 | Fraxure | ||||||
613 | Cubchoo | Kumasyun[134] | 195 | 081 | Egg | ||||||
614 | Beartic | Tunbear[19] | 196 | 082 | Cubchoo | ||||||
615 | Cryogonal | Freegeo[19] | 197 | 111 | Egg | ||||||
616 | Shelmet | Chobomaki[106] | 157 | 024 | Egg | ||||||
617 | Accelgor | Agilder[98] | 158 | 025 | Shelmet | ||||||
618 | Stunfisk | Maggyo[19] | 231 | 039 | Egg | ||||||
619 | Mienfoo | Kojofu[19] | 219 | 003 | Egg | ||||||
620 | Mienshao | Kojondo[106] | 220 | 004 | Mienfoo | ||||||
621 | Druddigon | Crimgan[98] | 270 | 141 | Egg | ||||||
622 | Golett | Gobit[106] | 271 | 091 | Egg | ||||||
623 | Golurk | Goloog[19] | 272 | 092 | Golett | ||||||
624 | Pawniard | Komatana[19] | 223 | 048 | Egg | ||||||
625 | Bisharp | Kirikizan[19] | 224 | 049 | Pawniard | ||||||
626 | Bouffalant | Buffron[19] | 269 | Egg | |||||||
627 | Rufflet | Washibon[106] | 109 | Egg | |||||||
628 | Braviary[135] | Warrgle[98] | 110 | Rufflet | |||||||
629 | Vullaby | Valchai[19] | 111 | Egg | |||||||
630 | Mandibuzz | Vulgina[19] | 112 | Vullaby | |||||||
631 | Heatmor | Kuitaran[106] | 193 | 105 | Egg | ||||||
632 | Durant | Aiant[106] | 194 | 106 | Egg | ||||||
633 | Deino | Monozu[106] | 273 | 142 | Egg | ||||||
634 | Zweilous | Dihead[106] | 274 | 143 | Deino | ||||||
635 | Hydreigon | Sazandora[19] | 275 | 144 | Zweilous | ||||||
636 | Larvesta | Merlarva[19] | 171 | Egg | |||||||
637 | Volcarona | Ulgamoth[19] | 172 | Larvesta | |||||||
638 | Cobalion | Cobalon[19] | 225 | ||||||||
639 | Terrakion | Terrakion[19] | 226 | ||||||||
640 | Virizion | Virizion[19] | 227 | ||||||||
641 | Tornadus | Tornelos[19] | 198 | ||||||||
642 | Thundurus | Voltolos[19] | 199 | ||||||||
643 | Reshiram[136] | Reshiram[69] | 295 | ||||||||
644 | Zekrom[136] | Zekrom[69] | 296 | ||||||||
645 | Landorus | Landlos[19] | 200 | ||||||||
646 | Kyurem | Kyurem[137] | 297 | ||||||||
647 | Keldeo[lower-alpha 9] | Keldeo[19] | 298 | ||||||||
648 | Meloetta[lower-alpha 9] | Meloetta[19] | 299 | ||||||||
649 | Genesect[lower-alpha 9] | Genesect[19] | 300 | ||||||||
650 | Chespin[138] | Harimaron[138][139] | 001 | Egg | |||||||
651 | Quilladin[140] | Hariborg[19] | 002 | Chespin | |||||||
652 | Chesnaught | Brigarron[141][142] | 003 | Quilladin | |||||||
653 | Fennekin[138] | Fokko[138][143] | 004 | Egg | |||||||
654 | Braixen[140] | Tairenar[19] | 005 | Fennekin | |||||||
655 | Delphox | Mahoxy[141][144] | 006 | Braixen | |||||||
656 | Froakie[138] | Keromatsu[138][145] | 007 | Egg | |||||||
657 | Frogadier[140] | Gekogashira[19] | 008 | Froakie | |||||||
658 | Greninja | Gekkouga[141] | 009 | Frogadier | |||||||
659 | Bunnelby[146] | Horubee[141] | 010 | Egg | |||||||
660 | Diggersby | Horudo[19] | 011 | Bunnelby | |||||||
661 | Fletchling[146] | Yayakoma[147] | 014 | Egg | |||||||
662 | Fletchinder | Hinoyakoma[19] | 015 | Fletchling | |||||||
663 | Talonflame[146] | Fiarrow[19] | 016 | Fletchinder | |||||||
664 | Scatterbug[146] | Kofukimushi[19] | 020 | Egg | |||||||
665 | Spewpa[146] | Kofuurai[19] | 021 | Scatterbug | |||||||
666 | Vivillon[146] | Viviyon[141] | 022 | Spewpa | |||||||
667 | Litleo[146] | Shishiko[148] | 057 | Egg | |||||||
668 | Pyroar[146] | Kaenjishi[19] | 058 | Litleo | |||||||
669 | Flabébé[146] | Flabebe[149] | 068 | Egg | |||||||
670 | Floette | Floette[150] | 069 | Flabébé | |||||||
671 | Florges | Florges[151] | 070 | Floette | |||||||
672 | Skiddo[146] | Meecle[141] | 089 | Egg | |||||||
673 | Gogoat[146] | Gogoat[152] | 090 | Skiddo | |||||||
674 | Pancham[146] | Yancham[153] | 091 | Egg | |||||||
675 | Pangoro[146] | Goronda[19] | 092 | Pancham | |||||||
676 | Furfrou | Trimmien[141] | 093 | Egg | |||||||
677 | Espurr | Nyasper[141] | 114 | Egg | |||||||
678 | Meowstic | Nyaonix[141] | 115 | Espurr | |||||||
679 | Honedge[146] | Hitotsuki[154] | 117 | Egg | |||||||
680 | Doublade[146] | Nidangill[19] | 118 | Honedge | |||||||
681 | Aegislash | Gillgard[19] | 119 | Doublade | |||||||
682 | Spritzee[146] | Shushupu[19] | 129 | Egg | |||||||
683 | Aromatisse[146] | Frefuwan[155] | 130 | Spritzee | |||||||
684 | Swirlix[146] | Peroppafu[152] | 131 | Egg | |||||||
685 | Slurpuff[146] | Peroream[156] | 132 | Swirlix | |||||||
686 | Inkay[146] | Maaiika[141] | 010 | Egg | |||||||
687 | Malamar[146] | Calamanero[19] | 011 | Inkay | |||||||
688 | Binacle | Kametete[19] | 021 | Egg | |||||||
689 | Barbaracle | Gamenodes[19] | 022 | Binacle | |||||||
690 | Skrelp[146] | Kuzumo[141] | 030 | Egg | |||||||
691 | Dragalge | Dramidoro[19] | 031 | Skrelp | |||||||
692 | Clauncher[146] | Udeppou[141] | 032 | Egg | |||||||
693 | Clawitzer | Bloster[19] | 033 | Clauncher | |||||||
694 | Helioptile[146] | Erikiteru[157] | 046 | Egg | |||||||
695 | Heliolisk | Elezard[19] | 047 | Helioptile | |||||||
696 | Tyrunt[146] | Chigoras[158] | 064 | Jaw fossil | |||||||
697 | Tyrantrum[146] | Gachigoras[159] | 065 | Tyrunt | |||||||
698 | Amaura[146] | Amarus[160] | 066 | Sail fossil | |||||||
699 | Aurorus[146] | Amaruruga[161] | 067 | Amaura | |||||||
700 | Sylveon[146] | Nymphia[162] | 085 | Eevee | |||||||
701 | Hawlucha | Luchabull[163] | 089 | Egg | |||||||
702 | Dedenne[146] | Dedenne[141] | 110 | Egg | |||||||
703 | Carbink | Melecie[164] | 124 | Egg | |||||||
704 | Goomy | Numera[165] | 019 | Egg | |||||||
705 | Sliggoo | Numeil[19] | 020 | Goomy | |||||||
706 | Goodra | Numelgon[166] | 021 | Sliggoo | |||||||
707 | Klefki | Cleffy[167] | 050 | Egg | |||||||
708 | Phantump | Bokurei[168] | 061 | Egg | |||||||
709 | Trevenant | Ohrot[19] | 062 | Phantump | |||||||
710 | Pumpkaboo | Bakeccha[141] | 063 | Egg | |||||||
711 | Gourgeist | Pumpjin[19] | 064 | Pumpkaboo | |||||||
712 | Bergmite | Kachikohru[169] | 079 | Egg | |||||||
713 | Avalugg | Crebase[19] | 080 | Bergmite | |||||||
714 | Noibat | Onbat[170] | 113 | Egg | |||||||
715 | Noivern[146] | Onvern[171] | 114 | Noibat | |||||||
716 | Xerneas[172] | Xerneas[173] | 148 | ||||||||
717 | Yveltal[172] | Yveltal[174] | 149 | ||||||||
718 | Zygarde | Zygarde[19] | 150 | ||||||||
719 | Diancie[lower-alpha 9][175] | Diancie[176] | 151 | ||||||||
720 | Hoopa[lower-alpha 9][177] | Hoopa[19] | 152 | ||||||||
721 | Volcanion[lower-alpha 9] | Volcanion[40] | 153 | ||||||||
722 | Rowlet | Mokuroh[178] | Egg | ||||||||
723 | Dartrix | Fukuthrow[179] | Rowlet | ||||||||
724 | Decidueye | Junaiper[180] | Dartrix | ||||||||
725 | Litten | Nyabby[181] | Egg | ||||||||
726 | Torracat | Nyaheat[182] | Litten | ||||||||
727 | Incineroar | Gaogaen[183] | Torracat | ||||||||
728 | Popplio | Ashimari[184] | Egg | ||||||||
729 | Brionne | Osyamari[185] | Popplio | ||||||||
730 | Primarina | Ashirene[186] | Brionne | ||||||||
731 | Pikipek | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
732 | Trumbeak | Unknown | Pikipek | ||||||||
733 | Toucannon | Unknown | Trumbeak | ||||||||
734 | Yungoos | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
735 | Gumshoos | Unknown | Yungoos | ||||||||
736 | Grubbin | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
737 | Charjabug | Unknown | Grubbin | ||||||||
738 | Vikavolt | Unknown | Charjabug | ||||||||
739 | Crabrawler | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
740 | Crabominable | Unknown | Crabrawler | ||||||||
741 | Oricorio | Odoridori[187] | Egg | ||||||||
742 | Cutiefly | Abuly[188] | Egg | ||||||||
743 | Ribombee | Unknown | Cutiefly | ||||||||
744 | Rockruff | Iwanko[189] | Egg | ||||||||
745 | Lycanroc | Lugarugan[190] | Rockruff | ||||||||
746 | Wishiwashi | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
747 | Mareanie | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
748 | Toxapex | Unknown | Mareanie | ||||||||
749 | Mudbray | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
750 | Mudsdale | Unknown | Mudbray | ||||||||
751 | Dewpider | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
752 | Araquanid | Unknown | Dewpider | ||||||||
753 | Fomantis | Karikiri[191] | Egg | ||||||||
754 | Lurantis | Unknown | Fomantis | ||||||||
755 | Morelull | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
756 | Shiinotic | Unknown | Morelull | ||||||||
757 | Salandit | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
758 | Salazzle | Unknown | Salandit | ||||||||
759 | Stufful | Nuikoguma[192] | Egg | ||||||||
760 | Bewear | Kiteruguma[193] | Stufful | ||||||||
761 | Bounsweet | Amakaji[194] | Egg | ||||||||
762 | Steenee | Amamaiko[195] | Bounsweet | ||||||||
763 | Tsareena | Amajo[196] | Steenee | ||||||||
764 | Comfey | Cuwawa[197] | Egg | ||||||||
765 | Oranguru | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
766 | Passimian | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
767 | Wimpod | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
768 | Golisopod | Unknown | Wimpod | ||||||||
769 | Sandygast | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
770 | Palossand | Unknown | Sandygast | ||||||||
771 | Pyukumuku | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
772 | Type: Null | Type: Null [198] | Egg | ||||||||
773 | Silvally | Silvady [199] | Type: Null | ||||||||
774 | Minior | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
775 | Komala | Nekkoara[200] | Egg | ||||||||
776 | Turtonator | Bakugames[201] | Egg | ||||||||
777 | Togedemaru | Togedemaru[202] | Egg | ||||||||
778 | Mimikyu | Mimikkyu[203] | Egg | ||||||||
779 | Bruxish | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
780 | Drampa | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
781 | Dhelmise | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
782 | Jangmo-o | Unknown | Egg | ||||||||
783 | Hakamo-o | Unknown | Jangmo-o | ||||||||
784 | Kommo-o | Unknown | Hakamo-o | ||||||||
785 | Tapu Koko | Kapu-Kokeko[204] | |||||||||
786 | Tapu Lele | Kapu-Tetefu[205] | |||||||||
787 | Tapu Bulu | Kapu-Bulul[206] | |||||||||
788 | Tapu Fini | Kapu-Rehire[207] | |||||||||
789 | Cosmog | Cosmog[208] | Egg | ||||||||
790 | Cosmoem | Cosmovum[209] | Cosmog | ||||||||
791 | Solgaleo | Solgaleo[210] | Cosmoem | ||||||||
792 | Lunala | Lunaala/Lunala[211][212] | Cosmoem | ||||||||
793 | Nihilego | Unknown | |||||||||
794 | Buzzwole | Unknown | |||||||||
795 | Pheromosa | Unknown | |||||||||
796 | Xurkitree | Unknown | |||||||||
797 | Celesteela | Unknown | |||||||||
798 | Kartana | Unknown | |||||||||
799 | Guzzlord | Unknown | |||||||||
800 | Necrozma | Necrozma[213] | |||||||||
801 | Magearna[lower-alpha 22] | Magearna[40] |

MissingNo. (けつばん Ketsuban), or MissingNO,[214] is a glitch only in the video games Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow. Encountering MissingNo. is accomplished through an in-game event that causes the game to pick an error handler put in place by Game Freak to fill in spaces for non-existent Pokémon species. It gained popularity as an exploit as players discovered that the sixth item in their inventory was replicated,[215] but it caused graphical and visual errors.[214] Nintendo of America first acknowledged MissingNo. in the May 1999 issue of Nintendo Power.[216]
- ↑ At the games' release, only 69 new Pokémon were made available through normal play. As of 14 January 2015, two of the hidden Pokémon added in the games was announced, bringing the total to 71.
- ↑ Simply known as the "Pokédex" in Red, Blue, and Yellow, and the "Old Pokédex" in Gold, Silver and Crystal, this listing expands to include the new Pokémon introduced with each generation of games. The Kanto Pokédex of FireRed and LeafGreen consists of the first 151 entries.
- ↑ Official anglicization; katakana and Hepburn romanization appear when hovering over the name.
- ↑ Known in Gold, Silver, and Crystal as the "New Pokédex" order—not numbered.
- ↑ This listing included only 151 species in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, but it was expanded to 210 in Pokémon Platinum.
- ↑ This listing is as of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.
- ↑ These listings as of Pokémon X and Y.
- ↑ The previous form of the Pokémon; either a prior evolutionary stage, an egg if it is a basic evolutionary stage, or a fossil it is revived from.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Marked as Mythical Pokémon for at least one game entry. These Pokémon cannot be encountered and caught in the course of normal gameplay, and do not affect the completion of Pokédex. They are officially only made available via promotional events, or transferred from a previous version or spin-off titles under certain conditions. Lugia and Ho-Oh are special cases in that are mythical only in Game Boy Advance (GBA) versions but legendary in other versions, where they can be obtained by normal gameplay.
- ↑ Lugia is mythical[lower-alpha 9] in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, but can be transferred after being encountered and captured in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
- ↑ Ho-Oh is mythical[lower-alpha 9] in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, but can be transferred after being encountered and captured in Pokémon Colosseum.
- 1 2 Wurmple has an equal chance of evolving into Silcoon or Cascoon, determined at the time each Wurmple is first encountered or each egg is received by the player.
- 1 2 A pre-evolution[lower-alpha 14] introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
- 1 2 Pre-evolved Pokémon were introduced in generations following introduction of the species they evolve into (and after the 2nd, which introduced breeding). The pre-evolutions will only hatch from eggs produced under special conditions. All other eggs will hatch directly into the next stage of evolution.
- ↑ Deoxys can be obtained in a special post-game level of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but was originally mythical.[lower-alpha 9]
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A pre-evolution[lower-alpha 14] introduced in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
- ↑ Phione, as it is mythical,[lower-alpha 9] can only be obtained from eggs produced by breeding a Ditto with another Phione or a Manaphy, or by transfer from spin-off titles.
- ↑ Phione hatches from eggs produced by breeding either a Phione or Manaphy with a Ditto, but Phione does not evolve into Manaphy.
- ↑ Manaphy hatches from a special egg found in the Fiore and Almia regions.
- ↑ Zorua can only be obtained via an event instigated by a fateful encounter Celebi transferred from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver, or by obtaining it from Rood in Pokémon Black 2 or Pokémon White 2. However, it is required to complete the Pokédex in Pokémon Black and White, so is not Mythical Pokémon.
- ↑ Zoroark can only be encountered in the wild via an event instigated by a fateful encounter Raikou, Suicune or Entei transferred from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver. However, it is required to complete the Pokédex in Pokémon Black and White, so is not Mythical Pokémon.
- ↑ Magearna is not available in game nor is it released for games.
- ↑ Martinez, Phillip. "Pokemon Z Release Date: New Pokémon, Magiana Revealed CoroCoro". iDigitalTimes. Retrieved 10 February 2016.
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- ↑ "Pokémon! Kimi ni Kimeta!". Pocket Monsters. Season 1. Episode 1 (in Japanese).
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- ↑ "2001年 セレビィ 時を超えた遭遇". ポケットモンスターオフィシャルサイト. The Pokémon Company. Retrieved 30 December 2010.
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- ↑ "第4776810号". 4 June 2004.IPDL
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- ↑ "第4631177号". 20 December 2002.IPDL
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- Pocket Monsters Red, Green and Blue, Pocket Monsters Pikachu, Pocket Monsters Gold, Silver and Crystal, Pocket Monsters Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald, Pocket Monsters Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Pocket Monsters Black and White (in Japanese), developed by Game Freak, Inc., published by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company (1996–2010).
- Official anglicizations of Pokémon 1–151 from Pokémon Pinball (in Japanese), developed by Jupiter Corporation, published by Nintendo (14 April 1999).
- Pokémon Red and Blue Versions, Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition, Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal Versions, Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald Versions, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions, Pokémon Black and White Versions, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 Versions, Pokémon X and Y, developed by Game Freak, Inc., published by Nintendo of America, Inc. and The Pokémon Company International, Inc. (1998–2013).
- Pokémon Ranger by HAL Laboratory; Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, and Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs by Creatures Inc., all published by Nintendo, 2006-2010.