List of Princess Resurrection characters

This is a list of characters from the manga and anime series Princess Resurrection.
Main characters
- Hiro Hiyorimi (日和見日郎 Hiyorimi Hirō?)
- Voiced by: Fuyuka Oura (TV Series), Miyu Irino (OVA) (Japanese), Blake Shepard (English)
- A main protagonist and normal middle school boy who dies at the beginning of the series (in the manga he was hit by a van that went out of control after ricocheting off Flandre, whereas in the anime he was hit by a falling iron I-beam after pushing Hime out of the way). He finds himself in Hime's service as he is bound to her because her blood (flame, in the anime) revived him. Though young and not very strong, Hiro manages to assist Hime (mostly by being a human shield) through his "half-immortality" that was given to him after his resurrection. At first, he is rather involuntarily involved in the battles but as he learns more about Hime, he is willing to protect her. His body changes in the manga when Hime's life is in danger, a fact that he notices and causes him to rush to Hime, though this is left out in the anime. He is very brave.
- In the anime episode 24, Hiro realizes he has developed feelings for Hime and tries to kiss her, but she slaps him in the face, not because she did not want him to kiss her (this is uncertain), but because the gang was watching them, a theory made from what Reiri said in that moment: "Hiro, you were too slow." It was stated by Sherwood, and apparently noticed by Hime, that Hiro has the potential to become the greatest blood warrior. The reason was not shown, because Hiro runs to save Hime before Sherwood can reveal the reason. In chapter 35, it is also implied that Hiro has some sort of connection to the monster world, which makes him special. This was stated by Gilliam, after his assassination attempt failed because of Hiro's intervention.
Weapons used: Grass Cutter, Axe, Broomstick, Candle Stick, Metal Pole.
- Hime (姫 Hime)
- Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (TV Series), Saori Hayami (OVA) (Japanese); Shelley Calene-Black (English)
- The titular character of the series, a young 17-year-old aristocratic woman wearing Gothic clothing and apparently of German descent. Hime is the second royal princess of the Phoenix Tribe whose real name is Lillianne von Phoenix (リリアーヌ Ririānu), though she hates being referred by that name. Though a member of the Royal Family, Hime has no active interest in inheriting the throne though is forced to fight against her siblings due to their kind's rulings that the siblings must kill each other. This is due to the fact that Phoenixes are mortal before fully maturing and thus would disrupt order among the monsters if multiple adult phoenixes endlessly battle for the throne. Though playfully arrogant, as she is playful, and she does not flinch at the sight of violence and is not above personally killing an opponent with various weapons suited for the scenario. As a member of the royal family, Hime can convert a corpse into an immortal soldier through her blood, or Flame of Life in the anime. Prior to the series, she had many immortal servants before they laid down their lives to ensure her escape when her castle was compromised by zombies sent by her brother Severin. She resurrects Hiro on a whim after he dies, thinking him interesting enough to be her servant.
- She becomes a temporary half-vampire in order to save Hiro in the manga chapter 'Princess Blood.' Her relationship with Hiro remains uncertain in the anime, but they are clearly becoming closer in the manga.
- In chapters 47 and 55, an alternate version of her is shown to have been forcefully transported nine years into the future. As soon as she arrives, she is attacked by a powerful monster that nearly overwhelms her, but thanks to the encouragement of the present day Hiro who she contacts with Riza's cellphone, she manages to win. She later walks to Sherwood's mansion where she is told by Sherwood that the two of them and Sylvia are the only ones left in the battle for the throne. She leaves everything to Sherwood and confronts Sylvia at her mansion. They have a duel but is severely wounded by the mermaid who has been entrusted to Sylvia by Emile. Sylvia then swings her sword down at her; however, future Hiro intervenes and stops the blow and rescues her.
Weapons used: Rapier, Chainsaw, Axe, Hammer, Cross-Sword, Circular Saw, Defibrillator, Broken Cue Stick, Flail, Mace, Pitchfork, Baseball Bat, Traps, Trident, Dumplings, Katana, Chandelier, Revolver, Shotgun, Sword, Rifle, Jackhammer.
- Flandre (フランドル Furandoru)
- Voiced by: Shiho Kawaragi (TV Series), Yuka Iguchi (OVA) (Japanese); Bree Welch (English)
- A child-like gynoid in the service of Hime, nicknamed "Flan". Her small stature belies her strength and dense body. Like other robots that serve the Royal Family, Flan is assigned as Hime's bodyguard and menial labor with a self-destruct protocol installed to activate the moment Hime dies. Although she puts on the same expression all the time, she knows when her friends are in danger. She assists Hime in moving objects, serves as a driver, and occasionally helps Hiro. She only says one word: "Hooba" in the English version, "Fuga" (or sometimes Huga depending on the translation) in the Japanese. She has a special function in her eyes to view hard-to-see things, her vision has a German language HUD and she knows how to drive vehicles. Being a gynoid, her weight is a few tons and she runs out of power and needs recharging. Flandre can be seen recharging in a borg alcove (Star Trek) in the manga. Some translations name her as "Furandre". She is possibly a reference to Frankenstein's Monster. In episode 10 of the series, Flandre formed a relationship with Ciel, alongside helping repair him.
- In the anime special, she went berserk when she wound up with a screw loose. Emile got Flanders to remedy that and prevented her from self-destructing.
Weapons used: Broken Tree, Lance, Chainsaw, Telephone/Electricity Mast.
- Sawawa Hiyorimi (日和見紗和々 Hiyorimi Sawawa)
- Voiced by: Yuuko Minaguchi (TV Series), Ai Kayano (OVA) (Japanese); Monica Rial (English)
- Hiro's sister, who is a maid employed by Hime. Her cooking is recognized by Hime as the best. She is seemingly oblivious to the supernatural aspects of and surrounding Hime, nor does she seem to understand Hiro's explanation of his immortality. Hiro sometimes appears troubled that his sister is so dense but in truth it is rather convenient because he could never make up excuses that would explain everything without mentioning the supernatural. She lives a normal life in spite of all the supernatural phenomena happening around her, and is completely oblivious to it. Sawawa is also known for having unusually large breasts.
- In the future, she is stated to have died from the bomb explosion that threw Hime into the future.
- In the anime, her surname is also Hiyorimi as she introduced herself to Hime. In the manga, there is not much shown of her, but she appeared more in the anime where she is often shown eating strawberry parfaits at the café. Her age is unknown but it's somewhere between senior year highschool and maybe second year of university if she attended. Always dresses in a maid outfit even when going out, has natural, large bouncy breasts (D cup?) and an extremely easygoing kind nature who accepts everybody and looks at the good in people. For example, not batting an eye when Riza freeloads despite her rough nature or inviting a vampire into the house courteously even though it was a stranger. A running gag in the anime involves her sitting up in shock while eating at a nearby cafe whenever Hiro sustains an injury that would be lethal under ordinary circumstances, suddenly think of something minor like noticing a new menu item (and never thinking of anything violent or scary in nature,) only to calm down and go back to eating her parfait. She addresses Hime as "Oujo-Sama" (Mistress in English).
Weapons used: None.
- Riza Wildman (リザ·ワイルドマン Riza Wairudoman)
- Voiced by: Yuuko Kaida (TV Series), Eri Kitamura (OVA) (Japanese); Luci Christian (English)
- A half-breed tomboy girl who has a werewolf father, called Volg Wildman, and a human mother. She at first believes that her older brother was murdered by Hime, but later reconciles with Hime when she learns what really happened that night. In order to find who in the Royalty is responsible for her brother's death (in the manga it was Prince Duken), she stays with Hime. Being of mixed blood, Riza can only transform her arms up to her elbow and her physical combat capabilities can't compare to that of a pure breed, though she is many times stronger than a normal human. When she was brought into prison it is revealed that she is stronger than the highest ranking werewolf that was imprisoned there and she was able to kill a strong pureblood vampire despite not relying on the moons power, it is stated that being an experienced fighter gives her an advantage even over stronger enemies and her human blood may be what makes her able to learn more quickly than a full blood werewolf. Her mixed blood also gives her heightened senses of hearing and smell. She also becomes significantly stronger whenever there's a full moon. Riza appears to have feelings of companionship for Hiro. Much to her embarrassment she has "squishy" pads (some translations describe them as being a comforting soft feel) inside her paws, according to Hiro and one of his classmates. She and Reiri are natural enemies, and they don't get along until later on. From working together in the battle against Kiniski and getting used to each other's company, there is change for the better in their relationship. When she was helped by Reiri in the vampire kingdom she was temporarily turned into a hybrid of vampire and werewolf, although this didn't appear to have any other effect than to mask her presence to the other vampires. It was revealed that Riza is a virgin in her conversation with Reiri. She particularly enjoys fast vehicles, much to Hiro's horror when he's dragged along, despite this they're on friendly terms with each other and Riza actually teases Hiro the least out of all the girls. Because she is part of a honorable werewolf clan she dislikes using weapons, sneak attacks and insist on facing her enemies in a certain duel-like fashion, when fighting other werewolves she first states her full name and expects her opponent to do the same.
- In the Future, she is stated to have died from the bomb explosion that threw Hime into the future.
Weapons used: Metal Pole, Rifle.
- Reiri Kamura (嘉村令裡 Kamura Reiri)
- Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (TV Series), Aki Toyosaki (OVA) (Japanese); Emily Neves (English)
- A female vampire who attends the same school as Hiro. She has long black hair, always dresses in a dark sailor fuku, and has idol status in her school. In the manga, there are many scenes showing her in black underwear, but in the anime those are reduced to panchira. In the anime she tried to get Hime's blood by seducing Hiro and turning him into a vampire so he could invite her into the mansion. She then battled Hime, and, when thinking she had the upper hand, lowered her guard and was captured by Flandre. Hime let her go after threatening her with a White Ashwood stake because Reiri's bats could keep an eye out for suspicious people. Reiri argued no vampire would ever submit to which Hime said it was fine because she (Hime) is kind, but if Reiri attacked again she'd be less forgiving. Hime uses her flame to cure Hiro's vampirism.
- In the manga Hiro attacked and was defeated by Hime who complained that she was expecting more of a fight considering he's a blood warrior boosted by vampirism. Reiri doesn't show up at the mansion but returns home to recover from her battle with Riza. Then is surprised that not only did Hime find her, but had purposely let Hiro bite her (Hime) to ask Reiri's blood for her location all to save Hiro. When Hime puts a White Ashwood steak to her chest Reiri surrenders saying it wouldn't be bad to die by Hime's hands. After finding out that Reiri isn't the vampire responsible for the hospital Hime tells Reiri she doesn't warrant killing, but she will need to collect Reiri's blood (in the manga someone can be cured of vampirism with a serum, but it has to be made from the blood of the vampire that bit them.) While Hime is saying this Flandre is standing behind her in a nurse's uniform and holding a GIANT syringe that's as long as Flandre is tall.
- Later on, she is banished from the vampire society by Kiniski for deliberately helping and bringing a werewolf (Riza) to attack a fellow vampire (namely Kiniski himself while completely ignoring the fact that he staked Zepelli.) She is then pursued by Kiniski who sends multiple waves of lesser vampires (humans who were turned) to attack her for three days straight. During the third night they burn down the abandoned church she was living in and almost kill her, but she was saved by Riza, Hiro, Hime, Flandre, Sherwood, Francesca, and Francette (Silvia's robot maid.) Since her home burned down she is currently freeloading at Hime's mansion. Reiri is a powerful pure-blood vampire (a vampire who is born a vampire) and possesses many of their traditional powers. So far she has been able to fly, break down into bats that fly off to another spot before reforming back into human form, turning humans into lesser vampires (Hiro), erasing memories (Hiro's friend Bucchi has forgotten most of his memories of supernatural events), supernatural strength, speed, and healing. Unlike lesser vampires, garlic and crosses are only irritating and sunlight only weakens her to point where she can't fly and brief fainting spells if exposed for too long. During attack in Hiro's dream it's indicated that too much direct exposure, especially when asleep, can be dangerous if not fatal. However, she is able to attend school during the day without any trouble as she uses frail health as an excuse to keep the length of exposure down. She cannot cross large bodies of water on her own as just being over on a bridge or boat severely drains her. For example, while in the possessed truck of a murderer she tells Riza that while baths and showers are fine, vampires can't handle large bodies of water. Death is almost guaranteed if stakes of white ash are driven into a vampire's heart, although Zepelli survived Kiniski's staking him due to the fact that the hospital it happened at was under his control and very skilled. She, like all vampires, still can't enter a private residence without an invitation, although she can drive everyone out by setting the place on fire. Also, she can't enter an Evil God's established territory, and will be pushed out if she's in an area that gets annexed by an Evil God's territory, possibly for a similar reason as she can't enter a residence uninvited. Although she was still able to enter the school when Nakua was using it, she wasn't able to enter Nakua's shrine, or either of the towns claimed by the Snake (school Riza investigated) or Rat (Hot Springs) Evil Gods. However, she was able to enter a territory where Evil Gods were replaying a family's murder over and over by holding onto Hiro who'd somehow pop in when Hime was in danger of dying.
- At first, she greatly detests Riza but their relations change gradually for the better. Other than the blood from Royalty, she prefers blood from pure maidens (or female virgins) although she's willing to drink from a cute guy without complaint if she has reason to, such as when she drank Hiro's blood as a means to get at Hime's blood. Other than blood, she enjoys drinking tomato juice. She enjoys eating Sawawa's meals and seems to be able to get just enough sustenance from food to allow her to survive for a short period on just a few drops of blood. This way she is able to use a small knife to get blood from her "lambs" at school in a "ritual" without needing to use her fangs or mind control to feed. Since it's only a few drops and most of the school idolizes her, they're willing to accommodate her "fetish" as a means to be closer to her than others while thinking she's only pretending to be a vampire.
- In the future, she saves Hime from the monster attacking her and was about to share the details about the bomb explosion nine years ago but is attacked and subsequently killed by the same monster. However, before dying she is able to tell Hime to look at the back of the painting Hiro hid an axe behind for answers as to how she was transported into the future.
Weapons used: Wooden Stakes, Razor Sharp Fingernails.
- Sherwood (シャーウッド Shāuddo)
- Voiced by: Ai Shimizu (TV Series), Ayana Taketatsu (OVA) (Japanese); Hilary Haag (English)
- Hime's little sister, the third princess of the Royalty. Her hair color, eyes, and dress are similar to Hime's. She has the ability to freely control the man-eating plant Triffid, which she used in a failed attempt to kill Hime. She once harbored ill will toward Hime, but later reconciled, and has a big crush on Hiro and will almost do anything to make him her servant. After that she moved into a mansion on the hill opposite Hime's mansion.
- In the future, an eighteen-year-old Sherwood, along with Sylvia, is the last remaining participant in the battle for the throne and is losing to Sylvia. She intends to entrust everything to Hime, but Hime declines and entrusts everything to Sherwood instead.
Weapons used: None.
- Francisca (フランシスカ Furanshisuka)
- Voiced by: Rika Morinaga (Japanese); Stephanie Wittels (English)
- The gynoid serving Sherwood. She dresses in a maid costume and wears spectacles. She is the sister machine of Flandre and has equal abilities, with the exception of a superior intellect. She obeys Sherwood's instructions without questions although she stops Sherwood whenever she will do something that will harm her. Excels in melee combat and can flick pellets at extremely high speed with her fingers.
Weapons used: Broken Tree, Small Pin Balls.
- Ryu-ryu (劉劉 Ryū Ryū)
- Voiced by: Akio Kato (Japanese); Leraldo Anzaldua (English)
- A panda revived by Sherwood's blood. Died when he was strangled by a tire that he was playing with at Sasanagi Zoo. (In the anime, he appeared to have died during Zeppeli's attack. He was only knocked out during that battle, and Sherwood realized this when she went to revive him. So in the anime he never died or was revived.) Sworn brothers with Can-can and Chou-chou (in reference to RoTK), the other two pandas in the zoo. It is unknown if the other two are blood warriors, but all three pandas are now living at Sherwood's residence. Similar to Hiro, Ryu-ryu's fur turns white when Sherwood is in danger, this causes him to be mistaken at times for a white bear; he is fairly intelligent as he realized that Sherwood was responsible for his resurrection and sought her out without any assistance. While he's only been seen fighting with his claws, in the manga he and the other two are crossing bladed pole weapons together at the end of the chapter.
Weapons used: Panda Claws.
- Nakua (南久阿)
- Voiced by: Hiromi Konno (OVA) (Japanese)
- Nakua was originally a spider goddess that protected Sasanaki city. In the past, worshipers used to offer her human sacrifices, but the practice had since been declined. Since then, she moved to Hiro's school and devoured students that are lured there by a ghost story. Despite the fact that Hime chose not to interfere with her activities, both Riza and Reiri decided to fight against her and drive her away from Hiro's school. Because of this, she decided to punish Hime and her servants by sending their villa into Ice Age in the past, but she was defeated once again. She later joins Hime after she helped her defeat an evil god that invaded her territory, as she was too weak because of their last encounter. She has the ability to summon large spiders as well as turn her head into spider legs. She now resides in the small shrine built by Flandre and Francesca near Hime's mansion and has stopped practicing human sacrifices and instead accepting alternative offers such as sweets made by Sawawa. In the manga the shrine at the mansion has a stairway (in an alternate space) leading to a bridge she is building to connect the human world to the world of Evil Gods (also said to be the world of dreams.) When Hime asks her how long before the bridge is completed, she just smiles and says that they're rushing in the end, and that it has nothing to do with Phoenixes.
- After the end of the manga Princess Resurrection, the character Nakua is currently starring in her own adventures in a spin-off manga titled Naqua-den.
Sylvia's Faction
- Kiniski (キニスキー Kinisukī)
- A vampire, also referred as "Werewolf Killer Kiniski" for having killed over 200 werewolves. A mysterious character with tidied rough long hair and mustache, Kiniski was a duke living in a castle at the edge of the Kingdom. Eyeing the throne of the Kingdom, he captured Hime and Sherwood's sister, the first princess, and confined her in his castle. Riza and Reiri interfered and, through the talk with Riza, it was revealed that he was the one responsible for banishing Reiri from vampire society by framing her with the crime of injuring Zeppeli, a fellow vampire. He was originally staked by Sylvia who recruited him as her blood warrior but he later turned on her. Later, he attempted, with sorcery, to use ghosts to kill Hime with a curse. However, Hime defeated his spell and refused him entrance into her mansion right before sunrise. Although not shown explicitly, it is assumed that he died due to the expiration of his blood powers. His shriveled corpse was later seen inside his castle.
- Did not appear in the anime but his role is filled by Duke Dracul in the anime.
- Sylvia (シルヴィア Shiruvia)
- Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (OVA)
- A member of the Royalty and Hime's older sister. She is shown wearing a dress while being blindfolded, gagged, and restrained by leather straps. A tap has been installed on her where blood can be collected. She was happy to hear that Severin was dead and was a little frustrated that she wasn't the one that got to kill him. Despite this setup she is not in the least bit bothered. Later, she is freed by Micasa and rejoins the Royal War with Micasa as her new blood warrior.
- In the future, Sylvia had killed Duken and as such, Sylvia and Sherwood are the only siblings left in the battle and is winning against Sherwood. She duels Hime but is interrupted by the mermaid who wounds Hime. Sylvia prepares to deal the final blow, but is stopped by an older and much more battle-hardened Hiro.
- Micasa (ミカサ Mikasa)
- Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (Japanese); Stephanie Wittels (English)
- Severin's blood warrior. A silent young girl with long black hair. Was killed in the past by Severin and revived to be his blood warrior; she seems to have a complex relationship with Severin. She is a human blood warrior like Hiro but is enhanced by a parasitic bio-weapon implanted in her head that gives her heightened combat abilities and Witchblade like powers. Micasa is a subject of the Fly Man, joining him in order to save her terminally ill younger sister. At the Fly Man's suggestion she later becomes Sylvia's blood warrior.
- Francette (フランセット Furansetto)
- A gynoid, like Flandre and Francisca, of the Royalty. Her master is Sylvia, the first princess of the Royalty, imprisoned by Kiniski. A sister machine to Flandre, her appearance is that of an adult female in a maid costume. She uses a large drill, which replaced her destroyed left forearm as a weapon. She later joins forces with the Fly Man and Micasa to free her mistress. In the later manga chapters her large drill is been replaced a with a forearm. She can only be seen in the 3rd OVA of the anime as a background character.
Zeppeli's Faction
- Zeppeli (ツェペリ Tseperi)
- Voiced by: Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese); Chris Patton (English)
- A male vampire with dark skin, silver hair and a goatee. Owner of the Sasanagi Hospital which is the vampires' base. He pursues the blood of Hime too but prefers to execute plans behind the scenes. Because he had a cooperative relationship with Reiri, he became looked upon with hostility from the vampire society, too.
- Housei Sanagida (蛹田方正 Sanagida Housei)
- Voiced by: Mitsuo Senda (Japanese); David Wald (English)
- Director of the Sasanagi Hospital, and a subordinate of Zeppeli. He is the Mad Scientist archetype and is trying to discover the secret to immortality. He noticed Hiro's immortality and tried to conduct brutal experiments on him. He was killed by Hime with a defibrillator but revived himself with the drug Trioxin. He was defeated once again when Flandre exploded a roomful of lime dust.
- Ciel (シエル Shieru)
- Voiced by: Tokuyoshi Kawashima (Japanese); Brian Jay (English)
- A tall android. Unlike Flandre, who can only say "Fuga", Ciel is capable of normal conversation. In addition to that he also understands Flandre's words. He has memories of working in the deuterium mine of the kingdom some three years prior to the start of the series. While escaping, he was touched by the view of the sea and longed to live a free life. He happened to meet Flandre, while walking in town and helped with the upkeep of Hime's mansion. In the time he was being repaired by Flandre, he developed a relationship with her. However, he was in fact made by Zeppeli only ten days prior to the episode he featured in, and the twenty-seven years of memories he had, were implanted in him. He tried to capture Hime but was defeated by Sherwood and Francesca. He learned of his false life, and when Flandre was damaged and unable to be repaired, he decided to spare his own part to her. Then, in revenge, he went back to Zeppeli and self-destructed.
Emile's Faction
- Emile (エミール Emīru)
- Voiced by: Yuya Uchida (TV), Akira Ishida (OVA) (Japanese); David Wald (English)
- A member of the Royalty, elder brother to Hime. A youth with elegant looks who wears a decorative shirt. There is hostility between him and Hime, but he treasures their relationship and tries to keep it in balance. He can inflict a psychokinetic attack with just a glare, he is the only one so far that has this strange ability among the siblings of Royalty, but using it too often or too strongly severely taxes his health. It's also hinted that he can occasionally "see" the future, but how far, how accurate, and how many possible futures seen and the actions leading to them is unknown. In the manga, chapter 56, Emile eventually dies from using his ability to destroy Gilliam's train and was turned into Sylvia's blood warrior. After being discovered Emile tried to use his ability (which didn't harm him as he's now a blood warrior) to kill Hime but failed. For some reason after being discovered he acted like a mindless automaton following orders with no sense of personality or spirit. However, he did manage to kill Keziah and Sledge during the confrontation. Emile's spirit somehow transforms into an "adult mode phoenix" though not completely and technically not an adult. By increasing the energy of his spirit, he was able to appear as a figure surrounded by the same flames adult Royales use. He soon starts aiding his younger siblings, Hime and Sherwood. Before disappearing from Hime and Sherwood, he asks Sherwood to help Hime, and than tells Hime that she must inherit the throne, before disappearing for good.
- Keziah Bold (キザイア·ボルド Kizaia Borudo)
- Voiced by: Hiroki Touchi (TV), Yuuichi Nakamura (OVA) (Japanese); Jay Hickman (TV) (English)
- A werewolf serving Emile. He smokes cigars and has four scars across his face. His father is Kadaria Bold. He and Riza's father were comrades in a past war and he respects Volg as a great warrior. Later in the chapter (Chapter 56, Princess Destiny), Keziah is killed by the converted Emile when he takes a deathblow meant for Hime. Hime tells Hiro she won't turn Keziah into a blood warrior as werewolves believe that the highest honor is to die in battle, and that the werewolf's honor would be tarnished if revived. Before dying, with Riza honoring it, he sees Hime and tells her that she reminds him of Emile. Riza honored his death. However, Keziah is forcefully resurrected by someone else to Riza's disgust. Turns out Emile had somehow turned Keziah into a Flame Warrior to pass something onto Madeleine.
- Flanders (フランダース Furandāsu)
- Voiced by: Yukiko Takaguchi (TV) (Japanese); Samuel Roman (English)
- An android built by Emile. Somewhat a different representation of Flandre, it is a "butler robot" that is many times bigger and has a mechanical appearance. Its real form is that of a diminutive non-human looking robot butler while its giant form is a robot suit. Like all the androids it can only say "fuga". In Chapter 56, Princess Destiny, it was noted that Flanders had broken down sometime ago, signaling that Emile had died sometime before that and was covering it up. Androids are supposed to blow up when their master dies. Also can't hurt any living member of the royal family, except for those who are dead, undead, or blood warriors.
- Madeleine
- Voiced by: Ai Kayano (OVA)
- Known as the Mermaid (人魚 Ningyo), she was a child who was held captive in a ghost ship, her flute music appears as SOS signals to other ships and thus draw them near for the evil within the ship to feed on their souls. (Does this by turning invisible or 'phasing out' to anyone not on board or touching its hull, then 'appears' before the rushing rescue boat who then crashes into the ghost ship killing the crew. As she received a curse to receive a human body to be with her love, but as compensation Madeleine would die the moment she utters a word. However, as events unfold with Keziah sent to retrieve her on his master's order, she was forced to speak to save his life and was revived as Emile's blood warrior. Her name is finally revealed after Sylvia takes her in after 'resurrecting' Emile. This is because all members of the royal family have a duty to protect endangered species (like mermaids) and Emile's blood wouldn't keep Madeleine alive anymore once he was resurrected. So Sylvia had Emile "give" Madeleine to her.
- Sledge (スレッジ)
- Voiced by: Satoshi Hino (OVA)
- Man with a wings who wears night vision goggles, first seen with Emile and others to witness Severin and Hime's duel, later in chapters with Emile. He later betrays Emile by killing him, and then allowing Sylvia to "save" Emile by turning him into a blood warrior. He was killed by the blood warrior Emile (who acted more like a mindless robot after being discovered) once his actions were exposed but before he could explain how he considered his actions to be Emile's benefit.
Severin Kingdom
- Severin (セブラン Seburan)
- Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese); Kalob Martinez (English)
- Hime's older brother, the fifth prince, is an ambitious member of the Phoenix Tribe who aims for the throne. His appearance is that of a bishōnen with sharp eyes and blond hair, and he wears a black coat with feathers woven at the shoulder. Unlike his siblings, Severin is a fearful coward who abuses his power and spitefully break their family's taboos from converting his victims into immortal soldiers and using zombies to attack Hime on two occasions. In the aftermath of the second occasion, Serverin attempted to frame Hime of using zombies so he can prolong their fight to adulthood, only for Hime to settle things in a duel and killing him.
- Franz (フランツ Furantsu)
- An butler-type android serving Severin, his characteristic bring a scar around his mechanical left eye. In the end, Franz self-destructed upon his master's death.
Gilliam's Faction
- Gilliam (ギリヤム Giriyamu)
- Voiced by: Jouji Nakata (OVA)
- Member of the royalty, Hime's older brother wearing all white. He first appeared in chapter 35, where he is seen attempting to kill Hime during the phenomena. He appeared at chapter 38 where he fired at the train which Hiro and Emile are on . He told Hime that the Professor had abandoned them and was letting Emile win. He wanted to blow the train up for the benefit of all and asked Hime which side she was on. He was shown to be skilled with the sword and will do whatever it takes to reach his goal. After the train incident he and Hime remained in a hostile, though somewhat more peaceful, relationship. His current target is apparently Duken.
- In the future, he was killed by Duken.
- Voiced by: Yuka Iguchi (OVA)
- And android serving Gilliam, he is a very large, powerfully built android who dresses in a tuxedo and wears a headgear with three lens on it. He was destroyed after Emile hurled Gilliam's cannon back to Gilliam. Gilliam later steals a Mark II version from the Professor.
Sword Being
- A living sword shown during the train arc, it is a long sabre and is capable of flight/at least some locomotion in the air. It is Gilliam's blood warrior. Normally it looks like a normal sword, however, after being broken by Hime's chainsaw, living tissue and an eye grew around it when Gilliam gave it blood.
- A giant arthropod monster that is the blood warrior under Gilliam. Gilliam attempted to use it to kill Emile in the train and it took the combined efforts of Keziah and Riza to defeat it. its head and legs bear a strong resemblance to the bugs from Starship Troopers. When Gilliam first poured it into the train car it resembled the "that" Hime killed in the Motel.
Duken's Faction
- Duken (デユケン Deyuken)
- The oldest member of the royalty, Hime's oldest brother. He first appeared in chapter 44, where he is seen to be searching for Sylvia during the Sasanaki graveyard incident. His only visible clothing is a cloak that covers the lower part of his face and what seems to be a jumpsuit. He took part in the previous battle for the throne and was the only survivor but was not crowned as the new king for an unknown reason. The reason was later revealed that Duken's older brother hid himself away, hoping to outlive his siblings to obtain the throne. He also force's Riza's brother to betray and attack Hime by holding Riza hostage. Later, it is revealed that he used to take part in the previous Throne War. Prince Fuhito killed him and turned him into an android.
- In the future, he killed Gilliam but was eliminated by Sylvia.
- The android that serves Duken. It is unique in the fact that it takes the form of a dog rather than a humanoid shape.
- Riza's brother (リザの兄 Riza no Ni)
- Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (Japanese); Samuel Roman (English)
- Referred only as Wildman in the manga, in the anime his full name is revealed to be Lobo Wildman. A full-blooded werewolf warrior who respects and cares very much for Riza, his sister. He was forced to betray his old master, Hime, by Hime's brother who was holding Riza hostage, and died honorably in battle.
Droid Army
- An army of droids that serve Duken. They are shown to be armed with multiple weapons such as a flamethrower and harpoon-like claws.
Monster assassins that were sent to kill Hime.
- Three Werewolves
- Alex Voiced by: Hiroshi Tsuchida (Japanese); Andrew Love (English)
- Karim Voiced by: Masaya Taketsuka (Japanese); Samuel Roman (English)
- Sarome Voiced by: Yasuhiro Masaya (Japanese); Chris Hutchison (English)
- Three werewolf blood warriors. In the manga it is unknown to who sent them but in the anime they are under Severin.
- <span id=""That"">"That" (アレ are)
- Appeared in "Princess Locked Room" (密室王女). A nameless spider-like monster with eyes around its body referred to as "That" by Hime. In the manga, it enters a person and eats them from the inside, while in the anime it eats the person's soul. It's unknown who sent it in the manga version, while Zeppeli sent it in the anime. The anime version renames the creature "It".
- Pharaoh (ファラオ Farao)
- Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (Japanese); Andy McAvin (English)
- It led an army of mummies to attack Hime's residence. Planting a scout beforehand, they struck when Hime was weakened by a cold. Hiro, Flandre, and Riza struggled to defeat the mummy army.
- Spiderbats (コウモリグモ koumorigumo)
- As the name suggests, they are monsters with the features of a bat and spider. A large number are sent to attack Sherwood's residence. In the anime version the spiderbats are sent by Zeppeli. They are a homage to the Bat Rat Spider from the 1959 film The Angry Red Planet.
- Nightmare Assailant (悪夢の攻撃者 akumu no kougeki sha)
- Caused everyone in the mansion to experience a nightmare which is reminiscent of the Akasabi Village events. Hime saw through it and returned to reality where she defeated the real enemy.
- Clone Plants (複製植物 fukusei shokubutsu)
- It clones the organism it stings, and attempts to substitute the original organism with the clone. It is said to come from a space meteor with "That". They are a homage to the Pod People from the film Body Snatchers. They cloned multiple weaker and less intelligent copies of Reiri and Riza while trying attack to Hime. One clone of Hime was also produced which, possessing Hime's noble traits, sacrificed herself to save the original.
- Shapeshifter
- A blob monster that attempted to get close to Hime by participating in a race in the form of Hiro. Does not appear in the manga.
- Poseidon (ポセイ·どん)
- Voiced by: Shigenori Souya (Japanese); Rob Mungle (English)
- One of the merman race who appear to be a homage of the monster from The Creature from the Black Lagoon. He is much bigger compared to humans and other mermen; his size can be compared to hills and buildings. He lost to Riza in a duel. In the manga he died after the duel but in the anime he is still living and fell in love with Riza. In the manga he was not given any name, but was named Poseidon in the anime.
- Headless Horseman (首無し騎士 kubi nashi kishi)
- Appears at the Sasanagi Pass looking for his head. However, unknown to him, it was Zeppeli who took his head. The head was retrieved by Hiro and Riza. In the manga the story started with Zeppeli taking the head, but in the anime it started with the race between Riza and the Horseman, with the head incident as a smaller sub-plot. He is renamed Knight of The Pass in the anime.
- The Paperbag Man of Akasabi Village (赤錆村の紙袋男 akasabi mura no kamibukuro otoko)
- Voiced by: Takehiro Murozono (Japanese); Rob Mungle (English)
- The culprit of a series of violent murders targeting females that happened 40 years ago at Akasabi Village, a village that gave way to a dam project. At first he targeted women who supported or related to those who supported the dam as he felt it a betrayal for them to turn the village of their ancestors into a lake for profit. Hime and Hiro wandered to the now non-existent village during the witching hour to seek help in fixing their broken-down car. His appearance is that of a fat middle-aged man wearing a singlet and suspender pants, a paper bag with eye holes over his head and a large sickle as weapon. In the anime, he is the leader of the party that opposed the dam project and killed all who supported the project despite age and gender. Unlike the manga version, his anime version has a much larger inhuman build. He left such a strong impression in Hiro and Hime that his form is later used by the dream assailant.
- Fly Man (蠅男 hae otoko)
- A scientist with a fly head and human body, he is likely a homage to the monster from the 1958 film The Fly. Trying to sell a biological weapon he developed to Hime, he traps her in a maze he constructed beneath the mansion but fails. He is also responsible for Mikasa's bio-weapon parasite. In Chapter 74 of the manga, it is found out that he used to be human, but to due an accident with a machine he was morphed into a monster. Does not appear in the anime.
Normal Civilians
- Master
- Voiced by: Akio Katou (Japanese); Andy McAvin (English)
- The owner of a café which Sawawa frequents as she loves the parfait the café makes. A moustached, dandy looking man. In the manga, he only appeared in one frame in the background but in the anime he appeared a number of times. His parts largely has nothing to do with the main story.
- He harbours feelings for Sawawa, however Sawawa doesn't seem to understand his advances. He treats her to free parfaits, gives her lottery tickets, and even wanted to rename the café "Sawawa", with his gifts becoming more elaborate each time. The name of the café is unknown in the manga, but in the anime it's called "Dandy (伊達男)". Ryu-ryu and Francesca visited the café in the events of a drama CD.
- Nozomi Kobuchizawa (小淵沢望 Kobuchizawa Nozomi)
- Voiced by: Naru Kawamoto (Japanese); Greg Ayres (English)
- Hiro's friend. A bespectacled otaku-like boy. Called "Buchi" by Hiro. Once stalked Reiri and found out she was a vampire, but that part of his memory was then erased by Reiri. He accompanies Hiro and Princess Sherwood on monster-hunting expeditions as a cameraman, showing some shock at the supernatural happenings, such as thinkinh the guides they hired are in costumes. He often gets Hiro to go with him to investigate rumors of supernatural happenings, which almost always turn out to be true. It is suggested that he has a crush on Francisca. In the anime he also secretly takes pictures of Hime, Sawawa, and Riza. He especially interested in the well-endowed maid Sawawa. He sneaks into the mansion with Yoshida and Murayama to find out the relationship between Hiro and the girls.
- Chikao Joujima (城島 親夫 Joujima Chikao)
- A security guard who enjoys hunting. He sacrificed himself to let Hime's group and other survivors escape when the supermarket was attacked by zombies, and was killed by Hime before he become a zombie himself. His name was not known until the fifth takubon. Does not appear in the anime.
Original characters
Original characters from the anime and drama CD.
- Hiroko (ヒロ子 Hiroko)
- Voiced by: Mayumi Yoshida (Japanese); Serena Varghese (English)
- Anime original character. A cat person found by Hiro when she was lying unconscious in the road. She is manipulated by a bell collar. She's very fond of Hiro for saving her. She was sent by Hime's brother to assassinate her, but was foiled when Reiri told Hime only seconds after Hiro intercepted their fight. At the end she ran away after she found out that she was an assassin. She later makes a cameo appearance as one of the people in the stands during Hime's trial.
- Frog Ninja (カエル忍者 Kaeru ninja)
- Anime original character. A human-sized frog. Same as Hiroko, he is controlled by one of Hime's brothers. Attacked Sherwood but defeated by Francesca.
- Yoshida (吉田 Yoshida)
- Voiced by: Kōichi Tōchika (Japanese); David Matranga (English)
- Went into Hime's mansion with Kobuchizawa and Murayama. He is interested in Hime and would like to be a slave and tortured by Hime. In the end he is wrapped to a ball with Kobuchizawa and Murayama and thrown away by Ryu-ryu.
- Murayama (村山 Murayama)
- Voiced by: Eiji Hanawa (Japanese); Samuel Roman (English)
- Went into Hime's mansion with Kobuchizawa and Yoshida. He likes strong women like Riza. In the end he is wrapped to a ball with Kobuchizawa and Yoshida and thrown away by Ryu-ryu.
- Aron (アロン Aron)
- Voiced by: Akiko Kimura (Japanese); Melissa Davis (English)
- Anime original character. A famous female assassin of the shark family. Skilled in close combat, and uses retractable sharp fins on her arms as weapons. Was an acquaintance of Riza's brother during the time they were in the army. Although she kissed Riza, she claims that she is only into married women. Attempted to kill Hime under orders from the royalty, but was defeated by Riza. Before dying, she entrusted Lobo's military dog tags to Riza.
- Witch (魔女 Majo)
- Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (Japanese); Rozie Curtis (English)
- Anime original character. A witch who lives in the Black Forest. She cares very much about beauty. In belief of the saying that possessing the spirit of the Royalty grants eternal youth, she travels through time and space to find Royalty. She can not stand the smell of gyoza. She holds a compact magic mirror and tried to suck Sherwood into it but in turn sucks Hiro, Riza, Francisca and Ryu-ryu into it too and overloaded the mirror. In the end she was sent away with facial lotion won by Sawawa in the lottery.
- Monsters under the Witch (魔女の手下の怪物 majo no teshita no kaibutsu)
- Voiced by: Yasuhiro Mamiya (Japanese); Chris Ayres, Chris Hutchison, Samuel Roman (English)
- Anime original characters. The three of them look like dark goblins. They are always hungry, and one of them ate the takoyaki Hiro bought and another ate the jiaozi that was meant to be used to counter the witch.
- Shigara (シガラ Shigara)
- Voiced by: Ryūsei Nakao (Japanese); Greg Ayres (English)
- Anime original character. A male tanuki race of the Kingdom. He is clad in clothing similar to D from Vampire Hunter D. He is not a bad person, and he readily helps anyone in need. Having lost his job, he became a vampire hunter hoping to use the bounty to feed his family. He is clumsy, not very good at vampire hunting, and mistakes Hime for a vampire. His numerous failed attempts annoy Zeppeli and Reiri. The two vampires later staged a show and got Shigara his bounty and thus got him to leave.
- Duke Dracul (ドラクル Dorakuru)
- Voiced by: Hōchū Ōtsuka (Japanese); David Matranga (English)
- Anime original character. The vampire that fills the role of Kiniski from the manga. Compared to Kiniski, Duke Dracul has more of a tidied image. He is a man in his prime and has short hair. He has nothing to do with the first princess, but he seems to be under Severin. In episode 20 he kidnapped Hiro and banished Reiri like Kiniski did. In episode 21, he is defeated by the combined effort of Hime, Hiro, Riza and Reiri. He returned to his castle injured, and sought help from Severin who simply killed him.
- Judge (裁判長 Saibanchou)
- Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (Japanese); Rob Mungle (English)
- Anime original character. The judge in episode 24 has a different appearance than the one in the manga. This judge appears as a man wearing a large green hat. He appears listless and unmotivated in the monster court. He accepted Hime's suggestion of a duel, after which he revealed his true form: he was the father of Hime and the current king.
- Mo Gura (モ·グラ Mo Gura)
- Voiced by: Mitsuo Iwata
- Drama CD original character. A mole race who runs the travel agency "Underground Tourist". Mobilizing 500,000 moles he laid a railway in an underground tunnel and started the underground sightseeing train "Mogura Express". Offered Hime and her party a free tour during which he failed to kill Hime. This incident with a member of the Royalty, however, acted as an advertisement, and brought customers for his business.