List of Reborn! episodes

The episodes of the Reborn! anime series, also known as Katekyō Hitman Reborn!, is a Japanese television series directed by Kenichi Imaizumi and produced and animated by Artland. It first began airing in Japan on the television network TV Tokyo on October 7, 2006, and has since broadcast over 200 episodes, which are each referred to as a "Target". The anime is an adaptation of Akira Amano's manga series of the same name, which was first serialized in Japan's Weekly Shōnen Jump in 2004.[1][2] The series centers around the life of Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, a timid boy who learns he is the great-great-great grandson of the founder of the Italian Vongola Mafia family. Tsuna, who is the only living heir, must learn to become a proper Mafia boss and is required to undergo training from the Vongola's number one hitman, an infant named Reborn.
As of June 26, 2009, a total of twenty-eight DVD volumes have been released in Japan by Marvelous Entertainment,[3] with another four scheduled to have consecutive monthly releases. The DVDs have secondary volume titles: the first eight volumes are "Bullets" which contains the first thirty-three episodes; the next eight are "Battles", and contains episodes 34 to 65; volumes seventeen and eighteen are "Daily Chapters", containing episodes 66 to 73; volumes nineteen to twenty-five are "Burn" volumes, and contains episodes 75 to 101; and twenty-sixth onwards are referred to as "X.Burn" volumes.[3]
In 2008, Funimation, on behalf of Japan's d-rights production company, exercised a power of attorney to remove fansubbed episodes of the Reborn! anime from the internet. Thus, to prevent copyright infringement, cease and desist notices were sent to fansub groups who were subtitling the series.[4] On March 21, 2009, d-rights collaborated with the anime-streaming website Crunchyroll in order to begin streaming subbed episodes of the Japanese-dubbed series in North America. New episodes were available within an hour after the airing in Japan.[5]
Episode list
Season 1: 2006 - 2007
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
1 | "What!? I'm a Tenth Generation Mafia Boss?!" "Ē!? Ore ga Mafia no 10 daime!?" (えぇ!? 俺がマフィアの10代目!?) | October 7, 2006 |
2 | "The End of the School?!" "Ji Endo obu Gakkō!?" (ジ·エンド·オブ学校!?) | October 14, 2006 |
3 | "Electric Shock! Cooking of Love and Fear!" "Dengeki! Ai to Kyōfu no Kukkingu!" (電撃!愛と恐怖のクッキング!) | October 21, 2006 |
4 | "Ayee! A Girl's Feelings are Destructive!" "Hahi! Otomegokoro wa Desutoroi!" (はひ!乙女心はデストロイ!) | October 28, 2006 |
5 | "The Head Prefect's Amusement" "Fūki Iinchō no Taikutsu Shinogi" (風紀委員長の退屈しのぎ) | November 4, 2006 |
6 | "Ni-Hao Gyoza Fist!" "Nī Hao Gyōza Ken!" (ニーハオ·ギョーザ拳!) | November 11, 2006 |
7 | "Extreme! A Fiery Older Brother!" "Kyokugen! Moeru Oniichan!" (極限!燃えるお兄ちゃん!) | November 18, 2006 |
8 | "The Experienced Boss Had Love For His Family!" "Senpai Bosu wa Famirī Omoi" (先輩ボスはファミリー思い) | November 25, 2006 |
9 | "Life-Shortening Skullitis" "Inochi Mijikashi Dokuro-byō" (命短し ドクロ病) | December 2, 2006 |
10 | "Gahaha! The Exploding Lunchbox!" "Gahaha! Bakuhatsu suru Bentōbako!" (ガハハ!爆発する弁当箱!) | December 9, 2006 |
11 | "The Gyoza Buns of Love and Death!?" "Ai to Shi no Gyōza-man!?" (愛と死の餃子まん!?) | December 16, 2006 |
12 | "Master's Teacher! Strengthening Program" "Shi no Kunren! Kyōka Puroguramu" (師の訓練!強化プログラム) | December 23, 2006 |
13 | "New Spring! The Hundred Million Yen Contest!" "Shinshun! Ichiōku-en no Daishōbu!" (新春!一億円の大勝負!) | January 6, 2007 |
14 | "First Date!? Hell's Zoo" "Hatsu Dēto!? Jigoku no Dōbutsuen" (初デート!?地獄の動物園) | January 13, 2007 |
15 | "Clash! Survival Snow Battle" "Sabaibaru Yukigassen" (サバイバル雪合戦) | January 20, 2007 |
16 | "Escape From Death Mountain!" "Shi no Yama o Dasshutsu seyo!" (死の山を脱出せよ!) | January 27, 2007 |
17 | "Don't Make a Noise When You're Hospitalized" "Nyūin Saki de wa Oto o Kese" (入院先では音を消せ) | February 3, 2007 |
18 | "Poisoned Love Chocolates" "Ai no Choko ni wa Doku ga Aru" (愛のチョコには毒がある) | February 10, 2007 |
19 | "100% Accuracy? Ranking Anything" "Hyappatsu Hyakuchū? Nandemo Rankingu!" (百発百中?何でもランキング) | February 17, 2007 |
20 | "Sudden Attack" "Totsuzen no Shūgeki" (突然の襲撃) | February 24, 2007 |
21 | "Wounded Friends" "Kizutsuku Tomo-tachi" (傷つく友たち) | March 3, 2007 |
22 | "Unforeseen Evil Influence" "Yokisenu Mashu" (予期せぬ魔手) | March 10, 2007 |
23 | "The Final Deathperation Shot" "Saigo no Shinuki-dan" (最後の死ぬ気弾) | March 17, 2007 |
24 | "Fighting Back in Different Ways" "Sorezore no Hangeki" (それぞれの反撃) | March 24, 2007 |
25 | "I Want to Win! Moment of Awakening" "Kachitai! Mezame no Shunkan" (勝ちたい!目覚めの瞬間) | March 31, 2007 |
26 | "The End and From Then On" "Owari to Sore kara" (終わりとそれから) | April 7, 2007 |
27 | "Eat Sushi to Celebrate Moving Up a Grade" "Shinkyū Iwai de Sushi Kutte" (進級祝いで寿司食って) | April 14, 2007 |
28 | "No Way! I Killed Him?" "Uso! Ore ga Koroshita-no?" (ウソ!俺が殺したの?) | April 21, 2007 |
29 | "Her Lover is Broccoli?" "Koibito wa Burokkorī?" (恋人はブロッコリー?) | April 28, 2007 |
30 | "Hide and Seek on a Luxury Cruise" "Gōka Kyakusen de Kakurenbo" (豪華客船でかくれんぼ) | May 5, 2007 |
31 | "Welcome to Mafia Land" "Oidemase Mafia Rando" (おいでませマフィア島(ランド)) | May 12, 2007 |
32 | "A Shark Showed Up in the Public Pool" "Shimin Pūru ni Same ga Deta" (市民プールに鮫が出た) | May 19, 2007 |
33 | "A Summer Filled With Debt?" "Shakkin Mamire no Natsu-yasumi?" (借金まみれの夏休み?) | May 26, 2007 |
Seasons 2 - 3 : 2007 - 2008
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
34 | "The Varia Arrive" "Variā Kuru!" (ヴァリアー来る!) | June 2, 2007 |
35 | "The Seven Vongola Rings" "Vongore Ringu Nanatsu" (ボンゴレリング7つ) | June 9, 2007 |
36 | "Tutors on the Move" "Katekyō, Ugoku" (カテキョー, 動く) | June 16, 2007 |
37 | "Teacher and Student Together" "Shitei Konbi, Sorou" (師弟コンビ, 揃う) | June 23, 2007 |
38 | "The Selfish Baby Cow Vanishes" "Wagamama Koushi no Shissō" (ワガママ子牛の失踪) | June 30, 2007 |
39 | "The Unseen Enemies' Goal" "Miezaru Teki no Mokuteki wa" (見えざる敵の目的は) | July 7, 2007 |
40 | "The Battle of the Rings Begins!" "Ring Sōdatsusen, Kaishi!" (リング争奪戦, 開始!) | July 14, 2007 |
41 | "The Guardian of the Sun Ring's Feelings" "Hare no Shugosha no Omoi" (晴の守護者の思い) | July 21, 2007 |
42 | "The Power to Overcome Adversity" "Gyakkyō o Hanekaesu Chikara" (逆境をはね返す力) | July 28, 2007 |
43 | "Thunder Strike from Twenty Years Later" "20 nen go no Raigeki" (20年後の雷撃) | August 4, 2007 |
44 | "The Stolen Sky Ring" "Ubawareta Ōzora no Ringu" (奪われた大空のリング) | August 11, 2007 |
45 | "Raging Storm Battle" "Dotō no Arashisen" (怒涛の嵐戦) | August 18, 2007 |
46 | "Reason to Fight" "Tatakau Riyū" (戦う理由) | August 25, 2007 |
47 | "The Strongest, Invincible Style" "Saikyō Muteki no Ryūha" (最強無敵の流派) | September 1, 2007 |
48 | "Flow of Battle" "Shōbu no Yukue" (勝負の行方) | September 8, 2007 |
49 | "Requiem Rain" "Rekuiemu no Ame" (鎮魂歌(レクイエム)の雨) | September 15, 2007 |
50 | "The Guardian of the Mist Ring Arrives!?" "Kiri no Shugosha, Kuru!?" (霧の守護者, 来る!?) | September 22, 2007 |
51 | "Illusion vs. Illusion" "Genjutsu vs Genjutsu" (幻術vs.幻術) | September 29, 2007 |
52 | "The Truth About the Mist" "Kiri no Shinjitsu" (霧の真実) | October 6, 2007 |
53 | "A Hint of Uneasiness" "Ichimatsu no Fuan" (一抹の不安) | October 13, 2007 |
54 | "The Cloud Guardian's Rampage" "Kumo no Shugosha no Bōsō" (雲の守護者の暴走) | October 20, 2007 |
55 | "Determination" "Ketsui" (決意) | October 27, 2007 |
56 | "Gokudera's Story" "Gokudera no Hanashi" (ごくでらのはなし) | November 3, 2007 |
57 | "The Sky Ring Battle Begins!" "Ōzora-sen, Hajimaru !" (大空戦, 始まる!) | November 10, 2007 |
58 | "Flame of Fury" "Funnu no Honō" (憤怒の炎) | November 17, 2007 |
59 | "Supporters" "Engo suru Mono-tachi" (援護する者たち) | November 24, 2007 |
60 | "Deathperate Zero Point Breakthrough" "Shinuki no Zero Chiten Toppa" (死ぬ気の零地点突破) | December 1, 2007 |
61 | "Zero Point Breakthrough Revised" "Zero Chiten Toppa·Kai" (零地点突破·改) | December 8, 2007 |
62 | "Tactics" "Kakehiki" (駆け引き) | December 15, 2007 |
63 | "Freezing Flame" "Kōritsuku Honō" (凍りつく炎) | December 22, 2007 |
64 | "The Truth Behind The Rage" "Ikari no Shinsō" (怒りの真相) | January 18, 2008 |
65 | "Conclusion!" "Ketchaku!" (決着!) | January 12, 2008 |
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
66 | "Shivering Ghost" "Furuete Gōsuto" (ふるえてゴースト) | January 19, 2008 |
67 | "Vongola-style Open House" "Bongore Shiki Jugyōsankan" (ボンゴレ式授業参観) | January 26, 2008 |
68 | "Happy? Wedding" "Happii? Wedingu" (ハッピー? ウェディング) | February 2, 2008 |
69 | "Crazy Criminal Brother Trio" "Tondemo Hanzai San Kyōdai" (とんでも犯罪3兄弟) | February 9, 2008 |
70 | "The Misfortune of Shoichi Irie" "Irie Shōichi no Sainan" (入江正一の災難) | February 16, 2008 |
71 | "Fighting Spirit! Absolute Evil Fist" "Kihaku de Shōbu! Zettai Maken" (気迫で勝負!絶対魔拳) | February 23, 2008 |
72 | "Expulsion Crisis" "Taigaku Kuraishisu" (退学クライシス) | March 1, 2008 |
73 | "Mother's Day Vongola-style" "Kāsan Kansha no Hi" (母さん感謝の日) | March 8, 2008 |
Season 4: 2008
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
74 | "The World 10 Years Later" "Jūnen-go no Sekai" (10年後の世界) | March 15, 2008 |
75 | "Secret Base" "Ajito" (アジト) | March 22, 2008 |
76 | "Search for the Guardians" "Shugosha Sagashi" (守護者探し) | March 29, 2008 |
77 | "Flame of Resolve" "Kakugo no Honō" (覚悟の炎) | April 5, 2008 |
78 | "Clues to The Past" "Kako e no Tegakari" (過去への手がかり) | April 12, 2008 |
79 | "The First Trial" "Saisho no Shiren" (最初の試練) | April 19, 2008 |
80 | "Discord" "Fukyō Waon" (不協和音) | April 26, 2008 |
81 | "Combination" "Konbinēshon" (コンビネーション) | May 3, 2008 |
82 | "The Strongest Guardian" "Saikyō no Shugosha" (最強の守護者) | May 10, 2008 |
83 | "Information Divulged" "Motarasareta Jōhō" (もたらされた情報) | May 17, 2008 |
84 | "The Long Road Home" "Tōsugiru Ieji" (遠すぎる家路) | May 24, 2008 |
85 | "Where's the Base?" "Ajito wa Doko da ?" (アジトはどこだ?) | May 31, 2008 |
86 | "The Most Terrifying Tutor" "Saikyō no Katei Kyōshi" (最恐の家庭教師) | June 7, 2008 |
87 | "Succession" "Keishō" (継承) | June 14, 2008 |
88 | "7³ Policy" "7³ (Turi ni Sette)" (7³ (トゥリニセッテ)) | June 21, 2008 |
89 | "Piano of Sorrow" "Kanashimi no Piano" (悲しみのピアノ) | June 28, 2008 |
90 | "Gufo di Pioggia" "Ame Fukurou (Gūfo di Piojja)" (雨フクロウ(グーフォ·ディ·ピオッジャ)) | July 5, 2008 |
91 | "What You Believe In" "Shinjiru Mono" (信じるもの) | July 12, 2008 |
92 | "Your Choice" "Yudanerareta Sentaku" (委ねられた選択) | July 19, 2008 |
93 | "Level D Security Alert" "Kinkyū Keikai Reberu D" (緊急警戒レベルD) | July 26, 2008 |
94 | "Identity Revealed" "Abakareta Shōtai" (暴かれた正体) | August 2, 2008 |
95 | "Determination" "Ketsudan" (決断) | August 9, 2008 |
96 | "X BURNER" "Ikusu Bānā" (X(イクス)バーナー) | August 23, 2008 |
97 | "The Great Chase" "Daitsuiseki" (大追跡) | August 30, 2008 |
98 | "Declaration of War" "Sengen" (宣言) | September 6, 2008 |
99 | "The Final Trial" "Saishū Shiren" (最終試練) | September 13, 2008 |
100 | "The Night Before the Raid" "Totsunyū Zenya" (突入前夜) | September 20, 2008 |
101 | "Night Attack" "Yashū" (夜襲) | September 27, 2008 |
Season 5: 2008 - 2009
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
102 | "Mission Start" "Sakusen Kaishi" (作戦開始) | October 4, 2008 |
103 | "The First Barrier" "Dai'ichi Kanmon" (第一関門) | October 11, 2008 |
104 | "Magician of Fate" "In'nen no Majishan" (因縁の魔導師(マジシャン)) | October 18, 2008 |
105 | "Regret" "Kōkai" (後悔) | October 25, 2008 |
106 | "The Student's Maturation" "Oshiego-tachi no Seichō" (教え子たちの成長) | November 1, 2008 |
107 | "Absolute Desperation" "Zettai Zetsumei" (絶体絶命) | November 8, 2008 |
108 | "A Man's Box Weapon" "Otoko no Bokkusu Heiki" (漢(おとこ)の匣(ボックス)兵器) | November 15, 2008 |
109 | "Captive" "Toraware" (囚われ) | November 22, 2008 |
110 | "The Secret of Merone Base" "Merōne Kichi no Himitsu" (メローネ基地の秘密) | November 29, 2008 |
111 | "The Enemy is Octopus Head" "Teki wa Tako Heddo" (敵はタコヘッド) | December 6, 2008 |
112 | "Boomerang Trap" "Būmeran no Wana" (ブーメランの罠) | December 13, 2008 |
113 | "Lightning Strikes Again" "Denkō, Sairai" (電光, 再来) | December 20, 2008 |
114 | "The Storm Guardian, Stands" "Arashi no Shugosha, Tatsu" (嵐の守護者, 立つ) | December 27, 2008 |
115 | "SISTEMA C.A.I." "Sisutēma C.A.I." (スィステーマCAI(シーエーアイ)) | January 10, 2009 |
116 | "Difference in Resolve" "Kakugo no Sa" (覚悟の差) | January 17, 2009 |
117 | "Storm Fights Back" "Arashi no Gyakushū" (嵐の逆襲) | January 24, 2009 |
118 | "The Princess's Conviction" "Hime no Ketsui" (姫の決意) | January 31, 2009 |
119 | "Interval Between Battles" "Tatakai no Hazama" (戦いの狭間) | February 7, 2009 |
120 | "Virtual Space" "Kasō Kūkan" (仮想空間) | February 14, 2009 |
121 | "Two Battles" "Futatsu no Tatakai" (ふたつの戦い) | February 21, 2009 |
122 | "The Ultimate Swordsman" "Saikyō no Kenshi" (最強の剣士) | February 28, 2009 |
123 | "Teachings of the Sword Emperor" "Kentei no Oshie" (剣帝の教え) | March 7, 2009 |
124 | "Obstructing Mist" "Tachi Hadakaru Kiri" (立ちはだかる霧) | March 14, 2009 |
125 | "More Intruders" "Saranaru Shinyūsha" (さらなる侵入者) | March 21, 2009 |
126 | "The Strongest versus The Strongest" "Saikyō VS Saikyō" (最強VS最強) | March 28, 2009 |
127 | "A Bewitching Flower" "Ayakashi no Hana" (妖かしの花) | April 4, 2009 |
128 | "The Head Prefect Comes" "Fūki Iinchō, Kuru" (風紀委員長, 来る) | April 11, 2009 |
129 | "Operation X" "Operēshin X" (オペレーションX(イクス)) | April 18, 2009 |
130 | "Resolve and Irritation" "Kakugo to Mukatsuki" (覚悟とムカツキ) | April 25, 2009 |
131 | "Rampage" "Bōsō" (暴走) | May 2, 2009 |
132 | "Final Block Of Defense" "Saishū Bōē Block" (最終防衛区間(ブロック)) | May 9, 2009 |
133 | "A Game-Changing Move" "Gyakuten he no Itte" (逆転への一手) | May 16, 2009 |
134 | "Hell Knight" "Jigoku no Kishi" (地獄の騎士) | May 23, 2009 |
135 | "Arrival" "Tōtatsu" (到達!!) | May 30, 2009 |
136 | "Revealed Truth" "Akasareru Shinjutsu" (明かされる真実) | June 6, 2009 |
137 | "Main Battle in Italy" "Italia Shuryoku Sen" (イタリア主力戦) | June 13, 2009 |
138 | "Twin Princes" "Futago no Ōji" (双子の王子) | June 20, 2009 |
139 | "Furious Roar" "Ikari no Hōko" (怒りの咆哮) | June 27, 2009 |
140 | "Another Sky" "Mō Hitotsu no Ōzora" (もう一つの大空) | July 4, 2009 |
Season 6: 2009
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
141 | "Reunion" "Saikai" (再会) | July 11, 2009 |
142 | "The Strongest Seven" "Saikyō no 7nin" (最強の7人) | July 18, 2009 |
143 | "Trial #1" "Dai-ichi no Shiren" (第一の試練) | July 25, 2009 |
144 | "The Arcobaleno Seals" "Arukobarēno no Shirushi" (アルコバレーノの印) | August 1, 2009 |
145 | "Guardian Showdown! Cloud and Mist" "Shugosha Taiketsu! Kumo to Kiri" (守護者対決!雲と霧) | August 8, 2009 |
146 | "Box Weapon Prototype" "Bokkusu Heiki Purototaipu" (匣兵器プロトタイプ) | August 15, 2009 |
147 | "Catch the Wind" "Kaze o Tsukamaero" (風をつかまえろ) | August 22, 2009 |
148 | "Two Successors of the Sky" "Ōzora o Tsugu Futari" (大空を継ぐ二人) | August 29, 2009 |
149 | "Reborn's Trial" "Ribōn no Shiren" (リボーンの試験) | September 5, 2009 |
150 | "A Path is Closed Off" "Tozasareta Michi" (閉ざされた道) | September 12, 2009 |
151 | "Once the Rainbow is Complete" "Niji no Sorō Toki" (虹のそろう時) | September 19, 2009 |
152 | "A Boss' Resolve" "Bosu no Kakugo" (ボスの覚悟) | September 26, 2009 |
153 | "The Final Seal" "Saigo no Shirushi" (最後の印) | October 3, 2009 |
Season 7: 2009 - 2010
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
154 | "To the Next Battle" "Tsugi Naru Tatakai e" (次なる戦いへ) | October 10, 2009 |
155 | "The Real Six Funeral Wreaths" "Riaru Roku Chōka" (真(リアル)6弔花) | October 17, 2009 |
156 | "Inspiring Allies" "Kokorozuyoi Nakama" (心強い仲間) | October 24, 2009 |
157 | "Namimori Holiday" "Namimori no Kyūjitsu" (並盛の休日) | October 31, 2009 |
158 | "A Warm Place" "Atatakai Basho" (あたたかい場所) | November 7, 2009 |
159 | "For My Friends" "Nakama no Tame ni" (仲間のために) | November 14, 2009 |
160 | "Gaining Mobility" "Kidō Ryoku o Teni Irero" (機動力を手に入れろ) | November 21, 2009 |
161 | "Airbike" "Eā Baiku" (エアーバイク) | November 28, 2009 |
162 | "The Sky Vongola Box" "Ōzora no Bongore Bokkusu" (大空のボンゴレ匣(ボックス)) | December 5, 2009 |
163 | "Terror! Turmoil on Base" "Kyōfu! Ajito Dai Sōdō" (恐怖!アジト大騒動) | December 12, 2009 |
164 | "Vongola Box, Training Begins" "Bongore Bokkusu, Shūgyō Kaishi" (ボンゴレ匣(ボックス)、修業開始) | December 19, 2009 |
165 | "Boycott Declared" "Boikotto Sengen" (ボイコット宣言) | December 26, 2009 |
166 | "With the Same Heart" "Onaji Kokoro de" (同じ心で) | January 9, 2010 |
167 | "Day of the Battle" "Kessen no Hi" (決戦の日) | January 16, 2010 |
168 | "Choice Begins" "Choisu Kaishi" (チョイス開始) | January 23, 2010 |
169 | "Sky Lion: Leone di Cielo ver. Vongola" "Tenkū Raion Ver.V Reone.Di.Cheeri Bājon Bongore" (天空ライオン Ver.V 「レオネ・ディ・チェーリバージョンボンゴレ」) | January 30, 2010 |
170 | "Fateful Showdown" "Innen no Taiketsu" (因縁の対決) | February 6, 2010 |
171 | "Revenge" "Ribenji" (リベンジ) | February 13, 2010 |
172 | "Kikyo's Assault" "Kikyō Kyōshū" (桔梗強襲) | February 20, 2010 |
173 | "Choice Ends" "Choisu Kecchaku" (チョイス決着!) | February 27, 2010 |
174 | "The Truth about the Future" "Mirai no Shinsō" (未来の真相) | March 6, 2010 |
175 | "Yuni Comes" "Yuni Kōrin" (ユニ光臨) | March 13, 2010 |
176 | "Escape" "Dasshutsu" (脱出) | March 20, 2010 |
177 | "After the Battle" "Tatakai no Ato" (戦いの後) | March 27, 2010 |
Season 8: 2010
Ep. no. | Title | Original air date |
178 | "The Primo Family Arrives!" "Purīmo Famirī Kuru!" (I世(プリーモ)ファミリー来る!) | April 3, 2010 |
179 | "Inheritance Begins" "Keishō Kaishi" (継承・開始) | April 10, 2010 |
180 | "The Duty of the Rain Guardian" "Ame no Shugosha no Shimei" (雨の守護者の使命) | April 17, 2010 |
181 | "Furious Bolt of Lightning" "Hageshiki Raigeki" (激しき雷撃) | April 24, 2010 |
182 | "Silent Storm" "Shizuka Naru Arashi" (静かなる嵐) | May 1, 2010 |
183 | "Aloof Cloud" "Kokō no Ukigumo" (孤高の浮雲) | May 8, 2010 |
184 | "Sunny then Cloudy" "Hare Nochi Kumo" (晴のち雲) | May 15, 2010 |
185 | "The Trap is Set" "Shikake Rareta Wana" (仕掛けられた罠) | May 22, 2010 |
186 | "Bewitching Mist" "Genwaku no Kiri" (幻惑の霧) | May 29, 2010 |
187 | "Memories of Betrayal" "Uragiri no Kioku" (裏切りの記憶) | June 5, 2010 |
188 | "Primo's Will" "Puriimo no Ishi" (I世の意志) | June 12, 2010 |
189 | "The Family's Resolve" "Famirii no Kakugo" (ファミリーの覚悟) | June 19, 2010 |
Season 9: 2010
EP# | Title | Original airdate |
190 | "The Real Six Funeral Wreaths Attack!" "Riaru Roku Chōka Shurai!" (真6弔花襲来!) | June 26, 2010 |
191 | "Open Carnage Box" "Shura Kaikō" (修羅開匣) | July 03, 2010 |
192 | "Alaude's Handcuffs" "Araudi no Tejō" (アラウディの手錠) | July 10, 2010 |
193 | "Daemon Spade's Devil Lens" "Deimon Supēdo no Ma Renzu" (D・スペードの魔レンズ) | July 17, 2010 |
194 | "The Final Battle Begins" "Kessen Kaishi" (決戦開始) | July 24, 2010 |
195 | "G's Archery" "G no Acherī" (Gの弓矢) | July 31, 2010 |
196 | "Lampo's Shield" "Ranpō no Shīrudo" (ランポウの盾) | August 7, 2010 |
197 | "Knuckle's Maximum Break" "Nakkuru no Makishimamu Bureiku" (ナックルの極限ブレイク) | August 14, 2010 |
198 | "The Last Real Funeral Wreath" "Saigo no Riaru Roku Chōka" (最後の真6弔花) | August 21, 2010 |
199 | "Ghost Awakens" "Gōsuto Kakusei" (Ghost 覚醒) | August 28, 2010 |
200 | "Sky Full of Desire" "Yokubō ni Michita Ōzora" (欲望に満ちた大空) | September 4, 2010 |
201 | "Precious Moments in Time" "Subete ga Daiji na Jikan" (全てが大事な時間) | September 11, 2010 |
202 | "Sea. Clam. Rainbow." "Umi. Kai. Niji." (「海」「貝」「虹」) | September 18, 2010 |
203 | "To a New Future" "Atarashii Mirai e" (新しい未来へ) | September 25, 2010 |
DVD releases
Marvelous Entertainment, the Japanese company that handles the DVD distribution of the series, released the first volume on January 26, 2007. Each disc contains special features. A total of twenty-four volumes have been released in Japan as of February 27, 2009. Volumes twenty-five to twenty-eight are scheduled to have consecutive monthly releases this year.[6] So far, only Region 2 coded DVDs have been released in Japan.[3]
Each volume has so far contained only one disc, with each containing four episodes,[3] save the eighth volume ("Bullet 8"), which contains five episodes. Besides the secondary volume titles - Bullet, Battle, Daily Chapter, Burn, X.Burn and Choice - there are also subtitles below the Reborn! title in the Battle and Burn volumes. The Battle volumes are subtitled "vs Varia", while the Burn volumes are subtitled "The Future".[6]
Season 1: Bullet
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
Bullet.1 | January 26, 2007 [7] | August 31, 2007 [8][9][10][11] | 1 | 1 - 4 |
Bullet.2 | February 23, 2007 [12] | 1 | 5 - 8 | |
Bullet.3 | March 21, 2007 [13] | 1 | 9 - 12 | |
Bullet.4 | April 27, 2007 [14] | 1 | 13 - 16 | |
Bullet.5 | May 25, 2007 [15] | September 12, 2007 [16] | 1 | 17 - 20 |
Bullet.6 | June 29, 2007 [17] | October 18, 2007 [18] | 1 | 21 - 24 |
Bullet.7 | July 27, 2007 [19] | December 3, 2007 [20] | 1 | 25 - 28 |
Bullet.8 | August 31, 2007 [21] | December 14, 2007 [22] | 1 | 29 - 33 |
Season 2: Battle
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
Battle.1 | November 30, 2007 [23] | March 21, 2008 [24] | 1 | 34 - 37 |
Battle.2 | December 21, 2007 [25] | March 28, 2008 [26] | 1 | 38 - 41 |
Battle.3 | January 25, 2008 [27] | May 2, 2008 [28][29] | 1 | 42 - 45 |
Battle.4 | February 29, 2008 [30] | 1 | 46 - 49 | |
Battle.5 | March 19, 2008 [31] | July 14, 2008 [32][33] | 1 | 50 - 53 |
Battle.6 | April 25, 2008 [34] | 1 | 54 - 57 | |
Battle.7 | May 30, 2008 [35] | August 15, 2008 [36] | 1 | 58 - 61 |
Battle.8 | June 27, 2008 [37] | September 17, 2008 [38] | 1 | 62 - 65 |
Season 3: Daily Chapter
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
Daily Chapter 1 | July 25, 2008 [39] | December 9, 2008 [40][41] | 1 | 66 - 69 |
Daily Chapter 2 | August 29, 2008 [42] | 1 | 70 - 73 |
Season 4: The Future
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
Burn.1 | September 17, 2008 [43] | January 16, 2009 [44] | 1 | 74 - 77 |
Burn.2 | October 31, 2008 [45] | February 6, 2009 [46][47] | 1 | 78 - 81 |
Burn.3 | November 28, 2008 [48] | 1 | 82 - 85 | |
Burn.4 | December 26, 2008 [49] | April 17, 2009 [50] | 1 | 86 - 89 |
Burn.5 | January 30, 2009 [51] | April 30, 2009 [52] | 1 | 90 - 93 |
Burn.6 | February 27, 2009 [53] | June 19, 2009 [54] | 1 | 94 - 97 |
Burn.7 | March 18, 2009 [55] | July 17, 2009 [56] | 1 | 98 - 101 |
Season 5: The Future X
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
X-Burn.1 | April 24, 2009 [57] | October 7, 2009 [58][59] | 1 | 102 - 105 |
X-Burn.2 | May 29, 2009 [60] | 1 | 106 - 109 | |
X-Burn.3 | June 26, 2009 [61] | November 20, 2009 [62] | 1 | 110 - 113 |
X-Burn.4 | July 24, 2009 [63] | March 5, 2010 [64][65][66] | 1 | 114 - 117 |
X-Burn.5 | August 28, 2009 [67] | 1 | 118 - 121 | |
X-Burn.6 | September 16, 2009 [68] | 1 | 122 - 125 | |
X-Burn.7 | October 30, 2009 [69] | May 12, 2010 [70][71] | 1 | 126 - 129 |
X-Burn.8 | November 27, 2009 [72] | 1 | 130 - 133 | |
X-Burn.9 | December 16, 2009 [73] | August 16, 2010 [74][75] | 1 | 134 - 137 |
X-Burn.10 | January 29, 2010 [76] | 1 | 138 - 141 | |
Season 6: Arcobaleno
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
First Volume | February 26, 2010 [77] | November 4, 2010 [78][79][80] | 1 | 142 - 145 |
Middle Volume | March 17, 2010 [81] | 1 | 146 - 149 | |
Final Volume | April 30, 2010 [82] | 1 | 150 - 153 |
Season 7: The Choice Battle
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
Choice.1 | May 28, 2010 [83] | December 9, 2010 [84] | 1 | 154 - 157 |
Choice.2 | June 25, 2010 [85] | March 4, 2011 [86] | 1 | 158 - 161 |
Choice.3 | July 21, 2010 [87] | March 22, 2011 [88] | 1 | 162 - 165 |
Choice.4 | August 27, 2010 [89] | May 24, 2011 [90][91] | 1 | 166 - 169 |
Choice.5 | September 15, 2010 [92] | 1 | 170 - 173 | |
Choice.6 | October 29, 2010 [93] | June 22, 2011 [94] | 1 | 174 - 177 |
Season 8: The Original Family Of "Vongola"
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
First Volume | November 26, 2010 [95] | July 5, 2011 [96] | 1 | 178 - 181 |
Middle Volume | December 15, 2010 [97] | August 9, 2011 [98] | 1 | 182 - 185 |
Final Volume | January 28, 2011 [99] | September 21, 2011 [100] | 1 | 186 - 189 |
Season 9: The Final Battle
Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | |||
Final.1 | February 25, 2011 [101] | October 18, 2011 [102] | 1 | 190 - 193 |
Final.2 | March 16, 2011 [103] | December 6, 2011 [104] | 1 | 194 - 198 |
Final.3 | April 29, 2011 [105] | December 21, 2011 [106] | 1 | 199 - 203 |
Season | Volume | Release date | Discs | Episodes | |
Region 2 | Region 3 | ||||
Season 1 | Bullet Box | June 17, 2009 [107] | June 18, 2010 [108] | 8 | 1 - 33 |
Season 2 | Battle Box | March 3, 2010 [109] | December 9, 2010 [110] | 8 | 34 - 65 |
Season 3 - 4 | Future Box | March 2, 2011 [111] | N/A | 9 | 66 - 101 |
Season 5 | X-Future Box | September 21, 2011 [112] | N/A | 10 | 102 - 141 |
Season 7 | Final Future Box | March 21, 2012 [113] | N/A | 9 | 154 - 177 |
Season 9 | N/A | 190 - 203 |
- Note: There is no box sets for Season 6 (Ep. 142 - 153) & Season 8 (Ep. 178 - 189).
Region free DVD boxsets
Title | Disc | Episodes |
Box 1 | 4 | 1 - 52 [114] |
Box 2 | 4 | 53 - 101 [115] |
Box 3 | 4 | 102 - 153 [116] |
Box 4 | 3 | 154 - 178 [117] |
Box 5 | 3 | 179 - 203 [118] |
See also
- General
- "Official anime website" (in Japanese). Marvelous Entertainment. Retrieved October 5, 2008. - Official anime episode list.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 1-25)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved October 29, 2008.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 26-51)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved October 29, 2008.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 52-76)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved October 29, 2008.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 77-101)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved October 29, 2008.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 102-126)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved October 29, 2008.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 127-152)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved November 7, 2009.
- "Official Japanese episodes list from Reborn! by TV Tokyo (episodes 153 onwards)" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved November 2, 2009.
- "Reborn! trailer" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Retrieved November 2, 2009.
- Specific
- ↑ "Reborn! staff" (in Japanese). TV Tokyo. Archived from the original on April 5, 2009. Retrieved April 5, 2009.
- ↑ "VIZ Media . products - Akira Amano". Viz Media. Archived from the original on April 5, 2009. Retrieved November 22, 2007.
- 1 2 3 4 "Reborn! DVD" (in Japanese). Retrieved October 4, 2008.
- ↑ "3 Titles' Fansubs Pulled on Behalf of Japan's d-rights (Updated)". Anime News Network. August 11, 2008. Retrieved October 4, 2008.
- ↑ "Crunchyroll to Simulcast Reborn! Anime Worldwide". Anime News Network. March 17, 2009. Retrieved June 8, 2009.
- 1 2 " - DVD情報". Marvelous Entertainment. Retrieved October 5, 2008.
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External links
- Official Reborn! website
- Official anime website (Japanese)
- TV Tokyo's official anime website (Japanese)