List of Wolfson College, Oxford, people
A list of people associated with Wolfson College, Oxford. This includes former students, Fellows and Presidents of the college.
Former students

Dame Kay Davies, human geneticist

Richard Ellis, astronomer
- Michael Butler, is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK
- Dame Kay Davies, Human Geneticist
- Richard Ellis, extragalactic astronomer, Steele Professor at Caltech and former Director, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge
- Artur Ekert, one of the pioneers of quantum cryptography, and winner of the Maxwell and Hughes medals, and the Descartes Prize
- Alison Gopnik, Professor of Psychology, Affiliate Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley
- Michael Hinchey, Irish computer scientist, Director at the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (Lero), University of Limerick, Ireland
- Nigel Hitchin, British mathematician, winner of the Sylvester Medal
- Michele Mosca, quantum scientist known for his work on quantum algorithms and NMR quantum computation
- James R. Norris, leading mathematician working in probability theory and stochastic analysis, Professor of Stochastic Analysis in the Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge
- Nicolaas Adrianus Rupke, a Dutch historian of science, who began his academic career as a marine geologist
- Ib Holm Sørensen, noted computer scientist who made contributions to the Z notation and B-Method
- Michael Spivey, British computer scientist at the University of Oxford, who wrote an Oberon-2 compiler.
- Karim Asad Ahmad Khan, Prosecutor in the UN International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, counsel before Special Courts in East Timor and Sierra Leone
- Dame Hazel Genn, leading authority on civil justice
- The Hon. Justice Francisco Rezek, distinguished Brazilian jurist and member of the International Court of Justice and formerly Foreign Minister of Brazil
History & literature
- Bashir Abu-Manneh, Assistant Professor of literature at Barnard College, a liberal arts college affiliated with Columbia University
- Joe Andrew, Professor of Russian Literature at Keele University
- Henry Hardy, author and editor, publisher of Isaiah Berlin's papers
- Josef W. Meri, leading specialist in Islam in the pre-modern period, Islamic cultural and social history
- Iain Pears, popular British novelist, art historian
Politics & government
- Tony Buti, Australian politician and Australian Labor Party member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly
- Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, is a businessman, former Iranian government official, and the fourth child of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, former President of Iran
- Simon Upton, formerly Minister of Health, Environment and Science and Technology and member of the National Party
- Mike Woodin, former principal speaker for the Green Party of England and Wales (later Fellow of Balliol)
- Nafisa Shah, Member of Pakistan's National Assembly (MNA), Chairperson of Pakistan's National Commission for Human Development, nominated for a collective Nobel Peace Prize under "1000 Women for Peace" category.
- Don Elder, New Zealand engineer and businessman, CEO of the New Zealand mining and energy company Solid Energy.
- Samson Abramsky, computer scientist and developer of domain theory in logic form, game semantics and categorical quantum mechanics
- Leonie Archer, historian and leading authority on women in Jewish antiquity
- Isaiah Berlin, regarded as one of the twentieth century's most influential liberal philosophers
- Kanti Bajpai, Former Headmaster, The Doon School, India
- John Barnes, developer of the Ada programming language
- William Bradshaw, Baron Bradshaw, Member of the House of Lords
- Donald Broadbent, experimental psychologist
- Sebastian Brock, leading expert in Syriac language
- Amit Chaudhuri, novelist
- Christopher Davis, reader in Command and Transition Economies
- Simon Digby, oriental scholar
- Anthony Epstein, discovered the Epstein-Barr virus
- Robin Gandy, mathematician and logician
- Raymond Hoffenberg, endocrinologist and medical scientist and prominent opponent of apartheid in South Africa
- Tony Hoare, computer scientist, developer of Quicksort the widely used sorting algorithm
- Roger Moorey, British archeologist and keeper of antiquities at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford
- Pat Nuttall, expert in tick-borne diseases
- Gareth Roberts, physicist and influential figure in shaping British policy on the sciences
- Sumit Sarkar, Indian historian, former Professor of history, Delhi University
- Erich Wolf Segal, American author and screenwriter, wrote the screenplay for The Beatles' 1968 motion picture Yellow Submarine
- Steven Schwartz, Vice Chancellor of Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia
- Jon Stallworthy, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Oxford, UK
- Bryan Sykes, world-renowned human geneticist
- Niko Tinbergen, Dutch ethologist and Nobel prize winner
- Geza Vermes, Christian and Jewish historian and leading authority on the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Isaiah Berlin, 1967–1975
- Henry Fisher, 1975–85
- Raymond Hoffenberg, 1985–93
- Jim Kennedy, (acting), 1993–1994
- David Smith, 1994–2000
- Jon Stallworthy, (acting), 2000
- Gareth Roberts, 2000–2007
- Jon Stallworthy, (acting), 2007–2008
- Hermione Lee, 2008–present
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