List of freshwater fish of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a tropical island situated close to the southern tip of India. It is situated in the middle of Indian Ocean. Because of being an island, Sri Lanka has many endemic freshwater fauna, including fish, crabs, molluscs, and other aquatic insects.
Freshwater fish are physiologically differ from marine and brackish water forms. The low salinity and high osmotic pressure makes them so different. Few fish can be found in all three ecological systems.
There are 92 speicies of freshwater fish occur in the country, where 50 of those are endemic. 41% of all known species of fish of Sri Lanka are found in freshwater. There are about 70% of endemism of those fish. Most of them are listed into IUCN categories.
Species List
Class: Actinopterygii
Freshwater eels
Order: Anguilliformes. Family: Anguillidae
There are 19 species and 6 subspecies in this family are all in genus Anguilla. Sri Lanka is home for 2 freshwater eels.
Name | Binomial | Status |
Mottled Eel | Anguilla nebulosa | |
Shortfin Eel | Anguilla bicolor |
Carps and allies
Order: Cypriniformes. Family: Cyprinidae

About over 320 genera, and more than 3,250 species are included in this family. 51 species found in Sri Lanka.
Common name | Binomial | Status |
Silver Carplet | Amblypharyngodon melettinus | |
Sinhala barb | Dawkinsia singhala | endemic |
Blotched filamentous barb | Dawkinsia srilankensis | endemic |
Giant danio | Devario aequipinnatus | |
Malabar danio | Devario malabaricus | |
Barred danio | Devario pathirana | |
Flying barb | Esomus thermoicos | |
Ceylon Logsucker | Garra ceylonensis | endemic |
Philipps' Garra | Garra phillipsi | endemic |
Glow-light Carplet | Horadandia atukorali | |
Dussumier's labeo | Labeo dussumieri | endemic |
Green labeo | Labeo fisheri | endemic |
Red fin labeo | Labeo lankae | endemic |
Knuckles Laubuca | Laubuca insularis | endemic |
Blue Laubuca | Laubuca lankensis | endemic |
Ruhuna Laubuca | Laubuca ruhuna | endemic |
Varuna Laubuca | Laubuca varuna | endemic |
Scarlet banded barb | Puntius amphibius | |
Red-side barb | Puntius bimaculatus | |
Swamp barb | Puntius chola | |
Long-snouted barb | Puntius dorsalis | |
Kamalika's barb | Puntius kamalika | endemic |
Kelum's barb | Puntius kelumi | endemic |
Cherry barb | Puntius titteya | endemic |
Greenstripe barb | Puntius vitattus | |
Bandula barb | Pethia bandula | endemic |
Two-spot barb | Pethia cumingii | endemic |
Tic-tac-toe Barb | Pethia melanomaculata | endemic |
Black ruby barb | Pethia nigrofasciata | endemic |
Red-fined Barb | Pethia reval | endemic |
Stoliczkae's barb | Pethia stoliczkana | |
Ticto barb | Pethia ticto | |
Amith's rasbora | Rasbora armitagei | endemic |
Cauvery rasbora | Rasbora caverii | |
Slender rasbora | Rasbora daniconius | endemic |
Wilpita rasbora | Rasbora wilpita | endemic |
Rasboroides nigromarginatus | endemic | |
Rasboroides pallidus | endemic | |
Rasboroides rohani | endemic | |
Pearly Rasbora | Rasboroides vaterifloris | endemic |
Asoka barb | Systomus asoka | endemic |
Martenstyn's barb | Systomus martenstyni | endemic |
Side-striped barb | Systomus pleurotaenia | endemic |
Olive barb | Systomus sarana | |
Systomus spilurus | endemic | |
Timbiri Barb | Systomus timbiri | endemic |
Deccan Mahseer | Tor khudree |
River loaches
Family: Balitoridae
Common name | Binomial | Status |
Banded Mountain Loach | Acanthocobitis urophthalma | endemic |
Spotback Loach | Schistura notostigma | endemic |
True Loaches
Family: Cobitidae
Common name | Binomial | Status |
Spotted loach | Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi | endemic |
Common spiny loach | Lepidocephalichthys thermalis |
Naked catfishes
Order: Siluriformes. Family: Bagridae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Dwarf catfish | Mystus ankutta | endemic |
Gangetic mystus | Mystus cavasius | |
Long Whiskers catfish | Mystus gulio | |
Yellow catfish | Mystus keletius | |
Striped dwarf catfish | Mystus vittatus |
Sheat catfishes
Family: Siluridae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Butter catfish | Ompok bimaculatus | |
Wallago | Wallago attu |
Airbreathing catfishes
Family: Clariidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Walking catfish | Clarias brachysoma | endemic |
Airsac catfishes
Family: Heteropneustidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Asian stinging catfish | Heteropneustes fossilis |
Swamp eels
Order: Synbranchiformes. Family: Synbranchidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Lesser swamp eel | Monopterus desilvai | |
Bengal swamp eel | Ophisternon bengalense |
Order: Cyprinodontiformes. Family: Aplocheilidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Ceylon killifish | Aplocheilus dayi | endemic |
Dwarf panchax | Aplocheilus parvus | |
Werners killifish | Aplocheilus werneri | endemic |
Family: Adrianichthyidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Spotted ricefish | Oryzias carnaticus | |
Indian ricefish | Oryzias dancena |
Order: Perciformes. Family: Cichlidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Orange chromide | Etroplus maculatus | |
Green chromide | Etroplus suratensis |
Climbing perches
Family: Anabantidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Climbing perch | Anabas testudineus |
Family: Osphronemidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Ceylonese combtail | Belontia signata | endemic |
Ornate parasidefish | Malpulutta kretseri | endemic |
Spike-tailed paradisefish | Pseudosphromenus cupanus |
Family: Channidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Giant snakehead | Channa ara | endemic |
Dwarf snakehead | Channa gachua | |
Ceylon snakehead | Channa orientalis | endemic |
Spotted snakehead | Channa punctata | |
Striped snakehead | Channa striata |
Family: Belonidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Freshwater garfish | Xenentodon cancila |
Sleeper gobies
Family: Eleotridae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Crazyfish | Butis butis | |
Dusky sleeper | Eleotris fusca |
Spiny eels
Family: Mastacembelidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Tire track eel | Mastacembelus armatus | |
Sri Lanka spiny eel | Macrognathus pentophthalmos |
Family: Gobiidae
Name | Binomial | Status |
Large snout goby | Awaous melanocephalus | |
Tank goby | Glossogobius giuris | |
Sharptail goby | Oligolepis acutipennis | |
Red neck goby | Schismatogobius deraniyagalai | |
Stone goby | Sicyopterus griseus | |
Redtail goby | Sicyopterus lagocephalus | |
Lipstick goby | Sicyopus jonklaasi | endemic |
Martenstyn's goby | Stiphodon martenstyni | endemic |