List of ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy
This is a list of Austro-Hungarian Navy ships:

Habsburg-class battleship
Capital ships
Ironclad ships
- Drache-class
- SMS Drache (1861)
- SMS Salamander (1861)
- Kaiser Max-class
- SMS Kaiser Max (1862)
- SMS Prinz Eugen (1862)
- SMS Juan de Austria (1862)
- Erzherzog Ferdinand Max-class
- SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (1865)
- SMS Habsburg (1865)
- SMS Lissa (1869)
- SMS Kaiser (1858) – former ship of the line, re-launched 1871 as armorclad
- SMS Custoza (1872)
- SMS Erzherzog Albrecht (1872)
- Kaiser Max-class
- SMS Kaiser Max (1875)
- SMS Don Juan d'Austria (1875)
- SMS Prinz Eugen (1877)
- SMS Tegetthoff (1878)
- SMS Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf (1887)
- SMS Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie (1887)
Coastal defence ships
- Monarch class
- SMS Budapest (1895)
- SMS Monarch (1895)
- SMS Wien (launched 1896 – sunk at anchor by an Italian torpedo motor-boat inside the defences of Trieste harbour in 1917)
- Habsburg class
- SMS Habsburg (1900)
- SMS Árpád (1901)
- SMS Babenberg (1902)
- Erzherzog Karl class
- SMS Erzherzog Karl (1903)
- SMS Erzherzog Friedrich (1904)
- SMS Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (1905)
- Radetzky class
- SMS Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand (1908)
- SMS Radetzky (1909)
- SMS Zrínyi (1910)
- Tegetthoff class (all c21,700 metric tons displacement)
- SMS Viribus Unitis (1911)
- SMS Tegetthoff (1912)
- SMS Prinz Eugen (1912)
- SMS Szent István (1914)
- Ersatz Monarch class (Projected)
Armoured cruisers
- SMS Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia (1893)
- SMS Kaiser Karl VI (1900)
- SMS Sankt Georg (1903)
Small cruisers
Sailing frigates
- SMS Venus (1832)
- SMS Bellona (1842)
- SMS Novara (1850) – Later screw frigate (see below)
- SMS Schwarzenberg – Later screw frigate (see below)
Sailing sloops
- SMS Minerva (1833)
- SMS Diana (1834)
- SMS Carolina (1844)
Sailing brigs (launched 1831–1849)
- SMS Pylades
- SMS Pola
- SMS Montecuccoli
- SMS Hussar
Schooners (goelettes)
- SMS Arthemisia
- SMS Arethusa
- SMS Saida
- SMS Dromedar
- SMS Bravo
- SMS Fido
- SMS Camaeleon
Paddle steamers (Radaviso) (launched 1843–1854)
- SMS Roma
- SMS Jupiter
- SMS Gorzkowski
- SMS Messagiere
- SMS Achilles
- SMS Taurus
- SMS Vulcan
- SMS Custoza
- SMS Curtatone
- SMS Santa Lucia
- SMS Volta
- SMS Prinz Eugen
- SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth
Screw frigates
- SMS Radetzky (1854)
- SMS Adria (1856)
- SMS Donau (1856)
- SMS Novara (1850) – Ex-sailing frigate, 1862
- SMS Schwarzenberg – Ex-sailing frigate, 1862
- SWMS Radetzky (1872) – Renamed SWMS Adria 1908
- SMS Laudon (1873) – Renamed SMS Schwarzenberg 1900
Screw corvettes
- SMS Erzherzog Friedrich (1857)
- SMS Dandolo (1858)
- SMS Donau (1874)
- SMS Saida (1878) – Renamed SMS Minerva 1912
- SMS Donau (1893)
Screw sloops
- SMS Helgoland (1867)
- SMS Fasana (1870) – Hulked and renamed SMS Gamma 1902
- SMS Zrínyi (1870)
- SMS Aurora (1873)
- SMS Frundsberg (1873)
Torpedo cruisers
- SMS Zara (1879)
- SMS Spalato (1879)
- SMS Sebenico (1882)
- SMS Lussin (1883)
Torpedo ram cruisers
- SMS Panther (1885)
- SMS Leopard (1885)
- SMS Tiger (1887)
Protected cruisers
- Kaiser Franz Joseph I class
- Zenta class
- SMS Aspern (1899)
- SMS Szigetvár (1899)
- SMS Zenta (1899)
Fast cruisers (Rapidkreuzer)
- SMS Admiral Spaun (1910)
- Novara class
- SMS Saida (1914)
- SMS Helgoland (1912)
- SMS Novara (1913)
Destroyers and Torpedo Boats
- Python-class torpedo boat – 4 ships (1898–1899)
- SMS Python
- SMS Kigyo
- SMS Boa (1898)
- SMS Cobra
- Huszár-class destroyer – 13 ships (1905–1910)
- SMS Csikos
- SMS Dinara
- SMS Gäa
- SMS Huszar (1905)
- SMS Huszar (1909)
- SMS Pandur
- SMS Reka
- SMS Scharfschütze
- SMS Streiter
- SMS Turul
- SMS Ulan
- SMS Uskoke
- SMS Velebit
- SMS Warasdiner (1912)
- SMS Wildfang
- Tátra-class destroyer – 10 ships (1912–1917)
- SMS Balaton
- SMS Csepel
- SMS Lika (1913)
- SMS Orjen
- SMS Tátra
- SMS Triglav (1913)
- Ersatz Triglav class
- SMS Dukla
- SMS Lika (1917)
- SMS Triglav (1917)
- SMS Uzsok
- SM U-1
- SM U-2
- SM U-3
- SM U-4
- SM U-5
- SM U-6
- SM U-10
- SM U-11
- SM U-12
- SM U-14
- SM U-15
- SM U-16
- SM U-17
- SM U-18 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-14 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-19 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-15 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-20
- SM U-21
- SM U-22
- SM U-23
- SM U-24 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-12 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-25 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-13 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-26 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-14 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-27
- SM U-28
- SM U-29
- SM U-30
- SM U-31
- SM U-32
- SM U-33 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-33 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-34 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-34 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-35 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-35 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-36 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-21 and SM U-47 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-37 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-32 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-38 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-38 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-39 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-39 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-40
- SM U-41
- SM U-42 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-42 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-43
- SM U-44 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-44 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-45 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-45 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-46 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-46 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-47
- SM U-60 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-20 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-61 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-23 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-62 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UC-22 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-63 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-63 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-64 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-64 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-65 (temporary Austrian number for German SM U-65 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-66 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-66 when operating in the Mediterranean)
- SM U-67 (temporary Austrian number for German SM UB-67 when operating in the Mediterranean)
River Monitors
- SMS Maros (1871)
- SMS Leitha (1871)
- SMS Körös and SMS Szamos (1892)
- SMS Temes and SMS Bodrog (1904)
- SMS Enns (1913)
- SMS Sava and SMS Bosna (1915)
- SMS Nr XI and SMS Nr XII (Planned 1917 but never laid down)
- SMS Meteor (1887) (1887)
- SMS Blitz (1888)
- SMS Komet (1888)
- SMS Planet (1889)
- SMS Trabant (1890)
- SMS Satellit (1892)
- SMS Magnet (1896)
- Fogas class (1915)
- Wels class (1915)
- Stöhr class (1918)
- Pola-class
- SMS Pola
- SMS Teodo
See also
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