Marguerite Mongenast-Servais

Marguerite Mongenast-Servais (1885-1925), was a Luxembourgian women's rights activist.
She was married to the engineer Paul Mongenast and engaged in several progressive associations, among them the anti-monarchist « Action républicaine ». She was also a member of the women's rights organization « Organisation pour les Intérêts de la femme ». There was never any organized women suffrage movement in Luxembourg: women suffrage was introduced in 1919 without any debate, as a part of the project of the new democratic constitution, and the women's rights organizations mainly focused on educational opportunities. However, in 1917-1919, Marguerite Thomas-Clement belonged to the few who spoke in favor of women suffrage in public debates through articles in the press.
- Baden, Jeff, 2012. Eng aussergewéinlech Fra. D'Marguerite Mongenast-Servais - "eine hochgebildete, energische junge Dame". Virgestallt vum Germaine Goetzinger, Directrice vum CNL. Die Warte 11/2361: 2, 22. Mäerz 2012.