Mian Khan
Mian Khan is a village in District Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan.

It is part of Kohi barmol union council of Katlang tehsil along with Sangao village. The Village lies 19 miles northeast of Mardan city at the foot of the Mountain Range. This mountain range contains the highest peak of Mardan district locally known as Pajja or Sakra. In the recent years access to Peer Baba and Kingergallay was completed through these mountains called TANGA .. Large number of visitors from local area visits Tanga mostly on friday and on Eid days to enjoy the beauty of this place. A grave has been placed called " Shaheeda abay" whose body was found during the construction of the road and people of the area decieded place the grave on the same road side.And now they constructed a Masjid and named as Shaheeda Jumaat.. This longest mountain area is very famous for wild goat hunting. The historical kashmir smast can also be accessed easily.
The inhabitants of the village belong to Utmankhel tribe of pakhtun the descendants of Utman bin Karlanr (the famous karlanri qabayal). There are three main clans of utman Khel tribe i.e. Miskeen khel, Mirhawas khel and Achoo khel living in the village which are subdivided further into smaller groups or khels. The traditional hujra system of Pashtun culture is still alive here.we can divide the inhabitants of mian khan in four cast mirwaskhail, Aloo Khail, Moosa khail Zain khan khel and maskeen khal.
In Mian Khan two primary school's and one high school. Two private school Islamic public and Muhammad ben Qaseem. One is the largest mosque of MARDAN mosque name MASSJED E QUBAA
The village had produced prominent figures in local and provincial politics.
Mr. Tajbar Khan MPA from PK 21 during 1985-1988.
Mr. Hafiz Akhtar Ali is MPA from PK 28 since 2002 and was irrigation minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the period of MMA government from 2002 till 2008.
Mr. Dr. Rahim khan was Nazim from UC kohi Barmol during 2005-2010
Mr. Hafiz saleem is now the member of tehsil council.
Pushto culture in the village there are many poets . which is improving Pashto Adab. These are Razi kaka, Sher Nawab and Shahid. These are the poet which's are working for Pashto Adab.
There are two primary and one High school for boys, one primary and One High school for girls,four private schools (Muhammad bin Qasim Academy, Islamia public school,Utmankhail public school and Ghazali Public School) are also participating in growth of education level.
Level of education in past few years increased considerably but due to lake of resources and unavailability of Colleges, 85% of the students limit their education level to 10th Class.
An organization consisting of young and educated and sincere peoples,EHSAS is working to increase the education rate. EHSAS conducted Free tuition program for 9th and 10th standard in order to help the student in securing good position and so far they are achieving their goal. From 2001 onward the education rate increasing year by year and this small village produced some good talent who secure good positions at college and university level.
There are four seasons "Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn" In the winter season sometime snow falls on the Mountains creates a very cold weather and temperature comes down to 0-5 C°. Summer season becomes very hot in the month of July and Aug and temperature goes to 40-45 C°. Spring season is very beautiful, the season makes Miankhan as a part of heaven. Most of the abroad inhabitants tries to come for vacation and enjoy the season in the month of Feb and March. There are a number of wells which serves drinking water to the inhabitants of the village. Most of the people comes out for walk after Asar Prayer and enjoying the seasons.