Parliamentary Debates (Hansard - New Zealand)
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) is the official name of the transcripts of debates in the New Zealand Parliament. New Zealand was one of the first countries to establish an independent team of Hansard reporters,[1] 42 years before Westminister. An official record of debates has been kept continuously since 9 July 1867. Speeches made in the House of Representatives and the Legislative Council between 1867 and the commencement of Parliament in 1854 were compiled in 1885 from earlier newspaper reports, and this compilation also forms part of the New Zealand Hansard record.

For 13 years from the establishment of the NZ Parliament in Auckland in 1854 newspaper reports were the only record of what Members said in debates in the Legislative Council and the House of Representatives. The accuracy of these reports often depended on the political leanings of the owners of the newspaper in which they were published, and consistency of reporting was a real problem,[2] as noted in an article in the Wellington Independent newspaper in 1860:[3]
“These reports give you little notion of the reality. Some members … whose speeches are dreary beyond belief, and almost unintelligible as delivered in the House, [become] flowing oratory in the columns of the newspaper. While others… are shorn of their fair proportions, and their speeches reduced to mere notes… Members who usually talk to empty benches [appear] as prominent as those who electrify the gallery or are the life of the House.”
MP William Fitzherbert brought a motion to the House in 1856 calling for funds to be applied to "secure accurate and authentic reports of the substance and arguments of the speeches".[4] Then in 1862 James FitzGerald (MP for Christchurch and owner of The Press) introduced a motion calling on the Government to take steps to secure the publication of "full and accurate reports of the debates in this House".[5] Despite both motions being unanimously agreed, it was not until 1866 that a Select Committee, chaired by FitzGerald, was established to “consider and report as to the best manner in which the debates of the General Assembly can be reported and printed.”[6]
On 9 July 1867 a team of five reporters (AJ Dallas, George McIntyre, James Kinsella, ET Gillon, and William Mitchell who later drowned[7]),[8][9][10] led by Chief Reporter C.C.N. Barron, produced the first official report of debates of the Parliament of New Zealand.[11][12] One notable Hansard Reporter from the 1870s and 1880s was George Fisher, who was mayor of Wellington for four terms, member of Parliament for Wellington and Minister of Education and Commissioner of Trade and Customs.[2][13] Another notable early Hansard Reporter was Charles Melville Crombie, who later became Chief Commissioner of Taxes.[14]

Reporters worked in 15 minute "turns" and had to cover speeches in both debating chambers, regularly working until after midnight to finish the day's reports, taking notes using Pitman shorthand and then transcribing these by dictation.[13] From the establishment of the Hansard team speeches were reported as fully as possible, although for many years it was regularly proposed that only summaries of speeches should be published.[15] Reporters had to cope with speakers who had a variety of different accents and speaking pace, and had to learn the names of an increasing number of members, with the number of members in the House alone increasing from 37 in 1854 to 95 by 1882. Competent reporters with shorthand skills were scarce in New Zealand and men were brought in during parliamentary sessions from Australian parliaments to assist local reporters.
In 1884 Maurice FitzGerald, son of James FitzGerald, was engaged to compile from newspaper reports speeches made in Parliament between 1854 and 1867.[16][17][18][19] Maurice Fitzgerald completed this work in 1885.[20][21] He died in 1886 (at 25 years of age) from Tuberculosis[22][23][24] before all five volumes of his compilation were printed.[25][26]
New Zealand Hansard today
Official transcripts of MPs speeches in the House have been continuously published since 1867. Today Hansard is produced by a team of about 17 FTE Hansard Editors within the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Hansard is published on the New Zealand Parliament website each day the House sits, and later indexed bound volumes are produced.
Speeches are transcribed directly from digital recordings of the debate, with staff present in the debating chamber to monitor the debate by recording the sequence of speakers and any interjections. Interjections are reported only if the member speaking replies to them or remarks on them during the course of his or her speech. Hansard Editors follow strict rules on what changes they can make to the words MPs use in the debating chamber. Hansard is as close to verbatim as possible, although Hansard Editors remove repetitions and redundancies and make minor grammatical corrections. MPs are provided draft copies of their speeches at the same time that the speeches are first published on the Parliament website. MPs can request correction of inadvertent factual inaccuracies but they are unable to significantly change what they said in the House.[27][28]
Timeline of establishment of Hansard in New Zealand
Date | Event or decision relevant to reporting of debates |
24 May 1854 | The General Assembly sat for the first time, with an upper house, the Legislative Council, consisting of 12 appointed Legislative Counselors, and a House of Representatives consisting of 37[29] elected Members of the House. |
May/June 1854 | A "reporting club" of MPs was formed, consisting of James FitzGerald, Henry Sewell, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, Edward Jerningham Wakefield, James Macandrew, Hugh Carleton and William Cutten. Because of the lack of press reporters with shorthand skills this group undertook to take notes of speeches in the House, which would then be provided to each member who had spoken for checking, before being provided to newspapers for publication.[30][31] The collegiality of members of the reporting club was short-lived: by early July Henry Sewell complained that Edward Gibbon Wakefield "does not scruple here and there to doctor and color what has been really said, not absolutely falsifying, and yet giving slight touches which wholly alter the real character... his speeches are embellished throughout with cheers, as if the House sympathized heartily".[32] |
12 June 1856 | MPs agreed a motion moved by William Fitzherbert calling for funds to be applied to "secure accurate and authentic reports of the substance and arguments of the speeches made by honorable members of the House"[4] |
25 August 1862 | MPs agreed a motion moved by James FitzGerald calling on the Government to take steps to secure the publication of "full and accurate reports of the debates in this House"[5] |
2 December 1863 | MPs reaffirm the motion moved by James FitzGerald calling on the Government to take steps to secure the publication of "full and accurate reports of the debates in this House"[33] |
8 & 14 August 1865 | MPs agreed a motion moved by Frederick Weld: "That a Select Committee be appointed to superintend the revision of the reports of debates"[34] A similar motion moved by James Crowe Richmond was passed in the Legislative Council[35] |
5 & 17 July 1866 | MPs agreed a motion moved by Edward Stafford "That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report as to the best manner in which the debates of the General Assembly can be reported and printed."[6] This Committee reported to the House that the Government should eventually "engage a staff of competent reporters" but until that could be done the Wellington newspapers should be paid to "furnish full and accurate reports daily of the proceedings in both Houses."[36][37][38] However the House refused to agree a resolution moved by Committee Chairman James FitzGerald to enter into a contract with local newspaper proprietors, as had been proposed by the report.[39][40][41] |
26 July 1866 | James FitzGerald drew the House's attention to the fact that newspapers were deliberately omitting to report the speeches, or even the name, of a certain member. A note in Hansard indicates that FitzGerald was referring to the Wellington newspapers purposely omitting any mention of Francis Dillon Bell.[42] |
28 September 1866 | Thomas MacKenzie, proprietor of the Wellington Independent newspaper was summoned to appear before the House for a "breach of Privilege" by publishing a report of parliamentary debates that indicated that Arthur John Burns (Member for Caversham) had acted maliciously by raising a certain matter in House.[43][44][45] |
9 July 1867 | Clarke Charles Netterville Barron is appointed as Chief Reporter and tasked with establishing a team of reporters to record debates in both Houses of Parliament. |
10 July 1867 | Colonial Secretary Edward Stafford advised the House that the Government had established "a reporting staff of four persons, and a head of the staff, who will take down and report the proceedings of both Houses, which will be printed". A Select Committee was appointed to "have entire control over the reporting"... this was an "experiment"; the Select "Committee was to ascertain whether the present arrangements could be improved."[47] The Wellington Independent derided the government's decision to establish a team of Hansard reporters, rather than enter into a contract with local newspapers to report on debates.[48][49] |
16 July 1867 | The Select Committee on Reporting Debates adopted rules that allowed Members "the opportunity of revising reports, on the strict understanding that the alterations are to be confined to making the reports more in accordance with the remarks actually uttered in the House. The head reporter to be the judge of the alterations made, and to refuse to pass those which he considers are departures from a correct report of what the speaker said."[50] |
6 August 1868 | After lengthy debate, the House refused to agree a resolution moved by Charles Heaphy that "having in view the burdensome taxation of the country... the present system of reporting the debates, and the expense thereof, should cease with the termination of existing contracts."[51] |
1 September 1869 | A Reporting Debates Committee appointed by the House on 4 June 1869 "for the purpose of regulating the proceedings of the reporters, and endeavouring to provide for the better compilation of the reports"[52] reaffirmed the rule established by the 1867 Select Committee on Reporting Debates that if Members seek to make material alterations in the reports of their speeches the 'Chief Reporter should have the power to refuse to pass such corrections to the Printer".[53] |
14 July 1870 | The Reporting Debates Committee considered, but did not agree to, a proposal by John Davies Ormond (Member for Clive) that "Hansard staff should be required to prepare summaries of the debates in the House for transmission by telegraph to the various newspapers of the colony".[54] |
14 November 1871 | MPs agreed a motion moved by William Harrison: "That, with the view to improving the character of Hansard, a permanent staff of efficient reporters should be engaged for that service," (at that time most reporters were employed on a sessional basis) "and that it should be a primary duty of the Chief Reporter to take his share in the task of reporting." (The Chief Reporter was currently mostly doing administration and checking reports, rather than reporting.)[55] |
24 September & 25 October 1872 | MPs noted a marked improvement in Hansard due to the appointment of permanent reporters[56][57] |
28 July 1875 | After lengthy debate, the House refused to agree a proposal from the Reporting Debates Committee that "Hansard reporters be directed to report "short" those debates which are not of general public interest." This proposal would have seen many speeches reported in a précis format, with only "matters of political importance... reported as nearly as possible in extenso".[58] |
8 August 1879 | MPs again rejected a proposal brought by the Reporting Debates and Printing Committee that would have allowed the Chief Reporter "the exercise of a discretionary power as to reporting matters arising incidentally in the House, and not set down as business of the day [because] with the limited staff at his disposal, it was impossible... to report everything that took place in the House".[59] |
3 December 1879 | MPs again rejected a proposal brought by the Reporting Debates committees of both houses "that the debates published in Hansard shall be condensed next session".[60] |
7 July 1880 | MPs agreed a motion "that it be an instruction to the Printing and Debates Committee to inquire into and report to this House in what manner retrenchment can best be effected in the cost of the publication of Hansard."[61] |
15 June 1882 | MPs rejected a motion "that members shall defray the cost of printing their own speeches in Hansard; and that such cost shall be deducted from the honorarium, if any, to which they may be entitled". (If it had been passed this motion would have allowed members to choose whether or not their speeches were reported in Hansard.)".[62] |
7 November 1884 | William Steward advised the House that the Reporting Debates and Printing Committee had sanctioned the ordering of four 'Caligraph' typewriters as a trial "with a view to adding to the facilities of the reporting staff".[63] |
8 November 1884 | Premier Robert Stout advised the House that Maurice FitzGerald, son of James FitzGerald, would be engaged to compile from newspaper reports speeches made in Parliament between 1854 and 1867.[64] This work was completed the following year but the last of the five volume compilation was not printed until 1887.[25] |
With the exception of 15 volumes, all of Hansard has been digitized, from the first sitting of the House in May 1854 up to September 1985, and these digital volumes are available via the links in the table below.
There is a gap of two years to 16 September 1987, after which Hansard to 6 November 2014 is available from The Knowledge Basket. Hansard from February 2003 is available from the NZ Parliament website.
Volume No. (external links) | Period covered | Sessions covered |
A1 | 24 May 1854 – 15 September 1855 | 1st Parliament: 1st, 2nd & 3rd sessions |
B1 | 15 April 1856 – 8 July 1858 | 2nd Parliament: 1st & 2nd sessions |
C1 | 9 July 1858 – 5 November 1860 | 2nd Parliament: 2nd & 3rd sessions |
D1 | 3 June 1861 – 14 December 1863 | 3rd Parliament: 1st, 2nd & 3rd sessions |
E1 | 24 November 1864 – 8 October 1866 | 3rd Parliament: 4th & 5th sessions
4th Parliament: 1st session |
1.12 | 9 July 1867 – 29 August 1867 | 4th Parliament: 2nd session |
1.23 | 30 August 1867 – 10 October 1867 | 4th Parliament: 2nd session |
2 | 9 July 1868 – 21 August 1868 | 4th Parliament: 3rd session |
3 | 25 August 1868 – 24 September 1868 | 4th Parliament: 3rd session |
4 | 25 September 1868 – 20 October 1868 | 4th Parliament: 3rd session |
5 | 1 June 1869 – 16 July 1869 | 4th Parliament: 4th session |
6 | 20 July 1869 – 3 September 1869 | 4th Parliament: 4th session |
7 | 14 June 1870 – 20 July 1870 | 4th Parliament: 5th session |
8 | 21 July 1870 – 12 August 1870 | 4th Parliament: 5th session |
9 | 15 August 1870 – 13 September 1870 | 4th Parliament: 5th session |
10 | 14 August 1871 – 28 September 1871 | 5th Parliament: 1st session |
11 | 29 September 1871 – 16 November 1871 | 5th Parliament: 1st session |
12 | 16 July 1872 – 29 August 1872 | 5th Parliament: 2nd session |
13 | 30 August 1872 – 25 October 1872 | 5th Parliament: 2nd session |
14 | 15 July 1873 – 27 August 1873 | 5th Parliament: 3rd session |
15 | 28 August 1873 – 3 October 1873 | 5th Parliament: 3rd session |
16 | 3 July 1874 – 31 August 1874 | 5th Parliament: 4th session |
17 | 20 July 1875 – 27 August 1875 | 5th Parliament: 5th session |
18 | 31 August 1875 – 27 September 1875 | 5th Parliament: 5th session |
19 | 28 September 1875 – 21 October 1875 | 5th Parliament: 5th session |
20 | 15 June 1876 – 28 July 1876 | 6th Parliament: 1st session |
21 | 1 August 1876 – 31 August 1876 | 6th Parliament: 1st session |
22 | 4 September 1876 – 3 October 1876 | 6th Parliament: 1st session |
23 | 3 October 1876 – 31 October 1876 | 6th Parliament: 1st session |
24 | 19 July 1877 – 23 August 1877 | 6th Parliament: 2nd session |
25 | 24 August 1876 – 27 September 1877 | 6th Parliament: 2nd session |
26 | 27 September 1877 – 1 November 1877 | 6th Parliament: 2nd session |
27 | 2 November 1877 – 10 December 1877 | 6th Parliament: 2nd session |
28 | 26 July 1878 – 2 September 1878 | 6th Parliament: 3rd session |
29 | 3 September 1878 – 10 October 1878 | 6th Parliament: 3rd session |
30 | 10 October 1878 – 2 November 1878 | 6th Parliament: 3rd session |
31 | 11 July 1879 – 11 August 1879 | 6th Parliament: 4th session |
32 | 24 September 1879 – 30 October 1879 | 7th Parliament: 1st session |
33 | 21 October 1879 – 26 November 1879 | 7th Parliament: 1st session |
34 | 27 November 1879 – 19 December 1879 | 7th Parliament: 1st session |
35 | 28 May 1880 – 2 July 1880 | 7th Parliament: 2nd session |
36 | 6 July 1880 – 29 July 1880 | 7th Parliament: 2nd session |
37 | 30 July 1880 – 1 September 1880 | 7th Parliament: 2nd session |
38 | 9 June 1881 – 21 July 1881 | 7th Parliament: 3rd session |
39 | 22 July 1881 – 18 August 1881 | 7th Parliament: 3rd session |
40 | 19 August 1881 – 24 September 1881 | 7th Parliament: 3rd session |
41 | 18 May 1882 – 23 June 1882 | 8th Parliament: 1st session |
42 | 27 June 1882 – 28 July 1882 | 8th Parliament: 1st session |
43 | 31 July 1882 – 15 September 1882 | 8th Parliament: 1st session |
44 | 14 June 1883 – 8 July 1883 | 8th Parliament: 2nd session |
45 | 19 July 1883 – 14 August 1883 | 8th Parliament: 2nd session |
46 | 15 August 1883 – 8 September 1883 | 8th Parliament: 2nd session |
47 | 5 June 1884 – 24 June 1884 | 8th Parliament: 3rd session |
48 | 7 August 1884 – 25 September 1884 | 9th Parliament: 1st session |
49 | 25 September 1884 – 22 October 1884 | 9th Parliament: 1st session |
50 | 23 October 1884 – 10 November 1884 | 9th Parliament: 1st session |
51 | 11 June 1885 – 15 July 1885 | 9th Parliament: 2nd session |
52 | 16 July 1885 – 11 August 1885 | 9th Parliament: 2nd session |
53 | 12 August 1885 – 22 September 1885 | 9th Parliament: 2nd session |
54 | 13 May 1886 – 21 June 1886 | 9th Parliament: 3rd session |
55 | 22 June 1886 – 19 July 1886 | 9th Parliament: 3rd session |
56 | 20 July 1886 – 18 August 1886 | 9th Parliament: 3rd session |
57 | 26 April 1887 – 10 June 1887 | 9th Parliament: 4th session |
58 | 6 October 1887 – 24 November 1887 | 10th Parliament: 1st session |
59 | 25 November 1887 – 22 December 1887 | 10th Parliament: 1st session |
60 | 10 May 1888 – 12 June 1888 | 10th Parliament: 2nd session |
61 | 13 June 1888 – 12 July 1888 | 10th Parliament: 2nd session |
62 | 2 July 1888 – 8 August 1888 | 10th Parliament: 2nd session |
63 | 9 August 1888 – 30 August 1888 | 10th Parliament: 2nd session |
64 | 20 June 1889 – 23 July 1889 | 10th Parliament: 3rd session |
65 | 24 July 1889 – 21 August 1889 | 10th Parliament: 3rd session |
66 | 22 August 1889 – 16 September 1889 | 10th Parliament: 3rd session |
67 | 19 June 1890 – 16 July 1890 | 10th Parliament: 4th session |
68 | 17 July 1890 – 14 August 1890 | 10th Parliament: 4th session |
69 | 15 August 1890 – 17 September 1890 | 10th Parliament: 4th session |
70 | 23 January 1891 – 30 January 1891 | 11th Parliament: 1st session |
71 | 11 June 1891 – 7 July 1891 | 11th Parliament: 2nd session |
72 | 8 July 1891 – 30 July 1891 | 11th Parliament: 2nd session |
73 | 31 July 1891 – 25 August 1891 | 11th Parliament: 2nd session |
74 | 26 August 1891 – 25 September 1891 | 11th Parliament: 2nd session |
75 | 23 June 1892 – 20 July 1892 | 11th Parliament: 3rd session |
76 | 21 July 1892 – 11 August 1892 | 11th Parliament: 3rd session |
77 | 12 August 1892 – 7 September 1892 | 11th Parliament: 3rd session |
78 | 8 September 1892 – 11 October 1892 | 11th Parliament: 3rd session |
79 | 22 June 1893 – 19 July 1893 | 11th Parliament: 4th session |
80 | 20 July 1893 – 11 August 1893 | 11th Parliament: 4th session |
81 | 15 August 1893 – 5 September 1893 | 11th Parliament: 4th session |
82 | 6 September 1893 – 6 October 1893 | 11th Parliament: 4th session |
83 | 21 June 1894 – 20 July 1894 | 12th Parliament: 1st session |
84 | 24 July 1894 – 15 August 1894 | 12th Parliament: 1st session |
85 | 16 August 1894 – 14 September 1894 | 12th Parliament: 1st session |
86 | 17 September 1894 – 24 October 1894 | 12th Parliament: 1st session |
87 | 20 June 1895 – 17 July 1895 | 12th Parliament: 2nd session |
88 | 18 July 1895 – 9 August 1895 | 12th Parliament: 2nd session |
89 | 13 August 1895 – 3 September 1895 | 12th Parliament: 2nd session |
90 | 3 September 1895 – 1 October 1895 | 12th Parliament: 2nd session |
91 | 2 October 1895 – 1 November 1895 | 12th Parliament: 2nd session |
92 | 11 June 1896 – 7 July 1896 | 12th Parliament: 3rd session |
93 | 3 July 1896 – 31 July 1896 | 12th Parliament: 3rd session |
94 | 4 August 1896 – 21 August 1896 | 12th Parliament: 3rd session |
95 | 25 August 1894 – 15 September 1896 | 12th Parliament: 3rd session |
96 | 16 September 1896 – 17 October 1896 | 12th Parliament: 3rd session |
97 | 6 April 1897 – 10 April 1897 | 13th Parliament: 1st session |
98 | 23 September 1897 – 19 October 1897 | 13th Parliament: 2nd session |
99 | 20 October 1897 – 12 November 1897 | 13th Parliament: 2nd session |
100 | 16 November 1897 – 21 December 1897 | 13th Parliament: 2nd session |
101 | 24 June 1898 – 22 July 1898 | 13th Parliament: 3rd session |
102 | 26 July 1898 – 19 August 1898 | 13th Parliament: 3rd session |
103 | 23 August 1898 – 9 September 1898 | 13th Parliament: 3rd session |
104 | 13 September 1898 – 13 October 1898 | 13th Parliament: 3rd session |
105 | 14 October 1898 – 5 November 1898 | 13th Parliament: 3rd session |
106 | 23 June 1899 – 19 July 1899 | 13th Parliament: 4th session |
107 | 20 July 1899 – 10 August 1899 | 13th Parliament: 4th session |
108 | 11 August 1899 – 5 September 1899 | 13th Parliament: 4th session |
109 | 6 September 1899 – 26 September 1899 | 13th Parliament: 4th session |
110 | 27 September 1899 – 23 October 1899 | 13th Parliament: 4th session |
111 | 21 June 1900 – 19 July 1900 | 14th Parliament: 1st session |
112 | 19 July 1900 – 15 August 1900 | 14th Parliament: 1st session |
113 | 16 August 1900 – 13 September 1900 | 14th Parliament: 1st session |
114 | 14 September 1900 – 9 October 1900 | 14th Parliament: 1st session |
115 | 9 October 1900 – 20 October 1900 | 14th Parliament: 1st session |
116 | 1 July 1901 – 26 July 1901 | 14th Parliament: 2nd session |
117 | 30 July 1901 – 28 August 1901 | 14th Parliament: 2nd session |
118 | 29 August 1901 – 25 September 1901 | 14th Parliament: 2nd session |
119 | 26 September 1901 – 7 November 1901 | 14th Parliament: 2nd session |
120 | 1 July 1902 – 29 July 1902 | 14th Parliament: 3rd session |
121 | 30 July 1902 – 29 August 1902 | 14th Parliament: 3rd session |
122 | 2 September 1902 – 3 October 1902 | 14th Parliament: 3rd session |
123 | 29 June 1903 – 24 July 1903 | 15th Parliament: 1st session |
124 | 28 July 1903 – 21 August 1903 | 15th Parliament: 1st session |
125 | 25 August 1903 – 26 September 1903 | 15th Parliament: 1st session |
126 | 28 September 1903 – 23 October 1903 | 15th Parliament: 1st session |
127 | 26 October 1903 – 24 November 1903 | 15th Parliament: 1st session |
128 | 28 June 1904 – 28 July 1904 | 15th Parliament: 2nd session |
129 | 29 July 1904 – 31 August 1904 | 15th Parliament: 2nd session |
130 | 1 September 1904 – 7 October 1904 | 15th Parliament: 2nd session |
131 | 10 October 1904 – 8 November 1904 | 15th Parliament: 2nd session |
132 | 27 June 1905 – 21 July 1905 | 15th Parliament: 3rd session |
133 | 25 July 1905 – 18 August 1905 | 15th Parliament: 3rd session |
134 | 22 August 1905 – 15 September 1905 | 15th Parliament: 3rd session |
135 | 19 September 1905 – 30 October 1905 | 15th Parliament: 3rd session |
136 | 27 June 1906 – 29 June 1906 | 16th Parliament: 1st session |
137 | 21 August 1906 – 27 September 1906 | 16th Parliament: 2nd session |
138 | 28 September 1906 – 29 October 1906 | 16th Parliament: 2nd session |
139 | 27 June 1907 – 1 August 1907 | 16th Parliament: 3rd session |
140 | 2 August 1907 – 17 September 1907 | 16th Parliament: 3rd session |
141 | 18 September 1907 – 21 October 1907 | 16th Parliament: 3rd session |
142 | 21 October 1907 – 25 November 1907 | 16th Parliament: 3rd session |
143 | 29 June 1908 – 29 July 1908 | 16th Parliament: 4th session |
144 | 30 July 1908 – 9 September 1908 | 16th Parliament: 4th session |
145 | 10 September 1908 – 10 October 1908 | 16th Parliament: 4th session |
1464 | 10 June 1909 – 16 June 1909 | 17th Parliament: 1st session |
147 | 7 October 1909 – 5 November 1909 | 17th Parliament: 2nd session |
148 5 | 10 November 1909 - 29 December 1909 | 17th Parliament: 2nd session |
149 | 28 June 1910 – 22 July 1910 | 17th Parliament: 3rd session |
150 | 26 July 1910 – 24 August 1910 | 17th Parliament: 3rd session |
151 | 25 August 1910 – 23 September 1910 | 17th Parliament: 3rd session |
152 | 27 September 1910 – 21 October 1910 | 17th Parliament: 3rd session |
153 | 25 October 1910 – 3 December 1910 | 17th Parliament: 3rd session |
154 | 22 July 1911 – 25 August 1911 | 17th Parliament: 4th session |
155 | 29 August 1911 – 20 September 1911 | 17th Parliament: 4th session |
156 | 21 September 1911 – 28 October 1911 | 17th Parliament: 4th session |
157 | 15 February 1912 – 29 February 1912 | 18th Parliament: 1st session |
158 | 27 June 1912 – 14 August 1912 | 18th Parliament: 2nd session |
159 | 15 August 1912 – 5 September 1912 | 18th Parliament: 2nd session |
160 | 6 September 1912 – 8 October 1912 | 18th Parliament: 2nd session |
161 | 9 October 1912 – 7 November 1912 | 18th Parliament: 2nd session |
162 | 26 June 1913 – 23 July 1913 | 18th Parliament: 3rd session |
163 | 24 July 1913 – 20 August 1913 | 18th Parliament: 3rd session |
164 | 21 August 1913 – 18 September 1913 | 18th Parliament: 3rd session |
165 | 19 September 1913 – 17 October 1913 | 18th Parliament: 3rd session |
166 | 20 October 1913 – 14 November 1913 | 18th Parliament: 3rd session |
167 | 17 November 1913 – 15 December 1913 | 18th Parliament: 3rd session |
168 | 25 June 1914 – 21 July 1914 | 18th Parliament: 4th session |
169 | 22 July 1914 – 15 September 1914 | 18th Parliament: 4th session |
170 | 16 September 1914 – 13 October 1914 | 18th Parliament: 4th session |
171 | 14 October 1914 – 5 November 1914 | 18th Parliament: 4th session |
172 | 24 June 1915 – 4 August 1915 | 19th Parliament: 1st session |
173 | 19 August 1915 – 17 September 1915 | 19th Parliament: 1st session |
174 | 20 September 1915 – 12 October 1915 | 19th Parliament: 1st session |
175 | 9 May 1916 – 15 June 1916 | 19th Parliament: 2nd session |
176 | 16 June 1916 – 11 July 1916 | 19th Parliament: 2nd session |
177 | 12 July 1916 – 8 August 1916 | 19th Parliament: 2nd session |
178 | 28 June 1917 – 3 August 1917 | 19th Parliament: 3rd session |
179 | 7 August 1917 – 7 September 1917 | 19th Parliament: 3rd session |
180 | 11 September 1917 – 10 October 1917 | 19th Parliament: 3rd session |
181 | 11 October 1917 – 1 November 1917 | 19th Parliament: 3rd session |
182 | 9 April 1918 – 15 April 1918 | 19th Parliament: 4th session |
183 | 24 October 1918 – 10 December 1918 | 19th Parliament: 5th session |
184 | 28 August 1919 – 2 October 1919 | 19th Parliament: 6th session |
185 5 | 3 October 1919 - 5 November 1919 | 19th Parliament: 6th session |
186 | 24 June 1920 – 5 August 1920 | 20th Parliament: 1st session |
187 | 6 August 1920 – 24 September 1920 | 20th Parliament: 1st session |
188 | 27 September 1920 – 22 October 1920 | 20th Parliament: 1st session |
189 | 25 October 1920 – 11 November 1920 | 20th Parliament: 1st session |
190 | 10 March 1921 – 22 March 1921 | 20th Parliament: 2nd session |
191 | 22 September 1921 – 2 November 1921 | 20th Parliament: 3rd session |
192 | 3 November 1921 – 14 December 1921 | 20th Parliament: 3rd session |
193 | 15 December 1921 – 31 January 1922 | 20th Parliament: 3rd session |
194 | 1 February 1922 – 11 February 1922 | 20th Parliament: 3rd session |
195 | 30 June 1922 – 2 August 1922 | 20th Parliament: 4th session |
196 | 3 August 1922 – 13 September 1922 | 20th Parliament: 4th session |
197 | 14 September 1922 – 9 October 1922 | 20th Parliament: 4th session |
198 | 10 October 1922 – 31 October 1922 | 20th Parliament: 4th session |
199 | 7 February 1923 – 17 February 1923 | 21st Parliament: 1st session |
200 | 14 June 1923 – 18 July 1923 | 21st Parliament: 2nd session |
201 | 19 July 1923 – 13 August 1923 | 21st Parliament: 2nd session |
202 | 14 August 1923 – 29 August 1923 | 21st Parliament: 2nd session |
203 | 26 June 1924 – 12 August 1924 | 21st Parliament: 3rd session |
204 | 13 August 1924 – 29 September 1924 | 21st Parliament: 3rd session |
205 | 30 September 1924 – 6 November 1924 | 21st Parliament: 3rd session |
206 | 25 June 1925 – 29 July 1925 | 21st Parliament: 4th session |
207 | 30 July 1925 – 2 September 1925 | 21st Parliament: 4th session |
208 | 3 September 1925 – 1 October 1925 | 21st Parliament: 4th session |
209 | 16 June 1926 – 30 July 1926 | 22nd Parliament: 1st session |
210 | 3 August 1926 – 28 August 1926 | 22nd Parliament: 1st session |
211 | 30 August 1926 – 11 September 1926 | 22nd Parliament: 1st session |
212 | 23 June 1927 – 27 July 1927 | 22nd Parliament: 2nd session |
213 | 28 July 1927 – 9 September 1927 | 22nd Parliament: 2nd session |
214 | 13 September 1927 – 14 October 1927 | 22nd Parliament: 2nd session |
215 | 17 October 1927 – 9 November 1927 | 22nd Parliament: 2nd session |
216 | 10 November 1927 – 5 December 1927 | 22nd Parliament: 2nd session |
217 5 | 28 June 1928 - 3 August 1928 | 22nd Parliament: 3rd session |
218 | 7 August 1928 – 4 September 1928 | 22nd Parliament: 3rd session |
219 | 5 September 1928 – 9 October 1928 | 22nd Parliament: 3rd session |
220 | 4 December 1928 – 14 December 1928 | 23rd Parliament: 1st session |
221 | 27 June 1929 – 6 August 1929 | 23rd Parliament: 2nd session |
222 | 7 August 1929 – 20 September 1929 | 23rd Parliament: 2nd session |
223 | 24 September 1929 – 9 November 1929 | 23rd Parliament: 2nd session |
224 | 26 June 1930 – 6 August 1930 | 23rd Parliament: 3rd session |
225 | 7 August 1930 – 18 September 1930 | 23rd Parliament: 3rd session |
226 | 19 September 1930 – 25 October 1930 | 23rd Parliament: 3rd session |
227 | 11 March 1931 – 28 April 1931 | 23rd Parliament: 4th session |
228 | 25 June 1931 – 31 July 1931 | 23rd Parliament: 5th session |
229 | 4 August 1931 – 22 September 1931 | 23rd Parliament: 5th session |
230 | 2 October 1931 – 11 November 1931 | 23rd Parliament: 5th session |
231 | 23 February 1932 – 12 April 1932 | 24th Parliament: 1st session |
232 | 13 April 1932 – 10 May 1932 | 24th Parliament: 1st session |
233 | 22 September 1932 – 28 October 1932 | 24th Parliament: 1st session |
234 | 1 November 1932 – 9 December 1932 | 24th Parliament: 2nd session |
235 | 26 January 1933 – 10 March 1933 | 24th Parliament: 2nd session |
236 | 21 September 1933 – 31 October 1933 | 24th Parliament: 3rd session |
237 | 1 November 1933 – 22 December 1933 | 24th Parliament: 3rd session |
238 | 28 June 1934 – 3 August 1934 | 24th Parliament: 4th session |
239 | 7 August 1934 – 14 September 1934 | 24th Parliament: 4th session |
240 | 18 September 1934 – 10 November 1934 | 24th Parliament: 4th session |
241 | 13 February 1935 – 5 April 1935 | 24th Parliament: 4th session |
242 | 29 August 1935 – 26 September 1935 | 24th Parliament: 5th session |
243 | 27 September 1935 – 26 October 1935 | 24th Parliament: 5th session |
244 | 25 March 1936 – 6 May 1936 | 25th Parliament: 1st session |
245 | 7 May 1936 – 11 June 1936 | 25th Parliament: 1st session |
246 | 21 July 1936 – 3 September 1936 | 25th Parliament: 1st session |
247 | 25 March 1936 – 31 October 1936 | 25th Parliament: 1st session |
248 | 9 September 1937 – 29 October 1937 | 25th Parliament: 2nd session |
249 | 2 November 1937 – 10 December 1937 | 25th Parliament: 2nd session |
250 | 1 March 1938 – 15 March 1938 | 25th Parliament: 2nd session |
251 | 28 June 1938 – 3 August 1938 | 25th Parliament: 3rd session |
252 | 4 August 1938 – 26 August 1938 | 25th Parliament: 3rd session |
253 | 30 August 1938 – 16 September 1938 | 25th Parliament: 3rd session |
254 | 27 June 1939 – 3 August 1939 | 26th Parliament: 1st session |
255 | 4 August 1939 – 31 August 1939 | 26th Parliament: 1st session |
256 | 1 September 1939 – 7 October 1939 | 26th Parliament: 1st session |
257 | 30 May 1940 – 30 August 1940 | 26th Parliament: 2nd session |
258 | 1 October 1940 – 6 December 1940 | 26th Parliament: 2nd session |
259 | 12 March 1941 – 6 August 1941 | 26th Parliament: 3rd session |
260 | 7 August 1941 – 17 October 1941 | 26th Parliament: 3rd session |
261 | 11 December 1941 – 4 December 1942 | 26th Parliament: 4th session |
262 | 24 February 1943 – 24 June 1943 | 26th Parliament: 5th session |
263 5 | 25 June 1943 – 26 August 1943 | 26th Parliament: 5th session |
264 | 22 February 1944 – 4 April 1944 | 27th Parliament: 1st session |
265 | 26 July 1944 – 31 August 1944 | 27th Parliament: 1st session |
266 | 1 September 1944 – 11 October 1944 | 27th Parliament: 1st session |
267 | 12 October 1944 – 15 December 1944 | 27th Parliament: 1st session |
268 | 27 June 1945 – 3 August 1945 | 27th Parliament: 2nd session |
269 | 17 October 1947 – 27 November 1947 | 28th Parliament: 1st session |
270 | 19 September 1945 – 26 October 1945 | 27th Parliament: 2nd session |
271 | 31 October 1945 – 21 November 1945 | 27th Parliament: 2nd session |
272 | 22 November 1945 – 7 December 1945 | 27th Parliament: 2nd session |
273 | 26 June 1946 – 31 July 1946 | 27th Parliament: 3rd session |
274 | 1 August 1946 – 13 September 1946 | 27th Parliament: 3rd session |
275 | 17 September 1946 – 12 October 1946 | 27th Parliament: 3rd session |
276 | 24 June 1947 – 29 July 1947 | 28th Parliament: 1st session |
277 | 30 July 1947 – 2 September 1947 | 28th Parliament: 1st session |
278 | 3 September 1947 – 16 October 1947 | 28th Parliament: 1st session |
279 5 | 17 October 1947 – 27 November 1947 | 28th Parliament: 1st session |
280 | 22 June 1948 – 20 July 1948 | 28th Parliament: 2nd session |
281 | 21 July 1948 – 18 August 1948 | 28th Parliament: 2nd session |
282 | 19 August 1948 – 21 September 1948 | 28th Parliament: 2nd session |
283 | 22 September 1948 – 29 October 1948 | 28th Parliament: 2nd session |
284 | 2 November 1948 – 3 December 1948 | 28th Parliament: 2nd session |
285 | 28 June 1949 – 27 July 1949 | 28th Parliament: 3rd session |
286 | 28 July 1949 – 25 August 1949 | 28th Parliament: 3rd session |
287 | 26 August 1949 – 29 September 1949 | 28th Parliament: 3rd session |
288 | 30 September 1949 – 21 October 1949 | 28th Parliament: 3rd session |
289 | 27 June 1950 – 2 August 1950 | 29th Parliament: 1st session |
290 | 3 August 1950 – 31 August 1950 | 29th Parliament: 1st session |
291 | 1 September 1950 – 4 October 1950 | 29th Parliament: 1st session |
292 | 5 October 1950 – 2 November 1950 | 29th Parliament: 1st session |
293 | 3 November 1950 – 1 December 1950 | 29th Parliament: 1st session |
294 | 26 June 1951 – 13 July 1951 | 29th Parliament: 2nd session |
295 | 25 September 1951 – 14 November 1951 | 30th Parliament: 1st session |
296 | 15 November 1951 – 6 December 1951 | 30th Parliament: 1st session |
297 | 25 June 1952 – 15 August 1952 | 30th Parliament: 2nd session |
298 | 19 August 1952 – 24 October 1952 | 30th Parliament: 2nd session |
299 | 8 April 1953 – 9 September 1953 | 30th Parliament: 3rd session |
300 | 10 September 1953 – 27 October 1953 | 30th Parliament: 3rd session |
301 | 28 October 1953 – 27 November 1953 | 30th Parliament: 3rd session |
3026 | 12 January 1954 – 13 January 1954 | 30th Parliament: 4th session |
303 | 22 June 1954 – 5 August 1954 | 30th Parliament: 5th session |
304 | 6 August 1954 – 1 October 1954 | 30th Parliament: 5th session |
305 | 22 March 1955 – 6 May 1955 | 31st Parliament: 1st session |
306 | 19 July 1955 – 19 August 1955 | 31st Parliament: 1st session |
307 | 23 August 1955 – 28 October 1955 | 31st Parliament: 1st session |
308 | 4 April 1956 – 10 May 1956 | 31st Parliament: 2nd session |
309 | 7 August 1956 – 12 September 1956 | 31st Parliament: 2nd session |
310 | 13 September 1956 – 26 October 1956 | 31st Parliament: 2nd session |
311 | 11 June 1957 – 11 July 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
312 | 12 July 1957 – 9 August 1957 | 31stth Parliament: 3rd session |
313 | 13 August 1957 – 18 September 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
314 | 19 September 1957 – 25 October 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
315 | 21 January 1958 – 31 January 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 1st session |
3167 | 10 June 1958 – 23 July 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 2nd session |
317 | 24 July 1958 – 22 August 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 2nd session |
318 | 26 August 1958 – 3 October 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 2nd session |
319 | 24 June 1959 – 29 July 1959 | 32nd Parliament: 3rd session |
320 | 30 July 1959 – 9 September 1959 | 32nd Parliament: 3rd session |
311 | 11 June 1957 – 11 July 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
312 | 12 July 1957 – 9 August 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
313 | 13 August 1957 – 18 September 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
314 | 19 September 1957 – 25 October 1957 | 31st Parliament: 3rd session |
315 | 21 January 1958 – 31 January 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 1st session |
3167 | 10 June 1958 – 23 July 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 2nd session |
317 | 24 July 1958 – 22 August 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 2nd session |
318 | 26 August 1958 – 3 October 1958 | 32nd Parliament: 2nd session |
319 | 24 June 1959 – 29 July 1959 | 32nd Parliament: 3rd session |
320 | 30 July 1959 – 9 September 1959 | 32nd Parliament: 3rd session |
321 | 10 September 1959 – 23 October 1959 | 32nd Parliament: 3rd session |
322 | 22 June 1960 – 26 July 1960 | 32nd Parliament: 4th session |
323 | 27 July 1960 – 26 August 1960 | 32nd Parliament: 4th session |
324 | 30 August 1960 – 7 October 1960 | 32nd Parliament: 4th session |
325 | 11 October 1960 – 28 October 1960 | 32nd Parliament: 4th session |
3268 | 29 June 1961 – 1 August 1961 | 33rd Parliament: 1st session |
327 | 2 August 1961 – 5 September 1961 | 33rd Parliament: 1st session |
328 | 6 September 1961 – 12 October 1961 | 33rd Parliament: 1st session |
329 | 13 October 1961 – 1 December 1961 | 33rd Parliament: 1st session |
330 | 7 June 1962 – 25 July 1962 | 33rd Parliament: 2nd session |
331 | 26 July 1962 – 7 September 1962 | 33rd Parliament: 2nd session |
332 | 9 October 1962 – 21 November 1962 | 33rd Parliament: 2nd session |
333 | 22 November 1962 – 14 December 1962 | 33rd Parliament: 2nd session |
334 | 12 February 1963 | 33rd Parliament: 3rd session |
335 | 20 June 1963 – 2 August 1963 | 33rd Parliament: 4th session |
336 | 13 August 1963 – 27 September 1963 | 33rd Parliament: 4th session |
337 5 | 1 October 1963 – 25 October 1963 | 33rd Parliament: 4th session |
338 5 | 10 June 1964 – 17 July 1964 | 34th Parliament: 1st session |
339 5 | 4 August 1964 – 15 September 1964 | 34th Parliament: 1st session |
340 5 | 16 September 1964 – 29 October 1964 | 34th Parliament: 1st session |
341 5 | 30 October 1964 – 4 December 1964 | 34th Parliament: 1st session |
342 5 | 27 May 1965 – 8 July 1965 | 34th Parliament: 2nd session |
343 5 | 9 July 1965 – 27 August 1965 | 34th Parliament: 2nd session |
344 5 | 31 August 1965 - 1 October 1965 | 34th Parliament: 2nd session |
345 5 | 5 October 1965 – 1 November 1965 | 34th Parliament: 2nd session |
346 | 26 May 1966 – 30 June 1966 | 34th Parliament: 3rd session |
347 | 1 July 1966 – 16 August 1966 | 34th Parliament: 3rd session |
348 | 17 August 1966 – 29 September 1966 | 34th Parliament: 3rd session |
349 | 30 September 1966 – 29 October 1966 | 34th Parliament: 3rd session |
350 | 26 April 1967 – 1 June 1967 | 35th Parliament: 1st session |
351 | 2 June 1967 – 19 July 1967 | 35th Parliament: 1st session |
352 | 20 July 1967 – 13 September 1967 | 35th Parliament: 1st session |
353 | 14 September 1967 – 2 November 1967 | 35th Parliament: 1st session |
354 | 3 November 1967 – 24 November 1967 | 35th Parliament: 1st session |
355 | 26 June 1968 – 30 July 1968 | 35th Parliament: 2nd session |
356 | 31 July 1968 – 13 September 1968 | 35th Parliament: 2nd session |
357 | 17 September 1968 – 30 October 1968 | 35th Parliament: 2nd session |
358 | 31 October 1968 – 4 December 1968 | 35th Parliament: 2nd session |
359 | 5 December 1968 – 19 December 1968 | 35th Parliament: 2nd session |
360 | 15 May 1969 – 25 June 1969 | 35th Parliament: 3rd session |
361 | 26 June 1969 – 25 July 1969 | 35th Parliament: 3rd session |
362 | 5 August 1967 – 9 September 1969 | 35th Parliament: 3rd session |
363 | 10 September 1969 – 2 October 1969 | 35th Parliament: 3rd session |
364 | 3 October 1969 – 24 October 1969 | 35th Parliament: 3rd session |
365 | 12 March 1970 – 24 April 1970 | 36th Parliament: 1st session |
366 | 19 May 1970 – 8 July 1970 | 36th Parliament: 1st session |
367 | 9 July 1970 – 21 August 1970 | 36th Parliament: 1st session |
368 | 25 August 1970 – 25 September 1970 | 36th Parliament: 1st session |
369 | 29 September 1970 – 29 October 1970 | 36th Parliament: 1st session |
370 | 30 October 1970 – 3 December 1970 | 36th Parliament: 1st session |
371 | 25 February 1971 – 24 March 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
372 | 9 June 1971 – 7 July 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
373 | 8 July 1971 – 20 August 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
374 | 24 August 1971 – 21 September 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
375 | 22 September 1971 – 28 October 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
376 | 29 October 1971 – 19 November 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
377 | 23 November 1971 – 17 December 1971 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
378 | 7 June 1972 – 6 July 1972 | 36th Parliament: 3rd session |
379 | 7 July 1972 – 9 August 1972 | 36th Parliament: 3rd session |
380 | 10 August 1972 – 14 September 1972 | 36th Parliament: 3rd session |
381 | 15 September 1972 – 20 October 1972 | 36th Parliament: 3rd session |
382 | 14 February 1973 – 16 March 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
383 | 5 June 1973 – 29 June 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
384 | 3 July 1973 – 31 July 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
385 | 1 August 1973 – 13 September 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
386 | 14 September 1973 – 12 October 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
387 | 16 October 1973 – 7 November 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
388 | 8 November 1973 – 23 November 1973 | 37th Parliament: 1st session |
389 | 4 February 1974 – 14 March 1974 | 37th Parliament: 2nd session |
390 | 15 March 1974 – 7 June 1974 | 37th Parliament: 2nd session |
391 | 11 June 1974 – 5 July 1974 | 36th Parliament: 2nd session |
392 | 9 July 1974 – 1 August 1974 | 37th Parliament: 2nd session |
393 | 2 August 1974 – 3 September 1974 | 37th Parliament: 2nd session |
394 | 17 September 1974 – 10 October 1974 | 37th Parliament: 2nd session |
395 | 11 October 1974 – 8 November 1974 | 37th Parliament: 2nd session |
396 | 25 March 1975 – 23 April 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
397 | 24 April 1975 – 30 May 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
398 | 3 June 1975 – 24 June 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
399 | 25 June 1975 – 22 July 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
400 | 23 July 1975 – 29 August 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
401 | 2 September 1975 – 26 September 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
402 | 30 September 1975 – 10 October 1975 | 37th Parliament: 3rd session |
403 | 22 June 1976 – 20 July 1976 | 38th Parliament: 1st session |
404 | 21 July 1976 – 11 August 1976 | 38th Parliament: 1st session |
405 | 12 August 1976 – 7 September 1976 | 38th Parliament: 1st session |
406 | 8 September 1976 – 13 October 1976 | 38th Parliament: 1st session |
407 | 14 October 1976 – 12 November 1976 | 38th Parliament: 1st session |
408 | 16 November 1976 – 14 December 1976 | 38th Parliament: 1st session |
409 | 28 February 1977 | 38th Parliament: 2nd session |
410 | 19 May 1977 – 16 June 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
411 | 17 June 1977 – 21 July 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
412 | 22 July 1977 – 19 August 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
413 | 23 August 1977 – 21 September 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
414 | 22 September 1977 – 25 October 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
415 | 26 October 1977 – 22 November 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
416 | 23 November 1977 – 16 December 1977 | 38th Parliament: 3rd session |
417 | 10 May 1978 – 14 June 1978 | 38th Parliament: 4th session |
418 | 15 June 1978 – 12 July 1978 | 38th Parliament: 4th session |
419 | 13 July 1978 - 15 August 1978 | 38th Parliament: 4th session |
420 | 16 August 1978 – 14 September 1978 | 38th Parliament: 4th session |
421 | 15 September 1978 – 6 October 1978 | 38th Parliament: 4th session |
422 | 16 May 1979 – 14 June 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
423 | 15 June 1979 – 13 July 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
424 | 17 July 1979 – 15 August 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
425 | 16 August 1979 – 20 September 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
426 | 21 September 1979 – 25 October 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
427 | 26 October 1979 – 6 December 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
428 | 7 December 1979 – 14 December 1979 | 39th Parliament: 1st session |
429 | 15 May 1980 - 11 June 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
430 | 12 June 1980 – 8 July 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
431 | 9 July 1980 – 30 July 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
432 | 31 July 1980 – 28 August 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
433 | 29 August 1980 – 1 October 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
434 | 2 October 1980 – 5 November 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
435 | 6 November 1980 – 27 November 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
436 | 28 November 1980 – 12 December 1980 | 39th Parliament: 2nd session |
437 | 28 May 1981 – 23 June 1981 | 39th Parliament: 3rd session |
438 | 24 June 1981 – 16 July 1981 | 39th Parliament: 3rd session |
439 | 17 July 1981 - 7 August 1981 | 39th Parliament: 3rd session |
440 | 11 August 1981 – 9 September 1981 | 39th Parliament: 3rd session |
441 | 10 September 1981 – 9 October 1981 | 39th Parliament: 3rd session |
442 | 13 October 1981 – 23 October 1981 | 39th Parliament: 3rd session |
443 | 6 April 1982 – 4 May 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
444 5 | 5 May 1982 – 30 July 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
445 | 3 August 1982 – 20 August 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
446 | 24 August 1982 – 16 September 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
447 | 17 September 1982 – 15 October 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
448 | 19 October 1982 – 26 November 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
449 | 30 November 1982 - 17 December 1982 | 40th Parliament: 1st session |
450 | 7 April 1983 – 4 May 1983 | 40th Parliament: 2nd session |
451 | 31 May 1983 – 18 August 1983 | 40th Parliament: 2nd session |
452 | 19 August 1983 – 14 September 1983 | 40th Parliament: 2nd session |
453 | 15 September 1983 – 20 October 1983 | 40th Parliament: 2nd session |
454 | 21 October 1983 – 18 November 1983 | 40th Parliament: 2nd session |
455 | 22 November 1983 – 16 December 1983 | 40th Parliament: 2nd session |
456 | 31 May 1984 – 14 June 1984 | 40th Parliament: 3rd session |
457 | 15 August 1984 – 3 October 1984 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
458 | 4 October 1984 – 8 November 1984 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
459 | 13 November 1984 - 5 December 1984 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
460 | 6 December 1984 – 20 February 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
461 | 21 February 1985 – 21 March 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
462 | 22 March 1985 – 7 June 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
463 | 11 June 1985 – 11 July 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
464 | 12 July 1985 – 26 July 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
465 | 6 August 1985 – 12 September 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
466 5 | 17 September 1985 – 23 October 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
467 5 | 24 October 1985 – 21 November 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
468 5 | 26 November 1985 – 12 December 1985 | 41st Parliament: 1st session |
469 5 | 26 February 1986 - 26 March 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
470 5 | 8 April 1986 – 29 April 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
471 5 | 27 May 1986 – 19 June 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
472 5 | 1 July 1986 – 17 July 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
473 5 | 29 July 1986 – 14 August 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
474 5 | 9 September 1986 – 2 October 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
475 5 | 14 October 1986 – 26 November 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
476 5 | 27 November 1986 – 11 December 1986 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
477 5 | 16 December 1986 – 12 February 1987 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
478 5 | 17 February 1987 – 12 March 1987 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
479 5 | 17 March 1987 – 9 April 1987 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
480 5 | 28 April 1987 – 4 June 1987 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
481 5 | 9 June 1987 – 24 June 1987 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
482 5 | 30 June 1987 – 29 July 1987 | 41st Parliament: 2nd session |
483-605 | 16 September 1987 – 17 December 2002 | 1st session of 42nd Parliament: to 1st session of 47th Parliament |
606 onwards | 11 February 2003 onwards | 14th week of 1st session of 47th Parliament onwards |
Volume notes
11854-1866 volumes were compiled by Maurice FitzGerald in 1885 from earlier newspaper reports.[65] 2 In 1867 the first official New Zealand Hansard was compiled by reporters employed on a sessional basis. 3 Volume 1.2 includes an appendix of financial data for various years. 4 Volume 146 includes a 61 page appendix: Proceedings of the meetings of both Houses (held 7 June 1909) to discuss the question of representation of NZ at the Imperial Naval Conference. 5 Digitised volume not available. 6 Volume 302 is scanned upside-down. 7 Volume 316 is the first volume to use the title Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). 8 Digitised volume 326 is missing pages 1 to 128 (20 June to 28 June 1961). |
- ↑ Parliaments' People, NZHistory site, NZ Ministry for Culture & Heritage
- 1 2 Evening Post, 16 April 1931, page 11
- ↑ Wellington Independent, 9 October 1860, page 3
- 1 2 Parliamentary Debates 1856-1858, 12 June 1856, page 152
- 1 2 Parliamentary Debates 1861-1863, 25 August 1862, page 606
- 1 2 Parliamentary Debates 1864-1866, 5 July 1866, page 761
- ↑ Auckland Star, 24 June 1898, page 5
- ↑ Daily Southern Cross 14 October 1867, page 4
- ↑ New Zealand Herald, 12 July 1892, page 5
- ↑ New Zealand Herald, 25 March 1884, page 5
- ↑ Evening Post, 11 July 1892, page 2
- ↑ Evening Post, 9 July 1888, page 2
- 1 2 Otago Daily Times, 3 April 1884, page 4
- ↑ Evening Post, 7 June 1894, page 2
- ↑ Evening Post, 9 July 1888, page 2
- ↑ Evening Post, 8 November 1884, page 2
- ↑ Hawke's Bay Herald, 10 November 1884, page 3
- ↑ Timaru Herald, 10 November 1884, page 2
- ↑ Hawke's Bay Herald, 11 November 1884, page 3
- ↑ Letter from Maurice FitzGerald to Premier Robert Stout 22 August 1885, Archives NZ reference R24418249
- ↑ Te Aroha News, 24 April 1886, page 5
- ↑ Evening Post, 10 July 1886, page 2
- ↑ Marlborough Express, 12 July 1886, page 2
- ↑ Taranaki Herald, 13 July 1886, page 2
- 1 2 Parliamentary Debates 1864-1866, Postscript, page 1055
- ↑ Evening Post, 20 July 1886, page 2
- ↑ New Zealand Parliament website, "What is Hansard?", Retrieved 13 September 2016
- ↑ New Zealand Parliament website, "650th bound edition of Hansard published", Retrieved 13 September 2016
- ↑ Proclamation from Government Gazette of 10 March 1853, New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, 12 March 1853, page 3
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates 1854-1855, 7 July 1854, page 184
- ↑ The Southern Cross, 19 September 1854, page 3
- ↑ Sewell, Henry (1980). W. David McIntyre, ed. The Journal of Henry Sewell 1853–7 : Volume 2. Christchurch: Whitcoulls Publishers. p. 54. ISBN 0723306230.
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates 1861-1863, 2 December 1863, page 973
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates 1864-1866, 8 August 1865, page 257
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates 1864-1866, 14 August 1865, page 298
- ↑ Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1866 Session I, F-03, 13 July 1866
- ↑ Daily Southern Cross, 30 July 1866, page 4
- ↑ Evening Post, 13 July 1866, page 2
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates 1864-1866, 17 July 1866, page 781
- ↑ The Press, 21 July 1866, page 2
- ↑ Wellington Independent, 19 July 1866, page 6
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates 1864-1866, 26 July 1866, page 817
- ↑ New Zealand Herald, 8 October 1866, page 5
- ↑ Wellington Independent, 16 October 1866, page 6
- ↑ Wellington Independent, 2 October 1866, page 5
- ↑ Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1868 Session I, D-13, 1 July 1868
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 1.1, 10 July 1867, pages 16-22
- ↑ Wellington Independent, 11 June 1867, page 3
- ↑ Wellington Independent, 15 June 1867, page 7
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 1.1, 16 July 1867, page 56
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 2, 6 August 1868, page 311
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 5, 4 June 1869, page 32
- ↑ Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, F-08, 30 August 1869
- ↑ Hawke's Bay Times, 25 July 1870, page 4
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 11, 14 November 1871, pages 1077-1079
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 13, 24 September 1872, pages 304-305
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 13, 25 October 1872, page 946
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 17, 28 July 1875, pages 73 - 76
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 31, 8 August 1879, page 505
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 34, 3 December 1879, page 639
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 36, 7 July 1880, page 54
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 41, 15 June 1882, page 471
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 50, 8 November 1884, page 470
- ↑ Parliamentary Debates Volume 50, 8 November 1884, page 496
- ↑ Preface to Parliamentary Debates 1854-1855