Péter Eötvös

Péter Eötvös (or Eötvös Péter: Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈøtvøʃ ˈpeːtɛr]; born 2 January 1944) is a Hungarian composer, conductor and teacher.
Early career
Eötvös was born in Odorheiu Secuiesc/Székelyudvarhely, Szeklerland, Transylvania (then part of Hungary, now in Romania). He studied composition in Budapest and Cologne. From 1962, he composed for film in Hungary. Eötvös played regularly with the Stockhausen Ensemble between 1968 and 1976. He was a founding member of the Oeldorf Group in 1973, continuing his association until the late 1970s. From 1979 to 1991, he was Musical Director and conductor of the Ensemble InterContemporain (EIC). From 1985 to 1988, he was principal guest conductor with the BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Later career
He has been principal guest conductor of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra since 2003.[1] The recording of Berio’s Sinfonia with Eötvös and the London Voices (DG) received the BBC Music Magazine’s Award for “Technical excellence in recording” in 2006.[2]
Compositional style
Eötvös's music shows the influence of a variety of composers. As director of the Ensemble InterContemporain, he was exposed to many exotic and respected samples of concert music, as is evidenced in the variety of timbres and sound-worlds within his music. Extended techniques such as over-pressure bowings coexist with lyrical folk songs and synthesized sounds. Eötvös provides detailed instructions on how to mix instruments for electronic manipulation or amplification. His first large-scale compositions were for film. This often reflects on his later pieces in moments of atmospheric airiness. Two of his compositions for orchestra and voice, Atlantis and Ima, were inspired by Sándor Weöres' poem Néma zene.[3]
Most of his works are published by Schott Music, Mainz.[4]
On 20 August 2015 he was decorated with Hungary's highest decoration, the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary.[5]
Stage works
- Senza sangue, opera (2015 Cologne, 2016 Festival d'Avignon)
- Der goldene Drache, opera (2013/2014, for Ensemble Modern)
- Paradise Reloaded (Lilith) (2012/13)
- The Tragedy of the Devil (Die Tragödie des Teufels), opera (February 2010, Bavarian State Opera)
- Lady Sarashina (opera), opera (4 March 2008, Opéra de Lyon)
- Love and Other Demons, opera (10 August 2008, Glyndebourne Festival)
- Angels in America, opera (2002–2004)
- Le Balcon, opera (2001/02)
- As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams, opera (1998–99)
- Three sisters, opera (1996–97)
- Radames, chamber opera (1975/97)
- Harakiri, opera (1973)
Orchestra works
- Dialog mit Mozart (2016)
- Halleluja - Oratorium balbulum (2015)
- Hommage à Domenico Scarlatti (2013)
- Speaking drums (2012/13)
- DoReMi (Violin Concerto No. 2), violin and orchestra (2011)
- Cello Concerto Grosso (2011)
- Levitation (2007)
- Konzert für zwei Klaviere (2007)
- Seven (2006)
- CAP-KO, concerto for piano, keyboard and orchestra (2005)
- Jet Stream, trumpet concerto (2002)
- IMA, for choir and orchestra (2002)
- zeroPoints, for orchestra (1999)
- Two monologues, for baritone and orchestra (1998)
- Replica, viola concerto (1998) – recorded by Kim Kashkashian on ECM Records
- Atlantis, for Orchestra (1995)
- Psychokosmos, zymbalon concerto (1993)
- Chinese Opera, for orchestra (1986)
Ensemble works
- da capo (Mit Fragmenten aus W. A. Mozarts Fragmenten), for cimbalon or marimba and ensemble (2014)
- Dodici (2013)
- Octet (2008), for brasses
- Octet, for soprano and eight brasses (2008)
- Sonata per sei (2006)
- Snatches of a conversation, for ensemble (2001)
- Paris–Dakar, for ensemble (2000)
- Shadows, for flute, clarinet and ensemble (1996)
- Psy, first version for harp, alto flute/piccolo and viola; second for harp, alto flute/piccolo and violoncello (1996)
- Triangel, percussionist and ensemble (1993)
- Brass – The Metal Space, Actions for seven brasses and two percussionists without conductor (1990)
- Steine, for ensemble (1985–90)
- Windsequenzen, for ensemble (1975/1987)
- Intervalles-Interieurs, ensemble and electronics (1981)
- Windsequenzen (1975/1987)
Vocal Music
- Die lange Reise (2014)
- Herbsttag (2011)
- Schiller, energische Schönheit (2010)
- Solitude / Egyedül (1956/2006)
- Drei Madrigalkomödien, for 12 voices:
- "Insetti galanti" (1970–90)
- "Hochzeitsmadrigal" (1963–76)
- "Moro Lasso" (1963–72)
Chamber music and solo works
- The sirens cycle, soprano and string quartet (2015/16)
- Molto Tranquillo, trio (2015)
- para Paloma, violin solo (2015)
- O rose!, piano solo (2015)
- a Call, violin solo (2015)
- Lectures différentes, saxophone quartet (2014)
- New Psalm, percussion solo (2012/13)
- Dances of the Brush-footed Butterfly, piano solo (2012)
- Cadenza, flute solo (2008)
- Natasha, soprano, violin, clarinet and piano (2006)
- Erdenklavier-Himmelklavier nr. 2., piano solo (2003/2006)
- Encore, string quartet (2005)
- Un taxi l´attend, mais Tchékhov préfère aller à pied., piano solo (2004)
- Erdenklavier-Himmelklavier nr. 1., piano solo (2003)
- Zwei Promenaden, percussion, keyboard and tuba (1993/2001)
- Derwischtanz, for one or three clarinets (1993/2001)
- Kosmos, solo or two pianos (1961/99)
- Two poems to Polly, solo cello (1998)
- Psalm 151, for percussion (1993)
- Thunder, solo timpani (1993)
- Korrespondenz, for string quartet (1992)
- 5 Klavierstücke, piano solo (1959/60/61)
Electronic music
- Psy, tape (1996)
- Elektrochronik, tape (1974)
- "Now, Miss!" violin, synthesizer with tape (1972)
- Music for New York (1971)
- Cricketmusic, tape (1970)
- Mese (Märchen /Tale/Conte), tape (1968)
Theater and film music
- Sándor Sára: Könyörtelen idök - Relentless Times (1991)
- Judit Elek: Tutajosok Raftsmen (1990)
- Sándor Sára: Tüske a köröm alatt - Thorn under the Nail (1987)
- Károly Makk: Macskajáték - Cat´s play (1974)
- Mihály Szemes: Az alvilág professzora - The professor of inferno (1969)
- Ferenc Kardos: Egy örült éjszaka - A Crazy Night (1969)
- János Tóth: Aréna - Arena (1969)
- Zoltán Huszárik: Amerigo Tot (1969)
- Shakespeare: Téli rege - The Winter´s Tale (1969)
- Shakespeare: Athéni Timon - Timon of Athens (1969)
- Katona: Bánk bán (1968)
- Foltos és Fülenagy - Spotty and Bigears (1966)
- János Szücs: Szomjuság - Thirst (1965)
- Oláh Gábor: Három kivánság (1965)
- Hét szem mazsola - Seven Raisins (1965)
- Ellopott bejárat - Stolen Entrance (1965)
- Anouilh: Becket (1965)
- Madách: Az ember tragédiája - Tragedy of Man (1964)
- Lermontov: Hóvihar - The Storm (1964)
- Pirandello: Hat szerep keres egy szerzöt - Six characters in search of an author (1964)
- István Szabó: (1964)
- Iván Lakatos: Mozaik - Mosaic (1964)
- Twist Oliver - Oliver Twist (1963)
- Tennessee Williams: Üvegfigurák- The Glass Menagerie (1963)
- O'Neill: Amerikai Elektra - Mourning becomes Electra (1963)
- Pál Gábor: Aranykor - Golden Age (1963)
- Zoltán Fábri: Nappali sötétség - Darkness at noon (1963)
- István Bácskay-Lauro: Igézet - Spell (1963)
- János Rózsa: Tér - Space (1962)
- Pál Gábor: Prometeusz - Prometheus (1962)
- Pál Gábor: A megérkezés - The Arrival (1962)
- Károly Esztergályos: Ötödik pozicióban - In fifth position (1962)
- Büchner: Leonce és Léna - Leonce and Lena (1961)
- Sean O'Casey: Az ezüst kupa - The Silver Tassie (1961)
Portrait-film and documentary film
- The seventh door
- En souvenir de Trois Soeurs
- Talentum
- Trois Soeurs - opera film
- Le Balcon - opera film
- Angels in America - opera film
Withdrawn compositions
- désaccord - pour deux altos (2001)
- 600 Impulse (2000)
- Der Blick, tape (1997)
- Endless Eight II. for ensemble - Apeiron musikon (1988–89)
- Pierre Idyll (1984)
- Endless Eight I. for ensemble(1981)
As conductor
- Elliott Carter: What Next? (ECM 1817)
- Friedrich Cerha: Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester / Franz Schreker: Kammersymphonie (ECM 1887)
- Helmut Lachenmann: Schwankungen am Rand (ECM 1789)
- Béla Bartók: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra / Eötvös: Replica for Viola and Orchestra / György Kurtág: Movement for Viola and Orchestra (with Kim Kashkashian and the Netherlands Radio Chamber Orchestra (RKO), 1999, ECM New Series 1711)
- ↑ "Peter Eötvös". glyndebourne.com. Retrieved 18 March 2010.
- ↑ "Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra – Biography". askonasholt.co.uk. Retrieved 18 March 2010.
- ↑ "Biography". nme.com. Retrieved 18 March 2010.
- ↑ http://www.schott-music.com/shop/persons/featured/peter-eoetvoes/works/
- ↑ http://hvg.hu/itthon/20150820_Polgar_Judit_es_Eotvos_Peter_kapja_a_Magy
External links
- Official Peter Eötvös website
- Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation website
- Harrison Parrot (agents) biography, reviews, etc.
- Ricordi Berlin (publisher) biography, work list
- Editio Musica Budapest (publisher) biography, work list
- Schott Music (publisher) (In German)
- Durand Salabert Eschig (publisher) (In French)
- www.opera-lyon.com Lyon National Opera where Three Sisters premiered in 1998, and where Lady Sarshina premiered in March 2008
- "biography" (in French). IRCAM.