List of Puerto Ricans missing in action in the Korean War
Puerto Ricans Missing in Action in the Korean War![]() | |||||||
The United States Department of Defense has estimated that approximately 61,000 Puerto Ricans served in the military during the Korean War, most of them volunteers.[1] A total of 122 Puerto Rican soldiers were among the 8,200 people listed as missing in action (MIA). This total does not include people of Puerto Rican descent who were born in the mainland of the United States.[2]
Spain officially ceded Puerto Rico to the United States under the terms of the 1898 Treaty of Paris which concluded the Spanish–American War. It is a United States territory and upon the outbreak of World War I, the Congress enacted the Jones–Shafroth Act, which gave Puerto Ricans American citizenship with certain limitations (for example, Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote in presidential elections).[3]
Thousands of Puerto Ricans participated in these conflicts.[1] Many lived and returned to their homeland, others either died or have been listed as missing in action.[1] The term "MIA" dates from 1946 and refers to a member of the armed services who is reported missing following a combat mission and whose status as to injury, capture, or death is unknown. The missing combatant must not have been otherwise accounted for as either killed in action or a prisoner of war.[4] The Korean War was one of two major conflicts which accounted for the most Puerto Ricans missing in action, the other being the Vietnam War.[5]
Korean War

According to the online archive "All POW-MIA Korean War Casualties," the total number of Puerto Rican casualties in the Korean War was 732. Out of the more than 700 casualties suffered in the war, a total of 122 Puerto Rican men were listed as Missing in Action.[6]
It was during the Korean War that Puerto Ricans suffered the most casualties as members of an all-Hispanic volunteer unit: the 65th Infantry Regiment. One of the problems the unit faced was the language difference; the common foot soldier spoke only Spanish, while the commanding officers were mostly English-speaking.[7] In September 1952, the 65th Infantry was holding onto a hill known as "Outpost Kelly" until the People's Volunteer Army which had joined the North Koreans, overran the position. This became known as the Battle for Outpost Kelly. Twice, the 65th Regiment was overwhelmed by Chinese artillery and driven off. The Battle of Outpost Kelly accounted for 73 of the men missing in action from the total of 122.[8] Out of the 73 MIAs suffered by the regiment in the month of September, 50 of them occurred on the same day: September 18.[9]
During the Korean War, two Puerto Ricans who were members of the United States Marine Corps were awarded the Navy Cross, the second highest medal after the Medal of Honor that can be awarded by the Department of the Navy. One of the recipients was Ramón Núñez-Juárez, who was listed as MIA and was posthumously awarded the medal. Núñez-Juárez's remains have never been recovered and a symbolic burial with full military honors was held on October 25, 1970.[10] There is a headstone with his name inscribed above an empty grave in the Puerto Rico National Cemetery, located in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.[11] His name is inscribed in El Monumento de la Recordación, a monument dedicated to the Puerto Ricans who have fallen in combat, located in San Juan, Puerto Rico.[12][13]
Puerto Ricans Missing in Action
The following is a list with the names, ranks and the date in which 122 Puerto Ricans were listed as missing in action in the Korean War. All of these men served within the ranks of the United States Army with the sole exception of Ramón Núñez-Juárez, who served in the Marines.[6]
Name | Rank | MIA date |
Acevedo, IsaacIsaac Acevedo | Corporal | September 18, 1952 |
Alfaro Alfaro, HectorHéctor Alfaro Alfaro | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Alvarez, HugoHugo Álvarez | Corporal | June 5, 1951 |
Amaro Garcia, LuisLuis Amaro García | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Andino Fonseca, LopusLopus Andino Fonseca | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Berrios Santiago, JorgeJorge Berríos Santiago | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Bonilla Vega, JulioJulio Bonilla Vega | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Burset Melendez, JoseJosé Burset Meléndez | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Caballero Moreno, AA Caballero Moreno | Private First Class | April, 1953 |
Calderon Osorio, JuanJuan Calderón Osorio | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Calimano Texidor, AA Calimano Texidor | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Caraballo, BenignoBenigno Caraballo | Private | December 11, 1951 |
Caramot Ortiz, JuanJuan Caramot Ortiz | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Cartagena Colon, MiguelMiguel Cartagena Colón | Private | Unknown |
Colón Aponte, ManuelManuel Colon Aponte | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Colon, ConcepcionConcepción Colón | Private | July 31, 1952 |
Colon Negron, LuisLuis Colón Negrón | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Concepcion Lopez, JoseJosé Concepción López | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Connor, James W.James W. Connor | Captain | December 1, 1950 |
Cordero Cajigas, ZenonZenon Cordero Cajigas | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Cortes Ostolaza, AngelÁngel Cortés Ostolaza | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Cosme Baez, FranciscoFrancisco Cosme Báez | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Cruz Beltran, JesusJesús Cruz Beltrán | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Cruz Carrero, JoseJosé Cruz Carrero | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Cruz Espinoza, RobertoRoberto Cruz Espinoza | Private | June 4, 1951 |
Cruz Perez, NicolasNicolás Cruz Pérez | Corporal | June 10, 1953 |
Cruz Ramos, JesusJesús Cruz Ramos | Private First Class | June 9, 1953 |
Cruz Rosas, PabloPablo Cruz Rosas | Private First Class | November 25, 1952 |
Cruz Sanchez, AngelÁngel Cruz Sánchez | Private First Class | September 10, 1952 |
Davila Rivera, CarlosCarlos Dávila Rivera | Private | September 14, 1952 |
Delgado Ubiles, WenceslaoWenceslao Delgado Ubiles | Private | October 19, 1952 |
Diaz Acevedo, LuisLuis Díaz Acevedo | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Diaz Algarin, DemetrioDemetrio Díaz Algarín | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Diaz Colon, FernandoFernando Díaz Colón | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Diaz Coto, RafaelRafael Díaz Coto | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Droz Cartagena, SaulSaúl Droz Cartagena | Private First Class | December 15, 1952 |
Feliciano, Carlos D.Carlos D. Feliciano | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Feliciano Nieves, JulioJulio Feliciano Nieves | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Feliciano Otero, BienvenidoBienvenido Feliciano Otero | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Figueroa Barbosa, LuisLuis Figueroa Barbosa | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Flores Navarro, JulioJulio Flores Navarro | Private | October 15, 1952 |
Garcia Clara, IsmaelIsmael García Clara | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Garcia Rosado, CandidoCándido García Rosado | Private First Class | September 25, 1952 |
Gonzalez Bernard, ManuelManuel González Bernard | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Gonzalez Nazario, IsraelIsrael González Nazario | Private | July 17, 1952 |
Gonzalez Ortiz, Juan E.Juan E. González Ortiz | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Gonzalez Renta, PorfirioPorfirio González Renta | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Gonzalez Rosario, AngelÁngel González Rosario | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Gonzalez Saez, IsraelIsrael González Saez | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Gonzalez, SantosSantos González | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Hernandez Dones, IsidroIsidro Hernández Dones | Corporal | September 21, 1952 |
Hernandez Rodriguez, LuisLuis Hernández Rodríguez | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Hernandez Torres, BenjaminBenjamín Hernández Torres | Private First Class | August 12, 1952 |
Irizarry Gerena, O.O. Irizarry Gerena | Private | December 16, 1951 |
Jimenez Olivencia, A.A. Jiménez Olivencia | Corporal | September 18, 1952 |
Jimenez Tosado, MiguelMiguel Jiménez Tosado | Private First Class | July 9, 1953 |
Lacsamana, MaximianMaximian Lacsamana | Corporal | December 3, 1950 |
Laugier, JaimeJaime Laugier | Corporal | February 16, 1952 |
Lopez Cronoz, LuisLuis López Cronoz | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Malaret Juarbe, IsraelIsrael Malaret Juarbe | Sergeant First Class | December 10, 1952 |
Marquez De Leon, RamonRamón Marquez De León | Private First Class | October 27, 1952 |
Martinez Hernandez, LuisLuis Martínez Hernández | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Martinez Landron, RamonRamon Martínez Landrón | Private | September 21, 1952 |
Martinez, LuisLuis Martínez | Private | November 6, 1952 |
Martinez Otero, PedroPedro Martínez Otero | Corporal | September 18, 1952 |
Matos Gonzalez, FranciscoFrancisco Matos González | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Melendez Melendez, AlbertoAlberto Meléndez Meléndez | Private First Class | October 23, 1952 |
Melendez Negron, MarcialMarcial Meléndez Negrón | Corporal | September 24, 1952 |
Mendez Hernandez, LuisLuis Méndez Hernández | Corporal | July 19, 1952 |
Mercado Hernandez, SalomeSalomé Mercado Hernández | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Miranda Cotto, CarlosCarlos Miranda Cotto | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Molina Garcia, RobertoRoberto Molina García | Private First Class | September 21, 1952 |
Molina Gerena, MaximinoMaximino Molina Gerena | Corporal | February 6, 1952 |
Montanez Franco, SixtoSixto Montañez Franco | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Morales Reyes, AlfredoAlfredo Morales Reyes | Corporal | August 14, 1952 |
Moreno Rosa, NelsonNelson Moreno Rosa | Corporal | September 18, 1952 |
Murga Amador, RamonRamón Murga Amador | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Napoleon Escudero, Jose A.José A. Napoleón Escudero | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Negron Martinez, JorgeJorge Negrón Martínez | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Negron Ortiz, JoseJosé Negrón Ortiz | Corporal | September 18, 1952 |
Nieves Larry, ArcadioArcadio Nieves Larry | Corporal | September 24, 1952 |
Nunez-Juarez, RamónRamón Núñez-Juárez | Private First Class | September 8, 1952 |
Pacheco, BartolomeBartolomé Pacheco | Private | January 8, 1952 |
Pena Andujar, JuanJuan Peña Andújar | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Perez, MiguelMiguel Pérez | Private First Class | January 8, 1952 |
Perez Perez, PedroPedro Pérez Pérez | Private First Class | August 12, 1952 |
Perez Rodriguez, EfrainEfraín Pérez Rodríguez | Corporal | July 20, 1952 |
Perez Villegas, LuisLuis Pérez Villegas | Private | September 18, 1952 |
Pizarro Matos, NicolasNicolás Pizarro Matos | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Pomales Pomales, PedroPedro Pomales Pomales | Private | September 21, 1952 |
Quinones Velez, Pedro AngelPedro Angel Quiñones Velez | Corporal | September 24, 1952 |
Quirindongo, MarinoMarino Quirindongo | Private | December 16, 1951 |
Reyes Rodriguez, MarcosMarcos Reyes Rodríguez | Private | October 27, 1952 |
Reyes, WilliamWilliam Reyes | Private | June 5, 1951 |
Rivera Carrillo, JuanJuan Rivera Carrillo | Private First Class | October 28, 1952 |
Rivera Claudio, RobertoRoberto Rivera Claudio | Private | October, 1952 |
Rivera Cruz, GilbertoGilberto Rivera Cruz | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Rivera Galarza, IsraelIsrael Rivera Galarza | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Rivera, Luis P.Luis P. Rivera | Private First Class | September 26, 1952 |
Rivera Rodriguez, RaulRaul Rivera Rodríguez | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Rivera, RubenRubén Rivera | Private | September 24, 1952 |
Rodriguez, EnriqueEnrique Rodríguez | Private | July 8, 1953 |
Rodriguez Lozada, AlbertoAlberto Rodríguez Lozada | Sergeant First Class | June 4, 1951 |
Rodriguez, Pedro A.Pedro A. Rodríguez | Private First Class | January 11, 1952 |
Rojas Reyes, JuanJuan Rojas Reyes | Private First Class | September 20, 1952 |
Roque Pena, RamonRamón Roque Peña | Private First Class | October 16, 1952 |
Rosado Bravo, JoseJosé Rosado Bravo | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Rosario Melendez, FranciscoFrancisco Rosario Meléndez | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Salgado Torres, AngelÁngel Salgado Torres | Private | January 8, 1952 |
Sanabria, Angel S.Ángel S. Sanabria | Private First Class | January 28, 1952 |
Sanchez Lopez, RafaelRafael Sánchez López | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Santiago, Angel L.Angel L. Santiago | Private | June 3, 1951 |
Santiago Ortiz, JoseJosé Santiago Ortiz | Private First Class | October 14, 1952 |
Santiago Rosario, RamonRamón Santiago Rosario | Sergeant | February 6, 1952 |
Santos Rivero, NorbertoNorberto Santos Rivero | Corporal | June 4, 1951 |
Santos Rosario, NicolasNicolás Santos Rosario | Private First Class | December 11, 1951 |
Torres Caban, JoseJosé Torres Cabán | First Lieutenant | September 29, 1950 |
Torres Green, JorgeJorge Torres Green | Private | July 19, 1952 |
Torres Rodriguez, SamuelSamuel Torres Rodríguez | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Vazquez, Jorge L.Jorge L. Vázquez | Sergeant | February 6, 1952 |
Velez Montes, LuisLuis Vélez Montes | Private First Class | September 18, 1952 |
Velez Santiago, MiguelMiguel Vélez Santiago | Private | December 23, 1951 |
Zayas, Miguel A.Miguel A. Zayas | Private First Class | February 6, 1952 |
Their names are inscribed in El Monumento de la Recordación (The Wall of Remembrance) located in San Juan, Puerto Rico.[13]

Further reading
- "Puertorriquenos Who Served With Guts, Glory, and Honor. Fighting to Defend a Nation Not Completely Their Own"; by : Greg Boudonck; ISBN 978-1497421837
- "Historia militar de Puerto Rico"; by: Hector Andres Negroni; publisher=Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario (1992); ISBN 84-7844-138-7
See also
- Military history of Puerto Rico
- 65th Infantry Regiment
- Henry Barracks, Puerto Rico
- Camp Las Casas
- List of Puerto Ricans missing in action in the Vietnam War
- List of Puerto Rican military personnel
- Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal
- 1 2 3 "Historic Review on the 65 Infantry Regiment" (PDF). Retrieved May 29, 2011.
- ↑ "Korean War-Cold War". Advocacy & Intelligence Index For
POWs-MIAs Archives. Archived from the original on 2007-06-24. Retrieved 2007-09-07. line feed character in
at position 34 (help) - ↑ "Jones-Shafroth Act". The Library of Congress. Retrieved 2007-09-07.
- ↑ "Definition of MIA". Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved 2007-09-07.
- ↑ CNN
- 1 2 "All POW-MIA Korean War Casualties: Puerto Rico". Advocacy & Intelligence Index For POWs-MIAs Archives. Archived from the original on 2007-06-09. Retrieved 2007-09-07.
- ↑ "History of the 65th infantry regiment - Korean War". Retrieved 2007-09-07.
- ↑ "Outpost Kelly: A Tanker's Story", by Jack R. Siewert, Publisher: Fire Ant Books, ISBN 978-0-8173-5341-4
- ↑ "The 65th Infantry Regiment on Kelly in September 1952". Retrieved 2007-09-07.
- ↑ THE OUTPOST WAR: US Marines in Korea Vol. 1 1952, By Lee Ballenger, Published 2000 Brassey's, Page 107, ISBN 1-57488-373-9
- ↑ Image of Núñez-Juárez's headstone
- ↑ "Puerto Rico National Cemetery". Retrieved 2007-07-09.
- 1 2 "Monumento de la Recordación". Archived from the original on 2007-08-18. Retrieved 2007-09-07.