Razom (укр. Разом) is a non-profit Ukrainian-American human rights organization established to support the people of Ukraine in their pursuit of a democratic society with dignity, justice, and human and civil rights for all. Razom (which means “together” in Ukrainian) believes deeply in the enormous potential of dedicated volunteers around the world united by a single goal: to realize a free and democratic Ukraine. Razom uses powerful social networking tools to unite a global network of individuals, institutions and organizations into a coordinated effort supporting this shared goal.
- Dec. 2013 Established the private Facebook group Ukrainians Abroad for Euromaidan (now, over 3500 members)
- Jan. 2014 Board of Directors established and Razom, Inc. registered as a non-profit incorporated entity
- Feb. 2014 Established the public Facebook page Razom For Ukraine (now, over 12500 followers)
At first, there were impromptu demonstrations in New York and Washington in December in support of Ukraine’s efforts to oust corrupt president Viktor Yanukovych. At that time, President Barack Obama’s administration largely stayed out of what appeared to be a domestic issue in Eastern Europe, as pockets of Ukrainian-Americans – there are about 900,000 of them in the U.S. – brought attention to the country’s sincere fight against an abusive government.
Soon it became clear that the Ukrainian Diaspora could do much more, and the community organization Razom for Ukraine (Together for Ukraine) was established. With a core group of only a half-dozen people, it loosely unites various Ukrainian activists throughout the U.S. and maintains a global network of over 2,000 people. The supporters are doctors, engineers, educators, as well as legal and financial professionals.[1]
To foster Ukrainian democracy and civil society through a global network of experts and organizations supporting democracy activists and human rights advocates throughout Ukraine.
Board of directors
- President - Lyuba Shipovich
- Vice President - Anastasiia Rybytska
- Treasurer - Viktor Berezyuk
- General Counsel - Ivanna Bilych
- PR Director - Bohdan Pechenyak
- Program Director - Olya Yarychkivska
- Events Director - Mariya Soroka
- Operations Director - Natalia Shyrba
- Marketing Strategist - Dora Chomiak
Legal Report "The Crisis in Ukraine: Its Legal Dimensions"
On April 14, 2014, a team of international lawyers has released its Report, “Crisis in Ukraine: Its Legal Dimensions" and recommendations on the ongoing crisis and armed conflict in Ukraine. Prepared for Razom, a Ukrainian-American human rights organization, this team of highly trained international lawyers has outlined legal conclusions on Eastern Ukraine; the annexation of Crimea; the Budapest Memorandum on international security guarantees; and the human rights and humanitarian law at issue.
The international team prepared their Report as pro bono service while studying at NYU School of Law. The well-documented 76-page Report covers all the critical legal aspects of the conflict. Ivanna Bilych, Razom General Counsel, said, “This is a must-read Report for policymakers. It spells out, in one place, the law you need to know to understand the crisis.” Lidiya Dukhovich, Esq., Director of the Institute of Modern Russia, added, “Armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a tragedy. The Report explains the legal stakes, but no Report can explain adequately the terrifying human stakes for both Russia and Ukraine.”
The detailed Report, with exhaustive citations, covers the right of secession; crimes of aggression; critical energy security issues; sanctions imposed to date; and military law.
Ambassador Sergeyev, the Razom Organization and the international team of legal scholars that put together this document, encourage all people to access The White Paper and ensure that they keep actively informed.[2]
The report can be viewed on-line at http://razomforukraine.org/report.
External links
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