Riera de Carme
Riera de Carme (Carme river's) (27 km) is between the towns of Santa Heraklion, Orpí, Carme and La Pobla de Claramunt the Anoia region, in the Valley of Carmen, between the mountains of Orpinell (751 m) and Collbàs (544 m). Carme Riera is the main tributary of the river Anoia (62 km), along with other smaller as stream or Montbui Castellolí.

One of the aspects that promote and prevent the existence of our stream is that Carme municipality that provides the name for the stream due to its geographical proximity, is located just above a huge aquifer Carme - Capellades resulting in the continuous presence of water on the ground, either visible or below ground. It is estimated that runs through about a third of the surface of the entire region of Anoia. This geological stores and groundwater flows taking advantage of permeability, porosity and cracking the rock that hosts.
Historically, Carme River's was not always known by the same name. In fact, it is estimated that began to receive this designation from the late nineteenth century. Previously, and as demonstrated in various notarial documents of the time, Carme river's have been designated with the name Riera (River) Noya or Noia. Consequently, the current Anoia River was known Riera Igualada, honoring the great capital of the region anoienca. The data show that, at least until 1825 the affluent still receive name Noya or Noia.
Nature, flora and fauna
Focusing now on its own stream and its own route, observe the diversity of flora and fauna that includes. On one hand, the accompanying flora throughout the journey to the stream is deciduous, usually one that is in the vegetation. On the other hand if we separate meters directly from the river, begin to see what is really most of the flora in the region of Anoia. Proliferate widely evergreen trees, mainly pine, although originally believed that the whole area was populated by oaks that currently there are much less present. Shrubs, bushes and pine are the most common that are in the land of limestone anoienca. As for wildlife, should highlight one aspect over the other. During the course of the stream there are different animals, all very common in the forests of central Catalonia. Among these, we highlight common reptiles like the snake or turtle, mammals such as wild boar, rabbit, hare or badger common. Furthermore and in addition to all that we can categorize this group of common forest interior Catalonia, are in the stream of a number of individuals Carme unique and special. The fact is that in this area of scrub and wetlands strange phenomenon occurs. For the last few decades has been observed in the vicinity of Carme Riera there are different types of birds, many of them almost unique in our country, and especially very rare in Catalonia. In fact, just one year ago, a team of specialists and animal rights carried out a field study in the field in order to locate and highlight what were actually groups of birds there are. The result of this study showed that in the Valley of Carme and along its wetland areas are home to over fifty species and up to 85 different bird species. Among the most common, as the swallow, robins, blue duck head or cute, but also include some other more spontaneous and less common, such as the executioner, the shrike, black crows or Serin.
Hiking routes
One aspect that we can highlight the route of Carme Riera is a few kilometers from the village of Carme specifically at the level of the municipality of Santa Càndia. In this place the stream follows a special tour, immersed amidst the rock carved by the same force of the water and its sediments. The fact is that this stretch of about 2 km you can practice descents and hiking. Specifically, the ravines and gorges Santa Heraklion is estimated that trace a route that requires a reduction of two hours. The difficulty is low, which leads many hiking schools use this space to instruct beginners.
Coordinates: 41°33′01″N 1°40′39″E / 41.5503°N 1.6776°E