Robot Master
In the original Mega Man series, the term "Robot Master" refers to a special kind of robot or android that possesses a very advanced level of artificial intelligence. There are roughly one hundred thirty six Robot Masters. According to series canon, the Robot Master AI system is jointly credited to Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily. Most Robot Masters possess a unique identification code, consisting of a two-letter "series code" followed by one of N, No, or #, then a three-digit "serial number" (except for the Genesis Unit, which uses two digits).
Robot Masters have AIs vastly superior to the smaller, minor robots within the Mega Man universe. This, even more than their generally humanoid appearance (Sniper Joes are also humanoid in appearance, yet obviously inferior to Robot Masters) is what separates Robot Masters from other advanced robots. They often are designed with a particular strength or element in mind, thus allowing them to thrive in specific environments. Robot Masters tend to be programmed with human-like personalities and quirks, advanced enough to fool most people into believing them to think and act of their own accord. However, this is not true, as the Mega Man X series states X as the first robot to truly be able to think for himself. Robot Masters have a certain capability of thought and will—this allows them to be decisive on the battlefield, yet cannot generally operate beyond certain guidelines. There have been some exceptions, but every one of these occurrences has been explained in some way—such as the robot being faulty to begin with or could have malfunctioned due to damage incurred.
NOTE: Some of these Robot Masters have NetNavi counterparts in the Mega Man Battle Network series. The ones that have them will be noted.
It must also be noted that the term "Robot Master" is not used in Japan.
List of Robot Masters
DLN is the series code for Light Labs, literally standing for "Dr. Light Number". In Japan, their code is DRN, for "Dr. Right Number", though some early Mega Man titles erroneously use the DRN code.
DLN series
000-008 (Mega Man)
Series Number | Japanese Name | Short Description | Weapon |
DLN-000 Proto Man | Blues (ブルース) | Main article: Proto Man |
Proto/Blues Buster, Proto/Blues Shield |
DLN-001 Mega Man | Rockman (ロックマン) | Main article: Mega Man (character) |
Mega/Rock Kick (as Mega/Rock), Mega/Rock Buster (as Mega Man/Rockman) |
DLN-002 Roll | Roll (ロール) | Main article: List of characters in the Mega Man series § Roll |
Roll Swing |
DLN-003 Cut Man[1] | Cut Man (カットマン) | Cut Man was originally designed for land reclamation work (particularly deforestation).[2] His battle abilities center around his advanced jumping abilities and the pair of boomerang-like shears on his head.[3] As revealed in Mega Man: Powered Up, he is easily fooled, and can turn his scissors into a more shuriken-like weapon. Cut Man also made a prominent cameo in the Captain N: The Game Master episode "Mega Trouble for Megaland", albeit with a completely different design and misnamed Cuts Man, and was one of the only two Robot Masters to appear in every episode of the Ruby-Spears Mega Man cartoon. Cut Man is shown as a red-pink and white robot master with white shears on his head. He also has a cameo appearance in the Sega Saturn version of Mega Man 8 where he can be fought for a Bolt. | Rolling Cutter[4] (ローリングカッター) |
DLN-004 Guts Man[1] | Guts Man (ガッツマン) | Guts Man was also designed for land reclamation work, but was created specifically for construction of public works. By far the strongest of any robot, Guts Man is able to lift objects of up to 80 tons over his head and hurl them at his foe with startling accuracy. In Mega Man: Powered Up, he's a little dim-witted, but always well-meaning robot. He is also the only other Robot Master to appear in every episode of the Ruby-Spears Mega Man cartoon. Guts Man is a large robot with yellow and red armor and a large square jaw mouth. | Super Arm [4] (スーパーアーム) |
DLN-005 Ice Man[1] | Ice Man (アイスマン) | Originally designed for the exploration and mapping of regions far below the temperature that humans can withstand, Ice Man also supervises transportation of supplies to various research teams on the continent. Afterwards, he got the job of transporting materials in frozen food warehouses. He has the ability to shoot waves of super-chilled air from his mouth which is laced with liquid nitrogen that then crystallizes into a projectile. Mega Man: Powered Up reveals Ice Man to possibly have a multiple personality disorder. Ice Man resembles a hooded Inuit. | Ice Slasher [4] (アイススラッシャー) |
DLN-006 Bomb Man[1] | Bomb Man (ボンバーマン Bomber Man) | Bomb Man was also designed for land reclamation work, specifically demolition. He and Guts Man were originally intended to work as a pair with Guts Man functioning as a construction foreman. He can make various forms of explosives, most of which are deadly. Bomb Man is an orange robot with a black spherical body and red mohawk head. | Hyper Bomb [4] (ハイパーボム) |
DLN-007 Fire Man[1] | Fire Man (ファイアーマン) | Fire Man was designed for waste management work (namely incineration). He can withstand temperatures in excess of 8000 °C. Fire Man attacks by surrounding himself in a circle of flame and shooting balls of fire with impressive destructive properties. Fire Man is a red and grey robot with a torch-like head. | Fire Storm [4] (ファイヤーストーム) |
DLN-008 Elec Man[1] | Elec Man (エレキマン) | Elec Man was designed to oversee and control atomic energy power plants. At the time of his creation, Elec Man was often hailed as Dr. Light's greatest creation and boasts superhuman calculation speed and razor-sharp judgement, as well as a physical agility that would not be matched for some time. He is very conceited and egotistical, but is otherwise very responsible and competent. His mode of attack centers around his Thunder Beam, a devastating focused blast of electricity topping 6000 volts. In Mega Man: Powered Up his thunder beam was changed to more resemble Cloud Man's Thunder Strike and he gained the ability to call thunder blasts from the ceiling. Elec Man is a black and yellow robot with a yellow mask capped by a lightning bolt around his eyes. Elec Man appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as an Assist Trophy. | Thunder Beam [4] (サンダービーム) |
The following Robot Masters are from Mega Man Powered Up. Their actual numbers are not known, but their presence at the time of the first game would logically make them part of the DLN series. The series of Mega Man comics by Archie Comics labels them as "DLN-00A" and "DLN-00B", respectively.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DLN-00A Time Man (タイムマン) | Time Man is Dr. Light's pioneering experiment in the creation of time travelling. He can slow the passage of time for brief intervals. He is also very concerned about wasting time, telling people that they are early or late for their battle. Time Man is purple in color, with an alarm-clock like head. | Time Slow (タイムスロー) |
DLN-00B Oil Man (オイルマン) | Oil Man is a new type of high performance robot designed for maintenance. Oil for robots can be made inside his body and output through his arm cannon. He uses this oil to attack and can ride an oil slick much like a snowboard. In the Japanese version and the demo given in Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X, Oilman looks like a blackface character. He has been changed in other versions to be dark blue with yellow lips instead of the possibly offensive black with pink lips. In the Mega Man comic series by Archie Comics, his design is modified further, and his red scarf now covers his lips entirely. | Oil Slider (オイルスライダー) |
065-072 (Mega Man 9)
Like most games in the series, Mega Man faces eight new Robot Masters. This lineup includes the first ever female boss character in the original series, Splash Woman.[5] Like the Robot Masters from Mega Man 4 and Mega Man 6 (canonically), while they are not the creation of Wily, their numbers match perfectly in his line.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DLN-065 Concrete Man (コンクリートマン)[6] | Concrete Man was a robot who took charge in constructing dams, with an internal concrete factory and mixer installed for this purpose. He was very proud of his craftsmanship and berated any worker robots he discovered cutting corners.[8] Concrete Man resembles Guts Man, but has an orange and grey body. At the end of the game, Concrete Man was seen chasing Dr. Wily. | Concrete Shot (コンクリートショット) |
DLN-066 Tornado Man (トルネードマン)[7] | Originally a robot stationed in a weather control center. With the ability to create powerful tornadoes, he used them to offset the formation of typhoons.[8]
Tornado Man is green with two fan blade-like arms along with a helmet that resembles that of Sage Harpuia from the Mega Man Zero series. |
Tornado Blow (トルネードブロー) |
DLN-067 Splash Woman (スプラッシュウーマン)[7] | Splash Woman rescues those involved in accidents at sea.[6] Even though she is the first female Robot Master boss character in the original series, she is actually the second female boss character to date (after Virgo from Rockman Strategy). Her design is inspired by the appearance of a mermaid. Splash Woman's original design resembled that of Neptune from Mega Man V and was originally called Ocean Man.[9] | Laser Trident (レーザートライデント) |
DLN-068 Plug Man (プラグマン)[7] | A quality-inspection robot at a television set factory. He carries out the final check on the products with a sharp eye. Plug Man has a plug-liked head and shoulders and a plug-like right arm. Plug Man was originally called Plasma Man during development and was based on a fusion reactor. | Plug Ball (プラグボール) |
DLN-069 Jewel Man (ジュエルマン)[7] | A robot that works as the overseer in a diamond mine. He is in charge of polishing mined gems. Jewel Man can also rapidly produce artificial crystals like Crystal Man before him. Jewel Man's design name was Diamond Man. | Jewel Satellite (ジュエルサテライト) |
DLN-070 Hornet Man (ホーネットマン)[7] | Hornet Man is the supervisor at a flower theme park. He knows everything there is to know about flowers from all over the world. His upper-body is made of three large honeycomb-like structures that house and can produce robotic bees. Hornet Man was originally to be the female member of the lineup, designed under the name Honey Woman.[6][9] | Hornet Chaser (ホーネットチェイサー) |
DLN-071 Magma Man (マグママン)[7] | Once a worker security robot at a geothermal power station, he can withstand extremely high temperatures. Magma Man has a volcano-like head that, much like Fire Man's, is vulnerable to attack and controls his power output. However, Magma Man also has the ability to re-ignite himself after a period of time.[8] | Magma Bazooka (マグマバズーカ) |
DLN-072 Galaxy Man (ギャラクシーマン)[7] | An assistant robot at a space laboratory, Galaxy Man has a brain that can instantly perform calculations of rocket trajectories. Galaxy Man's body resembles a flying saucer, and his vehicular form is that of a stereotypical UFO. Galaxy Man's design name was Space Man. | Black Hole Bomb[5] (ブラックホールボム) |
DWN series
DWN is the series code for Robot Masters that have been built or modified by Dr. Wily.
For each game from Mega Man 2 through Mega Man 10, Capcom ran a Robot Master design contest. Nintendo Power magazine ran a similar contest, but only for Mega Man 6. The DWN series is the result of these contests. The original designer's name is listed in parentheses at the end of each entry.
009-016 (Mega Man 2)
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DWN-009 Metal Man (メタルマン) | Metal Man was designed by Wily as a modification of Cut Man's design. Made of lightweight materials to make him agile, Metal Man is armed with the Metal Blade, a buzzsaw-type projectile that easily slices through most materials. Unfortunately, the same light armor that makes Metal Man agile also renders him dangerously vulnerable to his own weapon. Metal Man is red and gold, with a white sawblade on his head and gold antennae, giving him some resemblance to Optimus Prime in Transformers. (Masanori Satou) | Metal Blade (メタルブレード) |
DWN-010 Air Man (エアーマン) | Air Man resulted from Wily's experiments in creating Robot Masters that did not use the same internal architecture as the general humanoid model. He can create a wall of small tornadoes that fly forward and block projectiles. Air Man is essentially a giant mechanical fan connected with two arms and two legs. His eyes are above the fan, since his head is fused with his body. There is a dōjin song and Internet meme from Japan titled Air Man ga Taosenai, roughly "Can't Beat Air Man" in English, about a player's struggle to defeat Air Man. Ironically, Air Man is both extremely vulnerable to the Mega Buster and follows a definite pattern.(Yuji Kanazawa) | Air Shooter (エアーシューター) |
DWN-011 Bubble Man (バブルマン) | Wily designed Bubble Man for underwater combat, but due to an error in design, Bubble Man's internal buoyancy system made it impossible for him to swim or walk properly, hampering his underwater mobility. This mistake has apparently been fixed in Mega Man: The Power Fighters. Bubble Man's weapon, the Bubble Lead, is a bubble of concentrate sulfuric acid that rolls along the ground. He can also fire jets of bubbles from his arm cannon. Bubble Man resembles a green scuba diver. (Takashi Tanaka) | Bubble Lead (バブルリード) |
DWN-012 Quick Man (クイックマン) | Quick Man was designed by Wily as a modification of Elec Man's design. Wily vastly improved Elec Man's already lightning-fast reflexes and general design mobility, making Quick Man the fastest Robot Master. He is able to launch multiple Quick Boomerangs that are even faster than he is. Quick Man wears a gold boomerang above his eyes and has a red and black body. (Hirofumi Mizoguchi) | Quick Boomerang (クイックブーメラン) |
DWN-013 Crash/Clash Man (クラッシュマン) | Crash Man was designed by Wily to withstand strong explosions. For this purpose, he has superhuman agility and a special armor coating. He takes advantage of this resistance by use of heavy-duty Crash Bombers. These bombs are able to burrow into any surface and detonate on a short timer. Crash Man has red armor and drill-like hands. His helmet has a visor, which he is strangely perpetually raised. (Akira Yoshida) | Crash/Clash Bomber (クラッシュボム) |
DWN-014 Flash Man (フラッシュマン) | In an experiment attempting to develop control over time, Wily built Flash Man. He can freeze time momentarily with the Time Stopper, as opposed to merely slowing it down like Time Man. His battle abilities are below par, however, and he cannot sustain too much damage. Flash Man is a blue and yellow robot master with a translucent dome on his head, a white dial on his right arm and an arm cannon in place of a right hand. (Tomoo Yamaguchi) | Time Stopper (タイムストッパー) |
DWN-015 Heat Man (ヒートマン) | Wily, utilizing the schematics of Fire Man, created Heat Man as a high-temperature combat robot. Heat Man's armored container is impervious to temperatures in excess of 12000 °C, but to be fully effective, he must remain sealed. This gives his body a rather amusing Zippo lighter shape: he resembles a cigarette lighter with two arms and two legs sticking out of it. Heat Man's weapon Atomic Fire spews a series of three fireballs that leave behind flame pillars when they hit the ground. He may also ignite his body and hurl himself at opponents with startlingly destructive results. Neither of these attacks, however, resembles the Atomic Fire the player gains, which is a chargeable attack that releases a blast of flames when fired.(Toshiyuki Kataoka) | Atomic Fire (アトミックファイヤー) |
DWN-016 Wood Man (ウッドマン) | Wily made Wood Man entirely of Hinoki Cypress. Wood Man also has a thin protective coating, but cannot withstand high temperatures. He has the ability to call together a razor-sharp Leaf Shield that can also be used as a projectile. However, the shield has a glaring design flaw that allows it to be penetrated at close range. He uses this shield in unison with a series of four more leaves that drift from the ceiling. Wood Man has a tree trunk body and trunk-like head. He beats his chest when summoning Leaf Shield. He, along with Cut Man, also has a special cameo appearance in the Sega Saturn version of Mega Man 8 where he can be fought, to a remixed tune of his stage music, for a Bolt. (Masakatsu Ichikawa) | Leaf Shield (リーフシールド) |
017-024 (Mega Man 3)
This lineup of Robot Masters was designed jointly by Dr. Light and Dr. Wily to collect resources for their ultimate project, Gamma, a large peacekeeping robot. In Japan, they are therefore referred to as the DRWN series, though other versions of Mega Man 3 place them under the Dr. Wily lineup.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DWN-017 Needle Man (ニードルマン) | Needle Man is designed for work in mines, being able to pierce 10-inch thick pieces of stone easily with his weapon, the Needle Cannon. This launches heavy, armor-piercing needles in rapid succession. His AI was modeled after Metal Man's AI and thus he has impressive jumping abilities and maneuverability despite his large size, and has deadly accuracy with his weapon. The spikes on his head are mounted on a heavy base that can be launched and retrieved via a telescopic system, giving him a powerful, albeit impromptu, melee attack as well. Like Air Man, Needle Man's head is fused with his body. (Nobuhiko Akatsuka) | Needle Cannon (ニードルキャノン) |
DWN-018 Magnet Man (マグネットマン) | Magnet Man is equipped with powerful electromagnets that allow him to attract metallic opponents to their doom. His main method of attack is to jump high into the air and launch Magnet Missiles that then rain down on his opponent. Magnet Man resembles Metal Man, but has a magnet on his head and smoother armor. (Nagashi Kii) | Magnet Missile (マグネットミサイル) |
DWN-019 Gemini Man (ジェミニマン) | Geological robot, good at identifying rocks. With a hologram-generating device, Gemini Man can duplicate himself. As a result of his duplication, Gemini Man is a narcissist. Both he and his clones possess arm cannons that can fire off powerful plasma blasts and his trademark Gemini Laser, a slow-moving beam that bounces off walls. Gemini Man has a four-sectioned white crystal on his head and black and blue armor. (Yoshihito Hattori) | Gemini Laser (ジェミニレーザー) |
DWN-020 Hard Man (ハードマン) | Made from ceramic titanium, Hard Man possesses a virtually unbreakable helmet, shell and fists, and uses his own weight of 3 tons to attack. Dr. Light mounted a rocket booster in him to increase his jump height and as such, he rivals Needle Man in jumping ability. He can fire his forearms like missiles, which immediately return to him. Hard Man has a large blue drum-like body. (Kazuhiko Oguro) | Hard Knuckle (ハードナックル) |
DWN-021 Top Man (タップマン) | Originally a dance robot, Top Man can spin like a human top due to his auto-balance system and throw spinning tops as weapons. The wheels on his feet make him very fast, and while spinning, projectiles are reflected away from him. He is notably the only Robot Master from Mega Man 3 to appear in the game's adaptation on Captain N, "A Tale of Two Dogs". Top Man has a head similar to a top and an orange body. (Yasushi Konjiki) | Top Spin (タップスピン) |
DWN-022 Snake Man (スネークマン) | A unique zoological robot designed to observe or capture animals that hide in small, narrow places, Snake Man and the area he is found in also feature a snake motif. He launches mechanical Search Snakes which move and scale walls in search of a target. Though he enjoys the company of Toad Man, the feeling is not mutual since snakes prey on toads. Snake Man's head is a long snake with his face in the snake's mouth, and his body is green. Snake Man has the distinction of being the most common Robot Master in the Ruby-Spears cartoon, following Cut Man and Guts Man. (Yuhjiro Ishitani) | Search Snake (サーチスネーク) |
DWN-023 Spark Man (スパークマン) | Spark Man is an electric robot who generates spark currents using long electrodes on his arms. Spark Man can generate almost 13,000 volts, more than twice the power of Elec Man. He channels this immense power into his Spark Shock, which overloads robots and stuns them while dealing severe damage to their systems, however his ability to focus his power is not as great as Elec Man's and thus his combat abilities suffer. Spark Man is a very kind robot, often charging every electronic device he is asked to, though for some reason, other robots dislike him and thus he is always lonely. Spark Man's body resembles a giant spark plug (electrodes at his head). (Mikihiro Suzuki) | Spark Shock (スパークショック) |
DWN-024 Shadow Man (シャドーマン) | The only Robot Master of the Mega Man 3 lineup not designed by Light and Wily, Shadow Man is a mysterious ninja robot made with extraterrestrial materials. He is very fast, can darken the room, and throw shurikens covered in a special kind of liquid that can induce insanity. His melee abilities are also potent as he knows several forms of martial arts. He is one of only two enemy Robot Masters with the ability to slide, the other being Saturn from Mega Man V. (Takumine Yoshida) | Shadow Blade (シャドーブレード) |
033-040 (Mega Man 5)
Though these Robot Masters are not given an official creator, it is implied that Wily made them as he was the mastermind behind Mega Man 5's plot.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DWN-033 Gravity Man (グラビティーマン) | A robot dedicated to research, Gravity Man can manipulate local gravity with an internal gravitation control device. His Gravity Hold either hurls airborne enemies into the upper atmosphere or smashes them into the ground by unleashing a gravitational force of up to 20 g. He can also reverse gravity on top of his opponent and delivery a devastating blow with his spiked helmet or drop his opponents into plasma shots from his arm cannon. Gravity Man is red and has a meter on his chest. (Yukiko Mori) | Gravity Hold (グラビティーホールド) |
DWN-034 Wave Man (ウェーブマン) | Wave Man occupies a water quality control facility. He wields a powerful harpoon launcher on his arm. His Water Wave unleashes a column of water that move along the ground and can act as a shield. He is just as potent on land as he is underwater, unlike the previous aquatic Robot Masters, due to having an internal water storage and the ability to condense water from the atmosphere. Wave Man resembles a harpoon diver with a gold trident on his head and fancies himself a robotic incarnation of Poseidon as a result. (Hideyuki Monno) | Water Wave (ウオーターウェーブ) |
DWN-035 Stone Man (ストーンマン) | Stone Man has a body made of separable stones held together by a gravity unit. He also possesses formidable jumping abilities, which he uses to make himself fall apart upon landing on opponents to bury them under his weight. He can manipulate the rock on his body, hurling it at foes in the form of the Power Stone or repairing damaged bricks on his body. (Kenta Oonishi) | Power Stone (パワーストーン) |
DWN-036 Gyro Man (ジャイロマン) | Dr. Wily gave Gyro Man propeller-driven flight. He often injures others unintentionally with his propeller blades. His weapon, the Gyro Attack, takes the form of either his back-mounted rotor or a smaller propeller-shaped cutter that can be steered in flight. (Katsunari Oguri) | Gyro Attack (ジャイロアタック) |
DWN-037 Star Man (スターマン) | Designed for space exploration, Star Man occupies a satellite base. His Star Crash ability creates an energy barrier that protects him against enemy attacks. It can also be flung at enemies. Star Man's body is a yellow inverted star and he is brown. (Tatsumi Saegusa) | Star Crash (スタークラッシュ) |
DWN-038 Charge Man (チャージマン) | Designed for global transport, Charge Man is powered by coal and water, thus costing a fortune to maintain, but reducing his overall operational cost. His Charge Kick ability provides a quick burst of speed, and he can fire red-hot pieces of coal out of his smokestack. Charge Man resembles a stereotypical steam train with legs and arms. (Toshiaki Sugiura) | Charge Kick (チャージキック) |
DWN-039 Napalm Man (ナパームマン) | Napalm Man was built for the purpose of heavy jungle combat, and as a guard for Dr. Wily's secret arsenal. He is equipped with heavily destructive dual Napalm Bomb launchers on his arms that throw pairs of explosives upward in an arc. He is also able to launch volleys of missiles from launchers in his shoulders, has a flamethrower on his head, and can move quickly along the ground due to having tank tracks built into his feet. He is a weapons enthusiast, and spends his time searching for weapons that rival his in strength. Napalm Man is built like a tank with the flamethrower resembling a tank's main gun. (Shinichirou Seki) | Napalm Bomb (ナパームボム) |
DWN-040 Crystal Man (クリスタルマン) | Designed to provide income for Wily's operations, Crystal Man has the ability to create artificial crystals, which double as dangerous rebounding weapons capable of splitting into smaller orbs. He can also fire plasma blasts by focusing energy through the crystal on his chest. Crystal Man's body is composed of spherical, blue crystals, with a large one on his chest and another above his eyes. Strangely, he appears green in-game. (Yusuke Murata) | Crystal Eye (クリスタルアイ) |
041-048 (Mega Man 6)
The catalyst of the plot for Mega Man 6 was an international robotics competition sponsored by the mysterious Mr. X (later revealed to be Dr. Wily in disguise). Mr. X steals the eight finalists and reprograms them, turning them into the new Robot Masters. Consequently, the 8 Robot Masters from Mega Man 6 were known as the "MXN" series in the original release of the game.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
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An Antarctic exploration robot, Blizzard Man was once a ski instructor in Canada. After being modified for combat, he was given the ability to create snow. He also attacks by rolling into a ball and running his opponents over with his massive size. Blizzard Man is a large robot on skis with ski poles and an orange hat. (Hirofumi Ogawa) | Blizzard Attack (ブリザードアタック) |
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Centaur Man is a centaur-modeled robot who was built by a Greek company to serve as a guide around the monuments of ancient Greece. He was given a time/space distorter that allowed him to teleport or cause stretches in the time/space continuum which could temporarily freeze enemies. He is also equipped with a plasma rifle whose shots break into seven bullets when they rebound off a wall. He often tramples foes as a follow-up to his time distortion. In Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, his time/space distorter is replaced with a naginata and an ability known as Centaur Arrow.(Kazuki Kidoguchi) | Centaur/Kentauros Flash (ケンタウロスフラッシュ), Centaur/Kentauros Arrow (ケンタウロスアロー) |
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In Saudi Arabia, Flame Man was originally a refinery worker. Unlike most robots, Flame Man doesn't depend on a solar power core for his power, instead relying on a special steam system run by petroleum, requiring him to stay near oil sources to refill his energy. He is fitted with an oil-powered flamethrower which can be used to shoot fireballs or unleash a wall of flame on his opponent that blocks most incoming attacks. Flame Man resembles a genie with a flamethrower arm. (Noritsugu Kurokawa) | Flame Blast (フレイムブラスト) |
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Knight Man is a stereotypical medieval knight. Originally a fighter entered by England, his main method of attack is using the mace, a large spiked ball attached to a chain on his left arm. In his right hand, he carries a nearly-invincible shield. He swings his mace weapon with great efficiency, but this leaves him open to attack. Tomahawk Man and Knight Man were the only Robot Masters in the game specifically designed for combat. Unlike Tomahawk Man, however, Knight Man was not built specifically for the tournament. Yamato Man holds great respect for him because of his chivalric beliefs. (Daniel Vallée) | Knight Crush (ナイトクラッシャー) |
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Plant Man was originally a mascot of a botanical garden hailing from Brazil. He creates a shield of petal-shaped panels of energy, and hurls the shield at opponents. Although he is equipped with an arm cannon, it serves merely as a discharger for his Plant Barrier. However, in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, his arm cannon functions like Mega Man's. Unlike Centaur Man, Plant Man's weapon in that game remains identical to his original one, though it is much more powerful when used offensively and durable when used defensively. In said game, Plant Man also gained the ability to sprout plants from the ground that would ensnare the player and tangle his opponents in vines, trapping them and leaving them vulnerable to attack. Plant Man has a flower-like head, and his body is wrapped in vines covered in thorns. In the Archie Comic series, Plant Man's creator is revealed to be a one-armed scientist named Dr. Pedro Astil, thus making Plant Man the first of the Mega Man 6 line-up to have an official creator. (Nobuhiro Hoshino) | Plant Barrier (プラントバリア) |
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Tomahawk Man's main weapon is his arm-mounted tomahawk which is thrown in an arc leaving a gap for opponents to hide in. To compensate for this weakness, he can also fling razor-edged feathers from his headdress. He hails from the Southwestern United States as he possesses a Native American motif. Tomahawk Man and Knight Man were the only Robot Masters in the game specifically designed for combat, although he was the only robot of the eight to be specifically designed for the tournament. Despite his weapon's name, neither Mega Man's version nor his version is actually silver in color.(Yoshinobu Suda) | Silver Tomahawk (シルバートマホーク) |
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Wind Man was entered from China. He has the ability to fire his shoulder-mounted propellers at foes. He can also create winds of up to 720 km/h, lift into the air despite his large size, and use his great mass to crush his opponents under his feet. Wind Man is a pink-orange robot with fan-like shoulders, a cap resembling a rice bowl, and a stereotypical Chinese pigtail.(Michael Leader) | Wind Storm (ウィンドストーム) |
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Yamato Man wields a Japanese spear in combat. He can use his spear with great finesse in melee combat and throw spearheads at enemies from a distance, however the heads must be retrieved after use. He also possesses above average agility, which he uses by jumping high in the air while launching a volley of spearheads. According to his data card in Mega Man and Bass, he holds great respect for Knight Man because they abide by similar codes of warfare. He resembles an armored samurai complete with a kabuto helmet, although his armor is mainly for show only. He was called Japan Man in the original North American release of Mega Man 6, but this was later changed to avoid confusion with his NetNavi counterpart. (Rai Ichikawa) | Yamato Spear (ヤマトスピア) |
049-056 (Mega Man 7)
Although the first four of these Robot Masters were implied to have been designed well before Mega Man 7, their numbers are sequentially behind the lineup from Mega Man 6.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DWN-049 Freeze Man (フリーズマン) | Freeze Man was originally created as part of an experiment to design a method to harvest the thermal energy of the surrounding environment. Freeze Man's job was to reduce the temperature of the energy collection system to allow for optimal energy absorption and to work the physical aspects of the experiment. He uses a various array of ice attacks in close succession, making for a brutal and aggressive attack pattern. (Shigeaki Sakamoto) | Freeze Cracker (フリーズクラッカー) |
DWN-050 Junk Man (ジャンクマン) | Junk Man's body is held together by a series of electromagnets. He was designed to collect parts from garbage that could be used for building robots. He throws said junk at foes. (Jun Akiba). | Junk Shield (ジャンクシールド) |
DWN-051 Burst Man (バーストマン) | Burst Man is a deep sea combat robot armed with mines and capable of creating a wide variety of traps. The mines are encased in bubbles that wrap around their target, preventing escape. In the manga, he is shown to have a hobby of creating fireworks. Since he stores various volatile chemicals and explosives in his body, Burst Man is extremely vulnerable to severe impacts or extreme conditions (even a charged Mega Buster shot will send him reeling). Burst Man is the only Robot Master besides Slash Man to have two weaknesses: Turbo Man's Scorch Wheel and Freeze Man's Freeze Cracker (fittingly, Slash Man has the same two weaknesses).(Keishi Tsuchiya) | Danger Wrap (デンジャーラップ) |
DWN-052 Cloud Man (クラウドマン) | Cloud Man floats through the air with the aid of an anti-gravity device concealed by a cloud-like shape. He was originally created as an experimental weather monitoring and control device. He can create rain and channel bolts of lightning. (Isao Nakagiri) | Thunder Bolt/Thunder Strike (サンダーストライク) |
DWN-053 Spring Man (スプリングマン) | Spring Man's body is composed of 2,000 springs, which gives him unprecedented jumping capabilities. He can also launch springs laced with barbed wire or containing bombs at enemies. (Akira Ito) | Wild Coil (ワイルドコイル) |
DWN-054 Slash Man (スラッシュマン) | Slash Man is an animal-like robot designed for jungle exploration. His claws are lethally sharp and long, and he uses them for a deadly slash attack. He can also produce tar bombs that will either stick his opponents to the ground leaving them vulnerable to attack or disable their weapons and hinder their mobility to buy Slash Man time to counterattack. Dr. Wily based his design on a previous robot, the Stardroid Pluto. Slash Man is the only Robot Master besides Burst Man to have two weaknesses: Turbo Man's Scorch Wheel and Freeze Man's Freeze Cracker. Fittingly, both have the same dual weaknesses. Slash Man was originally called "Claw Man" by his creator. (Yoichi Amano) | Slash Claw (スラッシュクロー) |
DWN-055 Shade Man (シェードマン) | Shade Man is a vampire robot with bat-like wings designed as a fun house attraction. His Noise Crush attack bounces off walls much like a bat's sonar. Upon receiving the amplified sounds waves, he can blast them back out at incredible force. Shade Man can also attack with a paralyzing beam. There is an easter egg that if the player holds down the B button while selecting his stage, the music will be the main theme to Ghosts 'N Goblins (this will only work before Shade Man is defeated). His stage is also a homage to Ghosts 'N Goblins. (Tetsuya Watada) | Noise Crush/Crush Noise (クラッシュノイズ) |
DWN-056 Turbo Man (ターボマン) | Turbo Man is an automobile-themed robot able to change between a humanoid form and a car form. It is said Dr. Wily created him out of his own car. His signature weapon is the Scorch Wheel, which is a group of spinning fireballs that rotate in a 'wheel' fashion. (Takashi Kino) | Scorch Wheel/Burning Wheel (バーニングホイール) |
057-064 (Mega Man 8)
Mega Man 8 was the last game to hold a Robot Master design contest. The only Robot Masters from this game designed by the staff were Tengu Man and Astro Man.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DWN-057 Tengu Man (テングマン) | Tengu Man is an experimental weather-control robot modeled after the tengu. His attacks are Tornado Hold (which causes a small tornado and sometimes encases enemies in the vortex) and Tengu Blade (a blade that throws a whirlwind after being swung). He is extremely boastful and cocky. He reappears in Mega Man & Bass. His head resembles a hummingbird's head to some extent. | Tornado Hold (トルネードホールド), Tengu Blade (テングブレード) |
DWN-058 Astro Man (アストロマン) | Built from abandoned planetarium parts, Wily intended Astro Man to hypnotize observers in the planetarium. By manipulating the dimensional space around him, Astro Man can create a virtual-reality subspace, an ability which makes him incredibly talented at hide-and-seek. Astro Man was not built for battle, resulting in the indirect nature of his attacks and his often cowardly persona. He reappears in Mega Man & Bass where he now possesses the Copy Vision ability. | Astro Crush (アストロクラッシュ), Copy Vision (コピービジョン) |
DWN-059 Sword Man (ソードマン) | Wily once stole an ancient sword from a museum. The sword was so large, however, that he could find no use for it, so he made Sword Man to use it as a weapon. However, the sword was still too heavy for Sword Man to lift. For this reason, Sword Man's upper body and lower body were split, allowing them to move independently, and a gyroscopic stabilizer was installed in the upper half. His attack channels energy through the sword to cause a burst of flame. (Keigo Matsuo) | Flame Sword (フレイムソード) |
DWN-060 Clown Man (クラウンマン) | Wily stole Clown Man from the set of a canceled science fiction show and remodeled him using props. His arms are able to extend several times longer than his own body. His attacks are electricity-based. Although he has a clown-like motif, his personality is fitting for his jester-like appearance. (Hiroshige Sakai) | Thunder Claw (サンダークロー) |
DWN-061 Search Man (サーチマン) | Using parts from a decommissioned security robot, Wily added an extra head to Search Man, intended to give him two brains. However, instead of adding to the abilities of this surveillance robot, the heads tend to watch (and squabble with) each other rather than look for intruders. He uses guerrilla tactics, trying to ambush opponents with a barrage of missiles. (Yuuta Hata) | Homing Sniper (ホーミングスナイパー) |
DWN-062 Frost Man (フロストマン) | During Clown Man's remodeling, Wily went a little overboard ordering parts. Frost Man was built to use the extras. Wily had enough spare parts so that he could install an ice machine inside Frost Man, allowing him to produce icicle spikes on the ground in an attack called the Ice Wave. Although he shows limited intelligence, he seems to make ice sculptures as a hobby. Frost Man's body is based on an igloo. (Akifumi Nomura) | Ice Wave (アイスウェーブ) |
DWN-063 Grenade Man (グレネードマン) | Due to Grenade Man's faulty programming, he cannot discriminate between targets and allies, and tends to attack anyone and anything, including himself. His personality is that of a masochistic drill sergeant. His attack, Flash Bomb, is a stunning concussion grenade. Like his name suggests, he is modeled after the grenade. (Kenichirou Komaki) | Flash Bomb (フラッシュボム) |
DWN-064 Aqua Man (アクアマン) | Aqua Man is the result of Wily's first attempt to build Frost Man's ice machine. Instead of scrapping him, Wily gave him a water tank and sent him to a water treatment facility to train. His personality is that of a showboating trickster. His attacks involve manipulating water. (Morito Kuriki) | Water Balloon (ウォーターバルーン) |
073-080 (Mega Man 10)
In Mega Man 10, these Robot Masters were among those infected by the robot disease called Roboenza:
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DWN-073 Blade Man (ブレイドマン) | Blade Man was the guide to an ancient castle before the Roboenza incident. The castle's lord had a fascination with swords which inspired the robot's design where Blade Man has a blade-shaped head and blades for hands. He has an encyclopedic knowledge about weapons and swords, and can speak on the subject for a very long time. | Triple Blade (トリプルブレイド) |
DWN-074 Pump Man (ポンプマン) | Pump Man is a water pump-themed robot. Before the Roboenza incident Pump Man worked at a wastewater treatment plant, purifying the water that came through. He also volunteered his time to wash graffiti off of walls in the neighborhood. Pump Man has also been described as a "neat freak." | Water Shield (ウォーターシールド) |
DWN-075 Commando Man (コマンドマン) | Before contracting Roboenza, Commando Man was a mine-sweeping robot who used remote detonation techniques to clear minefields all over the world. It is also said that he enjoys tasting oil from the various countries he visits. | Commando Bomb (コマンドボム) |
DWN-076 Chill Man (チルドマン) | Before contracting Roboenza, Chill Man's primary job as an arctic natural observation robot was to stop glacial melting caused by global warming. He enjoys photography and uses photos of his experiences in the arctic to raise awareness on the Internet of the importance of nature. | Chill Spike (チルドスパイク) |
DWN-077 Sheep Man (シープマン) | Sheep Man is a sheep-themed robot. Originally a sheep herding robot, he left that job to work in the static resistance test division of a circuit board manufacturer after one day noticing static build-up on his wool. Being easily bored however, he considered changing jobs again before he became infected with Roboenza. | Thunder Wool (サンダーウール) |
DWN-078 Strike Man (ストライクマン) | Strike Man is a baseball-themed robot. He was a batting-practice robot for a stadium before he malfunctioned due to Roboenza. In one incident, Strike Man purposely hit a batter that he disliked with a very powerful fastball sending him to the hospital. He also gets upset when he gives up too many hits. | Rebound Striker (リバウンドストライカー) |
DWN-079 Nitro Man (ニトロマン) | Nitro Man is a robot who can transform into a motorcycle and release several Wheel Cutters. He is a stunt robot who has appeared in many movies and TV shows. Nitro Man is willing to do whatever stunts he is asked regardless of the risks. Nitro Man is also the president of a robot stunt club which has sixty members. | Wheel Cutter (ホイールカッター) |
DWN-080 Solar Man (ソーラーマン) | Solar Man is a robot who can make artificial sunlight at the top of his head. Solar Man worked in a sunlight research lab before he went berserk from Roboenza. In his spare time, he developed a "Solar Workout" plan which has had little success. | Solar Blaze (ソーラーブレイズ) |
DCN series
025-032 (Mega Man 4)
Each of the Robot Masters numbered 025-032 were designed by Dr. Cossack and later modified by Dr. Wily at the time when he captured Dr. Cossack's daughter. The game lists three of the Robot Masters with the wrong identification codes.[10] Interestingly, although they officially bear Dr. Cossack's identification code, their numbers fit in the lineup of the DWN series, and Mega Man 4 reflect this by listing them under the DWN series.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
DCN-025 Bright Man (ブライトマン) | Bright Man was created for emergency illumination and rescue work. His weapon, the Flash Stopper, sends out a powerful wave of electricity of up to 10 million watts in the form of a brief and instantaneous flash of light. This flash temporarily stuns opponents, at which Bright Man will either shoot them down with his arm cannon or land on them, both for massive damage. Bright Man resembles a control panel with arms and legs, with a incandescent light bulb attached to his head. (Yoshitaka Enomoto) | Flash Stopper (フラッシュストッパー) |
DCN-026 Toad Man (トードマン) | Toad Man is a toad-themed robot created for terraforming. His Rain Flush is a missile-launching system that fires rockets capable of expelling tremendous amounts of liquid in the form of raindrops over large areas. However, after Dr. Wily converted him, the devices were modified to unleash acid rain instead. The game incorrectly lists his identification code as DCN-029, Ring Man's number. (Atsushi Ootsuka) | Rain Flush (レインフラッシュ) |
DCN-027 Drill Man (ドリルマン) | Drill Man was designed for underground tunnel construction work, with heavy armor and a specially-made weapon. His Drill Bomb punctures through rock and metals, and then explodes within them to break up as much material as possible with one blast. He can cut through solid rock like a shark through water. Drill Man has a drill-like head and drill arms. (Masayuki Hoshi) | Drill Bomb (ドリルボム) |
DCN-028 Pharaoh Man (ファラオマン) | Pharaoh Man was created for archaeological excavation. The pharaoh-motif was intended to ward off curses. His Pharaoh Shot, originally installed to help him light up dark rooms, can be charged to unleash bursts of solar energy. He was given the ability to teleport and float in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, where his weapon was replaced with the Pharaoh Wave, which sends out his energy in a pair of waves behind and in front of him instead of in a ball like the Pharaoh Shot. He was also given the ability to teleport and levitate in said game, along with an eye-shaped magic shield. Mega Man 4 incorrectly lists his identification code as DCN-026, Toad Man's number. (Takayuki Ebara) | Pharaoh Shot (ファラオショット), Pharaoh Wave (ファラオウェーブ) |
DCN-029 Ring Man (リングマン) | Ring Man was created expressly for anti-Mega Man combat as a modification of an earlier police-robot design. The Ring Boomerang acts much like a chakram. As their name implies, they return to the user after being thrown. The game incorrectly lists his identification code as DCN-028, Pharaoh Man's number. Ring Man is similar in design to Magnet Man and Metal Man, but his combat AI was based on a simplified version of Quick Man's. (Hiromi Uchida) | Ring Boomerang (リングブーメラン) |
DCN-030 Dust Man (ダストマン) | Dust Man was created for industrial sanitation projects. His weapon, Dust Crusher, is a powerful bomb covered in thick layers of scrap metal. Its explosion sends debris off in four directions, making it a difficult to avoid attack. The large vent on his head can also draw air in very fast, moving physical matter towards him and sucking all enemy fire harmlessly. Dust Man is modeled after a vacuum cleaner. Interestingly, though he has an arm cannon that he never uses in-game (the Ruby-Spears cartoon showed it in action).(Yusuke Murata) | Dust Crusher/Dust Crasher (ダストクラッシャー) |
DCN-031 Dive Man (ダイブマン) | Dive Man is a submarine-themed robot who was created for deep sea exploration. Dive Man's body is built to withstand crushing depths. His Dive Missiles, as they were originally designed to burst into nets for catching fish, possess flawless homing abilities. Once Dive Man was weaponized by Wily, the fish nets and other capture equipment were replaced by powerful explosive warheads, and the missiles were also given the ability to function outside of water. Due to a design error, Dive Man cannot completely transform into a submarine (his legs and arms remain). He utilizes this design flaw in combat by throwing himself at opponents and trying to smash them. (Suguru Nakayama) | Dive Missile (ダイブミサイル) |
DCN-032 Skull Man (スカルマン) | Skull Man was created for wartime combat purposes. He balances offensive and defensive strengths. His skull-motif is used as a kind of psychological warfare tactic. His Skull Barrier is not only nearly impenetrable but is also capable of damaging enemies that come in contact with it. He can also attack with a powerful arm cannon similar to the Mega Buster, but cannot use both at the same time, leaving an opening to attack. Though a theory exists that Dr. Cossack created Skull Man to hint at who was truly behind his plan for world domination, Dr. Wily's adoption of the skull motif is, ironically, officially confirmed in Mega Man 4.(Toshiyuki Miyachi) | Skull Barrier (スカルバリアー) |
Other series
KGN series
KGN is the series code for the King Guardians, elite Robot Masters who enlisted in or were forcibly conscripted into King's army and were promoted to ranks of prominence, evidenced by the fact that they guard the entrance to his castle, hence their name. The KGN series appeared in Mega Man & Bass, alongside Tengu Man and Astro Man.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
KGN-001 Dynamo Man (ダイナモマン) | Dynamo Man was originally a tour guide for children at a power plant. King stole him one day and modified him with an internal power generator to produce an immense static field. The power from this generator is too much for his body to stand, causing unstable feedback to anyone who goes near him. As a result of this modification he drove out everyone away from the power plant he resided in; this caused him to become introvertive and hypersensitive. He uses various electricity based attacks, his favorite being the Lightning Bolt, a massive barrage of thunderbolts that eliminates everything around him. He can also regenerate himself very quickly by plugging into a source of electricity. | Lightning Bolt (ライトニングボルト) |
KGN-002 Cold Man (コールドマン) | Cold Man was originally designed by Dr. Light to monitor the freezers for dinosaur DNA. King modified him to be a guardian. The center of his body is always at close to absolute zero, causing him to have slow movement. His attack Ice Wall allows him to make a brick of ice and push it as a projectile. He can also summon cloud-like enemies or freeze the ground, both for the purposes of immobilizing his opponents, and then smash them with an Ice Wall. | Ice Wall (アイスウォール) |
KGN-003 Ground Man (グランドマン) | Ground Man was designed to excavate ruins. He joined King's army in order to collect treasures. Like Turbo Man, he can change between a humanoid form and a vehicular form (a tank bristling with drills). He can also tunnel underground to ambush an enemy with a set of three massive drills or burrow underneath them to skewer his opponents. Ironically, he inhabits a sandy temple where Ground Man is known to have a severe dislike of sand as it jams his tank treads. | Spread Drill (スプレッドドリル) |
KGN-004 Pirate Man (パイレーツマン) | Pirate Man is a pirate-themed robot who was built to raid cargo ships in the open sea, known for his merciless behavior and cruel attitude. He is said to have a massive stash of goods underwater. His attack is Remote Mine, a guided but deceivingly small electromagnetic mine that can be steered at the user's will, causing a massive, long-lasting explosion similar to that of Grenade Man's Flash Bomb. | Remote Mine (リモートマイン) |
KGN-005 Burner Man (バーナーマン) | Burner Man is a pyromaniac. King forced him to burn a forest a day, otherwise a self-destruct mechanism in his body would explode. Though he later discovered this wasn't true, he continued to burn forests and remains mentally unstable from the experience. Burner Man uses a series of fire-based attacks that employ high-flammability gas stored in his tanks, including an arm-mounted flamethrower with a wave pattern and explosive barrels. He also boasts high agility and speed, along with dirty tricks like bear traps and spikes, making him a very dangerous opponent. Burner Man's design is based on a Bunsen Burner. | Wave Burner (ウェーブバーナー) |
KGN-006 Magic Man (マジックマン) | A former member of the King Army Circus Group, Magic Man is a magician-themed robot who enlisted as a guardian thinking it would make him cool. He likes to research magic and illusions as well as fortune telling, but only to impress his peers. His Magic Card attack is a playing-card-shaped energy projectile that shoots in a straight path and returns to him in boomerang fashion, stealing energy, screws, and other items from its target upon hit. Magic Man can also attack with magic orbs that spawn enemies when shot, and launch a vase that splits into a horde of homing birds that mob his opponent. | Magic Card (マジックカード) |
RKN series
RKN is the series code for "Rockman Killers". In the English versions, they were called "Mega Man Hunters" in the games for the Game Boy, but "Megaman Killers" in Mega Man & Bass. Regardless, the code remained the same. Each RKN robot is named after a musical genre. While considered as an analog, Quint is technically not part of the RKN series. Similarly, Terra is also an analog but is part of the SRN series of Stardroids as he was not designed by Wily.
Series Number | Weapon |
RKN-001 Enker (エンカー) | Mirror Buster (ミラーバスター) |
RKN-002 Punk (パンク) | Screw Crusher (スクリュークラッシャー) |
RKN-003 Ballade (バラード) | Ballade Cracker (バラードクラッカー) |
SRN series
SRN is the series code for the "Space Rulers" that appeared in Mega Man V. The Space Rulers were called "Stardroids" in the English releases. Each SRN robot is named after one of the nine planets in the Solar System, following definitions as of the time of Mega Man V's release. (Pluto was redesignated as a dwarf planet in August 2006.) None of the SRN Robot Masters have Net Navi counterparts.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
SRN-001 Terra (Earth) (アース) | The leader of the Stardroids, Terra is very greedy and self-centered. His Spark Chaser has two forms: a high-damage laser beam or a ball of electricity that follows an opponent and deals moderate damage every time it hits. He can also teleport and fire a ring that paralyzes opponents. He is immune to almost everything, even Mega Man's standard charged shot. Only the charged Mega Arm and Uranus' Deep Digger have been proven to be able to damage him. Despite being named after the earth goddess of Roman mythology, Terra is male. | Spark Chaser (スパークチェイサー) |
SRN-002 Mercury (マーキュリー) | Mercury is a logistics coordinator, a kleptomaniac and a follower of communism. His powers reference his planet's name in Japanese, "water star" (水星 Suisei), as he is able to transform from solid to liquid or vice versa much like the Yellow Devil. His only means of ranged attack is the Grab Buster, a spark of light than can absorb a foe's energy and restore his health or be used to steal a powerup. | Grab Buster/Snatch Buster (スナッチバスター) |
SRN-003 Venus (ビーナス) | Venus is the grumpy weapons manufacturer of the Stardroids. He fires his weapon, the Bubble Bomb, in two sizes; the small ones can home in on a target, but the large ones are stationary. Like Burst Man's Danger Wrap, these bubbles are composed of highly volatile and toxic chemicals. He bears a distinct resemblance to Toad Man from Mega Man 4, though he is modelled after a crab instead of a toad. | Bubble Bomb (バブルボム) |
SRN-004 Mars (マース) | Mars is well armed with a number of weapons. He can fire several types of missiles, a powerful autocannon of strength comparable to the Mega Buster, or perform an invincible dash, leaving landmines in the path behind him. His most powerful attack is the Photon Missile, a powerful high-speed rocket that slices through anything once in motion. Mars' design bears a resemblance to Napalm Man from Mega Man 5. Notably, both of them have the same-shaped head and are mounted on tank-like treads. | Photon Missile (フォトンミサイル) |
SRN-005 Jupiter (ジュピター) | Jupiter rules the sky, though ironically he has no control over the weather. Like Tengu Man from Mega Man 8, he has a pair of powerful jet engines that allow him to fly and perform extreme maneuvers. Originally, Jupiter was equipped with an electromagnetic bomb with a yield of several megatons, but, feeling it was too dangerous for him to use in combat, he modified it to channel energy for his then-secondary attack, the Electric Shock, a powerful thunder bolt rivaling Elec Man's Thunder Beam in strength. He can also fired a spread of sparks from his arm cannon. Jupiter has a dislike of explosives, possibly attributed to the fact that Venus' Bubble Bomb is his weakness. He is modeled after a falcon. | Electric Shock (エレクトリックショック) |
SRN-006 Saturn (サターン) | Saturn, like his mythological namesake, has control over time and space. His Black Hole generates a void that obliterates most enemies and fires a powerful ring of energy blasts as a secondary attack. He can also stop time and slide, being one of four characters in the entire classic series to have this ability (the others are Mega Man, Proto Man, and Shadow Man). Saturn ironically has a dislike of all things electronic (as he is a robot) due to the fact Jupiter's Electric Shock is his weakness. | Black Hole (ブラックホール) |
SRN-007 Uranus (ウラノス) | Uranus's attacks are earth-based, despite being named after the sky deity in Roman mythology. Shaped like a bull, he is the largest and strongest of the Stardroids by far and is capable of hurling huge rocks or causing a fatal cave-in with a single high jump. Almost paradoxically, Uranus also boasts supreme speed and agility for a robot of his size, being able to cover his boss chamber in a single leap and charging across the same distance at incredible speed. Uranus is also quite tough, taking minimal damage from most attacks and surviving his own weapon with minimal damage. His attack pattern is similar to that of Guts Man. | Deep Digger (ディープディガー) |
SRN-008 Pluto (プルート) | Pluto is modeled after a leopard. He can use his claws to slash the enemy, fire homing missiles, or launch short-range fireballs. His Break Dash renders him invincible, which he uses to speed towards a foe to destroy them up close or for protection. He also uses his agility to reach places where he can imperviously attack his enemy, using his tail to cling to walls or ceilings. Wily used his design as the basis for Slash Man from Mega Man 7. | Break Dash (ブレイクダッシュ) |
SRN-009 Neptune (ネプチューン) | Neptune is an aquatic Robot Master. He is the second-largest of the Stardroids after Uranus and is heavy enough to cause the ground to shake by jumping high. His Salt Water projectiles can split into three smaller ones upon hitting a wall and dissolve most known materials, including Mars' tough armor. The reason Neptune is last in the SRN series isntead of Pluto is because at the time of the game's development and release, Neptune's orbit had taken it further from the Sun than Pluto. | Salt Water (ソルトウォーター) |
MWN series
MWN is the series code for the "Megaworld Corps" that appeared in Mega Man: The Wily Wars. In Mega Man & Bass, they are referred to as the "Genesis Unit". Each MWN robot is based on a character from the Chinese epic work Journey to the West.
Series Number | Short Description |
MWN-01 Buster Rod.G | Leader of the Megaworld army. The G is for Son Gokū, the Japanese reading of the name Sun Wukong. Like the character he is named after, he resembles a monkey and uses an extendable staff as a weapon. Buster Rod also has the ability to duplicate himself an endless number of times and is extremely agile. He also uses a standard arm cannon. He must be fought twice to be successfully defeated. |
MWN-02 Mega Water.S | Head of the Megaworld Army Mental Ops. The S is for Sagojō, the Japanese reading of the name Sha Wujing. Resembles a Kappa. He shoot harpoons and pushes his targets afar with water. |
MWN-03 Hyper Storm.H | Boar-shaped leader of the Megaworld Army Physical Ops. The H is for Cho Hakkai, the Japanese reading of the name Zhu Bajie. He attacks by using his breath to pull in, or push off and shoot his target, as well as making Mets fall. He is the only Robot Master that has two energy meters. |
Mega Man (PC)
These Robot Masters appeared in the PC version of Mega Man.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
Dyna Man | Dyna Man's level is an explosives factory. He is a master of explosives. He is weak to Volt Man's Force Field. | Nuclear Detonator |
Sonic Man | Sonic Man's level is a marine laboratory. He is an expert in the field of sonar. He is weak to Dyna Man's Nuclear Detonator. | Sonic Wave |
Volt Man | Volt Man's level is a hydroelectric dam. He controls electricity. He is weak to Sonic Man's Sonic Wave. | Force Field |
Mega Man 3 (PC)
These Robot Masters appeared in the PC version of Mega Man 3.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
Shark Man | Shark Man's level is underwater, and his design is based on sharks. He is weak to Bit Man's Bit Cannon. His in-game sprite is based on Crash Man. He is the only robot of this franchise to have a NetNavi counterpart. | Shark Boomerang |
Wave Man | Wave Man's level is a cargo ship. Wave Man resembles Air Man, except for whereas Air Man had a turbine on his chest, Wave Man has six circles. He is weak to Oil Man's Oil Stream. He is not the same Wave Man who later appears in Mega Man 5. | Water Shooter |
Torch Man | Torch Man's level is, oddly enough, in a flower-filled sewer. Even though he is fought in a water-filled room, he is weak to Wave Man's Water Shooter. His sprite is based on Magnet Man. | Torch Arm |
Bit Man | Bit Man's level is a flying fortress. Bit Man was supposed to look like Spark Man, but his in-game sprite on the level select screen more resembles a yellow Hard Man. His weapon is the Bit Cannon, and he is weak to Torch Man's Torch Arm. | Bit Cannon |
Blade Man | Blade Man's level select screen sprite resembles Metal Man, to whom he also attacks similarly. His level is a water treatment facility. He is weak to Shark Man's Shark Boomerang. He is not the same Blade Man seen in Mega Man 10. | Blade Launcher |
Oil Man | Oil Man vaguely resembles Flash Man, but otherwise the two have no relation. Oil Man's stage is an oil refinery. He is weak to Blade Man's Blade Launcher. He is not the same as the Oil Man in Mega Man: Powered Up. | Oil Stream |
Special series
Generally, these robots have unknown or special origins, and have unique numbers or no number at all.
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
Doc Robot (Docman) | A strange robot that has the ability to mimic the traits and abilities of other robots. It appeared in Mega Man 3 where Dr. Wily used eight of them to distract Mega Man while he tried to steal Gamma. In each battle, one of the Doc Robots mimics the attacks and movements of a Robot Master from Mega Man 2. Though called Doc Robot in the English versions of Mega Man 3, the robot's Japanese name, Dokurobotto, actually translates to "Skull Robot", reflecting the series' physical appearance. | Various Mega Man 2 weapons |
Dark Man (ダークマン) | Designed as another cover for his schemes, Dr. Wily copied Proto Man's data and programmed it into Dark Man, who was the presumed leader of an army of Robot Masters in Mega Man 5. He has the ability to don the appearance of others, and he is battle-capable. Later he was destroyed by Mega Man after being revealed as a fake by the real Proto Man. There are four forms that Dark Man takes: the first being a tank-like shooter, the second a barrier-using walker, the third a walking shooter that attacks in tandem with immobilizing projectiles, and the fourth is imperfectly disguised as Proto Man until the real one blasts away his disguise. This form is an amalgam of the previous three, which used enhanced versions of their abilities, with the total exception of the immobilizing projectiles used by the third version. The disguising of the fourth Dark Man as Proto Man is a reference to the movie of the same name. | |
SWN-001 Bass (Forte) (フォルテ) | Main article: List of Mega Man characters § Bass |
Bass/Forte Buster |
Auto (Rightot) | Dr. Light's personal assistant. Able to build various devices from bolts and screws. Likes to wave around a Japanese flag fan. | |
Duo | Main article: List of Mega Man characters § Duo A robot from outer space designed to destroy Evil Energy. He is designed as the exact counter to the Evil Robot that he battles in the beginning of Mega Man 8, named Trio in the Archie comic series. |
Quint (クイント) | Main article: List of Mega Man characters § Quint |
Sakugarne (サクガーン) |
Sunstar (Sungod) | An extremely powerful and advanced android of extraterrestrial origins discovered by Wily. He commands incredible power, but exists only to destroy. He refuses to obey Wily's orders upon being activated and, after shooting down the watching scientist, challenges Mega Man to a final battle. In his final moments, Sunstar finds himself questioning his existence after Mega Man refuses to finish him, though his systems are too critically damaged for it to make any difference. He is one of the few characters that have been the final boss of a game in the original series besides Dr. Wily. | |
King | A king-themed robot created by Dr. Wily to eventually use as a cover for one of his schemes for world domination. He considers himself to be quite intellectual, and desires to unite all robots under his rule. Although built and controlled by Wily, King actually has a sense of nobility, which shines through during his final moments. It is revealed in Mega Man's ending that King is still alive and wishes to atone for the trouble he had caused. | |
Chest | One of three announcer robots for the Battle and Chase racing tournament. Chest is the "anchor" of the group. He is largely absent from the American and European versions. | None |
Plum | Plum is the second of the three Battle and Chase announcers. She is a mobile interviewer, equipped with high-speed wheels on both feet to cover the races from the ground. | None |
Report | The diminutive aerial reporter for the Battle and Chase tournament. He works with Plum and Chest to cover the tournament. | None |
NWN-001 Ra Thor | A underdeveloped character who is the penultimate boss of Superadventure Rockman. He is an extraterrestrial robot built by Ra Moon, along with fellow creation, the New Yellow Devil, or Ra Devil. He is the only New Wily Number in existence, although there is debate as to whether Zero should be under the same category. | |
Mega Man? | In Mega Man Powered Up, if the player plays as one of the boss Robot Masters, Dr. Wily will apparently steal Mega Man as well. However, on the stage select screen, there is a question mark after his name, and after choosing him, Dr. Wily's "W" symbol appears next to his name, rather than Dr. Light's "L" symbol, as is the case with the other Robot Masters. His appearance differs slightly from that of the real Mega Man: his helmet has a triangle instead of a square, his pupils are thinner, he wears a purple scarf, and he is prone to bearing a psychotic expression on his face. | Resembles Mega Buster, only his shots are green. |
Copy Robot | Although appearing to be merely an exact replica of Mega Man in the original Mega Man game, in Mega Man Powered Up it is revealed as a robot who can copy the appearance, abilities, but at the same time also the weaknesses of any adversary. | Whatever weapon the original has. |
Fake Man (フェイクマン) | A fake police robot created by Dr. Wily,[11] it is the boss of the downloadable Special Stage from Mega Man 9. He uses a revolver-type arm cannon in combat and is quite agile. |
Dimensions series
A mysterious robot force which serves Rockman Shadow, a prototype robot based on early Mega Man redesigns (Quint). They arrived from the future and destroyed Symphony City. Although they do not have a specific series code, they are known collectively as the Dimensions. These RMs appear in the WonderSwan game Rockman & Forte: Challengers From the Future.
Name | Weapon given to Mega Man | Weapon given to Bass |
Dangan Man (ダンガンマン) | Rock Vulcan (ロックバルカン) | Forte Vulcan (フォルテバルカン) |
Konro Man (コンロマン) | Flame Shower (フレイムシャワー) | Flame Mixer (フレイムミキサー) |
Aircon Man (エアコンマン) | Barrier Wind (バリアウィンド) | Forte Cyclone (フォルテサイクロン) |
Komusou Man (コムソウマン) | Doppel Crush (ドッペルクラッシュ) | Doppler Attack (ドップラーアタック) |
Clock Men (クロックメン) | Time Switch (タイムスイッチ) | Time Bomb (タイムボム) |
Compass Man (コンパスマン) | None | None |
Rockman Strategy
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon |
Aries | A ram-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters at the Iron Works in Mongolia. Aries is accompanied by Bomb Man and Flame Man. | Heat Wave |
Aquarius | A water-bearer Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on the African Coast. | Storm Surge |
Cancer | A crab-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on the floating islands in the Indian Ocean. Cancer is accompanied by Elec Man and Spark Man. | Bubble Beam |
Capricorn | A goat-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters in Africa. | Flaming Sword |
Gemini | A Constellation Droid that's one half female, one half male. His weapon is inspired by Gemini Man's attack. Mega Man encounters him in a mine in India. Gemini is accompanied by Guts Man and Metal Man. | Twin Laser |
Leo | A lion-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters in an erupting volcano in Borneo. Leo is accompanied by Heat Man and Napalm Man. | Whirlwind |
Libra | A scales-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters in the Great Indian Desert. Libra is accompanied by Cut Man and Hard Man. | U.V. Ray |
Pisces | A Robot Master with a dolphin for a bottom. Mega Man encounters Pisces on the coasts of the Caspian Sea. | Hydro Cannon |
Sagittarius | A winged centaur-like Constellation Droid. His design is based on Centaur Man. Mega Man encounters Sagittarius in northern Africa. His weapon is Blazing Arrow. | Blazing Arrow |
Scorpio | A scorpion-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on a Flying Fortress over the Pacific Ocean. Scorpio is accompanied by Cloud Man and Yamato Man. | Hail Storm |
Taurus | A bull-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on the Chinese Coast. Taurus is accompanied by Frost Man and Ice Man. | Sandstorm |
Virgo | A virgin-like Constellation Droid who Mega Man encounters on a sunken highway in the Pacific Ocean. Virgo is accompanied by Bubble Man and Freeze Man. | Maelstrom |
Apollo | Leader of the Constellation Droids along with Luna. | NA |
Luna | Leader of the Constellation Droids along with Apollo. | NA |
Planned Robot Masters
|"Bond Man" |- |Bond Man was designed by Keiji Infuane along with the first six robot masters of the first Mega Man game, but, due to the technical limitations of the NES, only six robot masters could go into the |final game, so out of the seven that already been designed, Bond Man got cut. He was originally designed to help with dangerous jobs, like the 6 robots of the first game, and he would use |industrial strength glue to bond objects that needed bonding (hence the name). Because of his obscurity and the fact that he has never appeared in any Mega Man game ever, he is considered |somewhat of a legend among Mega Man fans, particularly the ones in Japan.
Other media
LMN Series
The LMN series is a line of Robot Masters created by Dr. Noele Lalinde, a character exclusive to the Mega Man series from Archie Comics. The first robot of this line is LMN-001, known in her civilian form as Tempo and in her armored form as Quake Woman. Created as an excavation robot, Quake Woman was injured during a cave in, and Dr. Lalinde was horrified by the thought of losing the robot she thought of as a daughter. In an effort to distance herself from her creation, Lalinde removed Quake Woman's emotions, but eventually realized that her feelings for Tempo remained. She subsequently restored Quake Woman's emotions and aided her in the process of rediscovering them. Quake Woman has been an ally to both Mega Man and Roll, as well as confronting Proto Man over his bitterness towards Dr. Light. Lalinde later constructed second robot, LMN-002 AKA Vesper Woman, a wasp-themed robot designed for pollination and botanical cataloging, whose design was an abandoned concept for the Robot Master Hornet Man.
EWN Series
EWN is the series code for the Roboticized Masters that appeared in the storyline, Worlds Collide, which is a 12 issue crossover between Archie Comics series Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe and Mega Man. The term Roboticized Masters comes from a mix of Robot Masters and Roboticization (the process of turning a living being into a robot) from the Sonic the Hedgehog comics.
During the storyline, Dr. Wily joined forces with Sonic the Hedgehog's nemesis Doctor Eggman in the hopes of conquering both their respective worlds and planned to gather the Chaos Emeralds to do so. To ensure victory, the two doctors captured and roboticized the friends of Sonic the Hedgehog. The roboticization process was Dr. Eggman's doing, while Roboticized Masters were designed in a similar fashion to the Robot Masters. Though as per Eggman's methods, they lack personality. An additional benefit of the combination of their tech is that the Roboticized Masters can travel between worlds freely as traveling between dimensions require the traveler to be in the company of that world's resident (i.e. Bass needing to be in the company of Metal Sonic, or vice versa).[12]
Tails is the first to undergo the roboticization. Though he is disabled when Mega Man fires a Mega Buster shot, followed by Sonic's Spin Dash Attack, then cured when Mega Man copies his weapon data.[13] Tails upon learning this later modifies the Mega Buster to have the same frequency of the Spin Dash Attack.[14]
Each time one of the Roboticized Masters is restored to their original form, they leave behind an orb, which empowers Mega Man with the Master Weapon they originally held.
During the second crossover, Worlds Unite, Wily and Eggman captured both Mega Man and Sonic with the intent of putting them under their control on behalf of Sigma (though both scientists secretly plan to betray the reploid).[15]
Mega Man was converted into an Eggman style robot referred to as M'egga Man, while Sonic was turned into a Roboticized Master going by the name Sonic Man.[16] Both successfully installed Sigma's Unity Engines in each other's respective dimension, causing both worlds to merge.[17]
Series Number | Short Description | Weapon(s) |
Tails Man | Roboticized Master version of Miles "Tails" Prower. First to be roboticized and the first to be cured. | Tail Wind |
Rose Woman | Roboticized Master version of Amy Rose. Mega Man attempts to stop her with the Psycho Burst, but with no luck. He manages to wear her down with the Fire Tornado and Spin Dash Shot.[18] | Piko Hammer |
Knuckles Man | Roboticized Master version of Knuckles the Echidna. Mega Man finds Knuckles Man to be a challenge, having gone through weapons such as the Acoustic Blaster and Rapid Stinger. He finds the newly acquired Piko Hammer to be successful and manages to defeat Knuckles with the Spin Dash Shot.[18] | Sharp Knuckle |
Shadow Man | Roboticized Master version of Shadow the Hedgehog. Along with Dr. Wily's Shadow Man, pursued Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog. Mega Man ambushes the Roboticized Shadow Man with the Chroma Camo and uses Tail Wind before defeating him with the Spin Dash Shot.[19] | Chaos Cannon |
Vector Man | Roboticized Master version of Vector the Crocodile. He is the first Roboticized Master to be defeated by Mega Man's Spin Dash Shot.[14] | Acoustic Blaster |
Charmy Man | Roboticized Master version of Charmy Bee. He's defeated with the Acoustic Blaster and Spin Dash Shot.[14] | Rapid Stinger |
Espio Man | Roboticized Master version of Espio the Chameleon. Espio Man proves to be hard to locate due to his camouflage ability, but is found by Rush and defeated by the Spin Dash Shot.[14] | Chroma Camo |
Silver Man | Roboticized Master version of Silver the Hedgehog. He is defeated by the Spin Dash Shot.[19] | Psycho Burst |
Blaze Woman | Roboticized Master version of Blaze the Cat. She's restrained by Silver the Hedgehog long enough for Mega Man to use the Spin Dash Shot.[19] | Fire Tornado |
Rouge Woman | Roboticized Master version of Rouge the Bat. She is the last of the Roboticized Masters and briefly leads an army of time cloned Robot Masters before Mega Man restores her to normal.[20] | Black Wave |
Sonic Man | Roboticized Master version of Sonic the Hedgehog. Like the roboticized Shadow, he shares his name with a previously existing Robot Master. Unlike the other RMs, he contains multiple weapons. He was given the task to plant a Unity Engine in Mega Man's world under Sigma's command. Both he and M'egga Man are cured when they fire their weapons upon each other (as a result of Dr. Eggman and Wily hoping for them to pursue Sigma).[21] | Spin Slash Spin Dasher Fire Dasher Thunder Dasher Energy Shield Ring Launcher Homing Shot Spring Shield |
Shadow Man, Silver Man and Blaze Woman are the only ones to be given a specified number which respectively are EWN-003, EWN-004 and EWN-005.[19]
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paugh, Miranda L. "Mega Man Homepage, Mega Man (1) Data Base, Robot Masters". Retrieved 2008-09-27.
- ↑
- ↑ Mega Man HQ Gaming Info - Mega Man (1)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paugh, Miranda L. "Mega Man Homepage, Mega Man (1) Data Base, Weapons". Retrieved 2008-09-27.
- 1 2 Hoffman, Chris. "True Blue". Nintendo Power. 231 (August 2008): 20–22.
- 1 2 3 "Rockman 9 (OST tracklist, game spoilers)". 2008-09-12. Archived from the original on 2008-10-16. Retrieved 2016-04-13.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Rockman 9 Original Soundtrack includes staff comments, boss gallery". 2008-09-12. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
- 1 2 3 Matt Casamassina (2008-08-11). "The Bosses of Mega Man 9". IGN. Retrieved 2008-08-29.
- 1 2 Jason Young (2008-08-12). "Achievements For Mega Man 9 Reward the Hardcore". Inside MGC. Retrieved 2008-08-25.
- ↑ ()The Mechanical Maniacs
- ↑ Dr. Wily: "Dr. Light was taken away by the police, was he not? That wasn't a real officer; It was a fake police robot I created. Dr. Light is in the next room, but he fell ill so he's sleeping now. You have to hurry and get him to a hospital! This way."
- ↑ Mega Man #24 (Worlds Collide, Part 1)
- ↑ Mega Man #25 (Worlds Collide, Part 4)
- 1 2 3 4 Sonic the Hedgehog #249 (Worlds Collide, Part 6)
- ↑ Sonic Universe #76 (Worlds Unite, Part 1)
- ↑ Sonic Boom #8 (Worlds Unite, Part 2)
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #273 (Worlds Unite, Part 3)
- 1 2 Sonic Universe #53 (Worlds Collide, Part 8)
- 1 2 3 4 Mega Man #26 (Worlds Collide, Part 7)
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog #250 (Worlds Collide, Part 9)
- ↑ Mega Man #50 (Worlds Unite, Part 4)