The Seharane was celebrated by Kurdish Jews as a multi-day nature festival starting the day after Passover. Communities would leave their villages and camp out for several days, celebrating with eating and drinking, nature walks, singing and dancing.
The tradition has a 2,000-year-old continuity or even more than that, it is influenced by the Akkadian spring festival of Akitu and it was modified into Seharane which is also celebrated at spring, a day after the Jewish holiday of passover.
Its observance was interrupted after the relocation of this community to Israel in the 1950s. In recent years it has been revived. But because of the already-widespread celebration of Mimouna in Israel, the celebration of the Seharane was moved to Chol HaMoed Sukkot this has marked the decline of the Seharane activity because it is traditionally celebrated at the spring since antiquity.
Traditionally, this is a secular tradition but there are special prayers dedicated to the holiday as well as a Inauguration of a Torah scroll and marriage celebrations.