Sigfús Eymundsson
This is an Icelandic name. The last name is a patronymic, not a family name; this person is properly referred to by the given name Sigfús.

Sigfús Eymundsson

The first automobile in Iceland, photographed by Sigfús Eymundsson in 1904.
Sigfús Eymundsson (1837–1911) was an Icelandic photographer and bookseller. He practiced bookbinding from a young age and in 1857 he went to Copenhagen to study the profession. In 1861 he went to Norway where he studied photography. He then operated a studio in Copenhagen for a year and a half before moving back to Iceland in 1866. In 1867 he opened the first commercial studio in Reykjavík. He also founded the Eymundsson bookstore and published a number of books.
- Inga Lára Baldvinsdóttir. "Iceland", Photography Encyclopedia.
- "Sigfús Eymundsson bóksali", Óðinn, March 1907.
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