Teofil Simchowicz

Teofil Simchowicz
Teofil Simchowicz (June 3, 1879 - December 31, 1957) was a Polish neurologist who was born in Ciechanowiec near Warsaw, Poland. He studied medicine at the Imperial University of Warsaw, and received a medical degree in 1905. In years 1907-1910 he worked in Munich under Alois Alzheimer, studying neuropathological changes in dementia. During World War II he emigrated to Palestine.
He discovered granulovacuolar degeneration (of Simchowicz), observed in hippocampal pyramidal cells in Alzheimer's disease.
- Polski Słownik Biograficzny Tom XXXVII Warszawa-Kraków 1996-1997, s. 505-506 ISBN 83-86301-01-5.
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