United Kingdom public service law
United Kingdom public service law concerns the ownership, regulation and potentially competition in the provision of public services in the United Kingdom.
Main articles: UK competition law, EU competition law, Public economics, Nationalisation, and Privatisation
- JS Mill, Principles of Political Economy (1848) Book V, ch 11, §11
- Monopoly, cartel
- Market failure
- Public economics
- Nationalisation
- Taxation
- Privatisation
- Regulatory economics
- UK company law and UK insolvency law
- English contract law
- UK labour law
- English tort law
- Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994
- Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006
- Regulatory Reform Act 2001
- European Union competition law
- Public procurement
- State aid
Constitutional and administrative law
Main articles: UK constitution and UK administrative law
- UK constitutional law
- Parliament and local government
- Municipal Corporations Act 1882, allowed establishment of elected councils
- Civil service and bureaucracy
- UK administrative law
- Courts in England and Wales
- Judicial review
Specific enterprises
Public safety
- Fire
- Police
- Metropolitan Police Act of 1829
- Metropolitan Police Act 1839
- County Police Acts
- Law enforcement in the United Kingdom and History of law enforcement in the United Kingdom
- Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and Police Act 1996
- Independent Police Complaints Commission est 2004
- Prisons
- Panopticon 1775
- West Indian Prisons Act 1838
- Prison Act 1877
- Her Majesty's Prison Service
- Her Majesty's Young Offender Institution
- List of prisons in the United Kingdom
See also: Education in the United Kingdom and Education in England
- Schools
- Education Act 1833
- Public Schools Act 1868, following the Clarendon Commission removed charity schools from government or education department oversight, and now the main "UK private schools
- Elementary Education Act 1870, five to twelve year olds, school boards providing universal primary education
- Education Act 1902 abolished 2568 school boards and instituted 328 local education authorities in their place, following the Cockerton judgment
- Education (Provision of Meals) Act 1906, introduced free school meals
- Education (Administrative Provisions) Act 1907, medical services
- Education Act 1918, school leaving age raised to 14, maximum class size of 30
- Education Act 1944, attempted foundation of tripartite secondary school system, every child got free school meals, until 1949 when it was 2.5 pence
- Education Reform Act 1988, schools could remove themselves from LEA oversight and become "grant maintained" by central government, headteachers getting financial control, academic tenure abolished, national curriculum with key stages, league tables
- Education Act 1996, teacher training, and opt out from student union
- School Standards and Framework Act 1998, 30 infant pupil class size limit, replaced "grant maintained schools" with "foundation status" meaning money is channelled from central government through the LEA, restrictions on selection
- Learning and Skills Act 2000 and Education Act 2002 and Academies Act 2010 allowed for academies outside national curriculum and autonomy over teacher pay
- Education Act 2005, Ofsted inspections
- Education and Inspections Act 2006, trust schools
- Higher education
Main article: Universities in the United Kingdom
- Royal Charter
- Universities Tests Act 1871, nonconformist entry to university
- University of London Act 1898
- Education Act 1962, grants, and Robbins Report (1963)
- Education Reform Act 1988
- Further and Higher Education Act 1992
- Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998, fees of up to £1000, General Teaching Councils and code
- Higher Education Act 2004 up to £3000 in fees
- Libraries
- Chetham's Library 1653
- Public libraries
- Museums Act 1845
- Public Libraries Act 1850
- British Library Act 1972
Main article: National Health Service Act 2006
See also: National Health Service and National Health Service (England)
- Bethlem Royal Hospital
- National Insurance Act 1911
- National Health Service Act 1946
- National Health Service Act 1977 (c 49)
- National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 (c 19)
- National Health Service (Primary Care) Act 1997 (c 46)
- National Health Service (Private Finance) Act 1997 (c 56) section 1, on private finance
- National Health Service Act 1966 (c 8) section 10, on GP remuneration
- NHS Redress Act 2006
Main article: UK banking law
- Bank of England
- Bank Charter Act 1844, monopoly of Bank of England on issuing notes
- Girobank 1968
- Northern Rock, Bradford & Bingley and the Royal Bank of Scotland, and the newly merged HBOS-Lloyds TSB in 2008 as a result of the global financial crisis
- 2009 United Kingdom bank rescue package
Energy and water
See also: Energy policy of the United Kingdom
- Gas and electricity
- Water
- Water Act 2003
- Ofwat
- Local authority water supply undertakings in England and Wales 1973
See also: Postal Services in the United Kingdom, Telecommunications in the United Kingdom, and Public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom
- Post
- Broadcasting
- Telegraph
- Telegraph Act 1868
- Attorney General v Edison Telephone Co of London Ltd (1880–81) LR 6 QBD 244
- Telephones
- National Telephone Company, a monopoly nationalised in 1911
- British Telecommunications Act 1981, splitting telephony from the post office
- Telecommunications Act 1984, privatising British telecom and establishing a regulator
See also: History of road transport and Rail transport in Great Britain
- Roads
- Highways Act 1555
- Highways Act 1562
- Turnpike Act 1707 and Turnpike trust
- Local Government Act 1888, establishing county and borough councils, gave them powers to maintain roads
- Highways Act 1980
- Buses
- Privatisation of London bus services
- Transport Act 1985, councils transfer buses to companies
- Rail
- Privatisation of British Rail
- EU Directive 91/440 required member states to separate 'the management of railway operation and infrastructure from the provision of railway transport services, separation of accounts being compulsory and organisational or institutional separation being optional'
- Railways Act 1993
- Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003
- Ofrail
- Airports
- Airport Authority Act 1966, established the British Airports Authority, privatised in Airports Act 1986, and then wholly bought by a Spanish group, now BAA Limited
- British Overseas Airways Corporation or British Airways, combining the private British Airways Ltd. and the state owned Imperial Airways in 1939
- Waterways
Waste and environment
- Sanitation

Original map by Dr. John Snow showing the clusters of cholera cases in the London epidemic of 1854
- John Snow (physician) and Broad Street cholera outbreak of 1854
- Great Stink of 1858, Joseph Bazalgette and the London sewerage system
- Public Health Act 1866, duty on councils to deal with nuisances and drainage
- Air
- Smoke Nuisance Abatement (Metropolis) Act 1853 and 1856
- Public Health (London) Act 1891
- City of London (Various Powers) Act of 1954 and Clean Air Act 1968
- Great Smog of 1952
- Clean Air Act 1956
- Waste
- Environmental Protection Act 1990 establishes waste disposal authorities, e.g. Waste disposal authorities in London
- Recycling in the United Kingdom and UK Domestic Recycling Policy
- Household Waste Recycling Act 2003, at least 2 kinds of collection each week by 2010
- Landfill Directive 1999, reduce amounts going to landfill
- Waste Framework Directive, must have 50% of waste recycled by 2020
- Land management
- Common land
- Erection of Cottages Act 1588
- Inclosure Acts
- Commons Registration Act 1965 (and The common land and commoners of Ashdown Forest)
- Agricultural Holdings Act 1948 and Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (c 5)
Main articles: Council house and Public housing
- Housing of the Working Classes Act 1890
- Housing Act 1919, homes fit for heroes
- Housing Act 1930
- New Towns Act 1946
- Town and Country Planning Act 1947
- Housing Act 1980 right to buy scheme copied Horace Cutler's policy in the GLC, see also Estmanco Ltd v GLC
- Housing Act 1996
- Affordability of housing in the United Kingdom
- Town and country planning in the United Kingdom
- Directive on the energy performance of buildings (Directive 2002/91/EC)
Industry and manufacturing
- National Enterprise Board 1975, a State holding company for full or partial ownership of industrial undertakings
- British Petroleum 1974, the combination of a 50% stake bought by Winston Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty after World War I with around a 25% stake acquired by the Bank of England from Burmah Oil made the UK Government directly or indirectly BP's majority shareholder, though commercial independence was maintained
- Coal Commission 1933, National Coal Board then British Coal
- British Steel Corporation 1967
- British Leyland Motor Corporation 1976 became British Leyland upon nationalisation. Privatised in 1986 to British Aerospace.
- British Aerospace 1977, combining the major aircraft companies British Aircraft Corporation, Hawker Siddeley and others. British Shipbuilders - combining the major shipbuilding companies including Cammell Laird, Govan Shipbuilders, Swan Hunter, Yarrow Shipbuilders
- Rolls-Royce (1971) Ltd
Income insurance
- Pensions
- Unemployment insurance
- National Insurance Act 1911
- Jobseekers' Act 1995
Private sector standards
- Consumer cooperative
- Worker cooperative
- Consumer Protection Act 1989
- Health and Safety Executive
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- UK labour law
- Charities Act 2006
- Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
- Sale of Goods Act 1979
- Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999
See also
- Public service law in the United States
- UK competition law
- European Union competition law
- Economics of the public sector
- Universal service fund
- Universal service
- Elections, social work
- Tony Prosser, The limits of competition law (2004)
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