V besedi je moč
The album V besedi je moč (The power is in the word) from 2002 is an influential albums in the Slovenian Rap music scene.
Contributions include: singer of a Slovene rock group Siddharta Tomi M. for a social conscious, actual single Od ljudi za ljudi (From people for people), tandem from Zagreb Bolesna brača for a song Na izi (On easy goin'), a vocalist from Kočevje Semo gave his part of reggae-balkan-soul (ragga banger) for Če hočem (If I want) and Dokler bova skupi (As long as we're together). Nikolovski collaborates with Neki ne štima (Somethin's wrong) and in V besedi je moč. On a single Kdo je gengsta (Whos' the Gangsta) mysterious Kemal Trofi & Jozafat occur.
Videos for 'Od ljudi za ljudi' and 'Spredi-zadi' were also made.
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