
This is a Chinese name; the family name is Gao.
Not to be confused with XiaoWeiXiao.
Gao Xuecheng (高学成)
Status Retired
Born (1997-04-05) April 5, 1997
Nationality China
Current team Team WE
Role AD Carry
League Tencent League of Legends Pro League
Games League of Legends
Professional career
Aug 2011 - Aug 2014 Team WE

Gao Xuecheng (born April 4, 1997), better known by his in-game ID WeiXiao, was a Chinese League of Legends profession player for the team World Elite. He is a notable player of the "AD Carry" position, renowned for his Ezreal (A character of League of Legends) play. He has had high achievements both in the Chinese league as well as internationally.[1] Gao, in his prime, has been considered by many analysts and other players in the League of Legends scene as one of the most mechanically skillful players.[2]


Switched roles with Caomei from top lane to AD Carry. His name means "smile" in Chinese. Considered by many to be the best AD carry in the world. He claims to be good at any AD carry with the sole exception of Draven, because catching the axes would require too much effort. He secured Solo Queue rank 1 during Season 3 on KR servers. His favorite champions are Ezreal and Vayne. His ex-girlfriend Su Xiao-yan (苏小妍) is a famous League of Legends caster in China. He became rank 1 Challenger in China on the 5th April 2014 with a W/L of 94/50. He is regarded as one of the best AD carries in the history of League of Legends.[3]

Tournament results


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