Wo die Zitronen blühen

piano score
This article is about the waltz. For the Goethe poem (Mignon's song from Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship ("Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?")) see Johann Wolfgang von Goethe#Literary work for background information, or for the text.
"Wo die Zitronen blühen" ("Where the Lemons Blossom", or "Where the Citrons Bloom"), Op. 364, is a Viennese Waltz by Johann Strauss II written in 1874. The waltz was composed during a tour of the composer in Italy where he travelled with the Langenbach Orchestra of Germany and performed the work at the Teatro Regio in Turin on 9 May 1874.
The waltz came after a successful premiere of his famous operetta Die Fledermaus and Strauss originally entitled the waltz as "Bella Italia" (Beautiful Italy) for his Italian audiences before renaming it "Wo die Zitronen blühen" after a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre — "Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blühn?" (Do you know the land where the lemons blossom?).
Strauss's waltz (as most of his waltzes dating from around this time) follows the structure of an introduction followed by three two-part waltz sections and a coda, instead of his earlier format of five two-part sections. This structure was to feature in most of his later waltzes although he did not set it as a definite and permanent structure.
Waltz 1
The work begins in a tranquil fashion in G major, with a reflective solo violin melody in the Introduction. A series of loud chords precedes the gentle first waltz section. The second section is more animated with a second part in D major. The wistful nature of the waltz is further expanded in the third section. A lively coda recalls earlier melodies and the first waltz section makes another entry. Near the end of the work, the introduction's solo violin melody returns before the waltz rises to a forte and climaxes with a timpani drumroll.
Vienna New Year's Concert
The waltz was part of the Vienna New Year's Concert programmes as follows.
Based on original text by Peter Kemp, The Johann Strauss Society of Great Britain. Used with permission.
Operettas | |
Waltzes |
- Sinngedichte, Op. 1 (1844)
- Gunstwerber, Op. 4 (1844)
- Sträußchen, Op. 15 (1846)
- Klange aus der Walachei, Op. 50 (1850)
- Frohsinns-Spenden, Op. 73 (1850)
- Lava-Ströme, Op. 74 (1850)
- Rhadamantus-Klänge, Op. 94 (1851)
- Idyllen, Op. 95 (1851)
- Mephistos Höllenrufe, Op. 101 (1851)
- Liebeslieder, Op. 114 (1852)
- Phönix-Schwingen, Op. 125 (1853)
- Novellen, Op. 146 (1854)
- Nachtfalter, Op. 157 (1855)
- Glossen, Op. 163 (1855)
- Man lebt nur einmal!, Op. 167 (1855)
- Abschieds-Rufe, Op. 179 (1856)
- Phänomene, Op. 193 (1857)
- Abschied von St. Petersburg, Op. 210 (1858)
- Hell und voll, Op. 216 (1859)
- Promotionen, Op. 221 (1859)
- Accelerationen, Op. 234 (1860)
- Immer heiterer, Op. 235 (1860)
- Grillenbanner, Op. 247 (1861)
- Klangfiguren, Op. 251, (1861)
- Dividenden, Op. 252
- Karnevalsbotschafter, Op. 270 (1862)
- Leitartikel, Op. 273 (1863)
- Morgenblätter, Op. 279 (1863)
- Studentenlust, Op. 285 (1864)
- Aus den Bergen, Op. 292 (1864)
- Bürgersinn, Op. 295 (1865)
- Flugschriften, Op. 300 (1865)
- Wiener Bonbons, Op. 307 (1866)
- An der schönen blauen Donau, Op. 314 (1867)
- Künstlerleben, Op. 316 (1867)
- Die Publicisten, Op. 321 (1868)
- G'schichten aus dem Wienerwald, Op. 325 (1868)
- Illustrationen, Op. 331 (1869)
- Wein, Weib und Gesang, Op. 333 (1869)
- Freuet Euch des Lebens, Op. 340 (1870)
- Neu Wien, Op. 342 (1870)
- Tausend und eine Nacht, Op. 346 (1871)
- Wiener Blut (waltz), Op. 354 (1873)
- Carnevalsbilder, Op. 357 (1873)
- Bei uns Z'haus, Op. 361 (1873)
- Wo die Zitronen blühen, Op. 364 (1874)
- Du und du, Op. 367 (1874)
- Cagliostro-Walzer, Op. 370 (1875)
- O schöner Mai!, Op. 375 (1877)
- Rosen aus dem Süden, Op. 388 (1880)
- Nordseebilder, Op. 390 (1880)
- Kuss-Walzer, Op. 400 (1881)
- Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410 (1883)
- Lagunen-Walzer, Op. 411 (1883)
- Schatz-Walzer, Op. 418 (1885)
- Wiener Frauen, Op. 423 (1886)
- Donauweibchen, Op. 427 (1887)
- Kaiser-Jubiläum-Jubelwalzer, Op. 434 (1888)
- Kaiser-Walzer, Op. 437 (1888)
- Rathausball-Tänze, Op. 438 (1890)
- Gross-Wien, Op. 440 (1891)
- Seid umschlungen, Millionen!, Op. 443 (1892)
- Trau, schau, wem!, Op. 463 (1895)
- Farewell to America
Polkas |
- Herzenslust, Op. 3
- Explosions-Polka, Op. 43
- Veilchen, Op. 132
- Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka, Op. 214 (1858)
- Demolirer, Op. 269 (1862)
- Vergnügungszug, Op. 281 (1864)
- 'S gibt nur a Kaiserstadt, 's gibt nur a Wien!, Op. 291
- Lob der Frauen, Op. 315
- Postillon D'Amour, Op. 317 (1867)
- Leichtes Blut, Op. 319 (1867)
- Figaro-Polka, Op. 320 (1867)
- Ein Herz, ein Sinn!, Op. 323
- Freikugeln, Op. 326 (1868)
- Éljen a Magyar!, Op. 332
- Im Krapfenwald'l, Op. 336 (1869)
- Die Bajadere, Op. 351
- Vom Donaustrande, Op. 358
- Bitte schön!, Op. 372 (1875)
- Auf der Jagd, Op. 373 (1875)
- Banditen-Galopp, Op. 378 (1877)
- Waldine, Op. 385 (1879)
- Neue Pizzicato Polka, Op. 449
Marches | |
Quadrille | |
Other | |
Family | |
In media | |