Alaska Republican caucuses, 2008
Alaska Republican caucuses, 2008

February 5, 2008 (2008-02-05) |
The Alaska Republican caucuses, 2008, was held on February 5 and has a total of 26 delegates at stake. Mitt Romney won the state[1] and, as the winner in Alaska's congressional district, was awarded all of that district's delegates.[2] All results are from the presidential preference poll held at the caucuses. Actual delegates were selected on February 5 or 9 at district conventions held throughout the state, and finally at a statewide convention held between March 13-15 in Anchorage.[3]
Candidates Rudy Giuliani, Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson dropped out of the presidential race before the primary.
See also
Election timelines | |
National polling | |
State polling | |
Fundraising | |
Debates and forums | |
Straw polls | |
Major events | |
Caucuses and primaries | | |
| | |
| Libertarian Party | |
| Green Party | |
| Constitution Party | |
Results breakdown | |
National conventions | |
Reforms | |