ICD-10 Chapter XX: External causes of morbidity and mortality
Chapter | Blocks | Title |
I | A00–B99 | Certain infectious and parasitic diseases |
II | C00–D48 | Neoplasms |
III | D50–D89 | Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism |
IV | E00–E90 | Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases |
V | F00–F99 | Mental and behavioural disorders |
VI | G00–G99 | Diseases of the nervous system |
VII | H00–H59 | Diseases of the eye and adnexa |
VIII | H60–H95 | Diseases of the ear and mastoid process |
IX | I00–I99 | Diseases of the circulatory system |
X | J00–J99 | Diseases of the respiratory system |
XI | K00–K93 | Diseases of the digestive system |
XII | L00–L99 | Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue |
XIII | M00–M99 | Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue |
XIV | N00–N99 | Diseases of the genitourinary system |
XV | O00–O99 | Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium |
XVI | P00–P96 | Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period |
XVII | Q00–Q99 | Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities |
XVIII | R00–R99 | Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified |
XIX | S00–T98 | Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes |
XX | V01–Y98 | External causes of morbidity and mortality |
XXI | Z00–Z99 | Factors influencing health status and contact with health services |
XXII | U00–U99 | Codes for special purposes |
The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10) is a coding of diseases and signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or diseases, as classified by the World Health Organization (WHO).[1] This page contains ICD-10 Chapter XX: External causes of morbidity and mortality.
V01–Y98 – External causes of morbidity and mortality
(V01–X59) Accidents
- (V01) Unintentional: vehicle and traffic injuries
- (W00) Unintentional: falls
- (W20) Unintentional: struck by/against
- W20 Struck by thrown, projected or falling object
- W21 Striking against or struck by sports equipment
- W22 Striking against or struck by other objects
- W23 Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects
- W24 Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified
- W25 Contact with sharp glass
- W26 Contact with knife, sword or dagger
- W27 Contact with nonpowered hand tool
- W28 Contact with powered lawnmower
- W29 Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery
- W30 Contact with agricultural machinery
- W31 Contact with other and unspecified machinery
- W32 Handgun discharge
- W33 Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge
- W34 Discharge from other and unspecified firearms
- gunshot wound NOS
- W35 Explosion and rupture of boiler
- W36 Explosion and rupture of gas cylinder
- W37 Explosion and rupture of pressurized Tire, pipe or hose
- W38 Explosion and rupture of other specified pressurized devices
- W39 Discharge of firework
- W40 Explosion of other materials
- W41 Exposure to high-pressure jet
- W42 Exposure to noise
- W43 Exposure to vibration
- W44 Foreign body entering into or through eye or natural orifice
- W45 Foreign body or object entering through skin
- W46 Contact with hypodermic needle
- W49 Exposure to other and unspecified inanimate mechanical forces
- (W50) Unintentional: hit/struck/bitten by person or animal
- W50 Hit, struck, kicked, twisted, bitten or scratched by another person
- W51 Striking against or bumped into by another person
- W52 Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede
- W53 Bitten by rat
- W54 Bitten or struck by dog
- W55 Bitten or struck by other mammals
- W56 Contact with marine animal
- W57 Bitten or stung by nonvenomous insect and other nonvenomous arthropods
- W58 Bitten or struck by crocodile or alligator
- W59 Bitten or crushed by other reptiles
- W60 Contact with plant thorns and spines and sharp leaves
- W64 Exposure to other and unspecified animate mechanical forces
- (W65) Unintentional: drowning/suffocation
- (W85) Unintentional: exposure to electric current or radiation
- (X00) Unintentional: fire/flames/hot objects
- (X20) Unintentional: nature/environmental
- X20 Contact with venomous snakes and lizards
- X21 Contact with venomous spiders
- X22 Contact with scorpions
- X23 Contact with hornets, wasps and bees
- X24 Contact with centipedes and venomous millipedes (tropical)
- X25 Contact with other venomous arthropods
- X26 Contact with venomous marine animals and plants
- X27 Contact with other specified venomous animals
- X28 Contact with other specified venomous plants
- X29 Contact with unspecified venomous animal or plant
- (X40) Unintentional: poisoning
- (X50) Unintentional: overexertion
(X60–X84) Intentional self-harm
- (X60) Intentional: self-harm
- (X60) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics
- (X61) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified
- (X62) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified
- (X63) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system
- (X64) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances
- (X65) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to alcohol
- (X66) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours
- (X67) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours
- (X68) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to pesticides
- (X69) Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances
- (X70) Intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation and suffocation
- (X71) Intentional self-harm by drowning and submersion
- (X72) Intentional self-harm by handgun discharge
- (X73) Intentional self-harm by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge
- (X74) Intentional self-harm by other and unspecified firearm discharge
- (X75) Intentional self-harm by explosive material
- (X76) Intentional self-harm by smoke, fire and flames
- (X77) Intentional self-harm by steam, hot vapours and hot objects
- (X78) Intentional self-harm by sharp object
- (X79) Intentional self-harm by blunt object
- (X80) Intentional self-harm by jumping from a high place
- (X81) Intentional self-harm by jumping or lying before moving object
- (X82) Intentional self-harm by crashing of motor vehicle
- (X83) Intentional self-harm by other specified means
- (X84) Intentional self-harm by unspecified means
(X85–Y09) Assault
- (X85) Intentional: assault/homicide
- (X85) Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances
- (X86) Assault by corrosive substance
- (X87) Assault by pesticides
- (X88) Assault by gases and vapours
- (X89) Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances
- (X90) Assault by unspecified chemical or noxious substance
- (X91) Assault by hanging, strangulation and suffocation
- (X92) Assault by drowning and submersion
- (X93) Assault by handgun discharge
- (X94) Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge
- (X95) Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge
- (X96) Assault by explosive material
- (X97) Assault by smoke, fire and flames
- (X98) Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects
- (X99) Assault by sharp object
- (Y00) Assault by blunt object
- (Y01) Assault by pushing from high place
- (Y02) Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object
- (Y03) Assault by crashing of motor vehicle
- (Y04) Assault by bodily force
- (Y05) Sexual assault by bodily force
- (Y06) Neglect and abandonment
- (Y07) Other maltreatment syndromes
- (Y08) Assault by other specified means
- (Y09) Assault by unspecified means
(Y10–Y34) Event of undetermined intent
- (Y10) Undetermined intent
(Y35–Y36) Legal intervention and operations of war
- (Y35) Legal intervention/operations of war
(Y40–Y84) Complications of medical and surgical care
(Y40–Y59) Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
- (Y40) Injury resulting from medical procedures/treatment
- (Y40) Systemic antibiotics
- (Y41) Other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
- (Y42) Hormones and their synthetic substitutes and antagonists, not elsewhere classified
- (Y43) Primarily systemic agents
- (Y43.0) Antiallergic and antiemetic drugs
- (Y43.1) Antineoplastic antimetabolites
- (Y43.2) Antineoplastic natural products
- (Y43.3) Other antineoplastic drugs
- (Y43.4) Immunosuppressive agents
- (Y43.5) Acidifying and alkalizing agents
- (Y43.6) Enzymes, not elsewhere classified
- (Y43.8) Other primarily systemic agents, not elsewhere classified
- (Y43.9) Primarily systemic agent, unspecified
- (Y44) Agents primarily affecting blood constituents
- (Y44.0) Iron preparations and other anti-hypochromic-anaemia preparations
- (Y44.1) Vitamin B12, folic acid and other anti-megaloblastic-anaemia preparations
- (Y44.2) Anticoagulants
- (Y44.3) Anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants
- (Y44.4) Antithrombotic drugs
- (Y44.5) Thrombolytic drugs
- (Y44.6) Natural blood and blood products
- (Y44.7) Plasma substitutes
- (Y45) Analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs
- (Y46) Antiepileptics and antiparkinsonism drugs
- (Y47) Sedatives, hypnotics and antianxiety drugs
- (Y48) Anaesthetics and therapeutic gases
- (Y49) Psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified
- (Y50) Central nervous system stimulants, not elsewhere classified
- (Y51) Drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
- (Y52) Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
- (Y53) Agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
- (Y54) Agents primarily affecting water-balance and mineral and uric acid metabolism
- (Y55) Agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system
- (Y56) Topical agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane and ophthalmological, otorhinolaryngological and dental drugs
- (Y57) Other and unspecified drugs and medicaments
- (Y58) Bacterial vaccines
- (Y59) Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances
(Y85–Y89) Sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality
(Y90–Y98) Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity and mortality classified elsewhere
- (Y90) Evidence of alcohol involvement determined by blood alcohol level
- (Y90.0) Blood alcohol level of less than 20 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.1) Blood alcohol level of 20–39 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.2) Blood alcohol level of 40–59 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.3) Blood alcohol level of 60–79 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.4) Blood alcohol level of 80–99 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.5) Blood alcohol level of 100–119 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.6) Blood alcohol level of 120–199 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.7) Blood alcohol level of 200–239 mg/100 ml
- (Y90.8) Blood alcohol level of 240 mg/100 ml or more
- (Y90.9) Presence of alcohol in blood, level not specified
- (Y91) Evidence of alcohol involvement determined by level of intoxication
- (Y95) Nosocomial condition
- (Y96) Work-related condition
- (Y97) Environmental-pollution-related condition
- (Y98) Lifestyle-related condition
- Agricultural vehicles in stationary use or maintenance (W31.-)
- Assault by crashing or motor vehicle (Y03.-)
- Automobile or motor cycle in stationary use or maintenance - code to type of accident
- Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent (Y32)
- Intentional self-harm by crashing of motor vehicle (X82)
- Transport accidents due to cataclysm (X34-X38)
See also
- List of ICD-10 codes
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
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