Jaboticabal is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. The population is 75,820 (2015 est.) in an area of 707 km².[1] The town takes its name from the jabuticaba tree.
Jaboticabal is home to the UNESP university campus, and is also the city that most produces peanuts in Brazil. Around the city are extensive sugar cane plantations and industries making Jaboticabal one of the most important cities in agrobusiness around its region.
The municipality is located in one of the richest regions in São Paulo State, SE Brasil, responsible for approximately 8.5% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Araçatuba |
| Andradina | |
| Araçatuba | |
| Birigui | |
| |
Bauru |
| Avaré | |
| Bauru | |
| Botucatu | |
| Jaú | |
| Lins | |
Campinas |
| Amparo | |
| Campinas | |
| Mogi Mirim | |
| Pirassununga | |
| São João da Boa Vista | |
Itapetininga |
| Capão Bonito | |
| Itapetininga | |
| Itapeva | |
| Tatuí | |
Macro Metropolitana Paulista |
| Bragança Paulista | |
| Jundiaí | |
| Piedade | |
| Sorocaba | |
Metropolitana de São Paulo |
| Franco da Rocha | |
| Guarulhos | |
| Itapecerica da Serra | |
| Mogi das Cruzes | |
| Osasco | |
| Santos | |
| São Paulo | |
Piracicaba |
| Limeira | |
| Piracicaba | |
| Rio Claro | |
Presidente Prudente |
| Adamantina | |
| Dracena | |
| Presidente Prudente | |
Ribeirão Preto |
| Barretos | |
| Batatais | |
| Franca | |
| Ituverava | |
| Jaboticabal | |
| Ribeirão Preto | |
| São Joaquim da Barra | |
São José do Rio Preto |
| Auriflama | |
| Catanduva | |
| Fernandópolis | |
| Jales | |
| Nhandeara | |
| Novo Horizonte | |
| São José do Rio Preto | |
| Votuporanga | |
Vale do Paraíba Paulista |
| Bananal | |
| Campos do Jordão | |
| Caraguatatuba | |
| Guaratinguetá | |
| Paraibuna/Paraitinga | |
| São José dos Campos | |